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Posts posted by prensa

  1. reindeer51 - Hello!


    Well I've never used the Skyrim creation kit but in GECK it is possible.


    I'll explain how it would be found in GECK & hopefully that will work in Skyrim Creation Kit too.


    The Base ID you've found is for the Base form of the NPC, the Reference ID is for the placed form of that base NPC so you need to go to where you placed your NPC in the creation kit's Render window.


    You can locate the placed NPC quickly by right clicking on the Base form in the Object Window & selecting "Use Info" which brings up where it's been placed in the "world".


    Once you've located the NPC in the Render window, double left click on them to bring up their Reference window.


    In that window will be a blank box with "Reference Editor ID" that's used for giving a unique name for scripts to refer to. To the right of that box is a number in brackets like:




    That's the NPC's Reference ID.


    The first two digits, in this case 08, will be the mod index number (dependent on where your mod comes in your load order) which will probably be wrong in GECK as it's basing it on only mods loaded while working on your plugin.


    You need to look in your mod manager to see what the real mod index number is, for instance the mod I'm looking at has a mod index number of 7c so the NPC's Reference number in game would be:




    If you were giving the Reference number to mod users you'd say:




    & explain to them to replace xx with the mod index number for their placing of your mod.


    Hope this helps!



  2. cdo947214 - Hello!


    Have you got Blender 2.49 & Nif Scripts installed?


    It needs to be the old Blender 2.49 because that is the one that Nif Scripts works with.


    If so, in Blender with your object loaded go to the top - File - Export - Netimmerse/gamebryo.... Give your export a name & save.


    There will be a settings menu come up, select Fallout 3 from the list of games & that should set up your .nif properly.


    You'll probably need to do some tweaking in Nifskope with things like Alpha & collision but that's basically it.


    If you have a newer version of Blender you'll need to install the older with Nif Scripts & export out of the new Blender in another format & import into Blender 2.49 to then export as a .nif. Some people do that so they can use the later versions of Blender.


    Don't forget if you've created a brand new object to give it texture, a great guide video for that can be found here:



    The end of that video even shows exporting to .nif, though it was made back in Oblivion days so remember it's Fallout 3 you want. :smile:


    Hope this helps!



  3. breakingginger - Hello!

    Sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug, the most common cause of freezing & that's often worse in small interiors.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    Hope this helps!


  4. drithius - Hello!


    Normally a .nif crashing GECK & the game after copy & pasting is due to a Block getting re-named the same as the top BSFadeNode but that's not the case here.


    The problem seems to be within your NiNode - ##PPInvis as removing that block allows the weapon to load in mini GECK just fine (right click - Open with GECK).

    Investigating that NiNode reveals that the texture paths aren't set for the laser.

    Expand NiTriStrip LaserPointerH - NiTexturingProperty - NiSourceTexture.

    In the Block details of NiSourceTexture there's a heading "File Name", that should be pointing to your laser pointer textures instead it's pointing to LaserPointerH which is it's own NiTriStrip block.

    NiTriStrip LaserPointerV also has the same problem so correct in the same way as above.

    The texture paths in those types of block get scrambled when copy & pasted just like the name strings & need to be changed to match their originals once moved.

    After changing those the model loads in mini GECK without crashing.

    Hope this helps!


  5. madmandj - Hello!


    Like Thandal I'm using the latest Firefox (31.0) & am experiencing no troubles at all.


    I even went to the Skyrim Nexus Home page to see if it displayed like the posted image but it displays correctly.


    Perhaps it's an add on that you're using, if you've added anything new recently try turning it off & checking the Nexus.



  6. "mariodog27"


    "Is there a way to make them permanently stay where they are? Another thing I wanted to do was make a little gun rack where you can display guns. I was also having trouble figuring out how to do that. I"


    Yes it's doable, I think I first saw it done with book cases in Oblivion & several Fallout 3 mods have weapon display cases like Underground Hideout:




    It's usually accomplished by a fairly simple enable/disable script trick & static versions of the placed item..


    The normal method would be to make a static version of the item you want to be unmovable while it's placed in the display case.


    You then place that static version in the display in GECK.


    You would then have a script attached to the static item that disables the static while placing a "real" version into the player's inventory giving the illusion they took the static item.


