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Everything posted by Percevan

  1. hi, (first, kudos for a detailed post about your issue, best way to get some help) I concur that the most probable cause seems to be a polygon normals issue. So, save a copy of your nif and try the following in Nifscope : - select and rightclick on the floor NiTriShape, and in the pop-up menu over on "Mesh >>", then click "Smooth Normals". - a input box appears, with default settings that should correct the problem most of the case. This will affect the whole NiTriShape though, so you might want to experiment with a lower angle, and considering the actual shape of your floor, I'm guessing that a max. smooth angle of 30 could even be enough. - You could also try increasing the Max Vertex distance, to... 0.005 or even 0.01.if the previous steps didn't resolved the issue. If that still doesn't correct things, you might have a vertex color problem. In such case, we could talk about that a bit more if you want, but long story short, for a test : start by trying and deactivating these for the same nitrishape (and its shader properties nodes) and see how it goes. Edit: just for safety, don't forget to update the tangent space for the floor.
  2. Seconded! And yes, subtitles would be enough if you'd prefer. Nice cut scene, by the way, I watched it entirely even though I didn't underestand a word. :P
  3. It's derivated from your uGridToLoad setting: uGridsToLoad=X uExterior Cell Buffer=(X+1)^2 Examples: uGridsToLoad=5 uExterior Cell Buffer=36 uGridsToLoad=7 uExterior Cell Buffer=64 etc...
  4. From experience, I disagree. Usually, things get done faster when people do what motivates them the most. Since BS hosts several teams, for the different main provinces, I'm pretty sure that not every current member would be either interested, or see his talent fits without redundancy in a Morrowind only focused team - hence, that would most probalby slow things down.
  5. Hi, under BSShaderTextureSet, your texture paths should always start with: "textures\" minus the quotes of course. It's not the case in your screenshot. I'd also check the parent shader node, BSLightingShaderProperty, as it's quite often the culprit in texture/model visibility issues. Especially with the current exporters for Max or Blender. Though for the former there's a new plugin on Nexus that works better. Anyway; asI've no idea what your node properties looks like, I can only suggest openning a similar vanilla mesh, and make some comparision... or share more info with us. As for the collision, I'm a bit confused. Your screenshot has node suggesting it's a weapon("WeaponBack"??), but since your speaking about a "hallway"... is it actually intented to be a static? If so, the tutorial you linked gives decent basics of the process, but is actually kinda outdated for any architectural statics and you will NEED to use chunkmerge instead. which is now included in the NifUtilSuite: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4128 And if that's not the case, well, I don't usually do weapons, but there's a bunch of tutorials on Youtube about this very subject.
  6. In the meantime you could check the "if full lod" option of the ref property page, as explained here : http://www.creationkit.com/Bug_Exterior_Models_Not_Showing I never really had any performance issue with this, despite Bethesda's warning, though I only used it for a couple of models.
  7. It's being worked on already :) Search for "Beyond Skyrim" + "HighRock team". That should get you more info. I believe that they also have a facebook page.
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