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Everything posted by itsbuffy

  1. Hey, I was walking around and I found this pillar of sacrifice near DarkWater crossing (corrundum mine). There's a statue of malacath I think next to it. Ive never seen this shrine before I tried to sacrifice a follower with the blade of sacrifice but nothing happened Anyway... what is this place ?!
  2. Hi, My goal would be to achieve having a skyre master difficulty game that would be as hard as a non-modded skyre legendary difficulty game. Legendary difficulty is just a lame ridiculously stats boosted game and there's plenty or better ways to increase the difficulty of a game. Here's the difficulty related mod i've on atm. - Frostfall - Deadly dragon/enemies - Realistic need and diseases - ASIS - Skyre - Less potions and lockpicks LEGENDARY - Populated dungeons caves ruins - Immersive patrol Im open to all kind of ideas of course but I might be looking for : - something that would make money harder in mid/late game levels. When every quest give you 1k gold and everybody drop ebony armor and weapons, it's not very long before u get rich. - maybe something that punish you for dying like dark souls 2 do. - Make AI have some kind of counter mechanics vs illusion spells I'd rather avoid mods that increase the number of enemies outdoor. I don't want my game to become an arena or some kind apocalyptic scenario
  3. Hi, I'm looking for a mod where I wouldn't need to kill Mirmulnir to have dragons being spawned in skyrim. I would like dragon to start spawning right at the start so I don't have to do these quest everytime I start a game to have a ''normal skyrim game'' thanks !
  4. Anybody knows what is the mod serana is wearing at ~48 seconds ? http://youtu.be/oqUmdtdjq_M?t=48s Sorry if its the wrong forum and/or if im not allowed to post youtube vids
  5. I would like a version where you could actually finish up this quest without killing the master vampire and blowing up all the vampire's plan. Maybe some kind of conversation with the vampire master (only occur if im a vampire) that give me the choice to either lie to the jarl about his death so he can continue to do his things in secret or to fight him. A bit similar to the quest ''In my time of need'' with the Alik'r. If I decide to lie to the jarl, that would be great if I could in the future walk into Movarth's Lair without being attacked and Alva considering me as friendly. I find it weird to do all this stuff against vampires when im a vampire myself. I don't mind killing a vampire here and there, but destroying an entire organisation and saving a whole town ? Usually when there's a quest that is ''out of character'' I simply ignore it but it's kind of hard/lame to ignore the quest as it's the city's main quest. If you know a mod who do that or do something different but achieve the same purpose, I would be grateful. If you can actually make it, I would be a million time more grateful. Thanks
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