    A script on the display would, when activated, check the player for place-able items in their inventory & take the item & enable the static in the display which gives the appearance it's been placed back.


    The limitation is that you can only display weapons or items that you are expecting as you need to have made & placed static versions in the display case.


    Take a look at a mod with a display case, such as the one I mentioned above, to get a better idea of how it works.


    I use a different method of a NiVisController built into a display case mesh to make a static version of the weapon disappear in my mod's:


    Jack Harper Oblivion Gear




    King County Sheriff uniform and Colt Python




    Though if you're less familiar with working with .nif's the previously mentioned scripting option is easier.


    Making static versions of item's is pretty easy.


    I explained how to do the reverse (static to moveable clutter) here:




    You can learn how to turn a clutter into a static by doing the reverse of the instructions there.


    Hope this helps!



  7. wilsonrost - Hello!


    "It worked fine, thanks so much!"


    Great! Glad to have helped. :)


    "Thats perfect sorry for not getting my facts straight!"


    Don't worry about it, there's so much conflicting info about that it can be hard to get a handle on it. :)


    Have fun with Fallout 3!



  8. wilsonrost - Hello!


    "Ok, so as everyone must know by now there is an incompatibility with fallout and windows 7."


    Win7 can run Fallout 3 just fine, I've got Win7 64bit & had no trouble running it.


    The freeze issue is purely down to the number of cores & whether they are using hyperthreading.


    Freezes caused by this tend to be random but often in enclosed spaces & need Task Manager to be opened & Fallout 3 closed down in order to exit to the Desktop.


    "I have tried limiting the cores"


    Make sure you definitely edited the correct .ini as there is a Fallout_default.ini in the Fallout 3 folder that sometimes people confuse for the main .ini.


    Making the change to Fallout_default.ini won't fix the freeze bug as that .ini is only used when Fallout needs to rebuild your main .ini.

    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.


    The only other thing I've had cause a freeze is if my Creative sound is not switched to "Game Mode".


    That tends to lock up almost imediately a game is loaded & CTD though as opposed to the random freezes of the multi core bug.


    If you have a Creative card you can change to Game Mode by going to the Hidden Icons on the Task bar & selecting the Volume Panel. There should be a "Mode Switcher" option from which to change your setting.

    Hope this helps!


  9. Dark0ne - Hello!


    I'm in the far north of England right now & when the redirects happened.


    It happened most on the front page & seemingly the Image Library section.


    Would occur almost every time you went to a new page & the ads would load again in the Image Library.


    This was at the time I posted here about it (afternoon), I can't seem to get the redirect to happen anymore at this time (evening).


    Hopefully they eliminated the culprit. :)



  10. Hello!


    "I had Apocalypse Armory mod do that to me if I masterupdated it with FO3Edit, leaving it not masterupdated got me through, but I had to adjust my load order as once the AA .esp's were not masterupdated they had to go lower in it, a real hair puller this one."


    That's actually the real cause of the "clutter convergence" bug in the Taft tunnel & occasionally other places.


    It's why many mods from the Unofficial Patch, Apocalypse Armory, MMM & many others have all been blamed at some time.


    It's not the mod but the fact it's been Master updated.


    Master updating with FO3Edit does not make a genuine .esm, there are no ONAM records just the flag changed.


    So if the Master Updated plugin changes an area that another real .esm changes you get that weird bug as neither has override information for the other.


    Thus a Master Updated Unofficial Broken Steel plugin will cause the problem while the normal .esp version does not.


    The solution is to use FO3Edit in "FO3MasterRestore" mode to return the affected plugin back to normal, or simpy replace it with an unchanged version from the original download.


    None of the Unofficial DLC patches should be Master Updated.


    Master Update used to be recommended for all sorts of things, the main thing it can fix is the head/body mismatch caused by NPC's added by .esp's rather than .esm's as well as the navmesh bug often found in .esp's.


    Sometimes mods where even released with Master Update already applied instead of being made real .esp's, when clicked on in a Mod Manager the message "WARNING: This plugin has the file extension .esp, but its file header marks it as an esm!" will be displayed.


    Master Update is generally unnecessary with more recent mods as the bugs it did fix are better understood & as mentioned it can often be harmful.


    Hope this helps!



