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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by TheRealGirlNextDoor

  1. Uh, why automatically switch to mobile design at a certain magnification? At the very least, make this optional, please. Also, more clicks is not better and if I had not read a comment about the magnification I would have been quite disappointed. Now, it's, eh, workable, if still far more clicks required to do a fair bit of things.
  2. Mobile first sucks. Bet no one plays Skyrim on the mobile device. :no: The new one is frustrating to look at and to use on a PC screen. But I suppose, in a couple of years this flat, ugly look will be out of fashion and user-friendliness will win out instead. Hey, one can hope, right? :ermm:
  3. Feels good to have back it through KS and finally get it to succeed. Best of all for the future, may we one day walk in the fully realised world that for now resides in thought alone. (c:
  4. Sounds interesting to me -- can't say how much time I would have for testing, but I'd try my best when (if) you get something together. :thumbsup:
  5. In response to post #41275520. This indeed. Wish to see what individual game's pages will look like, I usually go directly to those. Also, I visit more than eight different games, so eight favourites on the home page will not make me want to use that more, to be honest. Want to know if I can still view those in list format rather than the awkward spread of a column/row presentation. List view with summary information just like it is now, without a mouse-over event, it really helps me as opposed to a thumbnail with - to me - irrelevant information such as how many liked and downloaded it.
  6. Exactly. Would love to be able to farm on my own. So here's to hoping a kind modder can help with this some day. :happy:
  7. Well, if you got that robot DLC it might be an alternative, I have no idea. I'm no fan of robots, so the only one around me is Codsworth, really. But still no solo survival, in a sense.
  8. Possibly some might grow on their own (they all can do in the wild, clearly), but those I checked said they required a settler. So, no solo survival, you need at least one person (or perhaps Codsworth etc) to actually, well, do something (i.e., pure game mechanic related). :confused:
  9. I too would like to see this. It is a bit silly that you need someone else to tend things and can't do so yourself. As @3bestpals said above, water and/or fertilizer would be a good compromise (no running all over the wasteland for some more sensitive crops). Must say I was a bit disappointed to not see this already in the base game. So, if some kind soul with the right knowledge out there would do this, it would be marvellous. :yes:
  10. So much this (yes, semi-old post but why make another like it?) - IRL when I sneak I don't crouch unless I try to hide behind something. If you sneak IRL and someone turns around and catches you sneaking, then they just see you standing there and not crouching like a dummy, which would be harder to explain... :happy: Beside, just imagine seeing people in films always crouching whenever they where sneaking, it would be hilarious. Behind cover, yes, but all the time, naaaah. Hopefully a kind modder can do this somehow (personally I'd give up crouching if that was what it took - replacing the animation or whatever would work). :thumbsup:
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