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Everything posted by hamstermilk

  1. In response to post #3122167. I am a new modder and have a reasonable amount of downloads, how do I access the modder's forum? Do I need to relogin or verify or something? For the record I do have the required 2k unique downloads, or something like that.
  2. Discord. go there. Official discord have dedicated place for suggestion. Oh and some of the most famous modders hangs out there. That said, be reminded that it is under the direct dictatorship of the baron.
  3. mesh collider would give perfect shape yes but there are some problem with mesh to mesh collision. Using capsules and boxes would be more consistent. The more you spend time on it the better it is. Also, being perfect may not be the best thing, objects that are too thin may act in unreliable manner. Check the example dagger, it is not as perfect as you think either.
  4. Someone posted a shooting framework already, so follow that and make your own bullet for it. There is code to be copied and tweaked.
  5. Change it yourself in the json file then. Change "paintable" to true. Be reminded though, some weapon would act funny from what i heard.
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