  11. Hello!

    I see it's been officially noted but I just thought I'd mention it, I've just started getting these redirects to a fake page telling me Java needs updating today.

    As soon as the ad loads on the page it redirects, nothing downloads unless you're fooled by the rather obvious trick but it's become quite a nuisance as the culprit ad seems to come around quite often.


  12. SatansApostle89 - Hello!


    Happy to have helped! :)




    monolith1985- Hello!


    "I started with the updated patch, but after reading about broken steel, switched to the old 1 so I could disable that esp"


    The Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch should already have the Broken Steel Plugin fix built in so no need to go back to the original for that reason.


    Including that fix was one of the first things they did when updating I believe.


    The original UF3P Broken Steel can be fixed with FO3Edit & that link I mention above if you do wish to use the original.


    "which led to being able to walk a few seconds before crash."


    The UF3P Broken Steel Plugin crash is very specific, only affecting saves around Rivet City & Project Purity. That includes saves when fast travelling from there or entering & exiting doors.


    It does not cause crashing unless saving or in any other location.


    If you're crashing while just walking or in other locations then it sounds like you've another problem.


    If your game is freezing rather than crashing it could be the Fallout 3 multi core bug.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.

    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.

    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    Hope this helps!


  13. SatansApostle89 - Hello!


    "I am running the most recent Unofficial Patch for F3 and all of it's DLCs"


    When you say you're using the latest version of the UF3P do you mean the original version here:




    Crashes on saves around Rivet City & Project Purity can be caused by a fault in the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, a fix for that can be found here:



    If instead you mean you're using the "Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch", that's already got the Broken Steel Plugin fix applied:




    Hope this helps!



  14. jtucker40 - Hello!

    "Nice catch, I went into Shading, then in the texture tab I saw that it didn't have anything selected. After I looked at the other object I set if to Diffuse.001 like the other objects, and now it works like a charm!"

    Great! I'll have to remember that one in case I see it come up again. :)

    "Thanks so much for your help"

    You're most welcome!

    " I'm going to package this up into a mod as soon as I can and see how other people like it."

    It looks really cool in the picture, the model's got a lot of detail, seems like you got the scale right too which is often tricky.

    "Also, in-game the M249 is super over-powered but I only have the damage set to 12. Is the damage related to the rate of fire?"

    I'm not sure. I know that multiple projectile weapons like shotguns can often have outrageously high damage stats that aren't actually what the weapon does.

    Also the players level & associated perks make a big difference on what damage a weapon can do.

    There's discussion of Damage Per Second & Weapon Damage Formula here:



    I'm pleased it all worked out, good luck with your mod release. :)


  15. jtucker40 - Hello!


    "So I think I have been exporting the scope with the right settings, but for some reason every time I try it I end up with the same results. Here are the settings I have been exporting it with"


    Yes, everything looks correct there.


    Got me stumped.


    There must be something different about the scope than the other parts if it's the only part not exporting with it's textures.


    In Blender call up your model & highlight the scope.


    Go to Shading by clicking the sphere symbol (F5), find the "Map Input" tab & make sure it's set to "UV". If it wasn't, try exporting again.


    out of curiosity does the scope export with textures if you export the whole model as a solid piece?


    If so do that then import back into Blender & try cutting it up again & see if the scope exports properly.


    If none of that works, try comparing the scope to another part that's exporting properly & look for a difference.


    "As for the glossiness of the gun, it must have been a problem with my normal maps so I went in and redid the normal maps and now all the textures look great."


    Cool! just need to figure out this scope problem. :)



  16. jtucker40 - Hello!

    "Thanks! All those pretty much fixed the problems"

    Great! Glad to have helped. :)

    "The 1st being that the scope seems to not have any texture paths after I export if from Blender. After exporting it to a .nif file, this is what it looks like."

    The scope is missing it's BSShaderPPLightingProperty, where the shaders are set & which is parent to the BSShaderTextureSet where the textures are set. That needs to come from Blender.

    How are you exporting from Blender?

    Are you using NifScripts to export as a .nif from Blender 2.49?

    If so have you selected "Fallout" on the option screen after selecting "Export", it's listed with other game titles.

    "The other issue is that some of the textures in game are super reflective sometimes. The bolt especially, and also the magazine."

