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How to get chorme texture to show up in game
prensa replied to strungout's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
strungout - Hello! "Dude, that is awesome, thank you for sharing this info! Finally my guitars' hardware will look right!" Happy to have helped! :) "It already looks cool without an environment mask, but I'll have to play with one cause it's reeaally shiny. I'll have to adjust it so that the pipboy light won't make it so bright." It's a great effect & can add a lot to a model. Experimenting with an Environment Mask (_em) texture can really enhance it too. Prensa -
KuraiNekoMT13 - Hello! "I don't have the SkyrimEditor.ini or any of those, I have checked everywhere" I don't have Skyrim or its special edition but I think the special edition does differ in the naming of the editor .ini file. For Skyrim SE it is called: CreationKitCustom.ini & it needs to be hand created, go to this link by SindolY3K for instructions, only points 7 & 8 apply to you: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1866500-real-roads-for-skyrim/?p=44523525 Hope this helps! Prensa
How to get chorme texture to show up in game
prensa replied to strungout's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
strungout - Hello! "Hmm... after searching around, trying oblivion tutorials and finding nothing of use, a thought occurred to me: if it was possible to have chrome, there would be 1000 mods with chromed weapons and armor... So I guess it's not possible. Meh." Yes it is possible to get chromed objects in game, actually fairly easy too. :smile: There are even vanilla objects that are set up as (aged) chrome, check out those deco Valkyries like: statuechromevalk.nif I also use chrome on several of my weapon mods like "Deckard's gun from Blade Runner": https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22113/? & "AMT Hardballer Long Slide weapon pack" https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21744/? "reuploaded the file as a .rar, apparently it didn't get added or something..." I just get an error page so I can't see your file. "How to get chorme texture to show up in game " The trick is to edit your .nif in Nifskope, specifically the part of the mesh you want to be chrome. In Nifskope Go to that part's NiTriStrips & open its BSShaderPPLightingProperty, in its Block Details at the bottom you'll see "Shader Flags". Left clicking on those flags will call up a pull down where you can tick other shader flags, within that list find & tick SF_Environment_Mapping. That tells the model part affected to use Environment shaders, you now have to set which ones. Bellow the BSShaderPPLightingProperty is a BSShaderTextureSet, where you set the diffuse & normal map textures. Under the diffuse & normal map are other slots for other texures, the second to last is the Environment which you need to set to Chrome_e.dds. Chrome_e.dds is a vanilla chrome effect, you'll need to extract it from the "Fallout - Textures.bsa" & place it in your: \Data\Textures\Effects So that it can be selected in that slot within Nifskope. There's also a Bronze_e.dds, ShinyBright_e.dds & ShinyDull_e.dds which work in the same way but provide different effects. The last texture slot in BSShaderTextureSet is the Environment Mask which is a black & white version of your diffuse texture, adjusted to suit the amount of chrome effect you want. Dark areas will be duller & brighter areas will have more of the effect applied, rather like how the specular map works. Areas with no chrome can be pure black to mask it. It can also be left empty if that produces the result you want but fine tuning requires a texture. Take a look at the textures in those examples I mentioned for an idea how this works. By adjusting your custom Environment Mask (_em) texture you can greatly change the effect the chrome has on your model, I've used the Chrome_e.dds & Bronze_e.dds for many materials like Nickel & silver just by adjusting the _em texture. Important to remember that loading a model into & saving out of Blender tends to turn off the SF_Environment_Mapping shader flag so it's best to check it's all still set after using Blender to edit a model. Hope this helps! Prensa -
WastedTimeYT - Hello! There's still a tutorial in the file section of the Fallout 3 mod - Television Comes To Fallout V2 by RazorWire: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14675/? There are also working Televisions in the excellent ACCESS modder's resource by Pixelhate: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21983/? Hope this helps! Prensa
HushChann - Hello! "If I were to delete a mod that had overridden the default meshes and textures. If I were to delete the meshes and textures plus the .esp\.esm files, would it default back to the vanilla ones" Yes. As long as you clear out the mod's meshes & textures & remove it's plugin (.esp or .esm) then the game will return to using the default vanilla assets. The vanilla meshes & textures are stored in .bsa archives in the Data folder like Fallout - Meshes.bsa. As long as there are no mod added versions of these files then the game will return to those in the original .bsa. Hope this helps! Prensa
problem with custom iron sights
prensa replied to kriegerseele's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
