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Community Answers

  1. Never dig-up an old thread when that thread doesn't have a solution. If you have a problem, start yer own topic. In this case, everything points towards not having enough RAM. Both system and GPU RAM. Sometimes mods can cause your computer to no longer flush the available memory and as a result, there's no more space left to load new artefacts. And the game won't load completely until it has everything needed in the RAM.
  2. I use close to 700 mods, never ever used the mods you mention for the plain and simple reason those mods cause problems. I regret to say that, from here on, you're on your own and I wish you all the best...
  3. Nothing to read here...
  4. I swear (a lot), but nevertheless, get an RX 6800XT, it'll set you back a few bucks, sure, bur gaming life have will never looked better...
  5. I've had the same issue, but can't recall the resolve. Oh, by the way, you've been around here since 2009, so, hey, you should by now know how to use the "spoiler" tags so that large additions of text don't make us scroll down forever and a day. The problem has something to do with a mod that hasn't got all of its assets installed. Like, some of the "Textures" got installed alright, but some of the "Meshes" are missing. If the game wants to load any of the textures, all's okay, untill the game wants to load the meshes that go with everything. If those aren't installed properly, the game crashes. Why? Because textures aren't important to the game. If textures can't be found, the game shows them as pinkish-purple. If meshes aren't there, then the game can't render parts of the game and the game itself goes belly-up.
  6. A "BluePrint" only copies the exterior with any container you added, but never the content of a container. The reason for this is that the content of a container is part of another cell, unless if the container can be opened withouth the game having to switch cells. I'm not a modder, but what you should do is replace the existing container with a new one that is part of the cell you're working in. All of the above with the thought you are working inside the Creation Kit. But if not, it should work flawlessly with xEdit as well.
  7. You need to look around the net for the exact code of the quest and its sub-divisions or stages. Once you have those, you can enter the code and its subsequent stages into the console to advance the quest. So, what's the EXACT name of the quest(s) you're talking about, please?
  8. FAL. Fusile Automatique Legere. Shoots accurately for 3K and is deadly up unto 1600M. A mile. So, better duck when you see me coming, cuz I'm able to hit you.
  9. The higher your reputation gets (meaning, the rep of your character) the less you're disliked by, say, scavengers and the like. So with a high level and a very good rep, most of the NPCs you encounter don't dislike you and won't attack on-sight. They will still attack when you get too close (most will give a warning saying so). It has nothing to do with belonging to a faction or not. Tampering with codes for factions can only cause problems in the long run and those codes are better left alone until you're sure the factions are the problem. Half of you guys don't know what you're doing and messing with the developer's console will only aggravate the problems you're having. Those problems you've created yourselves are the main reason you're here, asking for help.
  10. The "Documents" folder contains the "My Games" folder, which in turn contains a lot of the folders for the games you've installed. Among them is the folder for Fallout 4 that has the ini files and your save-games folder. So, yes, changing the location of your "Documents" folder has an influence on how your game behaves. The game probably crashes every time there's an auto-save going on since the folder the autosave has to go to can no longer be found by the game because you've changed the location.
  11. If you're already using the mod, overwriting it with an update won't harm your game, unless the version of the mod has some significant changes regarding placement of certain fix items. I've never used the mod you're talking about (I use Build High - Expanded settlements) so I don't know what the mod does exactly. When in doubt, open the game, make a new save, close the game and install the update of the mod so that you can load the old save should things have gone wrong with the update.. Before you install an update of a mod that has an esp, first check where that esp is sitting in the load order of the mod manager you're using, because installing an update will add the esp at the bottom of the load order. I'm using NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) and that's how NMM does things, anyway. Knowing where the original esp was sitting will allow you to manually move the updated esp into the spot the 'old' esp wa sitting, so you don't need to run LOOT again.
  12. Use the mod-page specific search function. Typing-in "MK14" gives fifteen results. Hopefully, your heart's desire is in there...
  13. Disabling mods doesn't necessarily do away with their respective effects. For a mod to not have any influence on yer game you need to un-install it. I have never used any of the mods you mentioned, so, I don't know of their intricate influence on the game and as such am unable to give you any form of helpful intelligence. And being a person who runs vines, you being of a "certain vintage" might mean I've plucked you, trampled all over youn and drank you many years ago. Note: I'm a person with a murky Germanic descendance (Germanic Keltic, aka Flemish) and as such would like to be addressed in impeccable Ancient Vlaams. I also have my tastes, you see.
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