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Everything posted by AncientGamer65

  1. Hello, all...hope I found the right area for this. :) So. I'm a modder of...let's say, "medium" skill, with Scripting being my major weakness, which is why making this mod for my game has been so tough for me. Looking for some help. I want to have a destruction script for all robots (Mister Handy, Mister Gutsy, Robobrains, Sentry Bots and the like) so that when I defeat them in battle, the blow up exactly like the Robo-Scorpions of Old World Blues. Being weak in the scripting area (if a script is even needed here, now that I think of it...), I don't even know where to look in the Robo-Scorpion's GECK entries for what I need to copy to the other robots, if that'e even the way to go about this. I think I need direction, more than anything...lol. :P And yah, I did search the Nexus for a mod like this, but the only thing I found was a "difficulty" plug-in from a modder that made a whole suite of them for different situations...problem was, the explosions from dead robots were TOO strong...I'd like the robots to blow up just like the Robo-Scorpions. And I'd get the Monster Mod (which I assume adds this to the robots like MMM does for Fallout 3), but that mod has too many monsters for my taste. I'm being picky, I know...I just want robots to blow up in the vanilla game exactly like the Robo-Scorpions do. Thanks for any and all help. :)
  2. Yah, there prolly IS a way to do it...I've changed a LOT that FWE does, really. You can't customize the Unique weapons via WMK because they use their own special meshes and textures, but I've returned the ones I dislike back to their original form and overwrote them with other mods (except Vengeance...no one's really done a new look for that one I like, sadly) and I've returned a lot of the values it changes back to vanilla (health of the Stealth Suit, clip size and damage of the Gatling Lasers, just to name a couple), but I can see where this would be a BIG change. The whole perk system would have to be removed and that doesn't seem like it would be an easy task...especially for a middle-skill-level modder like m'self, hence my asking. It was a dick move of them to make this a non-choice when the rest of the mod is VERY choice-based, in my opinion. :/ Unless it was ultimately necessary, I think most players would have preferred the ability to choose. (shrugs shoulders) Thanks for replying, hope to hear from more of you all. :)
  3. I run FWE and love it, but I have one problem...the Skill Book system that gives perks rather than points. Simply put, this randomly crashes my game. Nothing like being out in the wastes for hours, forgetting to save here and there, then picking up a Skill Book and realizing that I'm one book away from that perk, reading the book...and the game crashes. :( It seems to happen mostly late game, and mostly when I've read enough books to award a perk. The problem is so frustrating that I now think of Skill Books as "Kill Books" as it's always dicey for me to read one. :/ It's also annoying to me that practically everything in FWE is customizable to your wants and needs...EXCEPT for the Skill Book system. :/ Is there a way to revert FWE to giving points from Skill Books rather than perks?
  4. I apologize if this has been asked before...I did a search and couldn't find an answer to my question. So. I use a few hair mods and they clip through hats. Yah, I'm aware that modded hairs don't play nice with hats in the game...my research (Google IS my friend :P) has told me that much at least, but I have yet to find any info on how to fix it. Tried the "big hats" mod (or whatever it's named) and it didn't work for me. How do I fix this? Is this a nifskope edit or some such thing?
  5. That is SO sweet! :) Thank you; I wasn't able to use Pelinor's scope mod and the default scopes were driving me batty; now I can. :) Why in the bejebbus Bethesda thought those barely-visible scope were goo is beyond me... :/
  6. This seems to be the right place for this question...if the Mods feel there's a more appropriate category for this thread to be on, please feel free to move it there. Apologies if I mispost...I don't post much to these boards...I'm too busy in the Wasteland, I guess. :P Anyway. My knowledge of the GECK and FO3Edit are about average...most of the time, when I download a mod that has something I'd like to change a bit for my personal game, I've been able to do it...and let's say this again; we're talking about my PERSONAL game here...but with this particular one, I haven't been able to find the right place to tweak this from, so I'm looking to the Forums for help. Weapon Mod Kits...specifically, Silencers/Suppressors (whichever is the proper word...PLEASE, let's not start that debate here). I know that silencers/suppressors reduce the speed a bullet can travel thus reducing the damage. I get this and accept it, but I feel the mod reduces DAM too much and I'd like to tweak this number. In my current FWE-added game, a Sniper Rifle by itself has a DAM of 235 (high level character with perks applied)...when I add a silencer/suppressor, that number drops to 195. The seems excessive to me (I'd like it in the 220's) and I'd like to tweak that...I just can't find the place to do it from. Using either the GECK or FO3Edit (whichever would be more appropriate), where specifically do I go to tweak how much of a reduction in DAM applying a silencer/suppressor does?