    That could be caused by a few things.

    Check the shiny part's BSShaderPPLightingProperty, in the Block Details of that find "Shader Flags".

    In Shader flags you should have something like:



    If you've got:


    Then make sure you've got an Environment Mask texture set in BSShaderTextureSet, it will be the bottom texture set & will usually end in _em.

    If you've not got an Environment texture then untick SF_Environment_Mapping shader on the shiny part & see if that fixes it.

    Check the shiny parts NiMaterialProperty, there's a setting there called "Glossiness" which determines how shiny it is.

    Glass would have a very high number for example. Compare the Glossiness to other parts on your weapon to get an idea.

    Check the shiny parts BSShaderTextureSet & make sure that a Normal map texture has been set, it will be the second texture & normally ends in _n.

    Shininess is controlled by the Alpha that's built into the Normal map which controls surface detail. So a missing Normal will make an object both flat looking & affect it's shine.

    If a Normal Map is set then your Normal map texture might be missing an Alpha layer (a black & white image where darker colours mean less shine & whiter colours mean more) but if the other parts are using the same texture without too much shine then it's not likely that.

    Check to see if the shiny part has an NiAlphaProperty, this can control the transparency of an object but also can be used for shininess. When exported from Blender it's often changed.

    Compare the shiny parts to parts that are working normally to try & help spot the problem.

    "Lastly, is there any way for me to make a custom scope reticle? And possibly with custom colors?"

    Yes, custom reticles are fairly easy & they can be any colour or even shape you like.

    I made a custom reticle that was almost triangular based on the one seen in the film Oblivion for the Tet Rifle in my Jack Harper mod.

    Some reticles are made as meshes but you can also make the reticle from a texture, which is what I do as I was making mine before I knew how to use Blender.

    For a vanilla example look at Scope01.nif inside the Fallout - Meshes.bsa.

    For an example of one using a texture for the cross hair part, which is a little easier to replace with your own, check out the one in my Jack Harper mod.

    If you look in that mod under:

    Data\Textures\Point Lookout Expansion\Weapons

    The texture OblivionScopemMask.dds determines the shape of the black mask around the reticle, normally circular but here an angled square/triangle.

    OblivionScope.dds is the cross hairs, here a HUD based on the movie's but you can use any style you like.


    By changing those to textures in a art program you can quickly make a custom reticle.

    Now mine's meant to be a screen so there's no lenses, you can see them in the vanilla Scope01.nif model I mention & you may want to combine the texture recticle with the vanilla lenses for the effect you want. Just remove the crosshair from the vanilla & use your texture crosshair in it's place.

    It sounds far more complicated than it actually is, play around with these & you can soon get a custom reticle which adds a bit of character to your weapon.


  17. jtucker40 - Hello!

    "Thanks for the help! I hate to keep bothering you."

    No problem! I like to help if I can.

    " I removed it from the .nif and was able to get the model in-game."

    We're getting closer! :)

    "I'm not sure how I went wrong on that one, if there's a quick fix for that, I would love to hear it."

    Try exporting from Blender again.

    If it's textured in Blender it should be fine in Nifskope, perhaps a block got deleted.

    Select just the scope & export it as a .nif.

    Copy Branch & Paste Branch it into your model, make sure it's string name isn't changed to the BSFadeNode as mentioned, you can always call it Scope.

    "1st: In third person, the magazine is out-of line"

    Open your model in Nifskope & go to the magazine NiNode, if you've used the Chinese Assault rifle it'll be named:


    Now normally you can move NiNodes around without issue but any animated part (indicated by a name beginning with ##) must not be moved.

    If you do change the animated NiNodes position then the part will start off where you placed it but once animated in game it will move to where the animation expects it to be.

    If you right click on the NiNode ##Magazine then select - Transform - Edit, the X,Y,Z Translations should match the ones you would see on the same NiNode in the vanilla Chinese Assault rifle. You can open another instance of Nifskope with the Chinese Assault rifle to compare.

    If you've moved it to position your magazine, change the x,y,z back to the original settings.

    Instead to position your magazine to fit your model you expand the NiNode & move the NiTriStrip that contains the actual model of the magazine.

    If it's still not right in game after that you may need to right click on the magazine - Transform - Apply to set the changed position.

