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Everything posted by AncientGamer65

  1. OK, sounds good; thanks! :) I need to go over this more proper in my game...so far it only seems to be the Vicki & Vance casino acting up; can't play slots there at all. :(
  2. To folks that said that I was having a Load Order conflict when I wasn't getting NPC's to talk to me beyond, "What do you need?", I'd just like to first off extend a HUGE "Thank You"; that was it. I disabled some mods and kept re-adding them bit by bit until I zeroed on the one that was causing the problem...as it turned out, the particular mod caused that problem with the NPC's of TWO different mods. Reason I mention this is I'm 90% sure I'm getting a similiar situation with something else, but before I start playing with the mods again, I just want to be sure it's not something I can fix with either the GECK or FNVEdit. I'm trying to gamble at some casinos, specifically the Slot Machines, and keep getting an odd error message: "Invalid Chip In The CasinoData List". I'm just wondering if there's a common chip that's causing this and if so can I use GECK or FNVEdit to delete it, or if this is a Load Order Conflict? I do have one casino-altering mod running, but I first noticed this at the Vicky & Vance Casino FAR before I downloaded the casino mod, so that's in the clear. I did download, play a little, then delete, "Run the Lucky 38": could that be part of it? Shortly after I deleted that mod, as I was leaving the Lucky 38, a BUNCH of assets from it (several Black Jack tables, a locker and I think a slot machine) all bunched together in one big heap at the door of the casino...I just used the "Zap" console command and thought nothing more of it; could that be a part of it? Anyway, thank you for any and all help! :smile:
  3. I've been looking into Cass replacers, and every time I get close to downloading one, they all seem to require "Anthony Ling's Coiffure" or some such thing "Ling's". Attempting to download them winds up with a "This file is not on our database" message of some sort. :/ If I'm talking about a subject I shouldn't be, apologies, but are all the "Ling's" files deleted? And if so, does that make all the files that require Ling's useless?
  4. AWESOME info...thank you! I'm still vastly a beginner at this, so this will help bunches. :smile: EDIT: I should've said more here. I have FNVEdit, but haven't used it for much more than correcting mod maker spelling errors and such (admitted grammar pet peeve on my part; it's a weakness in my character and I never republish stuff...it's just for my own benefit); I'm going to take a crash course in merge patching before attempting things. Prolly gonna spend the next few days just learning how to do this properly before even attempting anything; that seems wise. My comp is pretty well maintained...all temp folders are clean, I use a program called, "Advance SystemCare" to reduce garbage and crap...and it also has a function that switches off unnecessary programs for gaming time; works well. As far as items are concerned, I'm well under the limit you suggested...i have 10 things from the base game and 56 things total in my load order, so I think I'm OK in that respect. I did do one thing I was aware of how to do with FNVEdit...I right clicked on "Beyond The Borders" and ran the option, "Check for errors" and got a boatload...same thing for "Skunkwater Gulch". I'm not trying to deflect the issue here...it's obviously load order and lack of merge patches, but do those errors have anything to do with anything?
  5. A Load Order conflict can cause this? Ok, cool...gives me a place to start; I'll move the mod around and see what comes of it. :)
  6. I'm stumped. I'd like to ask a question about mods in general. I'm an AlChestbreach fan (I'm betting a lot of us around here are...); I watch his YouTube vids, I see a mod I like and would like to play thru, I download and play it. Normally, I don't have any problems, but with two specific creator-abandoned mods (according to their descriptions, anyway), I can't get the NPC's to talk to me. In "Skunkwater Gultch" and "Beyond The Borders", on Al's vids, the NPC's all function and give out quests...when I downloaded both, all the NPC's do is ask me, "What do you need?" and then shut down. :/ I'm not downing the mods here; I know they work, with Al's videos being the proof, they just don't work for me and I'm wondering if anyone here can tell me why and offer a fix. I'm running the game on Vista, if that helps...I know Vista can be a troublemaker for many a thing, but it runs my game well. I have a good deal of mods running smoothly with only this issue and occasional crashes. My New Vegas game is Steam based, patched up to the 1.4 version. Any and all help is appreciated...thanks! AncientGamer65
  7. WOW, did that ever make a difference...THANK YOU! I thought I was ok because I was using a Bethesda tutorial on YouTube about this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXTo5i-NtzI I guess because I'm doing a custom NPC, that package isn't in there and the Raider they used in the video already had it; that makes sense to me at first thought. Anyway...that aside, that issue is officially solved...does anyone have a clue to why all the consumables I put in the room wind up in her vendor menu and how I can stop that? I also hung a Civil War Poster and put in a Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsparilla machine and she got all three in her vendor menu; very distracting. :/
  8. I'm in the process of learning the GECK and have a few questions. I've created a new vendor and given her a room/shop to operate out of; it's fully navmeshed and decorated, but a couple of odd things're going on that I can't quite put a finger on. I've made a path for her to follow when not being spoken to (xmarkered and the path is all linked up to her), but she won't use it. She does sandbox and will sit on one of the couches, but she won't follow the path. The room navmesh works...my main character and all my companions can walk around the room fine, but my vendor either stays in one spot or sandboxes on the couch. :/ What'm I doing wrong/not doing? Secondly, I put up a bookcase in the room and filled it with a set of the skill books and some Pre-War and Burned or Scorched Books, and they all showed up in her vendor inventory! :/ I'd like to keep those bookcase-only, but when I look at her inventory in the GECK, they're not showing up there...again, what'm I doing wrong/not doing? Thanks for any and all help! :) (Incidentally, this is like my second or third post to the forums...apologies if I picked the wrong category/place for this.)
  9. Hi...new to the community and just starting with mods. ALL the terminals in this aren't working for me...the only way to access them is with the Console Command "Activate". :/ ArchiveInvalidation is on and functioning...the only thing about Zeta Crew that isn't working for me is terminals. Any fix?
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