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About Asgardii

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  1. In response to post #23602849. #23748509, #23749129, #23750109, #23835629, #23957149 are all replies on the same post. You sell stuff = legislation kicks in and it means your (our) personal opinions about this don't matter much. If you are fine with incompatibility, crashing game or loosing save files after bying a mod, its ok. Everybody will not be and the one who sells the stuff is in trouble.
  2. In response to post #23937744. I too see lots of issues here. I don't expect mods to work and lots of mods here are incompatible with each other or even alone can cause crashes or make people loose their save files. This happens all the time if you have 100+ mods in Skyrim and its quite understandable if its free content. If I paid for those, I would at least expect to have my money back on such events. There is also legislation that protects consumers in these kinds of situations, taxes need to be paid and so on. But even bigger issue is - and I agree with the writer - Valve is getting too much control over PC gaming. And I don't like it a bit, because they are at the same time converting their fans to console players. New hardware and software platform which is not Windows, and would be solely controlled by Valve. There is no competition there and this 25/75 share is a proof enough. It should be the other way around.
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