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Everything posted by madcow12

  1. That and the thing at the lighthouse near winterhold where you get sailors repose. Reading through the journals, it really made me sympathize with the horrors the family members wouldve gone thru and fueled my hatred for the falmer
  2. And let us not forget thr presence of the penitus oculatus in drsgon bridge. Ther is an outpost there, the one and only in all of skyrim, but they dont make any appearsnce except for DB quest..or are they working in the shadows? Yes they are the emperors guards but so were the blades who battled the thalmor in the shadows. Ok i am straying from the topic sry.. I also think an attack from sea wouldve been completely valid, but perhaps after the legion controls winterhold, which is in a good position to spot the passing ships. The ships i am thinking are the ones you see wrecjed and the one you take to solstheim. Load a boat with maybe two catapults max, bombard from sea while a landing party pushes up from the docks. Or it couldve been a ruse attack to shift the forces in the rift north so the legion can push east from falkreath. That being said, despite all the talks of docks and trading ships, you never see a boat going to and fro from docks. Also one of the loading screen quotes is about how riften docks used to be flowing with boats, but considering the width and depth of the water between ivarstead and riften and how you wud hav to ride the waterfall down to whiterun the quote comes across as unfitting
  3. For me it was reading the Merchant's journal off the body of a redguard woman near..i think chillwind depths. A woman who joined her husbands illfated journey to stay with him no matter what the dangers. I made sure to dice the falmer in the nearby cave and regret laying handson those decent people
  4. thank you chanchan05, i just tried starting civil war straight away using Alternate Start, and this time the execution played out right. imma go join the legion now. thank you so much you don't know how much stress you just relieved
  5. so i started a new game today, using alternate start. began in sleeping giant, did the things in whiterun, then went straight to solitude. upon entering, everyone's where they should be for the roggvir execution except no ones speaking, no dialogue is playing. even the man who sends his daughter home is just standing there staring at each other. i googled for some fix, tried waiting outside, which didn't work. so then i killed the four ppl on the stage then resurrected all but roggvir then waited for 30 minutes real time but the npcs still won't move. i even tried killing everyone and then resurrecting them but that doesn't work either. how do i fix this? the only trouble this might cause is no jaree-ra, and the winking skeever bard is just standing there in front of the door, but beirand and the other shopkeepers buy and sell normally and since i dont interact with the other npcs at all, can i just ignore and keep playing or is this a serious glitch that will bust my save long way down the road? i've read multiple posts and it seems killing the four only works when the man talks to his daughter, but in my case even he doesn't speak... the only viable mods that i can think of are sexy solitude, maybe civil war overhaul. i have interesting npcs, more brains, populated cities as well and no open cities skyrim. i only noticed this problem after installing the lastest USKP patch. maybe that could be the reason? any ideas anyone if its not a serious glitch i'll happily walk away but some stuff i read really troubled me saying its a major serious glitch
  6. Counter points to your counter points: You are completely correct; it's not Ulfiric's Fault you were sent to the chopping block, it's the dragonborn's fault for crossing the border illegally and the fault of a Imperial Officer with a chip on her shoulder. You mean everyone treats Nords like this, right? It's the stereotype and nothing unique. Orcs weren't even considered sentient beings until the Daggerfall, they were assumed to be an offshoot of Goblins(roughly). Spoken like a True Blade, friend. While it's true that the Thalmor are the true enemy in Skyrim, even General Tullius wants to give them the Karmic Death they have earned, and after you complete the War questline you get more proof of this; for the Empire he has his sights set on them now, for the Stormcloaks he admits if they hadn't been involved this could have ended peacefully. Hardly fair to speak ill of the empire for fulfilling their end of a bargain made to end a war. They Thalmor get to do that EVERYWHERE, and they do that to more then just Talos worshipers. Basically if you speak ill of them, you may just vanish. Malborn's Family vanished as well, Bosmer, and if the Thalmor are truly starting up the Aldmeri Dominion again, then why are they killing their allies in secret? Everyone has said the same bloody thing as you here, even in support of the Empire. Point five on the list wasn't fair and the OP admits it. By your logic then no Nord's born in Skyrim would have any reason to support Ulfric. And the Empire hates the Thalmor as well. Hell, it wasn't until the Stormcloaks had their "fun" that Skyrim had a strong Imperial presence, and not until then that