    "Another problem is that the stock is so big that it sticks through the player's shoulder, but I think that can be fixed quickly by shrinking the model in Nifskope so I can take care of that."

    Yes, you often have to tinker with a model to get it looking right. You can even change the size of the whole model or just the stock.

    If you do scale the model in Niskope make sure those animated parts retain their positions.


  18. jtucker40 - Hello!

    Something is up with the scope, no texture is showing.

    Make sure it's pointing to the correct textures path & that the textures are there.

    Make sure it got exported with textures & UV.

    Ensure it's got a BSShaderPPLightingproperty block.

    "I did get one error though when I tried to update my tangent space"

    Could be related to that scope section having no textures, check it as I mentioned above.


    Seems like something might not of exported properly, since the scope is showing blank it's a likely culprit.

    I also notice that your texture paths aren't virtual as they should be, it won't cause a crash but will cause trouble if you share the model with others.

    An incorrect path would be something like:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\Textures\projectiles\Shells.dds

    That path would be reliant on Fallout 3 being installed in that one location & only there. It will work on your machine but not on anyone else's that has a different install location.

    You need to use only "Virtual paths" that start from Textures\ without the first locations. Your .nif should point to textures thus:


    Both those paths point to the same texture but the last one will work with any installation of Fallout 3.

    Nifskope should automatically skip the stuff before Textures when you navigate to your texture but you need to set that up first.

    In Nifskope go to Render - Settings & click on the "Rendering" tab. In there click on "Auto Detect Game Paths" & Nifskope should detect all compatible game's.

    "but when I went to GECK to insert the mesh into the game, GECK crashed on me. "

    Whenever a mesh crashes GECK or the game after you've done any copy & pasting it is almost always caused by a moved Block getting renamed identically to the top BSFadeNode.

    If Nifskope cannot find the same name string when moving it will grab another which can end up being the BSFadeNode & cause you trouble.

    In this case you can see BSFadeNode is called "AssualtRifle", expand your NiNodes like ##Magazine & make sure the newly inserted parts haven't been re-named to "AssualtRifle".

    If you've have got a NiTriStrip with the same name as the BSFadeNode you can click on the Txt next to it's name & select another string from the list or give it a brand new one.

    "EDIT: Also, I noticed that GECK asked me for a 1st person weapon model. Is that different from the regular model?"

    Most vanilla weapons have 1st Person Model Object set in their Art & Sound Tab in GECK.

    This points to a 1st Person model under Static.

    For instance the .32 pistol has one called 1stPerson32CaliberPistol, if you click on that in GECK & select Edit it's model you'll see that it's set to use 1st person (better quality) textures than the dropped versions of the weapon.

    This is so that a dropped weapon can have lower quality textures & the held weapon (1st Person Model) has higher quality textures as it's seen up close. It's simply a performance saving technique.

    You don't need to have a 1st Person Model, you can set that to None if you only want one version.

    Don't forget to adjust your ShellCasingNode & ProjectileNode, they need to be moved to match your model.

    The ProjectileNode tells the game where the muzzle flash & projectiles come from & needs to be at the end of your barrel.

    ShellCasingNode tells the game where the spent casings are ejected, both can be adjusted like any other part with right click - Transform - Edit.

    Note that they are just lines with a dot at the end with no actual model part visible.

    Hope this helps!


  19. jtucker40 - Hello!


    " I separated the weapon into a weapon mesh, a trigger mesh, a magazine mesh, and a bolt mesh, but since I'm terrible with texturing (someone else made the original) I don't know how to go about texturing all the separate meshes. Is there any way I could use the original texture for the new separated parts?"


    Oh yes, most weapons use one texture for all their parts. Sometimes the magazine/speed-loader is a separate texture but that's for space reasons.


    If you're lucky then the parts are whole & look fine separated, in that case just save the object, without the other parts, as you would the whole weapon.


    You'll still retain the original UV for that part & can just copy/paste branch it into your final weapon .nif.


    Since the parts all used the same texture to begin with then they'll continue to in your new .nif.


    Separate parts have their unique texture slots anyway (Diffuse, Normal Map, Glow Map, etc.) so in theory you could have different textures for every individual part if you wanted but it's best to keep things to one or at most two textures for ease & performance.


