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  1. In response to post #64086551. #64086861, #64087401, #64087691, #64089746 are all replies on the same post. Its worth mentioning that there are a few sites out there for modding that, while offering decent content to try and justify the pay wall, have no where near the reach or staying power of a place like Nexus BECAUSE of their walls. Nexus is -the- hub for modding in part because you can come in, download something, and leave; it also has systems in place to get deeper, but many probably won't see anything past a easy and quick way to get access and download content made by others. Trying to throw walls in front of people, like a pay wall, at any level will likely only splinter people into smaller subgroups (worse than they are now) and stop the people who don't care from joining, sending them somewhere else which will probably be worse in multiple respects. Something also worth mentioning is Beth, at this point, probably only sees modding as a powerful thing because a place like the Nexus with it's large number of content AND people exists the way it is.
  2. Character textures aren't technically linked to the skeleton itself (i don't think) but to the body mesh, the skeleton mesh dictates where stuff goes and how it moves. To edit where a weapon's position is on the skeleton you have to go into Nifskope and begin moving a few bones individually to have your desired weapon placement moved; though if you try to work with the skeleton i would strongly recommend making copies so you can experiment. Basically what you want is, in the creation kit, go to character/race/*desired race*/body data and change the skeleton option, ignore behavior graph and body texture. That skeleton option will show you where the skeleton that character is using is located. (usually something like meshes/actors/character/character assets/skeleton.nif) Then go into nifskope and begin editing by finding your weapon's bone and moving it's parent bone around. By that i mean the bone it is directly connected to, but only if it is the only bone connected to it, in other words if the dagger bone for instance is connected to the spine, where many other bones come from, just move the dagger bone. If the dagger bone is connected to a single other line edit that one instead, as it will command the dagger position to change. I would do some google searches on how to modify weapon placements in Skyrim so it is more simple, there are a few guides out there that can easily outline it for you. Then i would download some of the skeleton meshes out there right now, and begin experimenting with them until you start seeing your desired effect. Edit: the skeletons i always recommend to people are from SkullTyrant http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4052431/?tb=mods&pUp=1 as they have a very large selection of good skeleton bases to work on.
  3. Another possibility is it is using a default skeleton, which is also located in the game's own 'skyrim - meshes.bsa'
  4. You sir are brilliant. I'm very much looking forward to watching your progress, so please, keep up the good work! :)
  5. It will have modding, but the definition is a bit different for MMO's than it is for TES games. If you would like a good example of MMO mods look at WoW's mods (from places like curse) and take away a good chunk of them. Or maybe an even better example would be Rift. Those are about what you're looking at for nearly every MMO out there right now. That, or there is no modding at all. Now this is generalizing all MMO's, and there are exceptions, but i strongly doubt Elder Scrolls online will be one such exception.
  6. Woah this looks awesome; can't wait for it to come out, Alex!
  7. So i installed Skyrim a few days ago and just yesterday got to a point where i can craft daedric items, which are awesome btw, but the glow that is supposed to be red isn't. I looked in nifskope and i come to find out that, for whatever reason, all the daedric gear glowmaps are white. Anyone else having this bug/know how to fix it?
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