kriegerseele - Hello! "until i noticed, that Fallout uses my custom 1st-person-meshes i´ve created for each gun in third-person-view too...although these are different models with custom id´s in the GECK. Maybe i did something wrong, but i don´t know, what it is. Could use some serious help here..." The 1st Person Model Object is rather misleadingly labeled in my opinion. :) It's actually used for both 1st & 3rd person views, as you've noticed. The other setting "Model" is the default model used for the weapon unless there is a 1st Person Model Object set, in which case that model will be used by the Player instead. In that case the default Model will only be used when the weapon is dropped. The intention is that 1st Person Model Object, while using the same mesh, is pointing to higher resolution textures so that the Player equipped weapon looks the best & the less noticed dropped version has resource saving lower resolution textures. Most mod added weapons don't bother with 1st person textures as they want both dropped & equipped weapons to look good. The GECK Wiki also implies that the 1st Person Model Object is only used by the Player & not NPC's, though I've never checked that. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Weapons#Model So "Equipped Model Object" might be a better name. :) "For the sights, i use a different model in the "1st_person_model_object_tab" in the model-section of the GECK, but the game uses this for both views, instead of the specific one only for the first-person-view." Unfortunately, in Fallout 3, if you adjsut weapons for RHIronSights it will affect the model in both 1st & 3rd person views. This means having to balance the accuracy of lining the sights up in first with how the weapon looks in the hands in 3rd. Easy for some weapons but tricky for others. You can adjust scale & angle as well as X,Y & Z positions to help get them placed right though. New Vegas, which officially added Iron Sights, simplified the process greatly by adding ##SightingNode to weapon models that allow each weapon's iron sight view to be custom adjusted by moving just that node & not the whole model. Sadly no equivalent for Fallout 3. Hope this helps! Prensa -
Bug when attaching items to armor
prensa replied to SirSquidly's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
SirSquidly - Hello! "and the 2ed one WORKED LIKE A CHARM!" Great! "Thank you very much for this, for now I shall reign supreme over the world of stupid armors! Mu ha ha ha!" :D "But seriously, thank you for your assistance addressing this perplexing issue I was facing" Glad to have been of help, best of luck with those armors! Prensa -
Bug when attaching items to armor
prensa replied to SirSquidly's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
SirSquidly - Hello! "When I attach any items onto it, while I can get it in-game, it has a odd effect on it where it sometimes is right where I put it, like it's fully working, then at certain angles, it completely vanishes." Have you properly weight painted the new item or have you just attached to the armor by positioning it where you want it to be? Because anything attached to armor needs to be weighted in order to move with the body correctly. If you have not weighted then info on that is here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1#Add_weights_to_the_armour If you have already taken care of that then it's possibly caused by a scaling issue with the added part. Check my post here for an explanation of what I mean: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3816190-odd-mesh-flickering/ the pertinent solution is at: "Easy fix still. Import the hat parts into Blender, right click the hat part to select & press Ctrl A, from the menu select - Scale & Rotation to ObData." In your case substitute "hat part" with whatever item it is you're adding to the armor. Hope this helps! Prensa -
Dark0ne - Hello! Happens on my two latest mod pages (Mega-City One Judge) for sure but also happens on other mod pages. My mod page where the screenshot was taken at: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22171/? Just tried that one again before posting & reproduced the problem by refreshing the page until one of the problem adverts appeared. It was a holiday ad about Tobago this time similar looking in style to the "St. Kitts Want Escapism?" mentioned in my above post. I'm in the North of England, using Firefox. Hope this helps! Prensa
I can confirm this same issue. It's been happening for a few weeks off & on, I've normally just refreshed to clear it. Decided to check into it a bit more after reading this post & it does seem to be the "switch guarantee" advert, included a snapshot of the offending advert. http://i66.tinypic.com/ay616u.jpg Pulls you to the bottom of the page to force you to look at the ad & will not allow scrolling back up. I do not get any video play though as I have automatic video play disabled in Firefox for just this sort of reason. Refreshing the page so another ad loads returns the ability to scroll on the page as normal. Also waiting a while for it to move to another ad also returns scrolling. I kept refreshing to change the ad & it was only this one causing it. EDIT: Found one other ad causing the same thing, "St. Kitts Want Escapism?", other adverts like Television License & Lego played fine & did not lock scrolling (were even animated). They are always in that same place, at the very bottom right corner. Hope this helps! Prensa