the crackdown on Talos hit Skyrim. If Ulfric had never dueled the high king, and killed him, all those "True Sons of Skyrim" would be free to worship Talos still in peace. You know something we don't? Seeing as these games are part of a Living world, we have no way of knowing who wins this war, what the results of it are beyond Skyrim, and how long it takes for the Dragon's to be beaten again, if ever. And don't kid yourself, Dragons have been a part of games before this; Daggerfall has one as an aide to a member of a Royal Family, though he is out of the way and mentioned only once or twice. In Redguard you have to kill one to progress to the final boss. But you're right. we have no way of knowing if the Empire will still exist by TES7. But trust me, it takes an army of equal strength to grind a war to a standstill, and it takes more to win one. And the Great War never truly ended, my friend, and when it starts again, will the Stormcloaks be there to stop it? Or will they be crushed like ants against a flood of Bosmer, Thalmor, Khajiit, and god knows who else? Here's a hint: That's at least three times the amount of troops the Stormcloaks will have, and if the Empire is gone, then they own that as well, so that's 4 times, if the Dunmer join up, 5 times, Bretons, 6, Orsimer, 7, Argonians, 8... You see the problem?In closing, the Empire may not be faultless, but they want what's best for Tamriel, not just themselves. The Thalmor want what's best for them, and the Stormcloaks want what's best for them. Everyone wants what's best for them, but the Empire still has to look at the big picture, seeing as the Empire is called this since it(used to, anyway) rule all of Tamriel with a fair but tempered hand. Is it doing this now? No, because they lost enough support from the other parts of the Empire. They lost MOST of the empire to the Thalmor. I really have to agree with you, especially #7. in diplomacy, you can't outright ignore a treaty you just signed. you have to at least feign it. and thats what the empire did, the great war really shocked the empire, and they even lost cyrodiil at some point, but with the nord legion from skyrim they won it back, which i believe shows the empire's still got quite a punch left. but they took too much in the intial outset, with all the blades dead and whatnot, and so a strategic retreat, give ground to gain ground. honestly, even with the ban, we have heimsker preaching talos all day in whiterun and no one lifts a finger. not even the guards. he's there all day long. yea, the thalmor in their zeal to downgrade that man who walks as god with mer may scour the land and torture actual and potential talos believers, but thats just them. the empire also may do some similar acts, but it's all kept to minimum just enough to satisfy the treaty enforcers. also like #7, say skyrim wins and secedes from the empire. the war will have its residents bitter with the thalmor AND the empire, which means if the thalmor were to initiate an attack on mankind again, the empire would rather use the divided forces to push into morrowind rather then help skyrim defend. even if they were to create a common front, it would be uneasy at best. the nords would be suspicious the legion will try to take back skyrim at the first chance, while the imperials won't trust the rebels, which even more weakens mankind strength as it is, which means thalmor can divide and conquer. and really, just playing the game and really listening to those dialogues shows ulfric is in this for personal want as much as thalmor hatred. last of all, while the empire did give up hammerfell, elsewyr and such they're gonna need them back to gain some upper hand over the thalmor. yea they could let skyrim be independent, still make an alliance, but other races wouldn't take that very nicely. alliance with an ally that has a racist as an ally to risk multitudes of death? better to just stay put and peacefully under the thalmor!
  7. hi all, i'm looking for city overhaul mods that change the cities, like adding more trees and stuff priorities are 1. compatibility 2. visuals 3. performance thank you in advance
  8. we've got lots of great weapon mods out there, jaysus swords, IW, WoTS but none of them seem to add alot of new war axes.. i mean yea axes only vary so much..but i think there can be totally cool designs or if someone could point me to a mod that does this i'd be most grateful
  9. so i'll keep it short. I followed the walkthrough provided here (http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim) and did the ctrl+f4 trick and all...but in the CK preview the color of the face and body still won't match. also i tried to at least have her appear in game then..and placed her in the riften bee and barb, checked and ordered my esp, and loaded a newgame..just to not find her there. ok even shorter 1) my PC face is made with ECE. would this have any influence? also would using cbbe body with sg textures also influence the making process? if ECE is the problem, might there be a workaround? 2) i should keep the esp as a plugin file not active file correct? 3) do i need to adjust the x,y,z coordinates after placing the follower in a cell? what steps aren't exactly lettered out in the walkthrough link above? is there a better reference i can turn to?
