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Everything posted by YouDoNotKnowMyName

  1. Just have a look for yourself! I think there is a 3d preview function that works in the browser. Just search "sketchup 3d warehouse" with the search engine of your choice (g00gle, ddg, ...)
  2. Oh the "warehouse" is a really nice place to find all sorts of random stuff. Most of the models need to be "cleaned up" before actually using them though. A little tip: Use Sketchup Make 2017, it is the last proper free version that can be run on your actual PC, the current free versions all just run in your browser and thus are crap. If you need any help or advice with using Sketchup for doing FO4 model stuff, just ask here or write me a message. I am most likely the only other person who uses something "primitive" like sketchup for making meshes for FO4 ... (But you can do some pretty cool stuff with it!)
  3. If an admin actually sees this they would probably just delete or move it because it is in the wrong forum.
  4. I don't want to. Unless you know of a good tutorial for custom animated activators (pushbuttons, ...). And besides, I am going to need something like this movement function anyways for something else too, other then simple pushbuttons ...
  5. Yes! I use Sketchup myself to create the meshes (then I export them as obj and import them into 3dsmax to do the uv mapping and exporting as nif). I use this plugin to export as obj: https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=33448 What version of SU are you using?
  6. Allright, thanks! That helped a bit. The skyrim documentation on the ck wiki says this: When rotating an object, it is important to know the order in which the rotation angles are applied. The Z-axis rotation (yaw: north/south/east/west) is applied first, followed by the Y-axis (roll: tilt) and finally the X-axis (pitch: forward/backward).That helps, I guess ...
  7. Good afternoon everybody! I am currently trying to implement a scripted "button". Basically just an activator (custom mesh) that has a script attached to it that "pushes the button in" when the player activates it. So I need to move an object reference "backwards" from where it is. If the object is placed on a straight wall then that is simple: Just move it on the X or Y axis. But I need to have this button on a sloped wall (for reasons), that wall is also placed at an angle in terms of the Z axis. So I need to move an object reference along its local X Y or Z axis. Kind of like you can do in the CK, but I need to do it with a script. So a function like this would be cool: MoveOnLocalAxis(float LocalXMovement, float LocalYMovement, float LocalZMovement) But there is not function that does something like that, not even F4SE can do something like that. (I already emailed the F4SE team and asked them if they could maybe implement a function like that) So I need to make a script that does the following: Get the current position of the object Do some fancy math to figure out the new position Translate the object to that new positionSimple. Except it isn't. To get the "direction" of the local X Y or Z axis I need to know how the game actually handles or represents the "rotation" of an object. If you edit an object reference in the CK then you have three values (X Y Z rotation) but what do they actually mean? Sure if you just rotate along one axis everything is easy. But if I tell the game to rotate something to 36° X, 57° Y and 11° Z, how does the game actually handle that? Does it rotate along the Z axis first, then the Y axis, then the X axis? Does that even matter? I really hope that somebody with more knowledge about all of this stuff can help me becaue there is no documentation on how exactly this works, so I am really stuck.
  8. I will probably make a three functions, "MoveAlongLocalX", "MoveAlongLocalY", and "MoveAlongLocalZ". I can figure this out, but I just thought that maybe there was an "easy" way to do this ... Time for some trigonometry!
  9. What you described is moving on the global X Y Z axis. What I mean is something like this: Imagine you are standing somewhere and I tell you to move 3 steps forward. You are not going to move 3 steps to the north (= global axis) you are going to move 3 steps forward from the point where you are standing (= coordinate system with the point of origin at your position, same rotation asx you). That is what I want to do.
  10. Good morning everybody! In the CK, you can toggle movement between the global XYZ axis and the local XYZ axis. Is there any scripted way to move something along the local axis like that? So something like self.TranslateTo(...) but not with absolute world coordinates but with relative movement and rotation from the current position and rotation of the object. So like "move 10 units along the local X axis, 32 along the local Y axis, 0 along the local Z axis, rotate 90 degrees along the local X axis, ....". Or do I have to do it the "hard way" and figure out the math behind doing this and calculate the new position and rotation in "absolute world coordinates"?
  11. Extended Dialogue Interface (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27216) Scrap Everything (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5320) (I know you should not use this mod) Start me up (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18946)
  12. I tried it once and it did not really work ... I mean I got the terrain into the game but I had other issues with that worldspace ... (I used a tool called TESAnnwyn to make an esp with a worldspace from the heightmap, but it did not work well, I got the "can't sprint" bug in that worldspace)
  13. Yes, character customization is one of the greatest things about this game engine! I personally always play as "myself" and make the character look kind of like me (well, more like "an idealized version of myself"). And yes, if it weren't for the CK and the "modding support", I would have never bought this game (or skyrim).
