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Posts posted by prensa

  1. theEddster - Hello!


    "It could freeze 2 minutes in or 10 minutes into the game"

    Really does sound like the Fallout 3 multi core bug, the randomness is a particular giveaway.

    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    "It could freeze 2 minutes in or 10 minutes into the game"


    Can I just double check you've edited the correct .ini, people often get the wrong one.


    There's one in the Fallout 3 folder called Fallout_default.ini that's often mistaken for the main .ini, making the change to that won't fix the problem as the Fallout_default.ini is only a sort of backup for when the .ini gets recreated.


    The one you want to change is:

    For XP:

    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\

    For Vista & Win7:

    Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    The file you want will be called:


    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:




    & insert this line under it:


    Save & close your ini.

    Hope this helps!


  2. 7thsealord - Hello!


    Try going in disguise, Yet Another DisguisesMod - YADM by hikky71 might do the trick:




    It's a really fun mod that allows you to appear to be another faction by dressing up in their known attire.


    I use it to walk around Raiders encampments or to slip past enemy patrols.


    Adds another layer to Fallout 3 & the mod works very cleanly & hassle free.


    Just remember not to fast travel into Megaton wearing your evil Raider disguise, not pretty. :)


    Hope this helps!



  3. RevanStar89 - Hello!


    "Thats the thing though, there is no folder for them. just the .bsa"


    That's perfectly normal.


    You don't get Textures & Meshes folders until you install mods.


    Many mods come in the proper folder structure like:




    So when they are installed in your Data folder you gain a Textures folder etc..


    If not you are often instructed to make the correct path by making new folders & naming them Textures, Meshes etc..


    People become so used to seeing those folders in the Data Folder while using mods that they forget vanilla Fallout 3 does not use them by default. :smile:


    Bethesda packs their assets in .bsa's, basically archives.


    Hope this helps!



  4. chucksteel - Hello!


    That's annoying, there's always something isn't there.? :smile:


    Is it an animated collision, one that moves with a part of the animated static, or a normal collision?


    Animated collisions have a few quirks that normal ones don't since they need to synch with the animated parts.


    When I was fixing the Point Lookout cupboard door it took me a little while to realise the collision on it was opening differently to the visible door.


    If it is just a problem with the collision within the .nif & you still can't work it out, PM me a link to metro sign & I'll take a look if you like.


    I've a bit of experience with .nif's now, even animated ones (done a lot of animated lids :smile: ), I might be able to spot the problem.



  5. chucksteel - Hello!


    Those animated signs look great!


    Particularly like the GNR Plaza with the dual rotations.


    I've been playing with animated statics recently too, you can get some fun results. :)


    "Any Ideas?"


    Like Ranx31 I immediately thought of the Nuka Cola fountain. :)


    I also thought the creepy Obelisk in the Dunwich Building would be fun if it did something, not sure what could be animated there though.



  6. Il Conqueror Il - Hello!

    "but I need to find a way to have the game actually use them"

    To replace vanilla textures is very straightforward.

    The game's textures are stored in archives called .bsa's.

    If a loose texture is placed in Fallout 3's Data folder in the same path as the original is in the .bsa, the game will use that new one instead.

    So you can simply "slot" new textures into the game without the need for an .esp if it's intended to replace vanilla assets.

    The caveat being you must use a form of archive invalidation to ensure Fallout 3 does as it should & use the loose file over the .bsa original.

    You can unpack the the original textures to use as a base for your modifications by using something like FO3 Archive Utility:


    I actually use the BSA Unpacker built into Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) but the above program will do if you don't have that installed.

    For example, for the Outcast RoboBrain texture, you'd use the archive unpacker to extract:


    Which are in:

    Fallout - Textures.bsa

    Under the path:


    Once you've edited those textures to your satisfaction you'd place them in your:

    Fallout 3\Data\Textures\creatures\robobrain

    Creating any folder in that path that you don't already have.

    The game will use your new textures, if you use the built in archive invalidation in a mod manager like NMM or FOMM then you'll need to turn it off & then back on again for the texture to show up.

    The other robots you're after would be done in simillar fashion, sentrybots & the others will be in their own folders within creatures like:



    You can filter them out in tthe archive tool by their name "sentrybot", "Protectron", etc..

    To return the game to using the original textures you simply delete the loose texture you placed in the folders.


    "As you can tell I'm very, VERY new to modding"


    Welcome to modding!


    It's very addictive once you start getting your head around things. :)

    Hope this helps!


  7. ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!


    "I apologize but I actually have one more issue I've just ran into"


    I've never set up a Radio station myself so I'll be very limited use here.


    "He added the two topics which were the songs, but when I go to add the topics, the songs I've put in aren't listed in the topics."


    From what I can see you need to make sure you've gone to the Radio tab within your Quest & not the Topic tab.


    Once in the Radio tab you can create topics by right clicking under Editor ID & Add Topic.


    Once created select your Topic & go to the info box, right click - New & a window will pop up.


    In that pop up will be a Sound File box with "Select TESSound" where your added tracks should be listed.


    As I say, I've not made a Radio Station so I'm not the best to advise on this. :)


    There is another Radio guide that may be of use to you in the Nexus Wiki, here:




    Hope this helps!