    "Tspace flag under Nitristripdata"


    I think that used to have something to do with Tangent spaces, outdated now as far as I know so don't worry about it.


    Use a vanilla model in a separate instance of Niskope to copy your parts over to.


    Watch the names of your moved Blocks as they get changed when moving to a different .nif.


    If a Block ends up named the same as the very top BSFadeNode then the model will cause a crash in GECK & in Game.


    Make sure non animated parts don't get renamed with any of the animated names that begin with "##".


    Good luck!



  20. jtucker40 - Hello!


    Your M249 model looks really good.


    "My issue now is that I don't really know where to go from here. Could anyone point me in the right direction?"


    Standard practice would be to locate a similar vanilla weapon & Copy Branch & Paste Branch your model parts into the vanilla .nif, replacing the original.


    Basics of that are covered here:




    Any animated parts like bolts & triggers' NiNode's need special names, like ##snTrigger for example, in order to animate when used in game.


    That's why you locate a vanilla model that's along the same lines as your custom, a break open revolver would use the .32, swing open cylinder would use the .44, etc..


    Make sure not to change the transform on an animated NiNode block (they start with ##) as that will mess up the parts placement when animated in game. Instead you adjust the NiTristrip part within the ## NiNode to position it correctly.


    "So I exported the Blender model to a .3ds file and imported that to Nifskope."]


    Normally when working with a .nif & Blender people use "Blender Nif Scripts" to export to the .nif format first, It's what I use.

    That only works with Blender 2.49 though, which is why so many still use the older 2.49 version. :)


    So I'm not sure about working from a blender .3ds export converted to .nif.


    Hope this helps!



  21. Animositisomina - Hello!


    "I just tested it out in-game and it looks great, it's exactly what I wanted."


    Great! Glad to have been able to help. :)


    "So much nicer without that stupid metal sheet there."


    It's odd, you sort expect there to be one in the GECK already with a clear floor but all I could find was woodshackpile02 which was a quite different version.


    "And here's a screenshot so everyone can see the result of your work"


    Hey, looks cosy with the furniture. :)


    "I'll be sure to give you credit."


    Thank-you kindly! it was a pretty simple thing to do, I'm fairly new with Blender so quite like trying different things. :)


    "Whenever I release the mod (it's a small player home for new characters)"


    Best of luck with your mod!



  22. Animositisomina - Hello!


    "Nothing too complicated. I just want someone to remove a metal sheet laying across the floor of a wooden shack."


    Was actually a little trickier than it first appears :smile: . That metal sheet had collision which was built into a complete bhkPackedNiTriStrips block which then had sub shapes for the metal & wood parts. So I had to do some work to ensure correct collision impacts for the separate wood & metal parts after editing.


    If it hadn't been for that it would have been a couple of minutes job. :)


    Seems to work just fine, hope it's what you wanted:




    Good luck with your project!



  23. takunta - Hello!


    "Since, the mateba unica model 6 is the worlds first automatic revolver."


    Just to add to the gun nerdiness, the Mateba isn't the first auto revolver, the Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver works in almost the same fashion with the barrel & cylinder sliding back on firing & forward to cock & turn the cylinder.


    Webley-Fosbery was first made in 1895 as opposed to the Mateba in 1997.


    Sorry for the nerd factor, it's just that the Webley-Fosbery is a particular favourite of mine. :)



  24. ArekkusuStorm - Hello!


    Have you checked your shader flags?


    Blender can change them when exporting & they need to be corrected in the .nif.


    If the shader flag "SF_Skinned" isn't ticked for clothes or creatures it can lead to them being invisible in GECK & game.


    In Nifskope go to the creature's Nitrishape & expand.


    Within that left click on the BSShaderPPLightingProperty & look below in the Block Details window.


    In there find "Shader Flags" & make sure SF_Skinned is ticked.


    Also make sure that the very top block of your creature is not a BSFadeNode but instead that it's a normal NiNode.


    Unlike other meshes, armor & creatures do not use a BSFadeNode as the first block & it may have gotten changed when exporting from Blender.


    If it is a BSFadeNode in Nifskope right click on it - Block - Convert - NiN... - NiNode & then save your .nif.


    Hope this helps!



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