  14. Sounds cool, but I really hope it is not going to be something that requires patches for every other mod in the load order ...
  15. I assume that this is your video, and I can't be bothered to sign in to youtube right now, so I will ask here: What is that mod that allows you to switch to a second sight on the gun?
  16. That is exactly what I meant! It is very very hard to do these things in FO4, so people will just "go away" to easier things ...
  17. This just means that normal custom animation will never appear in fallout. Havok is not focused on modding at all, it is focused exclusively on professional game development, motion capture and an extensive closed developer base, which is now intel. That is what I mean! These games are getting harder and harder to mod and with that less and less people will try to mod them. No custom animations means that there will be no custom weapons. No custom animations means no "sexy animation mods" (if you know what I mean) and that will mean that lots of people will not be interested in modding the game (especially people on "the site that shall not be mentioned"). (not that I care about that, but lots of people do) They will probably make heavy use of the precombine system again, so editing the worldspace (or interiors) will also be problematic. Editing the UI is already very very difficult, and I don't think that that will get easier with newer tools and less documentation. So it is not looking too good ... I really miss the old times of modding skyrim, where you did not have to worry about precombines and previs ...
  18. Havok will be further improved and modified? Great! Even more stuff that isn't going to be documented at all! And the newer versions of things like 3dsmax only can be used with subscription, so that is definetley not better! (for me personally)
  19. New animation system? Oh no ... When did they say that? Because if they are working on that right now, then it will probably only work with animations made in 3dsmax 2020 or 2021 or something like that. So when the game comes out in a few years that version won't be available any more. So get it now! But it is great to hear that they call the "new" engine CE2, I hope they keep the same general concepts as the "original" creation engine (plugins, very little "hardcoded" stuff, almost everything editable through the CK, ...). That gives me a bit of hope for the future ...
  20. Sorry for all the worries and the negativity. I guess it was because I was watching somebody stream Fallout New Vegas recently and they said some negative things about FO4 modding ("Fallout 4 is pretty much dead, but just look at all the awsome content for FONV!") and I was already feeling a bit bad at that time, so I guess that really dragged me down ... I guess I was just having a "weak moment" ... I once heard "be the change you want for the world", so I guess I shouldn't complain and instead get back to working on FO4 ... Yes, sometimes I worry a lot about things. As for the "next" fallout games: I am scared that they will move to a completley new engine, so no more "developers tools for the modders to use" (no more CK) Ah yes, the "glass half full / half empty"-thing! My answer to that is -3 dB. (In electronics the attenuation or amplification of a circuit is specified in dB, and it is logarithmic, so -3dB would be 0,5) :laugh: Well, for me personally this is where most of the Fallout 4 mods "live". I am not active on any other sites (mostly because of the great "CK and modders" forum here!) As for modding other games: Fallout and Skyrim are really the only games that support such a large variety of mods (worldspace changes, adding stuff, removing stuff, ...) and that we have access to a proper "editor" to work with. Yes one or two functions might be missing, so it is not the full "developer tool", but still it is very close.
  21. Good morning everybody! Why does it seem like lots of creative and talented people make awsome mods for Fallout New Vegas, and 99% of new Fallout 4 mods are either outfits, (ported) weapons or body presets? Why can't we have awsome mods in Fallout 4 (like large new wordlspaces with lots of quests, new scripted functionality, maybe finally a fix for the worldspace size bug, ...) ? I just have this painful feeling like Fallout 4 modding is slowly dying and I can't do anything to stop that. What can we do to get more people into creating mods for Fallout 4? Because yes I agree, Fallout 4 is not one of the best games, but we can make it into the best game, with modding! And for that we need creative people who make awsome mods ... Yes, the whole precombine system scares people and makes them not want to make any worldspace changes. And the overall lack of documentation is also not really helpful ... But there has to be something that we (or I) can do to "fix this problem" ... Sorry for another one of my weird posts, but I just had to get this out.
  22. Maybe have a look at the "DebugRange" cell in the CK and see how that was done. There are lots of NPCs in there to test weapons on and they respawn instantly after death.
  23. It takes some time to load everythig when you start it and select the data files (Fallout4.esm, ...). It literally has to load every single thing from the game, so depending on how good your PC is, it can take a few seconds to a few minutes. Just don't do or click anything while it is loading.
  24. It is not a problem of nexusmods site usage. It is the problem of our real life. For instance, you can find a lot of examples when people did something many years ago, but blamed for it now. Even if it was ok at the moment when they did it. Just assume that someone will blame and punish you after several years for your materials. And act accordingly to be in safe position. You are going to publish something that will damage you? Just don't publish at all %) That is exactly what I am scared of, that things I do now will negativeley affect me in the future. So I guess I won't publish anything that actually has any "creative aspect" to it.
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