  7. Now, THIS is why I ask questions. :) ***THANK YOU*** Nystel for reminding me about my Merged Patch. Removing that I'm able to remove the mods I want to remove. :) I ***KNEW*** it was something simple I was missing...lol. ;) Thanks again; I have some mods to go remove. :)
  8. Good point about dependencies; hadn't thought of that. :) Quest mods, yah, I can see that; but to some degree, we're talking about weapons here. Without pointing the finger at a mod/mod author in particular, one of the mods I've mentioned is a lightsaber. Just a weapon with no quest attached...but if I uninstall it, my game crashes. :/ I don't bash patch, but I DO use a merge patch, so that may be the culprit...I'll try removing the merge patch and then remove the mods that I'd like gone; thanks for that. :) Forest for the trees...didn't even think of that; thanks. :) The weapons involved aren't even in my possession in my current game, but at the spot the individual mod authors placed them in-game at their start, so there's no WMX involved. The mods involved aren't, to my knowledge, dependent on each other. I'd list the ones I'm having troubles with, but I don't want to look as if I'm dumping on the authors/dumping on the mods; they're fine work and all are great mods, but I'm just not interested in them myself anymore and would like to remove them. But to be general, we're talking about a lightsaber mod, an Original Series Star Trek Phaser mod, a quest mod or two, and a grenade launcher. :/ Remove any one and my game crashes, restore it and the game is fine. :/
  9. I'm a noob to mid-level modder and am having problems with something...am hopeful someone can point me in the proper direction and give me a course of action. I like to try things out...I see a mod that might be interesting, I download it, give it a trial run in my game, and if I wind up not liking it, I just remove it. Nine times out of ten, this winds up being an easy process...you just uninstall the mod and all is good, right? Well, not always. Currently, I have about 5-10 mods in my load order that, if I uninstall even one of them, my game will crash immeadiatly on start up. I have tested this time and time again, so I KNOW it's these mods in particular...uninstall mod, game crashes...re-install mod, game starts up; and I'm ONLY messing with the one mod in particular when I use this testing process. These mods seem to vary...I have 2 quest mods like this and 2 weapon mods that I can think of off the top of my head. Yet another reason I'm glad paid mods failed...if I had paid for these, wound up unable to remove them from my game and get a refund, I would have been piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed...... Anyway. Can anyone tell me what might be causing this so I can alleviate said problem? Am I going to have to sacrifice save files with the mods present in the game world? (In this case, the mods ARE installed, but I haven't put them into my inventory.) Do I need to do some editing with FNVEdit? Do I need to reinstall the game with the mods in question removed from my Mod Manager? How can I fix this? Any and all help appreciated.
  10. A thought just occurred to me, Dark0ne. The Nexus is offering, for free, a product that a gigantic mega-corporation with a huge desire to make money wants to sell. To SELL. That makes you their competition. The Nexus, simply by BEING THERE, devalues Steam's product (mods) and makes it worthless to them. How to revalue their product? Remove the competition. Oh, don't look at me like that, Nexus. Sure, it's a cynical thought...but this is a gigantic mega-corporation here with a DESIRE TO MAKE MONE AND PROFIT. Nothing is above Steam, nothing is beyond their reproach, no behavior is out of line for a corporation looking to make money. Paranoid thought, yes...but they're likely to be gunning for this site to disappear and soon. Be careful in all dealings with them.