ProfFoxyPantz - Hello! "sorry i don't use or know how to use the skyrim creation kit... i've just been using basic editing software like photoshop then placing the files where they need to go..." So your mod does not have an .esp, it's replacing existing meshes/textures by placing them in the Data folder? That's fine but if you want to edit how the sounds are handled in game you will need to create an .esp for your mod. It's actually pretty easy, just remember I use Fallout 3 GECK so Skyrim Creation Kit could have a few differences. I'm pretty sure the things mentioned here are the same though. "how do i put my sound file into the creation kit to edit?" The sound files themselves are not actually edited by the Creation Kit, it will be how they are handled in game that you will change. Open the Creation Kit. Go to File at the top & select Data. Double click Skyrim.esm & select OK to load up Skyrim's assets. Locate the sounds you are changing in the Object Window. They should be under Miscellaneous - Sounds. Normally you'd make duplicates of the sounds & give them new unique names so to avoid changing vanilla assets but in this case you are actually wanting to change the vanilla slaughterfish so edit the sounds directly. Double clicking the sound will bring up it's detail window, adjust the Static Attenuation slider closer to 0 to increase the volume as discussed in my previous post. Click OK to close the sound tab. When you've adjusted the sounds that you want changed go to File & select Save, a box will open for you to name & save your .esp with the sound changes. Name the .esp after your mod, best if it's a unique name so as not to clash with other mods. Make sure to go to your mod manager & tick the new plugin in your load order for the changes to take effect in game. You can adjust the Static Attenuation again if the sound is not right in game, however 0 will be the maximum volume of the sound file. Remember to package your new .esp with your mod so that users get the sound changes. Whenever you need to edit your .esp again, open Creation Kit, go to Data, left click your .esp to highlight it, select "Set as Active File" & OK to load it. Hope this helps! Prensa
ProfFoxyPantz - Hello! "i just need to boost the volume of slaughterfish sounds, ive allready boosted each individual file using audacity but they are way too quiet in game" Have you adjusted the Static Attenuation of the sounds in your mod with the Creation Kit? I don't have Skyrim so am not familiar with the Creation Kit but I believe it works the same as GECK in regards sounds. Static Attenuation is the main setting adjusting overall volume, though it's typically used to make the sound quieter with 0 setting normally leaving it at it's maximum. It's possible that the Static Attenuation for your sounds is set to a minus number if you've used a vanilla sound as a base. Try moving the slider back to 0 & test in game to see if the sounds at a better level. I've found it's best to start with a loud sound as GECK seems better suited to making sounds quieter than making them louder. "ive allready boosted each individual file using audacity" I take it you used Effect - Amplify to increase the sound files' volume? If the Static Attenuation setting in the Creation Kit mentioned above was already at the highest volume & you've used Effect - Amplify in Audacity then there's another trick to boos the impact of the sound. In Audacity load your sound. Select Edit - Duplicate & a copy of your sound's wave form will show up in Audacity. Playing the sound now should have more oomph. Go to Tracks - Mix and Render to combine into a single file & save as normal. You can even repeat this to boost the sound further, always test to ensure there's no distortion before replacing your sound. Layering sounds like this is a common movie trick to give things like guns a more dramatic effect & I've found it works really well. Hope this helps! Prensa
JimmyRJump - Hello! "So, it looks like sometimes the addition is a bit slow then." I just noticed this happening too. Gave someone a Kudos & their total has not yet gone up. However hovering over their total on their User page & it reads "Take Away Kudos" as if it has been added. Never seen that happen previously, the Kudos total has always gone up upon refresh. Prensa
Wanting to make my own Nifs (with SketchUp)
prensa replied to BangARang2016's topic in Fallout 3's GECK and Modders
BangARang2016 - Hello! "This worked perfectly." Great! Glad to have been able to point you in the right direction. :) "Because of your help, this mesh was created" Looks cool! It's fun to be able to create custom pieces, can really help make cells stand out. Best of luck with your model work. Prensa -
Wanting to make my own Nifs (with SketchUp)
prensa replied to BangARang2016's topic in Fallout 3's GECK and Modders
BangARang2016 - Hello! Making custom models is very rewarding. Takes some concerted effort to learn but once learnt is not as hard as it seems. :) Well I don't use Sketchup, I use Blender, but there's a guide for making models with it & importing into New Vegas here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36694/? While it is for New Vegas, it should be almost the same for Fallout 3. "but I don't know of any helpful guides on modeling besides what is pinned at the top of this forum." Don't overlook the Nexus Wiki, it's full of many really useful guides on various subjects: http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Category:Fallout_3 Hope that is of some help! Prensa