  10. I was actually wondering why all race except the East has been represented. And with the Akavirii pretty Japanese in style...well it gets a little mucky altho most Westerners would like it but as the West doesn't equal America the East does not equal Katanas and Ninjas. a few naming suggestions with a slight lore. some description may be what some would say "not lore accurate or friendly" but hey its a mod your imagination is the limit yea? Chul (pronounced Ch-uh-l): Neighbors to the Akavirii. Despite the closeness, the two nations differ greatly in culture and style, except for their similar hierarchical class structure. Their homeland is very mountainous, requiring its people to be sturdy yet agile as they travel the rugged terrains filled with valleys, gorges, deep forests and others. Unlike the highly attack minded Akavirii (i'm no lore master but right now what I'm picturing is the dual wielding Akavirri armored warrior pic that comes in the Immersive Armors Start screen pictures), the Chuls prefer a more light to medium armor and have fought the Akavirii with their near invincible shield walls, with every soldier apt at battling with a shield. They also are great archers and their bows, made by bending mammoth tusks, are known for their range and strength. Chijo (Chee-jo): A somewhat larger kingdom than the Chuls or Akavirii. While the three kingdoms have battled each other several times, the Chuls tend to side more with the Chijo due to their linked heritage. The lands of the Chijo are vast plains stretching out as far as the eye can see. The Chijo are excellent warriors on both horseback and foot, and excel at both unarmed or two-handed combat. The Chijo are also known for their archery, and although most link archery with Bosmers, the Chuls and the Chijo are just as apt with their sharp eyes and daft hands.
  11. Thanks LeddBate! i never knew about that mod! finally i can keep sir pathy alive !
  12. so i was walking along the road when four bandits ran at me i being the shield holder raised my shield to prepare for their power attack. two bandits simultaneously power attacked me, and time slowed down, and i stepped back and around them using the slowed time now the slow motion should have ended by then but it kept on going so i hacked away at all four and when the fourth one had its HP down to 10% did it finally shift out of slow motion. anyone else have this experience? also is there a correlation between weapon weight and iono game effects such as stagger amount, or actual damage delivered over the armor rating, or any effect?
  13. so i was learning clear sky at high hrothgar when three hired thugs spawned to "teach you a lesson" since i'm on terms with the greybeards, the greybeards started attacking the thugs. two did a fire shout, another frost, another unrelenting force, and basically shouted the thugs dead. power of the word..yes they do have a point of being cautious delphine you female four legged tail wagging animal who wants me to kill Dragon yoda
  14. i will provide the .npc file and ece slot save file and the regarding lore if needed. i have too much problems with steam continuously trying to redownload 5.2GB of the update esp and esm, and the esp and esm of all DLC and the additional Skyrim - X .esps even with auto update disabled...and whats more creation kit won't download right ugh got so fed up trying over and over again. so..back to the question..can i ? i plan to share it with the community (since i think i did a good job on the face and lore) and the modder will get 99% of the credit for making it possible (since its true the modder did the heavy work while i just provided a almost nose picking easy start point) anyways if willing..please PM me
  15. sorry that looks very messy... it looked better when i typed it up on notepad. i attached the file for your convenience. if this mod does get developed, let me know because i'd be dying to try it out! i will happily beta test it
  16. here are a few ideas. the suffixes are what can go behind the name of weapons and the percentage the (what i deemed) adequate chance. i think some may require extensive coding and/or may not be possible given the game system..but then thou were looking for suggestions so here you go lol critical enchant limit- gauntlet, ring (also left ring if have mod) enchant power limit - 20% on each piece, max is 40% (or 60% if all three) (when made by character with 100 Enchanting and potion of fortify enchanting created by fortify alchemy armor set if possible) or can be adjusted so that gaunlet is 20/100, next piece adds another 20% as in 16/80, and 12.8/64 suffixes "of critical damage" lowest level 1% "of accurate strike" the next 2% "of critical strike" 4% "of surgical strike" 8% "of killing blow" 16% Attack speed enchant limit - gaunlet, ring power limit - 25% on each piece, max 50% (or 75% for two rings) same rule as gauntlet suffixes "of light hands" lowest 2% "of swift strikes" 5% "of wind" 10% "of flurry" 15% "of fury" 20% Stagger (making enemies stagger even without power attacks) enchant limit - gauntlet power limit - 10% (wouldn't want to OP this) suffixes "of heavy swing" 