  11. My biggest worry in all this is the mods that use content from several other mods...Project Nevada or the Yuki patch, for example. This is gonna cause money squabbles up and down the pike with modders fighting over the 25% that Valve has "graciously" (sarcasm implied) allowed them to make. Introducing a profit situation will always f**k up the works...it's far better to allow for donations that go STRAIGHT to the modder and not some sodding game company.
  12. This might wind up a touch long...apologies in advance. I like to detail out all info so folks can give informed answers. :) So. For a while there I was having HORRIBLE lag at Red Rock Canyon...to the point I was just avoiding the area completely. Finally decided to Google the problem ("Google Is Your Friend", after all) to see if someone knew a fix or there was a plugin I should be using to increase performance (I have the stutter remover already, by the way). One of the first links I found led me back here, and the person who wrote in said that using the "disable" command on the Great Khan Arena Fighters would fix the problem. Tried it...and sure enough, once one of those actors was disabled, the lag spike at Red Rock ceased. The actors in question are these, by the way: 0147db1 0147db2 0147db3 0147db4 My question is this. I'd like to go in on the game with either FNVEdit or the GECK and just delete these actors altogether, but I'm not so sure that would be a good idea. Would doing so hurt the game in any way? True, every new game I start, I could just move them to me and disable them right after leaving Doc Mitchelll's, but I'd rather just delete them from the game now that I know they're troublemakers towards game performance. Would deleting them break the game in any way? I also found a very quick fix for Orion Moreno's misloading face textures. The problem was this: Orion Moreno's face textures would misload, making his face appear pitch black in game, to the point his facial features couldn't even be seen. On a lark, I switched his race from "HispanicOldAged" to "HispanicAged", and that fixed things right up. It's a "down and dirty" fix...but at least it works. :)
  13. Before I type anything, let me re-inforce that this is for a PERSONAL mod to an existing mod for my PERSONAL game. I will not be releasing this to the Nexus as I'd need the permission of the mod author...and besides, I'm WAY too noob a modder to even consider releasing this, as I'm doing it for my own peace of mind. Thanks. That said, I'm looking for a little advice. When you get and install the BEYOND FANTASTIC "RH_IronSights" mod you mainly get it for the iron-sighting of the various weapons of the game. Well, the mod also adds many weapons of it's own...the .556 Sidewinder Revolver, the 5MM TMP, and the Combat Rifle, just to name a few. I like the guns...but found them to be underpowered for the FWE game I am playing. I've been going in with FO3Edit and bumping up the various guns for myself, but hit a snag at the Flamer Pistol...let me explain. For example, the .556 Sidewinder Pistol is essentially a .44 Magnum the fires .556 bullets, so I made the damage similar to that...the Combat Rifle is essentially an automatic rifle, so I put it somewhere in between the American and Chinese Assault Rifles...you get my meaning. Well, with the Flamer Pistol, there's nothing in the game to compare it to. I'm uncertain at where the damage of a Flamer Pistol "should" be. :/ At the moment, I've made it half as powerful as a standard flamer, as it's hand held, more compact. I'm just not sure that line of thinking is correct...would a handheld flamer have half as much damage as a full sized one? Just because it's smaller, would it have the same "oomph" as a full sized Flamer? Thoughts?
  14. Might explain why my combat music (the music that plays just before you get attacked) goes in and out, and my oxygen meter for when you go underwater works spottily at best. :/ I'm on the high end right now, but most of said mods are extremely small things, like bug fixes. For example, I have a bug fix that plays all of Dean Domino's dialog on the blackmail tape you get from his or Vera's (can't remember which it is) dressing room; I have a mod that allows you to join the Kings...very tiny and specific things make up about 50% of the mods I have in my load order. Eh, guess I'll have to find some to delete to trim the fat...tho my crashing is minimal...I just have the two things I mentioned earlier and an extremely long boot time when I first start up the game. My game doesn't even crash when I enter the Underground Hideout Armory...which seems to be a massive problem for folks running that mod...tho admittedly the load before going in there is a long one. :/
  15. Very basic question here...is there a limit to how many mods you can have in your load order before it starts to hurt things? I've heard (in the comment boxes of YouTube videos, which is why I take it with a grain of salt) that you should stop around 130 or so...true?
