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    United States

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  1. Leito was load bearing though. So many mods were based on/derivative of EVB. I'm running into a lot of walls in trying to rebuild.
  2. This is super depressing. I finally managed to get a PC that could run Fo4 properly and go to start installing mods and just... Devastation. Like there isn't even an actively supported male body mod now. Just skins for one you can't get and Super Hero Bodies which isn't supported by anyone. Fallout always had the weaker mod scene vs the ES games. But this really feels like the whole scene is gonna die.
  3. Hey if you guys can offer an organized easy to navigate solution to Minecraft modding I'm all over this.
  4. I would think, given the mindset of the American Government in the Fallout Universe that after WW2 while in the real world we Eventually returned full control back over to Japan the more paranoid and resource hungry America in Fallout would have increased it's presence in Japan, particularly as the cold war began to heat up, and eventually gave way to the Resource Wars. So their Level of Technology would probably be roughly around the same as America's at the time the Bombs dropped. Given it's proximity with what would be the front lines with China they would also probably have a few weapons meant for testing and a fair amount of captured Chinese tech. After the war it's reasonable to guess that there would be a grouping of American military that survived, particularly around Okinawa that has access to the same stuff as the Brotherhood of Steel. The rest of Japan would probably be more inclined to have more of a mix of technology. Things like Reclaimed power armor, and Stealth Suits but they would be rare. Things like Combat armor would be more common. Possibly the biggest difference would be cosmetic. Given the exaggerated nature of the Fallout Universe, there would likely be an abundance of katana with melee being the preferred method of combat due to a return to the more romanticized teachings of Bushido you'd see in TV programs and movies. With combat armor that has more samurai looking accessories. Sorry to go on like that, but if there's a chance I can steer a mod in the direction it might be something I'll use I'm gonna do it. See too many mods coming out that just completely fail to take anything about the setting into account outside of extremely superficial things like 'Power armor exists in this world.' Yes, yes it does. And only America had it, and they had just barely developed it. Canada was still fielding regular troops, not an underground society of super soldiers. Denmark wasn't super advanced, it probably didn't even officially exist anymore given the description of how devastating the Resource wars were in Europe.
  5. Personally, I think it's less that they're anime style than it is that it looks so thin. Combine that with the fact that the engine can't have gently flowing fabrics and hair and all that it just comes off as looking like your hair is made of wires. At least when it's all thick looking it's not as awkward that it doesn't move at all, so it looks closer to normal.
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