2% "of mighty swing" 4% "of giant might" 6% "of dragon's wrath" 8% Poison (reduces enemy response time - normally when PC gets poisoned the vision gets blurred, disabling player vision and thereby the ability to respond quickly because they cannot see. enemies should get that too) enchant limit - weapons power limit - 20% suffixes "of poison" 5% "of frostbite" 10% "of chaurus" 15% Greed (acts like the racial power of the imperials, but a little weaker. cant write exact stats for this since i don't know how much the chance is) Gluttony (increases the amount of health and/or stamina restored by food and/or drinks; for RND or similar mods. works kinda like fortify restoration i guess i think you could refer to the mod Better Magic to reference codes) enchant limit - armor, necklace power limit- 100% (since the best food, steamed mudcrab only heals 12(or was it 24)hp, a 100% would still put it below most potions but still make it usable for its lower weight and such) suffixes "of hunger" 25% "of feast" 50% "of gluttony" 75% Fortify Movement speed enchant limit - boots power limit - 50% suffixes "of deft feet" 10% "of swift feet" 20% "of agility" 30% "of whirlwind" 40% Ignore Armor enchant limit - weapons power limit - 25% (or 50% if it can be coded so that when using the enhanced dwarven crossbow, it works with the original 50% to cap at 75%; in other words, EDC 50%+ 50% of the remaining 50 chances=75%) suffixes "of cleaving" 5% (or 10% if the coding with the EDC is possible) "of armor breaking" 10% (or 20%) "of armor cleaving" 15% (30%) "of decapitation" 20% (40%) Tracking (kinda like aura whisper or detect life) enchant limit -weapons (will work best with bows) effect - enemy hit by the weapon will appear like they do when you use aura whisper or detect life + the other enemies in ther vicinity. should help when sneaking and trying to determine how many is nearby Soul siphoning enchant limit - weapons effect - alduin could eat souls and become powerful. why not you? kinda like soul trap, but briefly (5~10 seconds maybe) increases health, magicka, stamina, or slightly recharges them (if possible) could use same soultrap effect power limit - increase stats by 30 (and then let it stack or if cannot just bump it up) or heal 50% suffixes "of soul drain" inc stats 5 or heal 10% "of soul siphon" 10 stats or 20% "of soul devouring" 15 stats or 30% "of alduin's gluttony" 20 statrs or 40%
  17. might be a hassle to pull it off but it does sound good. assuming you're not part of the thieves guild so if this is to work first the pc would have to be open to robbery, and there would be thieves attempting a robbery on the pc (the pc should not be given a choice to kill the thief, like in general encounters with a Thief NPC while travelling in skyrim where you can pay, intimidate, or persuade; or just hav a super strong but slower than pc but with ranged paralyze attack for chance of catching up so the pc can try to run away) the amount can be chosen by the pc which results in receipts of differing durations second, on being robbed, an item called "receipt" would enter inventory, which would be tracked by the game system (i think this is where it might get hard) or simply tie it in with the timed respawn system. so for instance in the mcm 50 gold is set to 1 day, 100 is 2, 150 is 3, and max is 350 for a week, or since one day is 1hour and 12minutes real time, 8 hours and 24 minutes real time. during that time a thief may randomly spawn and try to rob you, where upon a dialogue option of showing the receipt is given so that the player can avoid robbery. (a thieves guild member could have a radiant quest to go punish a thief who did not abide by the CoC and robbed someone with a receipt; i guess a random npc appears at the ragged flagon, comes to you and complains i paid still hav receipt time but i got robbed please punish him/her) after respawn time the receipt would be removed from inventory, and a robbery would take place again in case pc is thieves guild member, only when wearing thieves guild armor set a dialogue option of robbery would appear, and random chances of the target having this receipt would also exist. the player can abide by it or ignore it, get removed from the guild, pay a hefty fine to get back into the guild or iono just brutally hassled btw i love DIscworld novels too.. The Truth always had me cracking. which reminds me now... there is a scene where a dog talks to the main character from the dark and the MC mentions he's still got time on his receipt. this might really make being a thief interesting
  18. well i think that ai makes sense in that to the general footsoldiers who wasnt there at high hrothgar, you're just another adventurer or civilian. and you're not suppose to let anyone into army bases except relevant personnel because, who knows who that other person just happening to be passing by is. i think you can ignore the warnings, they're just warnings really telling you you're in their zone, but not exactly the zone of hostility. kinda like approaching fort amol. at a certain distance the mages will just tell you to back off. get any closer, and fireballs start flying.