  16. In response to post #13902788. #13920733, #13923213 are all replies on the same post. It's good to hear you say that. :) There are putzes on YT who think that music makers are " Double Dipping" (*coughDSPGamingcough*) by wanting their cut of the revenue, which IS rightfully theirs, and it's good to see folks around here are on the ball and know what's what. I may be using this in the future...thanks! :)
  17. Hmmmmm...interesting. I was thinking of turning my YT channel from Let's Play to reviewing mods...this might just be a reason to do so. HOWEVER...like someone already mentioned, the hunt for copyright abuse is on and in full force at YT and even the smallest mention of copyrighted music (even background music, from what I understand) can get a channel and a user in serious issues. What's the Nexus' take on all that?
  18. Orion Moreno's face textures are misloading. Moreover, it's only his, so I'm not sure how to begin to approach fixing this. I've looked it up on Google, but only seen it posted as someone's "WTF Moment" of gaming thru FNV with no solutions to fixing it. How would I fix this?
  19. This seems to be the place for me to post this question...gonna give it a shot. I have an odd thing happening in my game...TWO Deputy Beagles show up during the Primm quests. When I first find Deputy Beagle in the Bison Steve, one is kneeling with hands "bound", the other is standing next to him, free as can be. :/ A simple "disable" command deletes one and keeps the other, but I'd like to not have to do that if possible...not even sure how to troubleshoot this. Can a mod conflict create this? If so, is there a way to directly trouble shoot it other than uninstall/re-install of mods until the phenomenon disappears? If it comes to that, it's fine...I was just wondering if there's a more direct method to get to the problem.
  20. OK, that's weird. Just updated to 0.47.3 today and the "Launch NVSE" tab doesn't work. It does launch the game, but without NVSE; I have to use the NVSE exe to get that to run. :/ EDIT: NVM: the thing somehow fixed itself. :/ I closed NMM and re-opened it and now the tab that says, "Load NVSE" actually does. Weird. In any event, non-issue, it solved itself.
  21. I've searched for this but have been unable to find anything...is there a mod out there that allows you to "grab" an NPC and move them the way you do items? And just for the sake of saying it, in the immortal words of Al Chestbreach, "Groovatron, Stop Asking Me." :P I'd get the Groovatron just for this feature, but I'm on an XBOX game pad and unwilling to get xpadder or switch to keyboard, and the Groovatron seems to work best with it. :/ Doing that is an eventuality, but if there's another mod with this feature that's controller-friendly, I'd rather do that first. Dog companions have been driving me crazy lately, turning horizontal in front of doorways making me either push my way past or jumping over them...I'd love to be able to move them out of the way at the click of a thumb stick. :) ED-E parked himself in a doorway once and stayed put...I had to toggle collision just to get past him. :/ Anyway...outside of the Groovatron, does such a mod exist?
  22. Well, for example, one of them is a grenade launcher mod. I don't want to name it for fear of causing some to think the mod itself is bad, or I'm pissing on it, because it's not and I'm not. But just a simple grenade launcher mod...disable it, and I get a CTD, enable it and the game runs fine. :/ I'm sure my game ran OK before I got this mod, so what the heck? I'm sure this weapon wasn't essential to complete a quest of any kind as it's an independant mod. :/ I'm not sure if the mod has an ESP and an ESM both...that might be a good part of it....thanks, I'll check into that. :)
  23. Probably a "noob" question...your kindness to me is appreciated. :smile: I'm in the process of ferreting out a conflict by disabling mods, but leaving the one active that I want to find the conflicter with. I've found the strangest thing in this...there are some mods in my game now that New Vegas depends on having to start, or else the game will Crash To Desktop. What I mean is this. I was going down the list, eliminating mods...I'd deactivate a mod, start the game...CTD. Re-activate the mod, start the game, and it starts fine. :/ A couple of quest mods, but mainly weapon mods. What's causing this, what'm I doing wrong, and how do I fix all this nonsense? Any and all help is appreciated. :smile:
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