  19. ok so we have awesome combat mods out there this idea is to add a little more speed to initiating combat, because the current combat mods really discourage charging blindly in and encourage a more careful approach so what i have in mind is charging. in hand to hand battles, the one who charges first is both at disadvantage and advantage bcuz if the defender is skilled enough they will simply evade or brush away the attack. but i'm thinking of more instances where you see a man with a giant greatsword yelling and charging at you and you kinda freeze because you got intimidated so here's how it would play out. say you randomly encountered some bandits. they're slowly advancing towards you, you to them, and then you sprint 'charge' them. the effect would be like what the perk "Quick Reflexes" give you. time slows down around you but you've got full control. if the pc hits attack at the right time and distance, the npc right in front of them will be insta killed, and time will continue to be slow to simulate the other bandits frozen in a moment of "WTH?!" where you can do some additional dmg to multiple targets or finish off another. at first i was thinking of a more sword expert movie like scene where during the very short slowed time you can insta kill those within reach but perhaps it might throw off the balance a bit. and of course this would/could work vice versa as well, so that when you hav a draugr charging you and getting ready to smite you with that battle axe. options here could be a) timed block which diverts the attack, causing the attacker to stagger and giving you a split second chance of attack that is 100% critical, or 2)time your attack just right and the draugr gets insta killed. i know writing is only the fun part.. the scripting and modding is where you start feeling the limit but i think it might work?
  20. i have two requests! 1) could someone do a cbbe revision of the barbarian armor of immersive armors? currently the curves don't show up right when wearing it. 2) a comprehensive set of war axes (tomahawks and whatnot) like jaysus swords. i know immersive weapons does add a few but i believe war axes can be hyped up too thanks in advance!
  21. i have two requests! 1) could someone do a cbbe revision of the barbarian armor of immersive armors? currently the curves don't show up right when wearing it. 2) a comprehensive set of war axes (tomahawks and whatnot) like jaysus swords. i know immersive weapons does add a few but i believe war axes can be hyped up too thanks in advance!
  22. so i started a new game playing a pure archer character and then i got a chance to switch over to steel arrows. in the crafting menu i see both light arrows-steel and arrows-steel but both of them list as light arrows and will mismatch with my long bow. i recall in earlier games the normal arrows-steel registered as long arrows. i've looked through the keywords and values but i'm hesitant to touch anything in fear of breaking it can someone help me and tell me which values i should adjust and rename so that the ones not specified as light arrows register as long arrows?
  23. i believe that one is from the mod called "enemy ai overhaul - revenge of the enemies"
  24. so i've been repeadtedly trying to download OBIS, and it would do fine until 50,000 kb, with some could not complete errors in between, and then it would pop me a "this mod is already being downloaded" error. i try to restart it but wouldnt work. i even deleted the partial files in the download folder and restarted it but same thing happens again. anyone else got this problem?
  25. ah my bad. never talked to torygg in sovngarde..always just went to the three to kill alduin
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