  8. ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!


    "Huh, that's really weird how I never had a Sound folder"


    Vanilla sound assets are packed in the Fallout - Sound.bsa so you won't have a Sound folder unless you had a mod that added sound.


    Happens with Meshes & Textures folders too but I never knew GECK would refuse to open like that without the Sound folder.


    "but it works now! Thank you, I really appreciate your help."


    Glad it's working! All I did was check your hunch. :smile:


    I'll remember this in case I ever see anyone else with the problem. :smile:


    Happy modding!



  9. ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!


    "but I have noticed I don't have a Sound folder."


    That's your problem, I just checked by renaming my Sound folder with a z at the end & GECK would indeed not open up to add a sound just as you described.


    Funny, you'd think GECK would just default to the Data folder. :smile:


    Make a Sound folder in your data where your Textures & Meshes are.


    That's where you need to place custom sounds anyway.


    Your custom sounds can be in a uniquely named folder within the Sound folder to help keep them organised.



  10. NavaroBL - Hello!

    I'm not sure which wall piece that is but there's often a corresponding floor piece with a corner type thin column built into it that completes corners like that by capping the gap.

    For example the Office kit pieces have:


    They normally use CorOut to denote them & come in various versions depending on which corner they are for.


    There may also be a corner wall piece that's used for joining two straight walls.

    You can sift out all the kit pieces for the kit you are using by entering it's prefix into the Filter box in GECK's object window.

    For example to find all the office kit for the piece I mentioned I'd put OffRm into the filter.

    If you can't find pieces like that, check to see how Bethesda used that segment.

    To do that right click on the wall piece in GECK's Object Window & select "Use Info", a window will open with all the instances in game of where that piece is used.

    Clicking on one of the locations will take you there & you can see how the piece was set up.

    If all else is unsuitable, you can place a Column or pillar at the gap, it's often a handy solution for custom builds.

    There are many columns & pillars that can be used & they can also be scaled to fit.

    Type column into the Filter box in the Object Window, or pillar to find one that fits in with your setting.

    Many a visible seam or gap has been hidden by a column. :wink:

    Hope this helps!


  11. ducttapetoiletpaper - Hello!

    After clicking on Add Sound you should get a window open where you can browse to your placed sound file.

    I remember someone else having a similar problem, pkleiss wrote up a good check list to troubleshoot it here:


    The problem there turned out to be the first solution on that list, patching GECK to 1.5.

    Many people don't realise GECK has a patch that fixes several bugs:


    Direct link:


    If not try some of the other suggestions on pkleiss' list, right clicking on GECK & "Run as Administrator" would be my next best guess if patching does not fix it.

    Hope this helps!


  12. GowiHasti - Hello!

    "I want to work on some custom character heads in blender."

    Depends on what you mean here, character head meshes or specific NPC's faces.

    Face's are controlled by FacGen data which are settings & not separate models.

    FaceGen data for individual NPC's would be tweaked with sliders using GECK.

    All NPC's & even the player use a basic head that's tweaked by FacGen data to have different appearances.

    The head itself is a model, a .nif.

    There's several head models in game for elderly, males, females & children.

    "I have a script for .nif's but I have no idea if its possible to extract them and if so, how to."

    If it's just models you're after, they are easy to extract.

    The models/meshes are in the form of .nif's & are packaged in .bsa's which are basically archives.

    Fallout 3's meshes are all in the Fallout - Meshes.bsa, the DLC's all have separate .bsa's.

    You can unpack the model you want from the .bsa files with something like FO3 Archive Utility:


    I actually use the BSA Unpacker built into Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) but the above program will do if you don't have that installed.

    Head models are in:


    As mentioned there are several types like:


    For an example there have been custom head meshes released to add more or different details like this mod:


    Mods that change faces of NPC's en masse using Geck to change their FaceGen Data would be something like Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Project Beauty HD:


    Hope this helps!


  13. palingenesis21 - Hello!


    Your gunshots sound really good!


    The level of the AA12 sounds about right to me going by the Youtube video.


    Certainly did not seem too quiet or weak, sounds like a healthy blast of lead shot. :D


    Very good sounds for the Browning & Minigun also.


    Don't forget in game sounds like gunshots can be adjusted from Fallout 3's main menu - Settings - Audio & adjusting the Effects slider.


    I've found it's best not to go too loud with weapons as deafening gunshots can be more annoying than fun. :)


    "Expendables, Terminator 3 Movie, Predator Movie"


    Not raided Commando (1985) yet for weapons sounds? :D



  14. palingenesis21 - Salut!


    "I don't see the option "Amplify to tick Allow Clipping ""


    It's in the second from the top Effect called in French "Amplification".


    The "Allow Clipping" setting in French is called "Autoriser la saturation".




    With that ticked you can raise the volume more but clipping can have fuzzy effects on your sound.


    Sometimes you can use the Effect "Normaliser" first to tighten up the sound so that you can amplify it a bit more without having to resort to "Autoriser la saturation".


    "Amplification des basses" is the French name for the Bass Boost I mentioned before that could also be of use to you, it's the first Effect listed.


    Hope this helps!



  15. palingenesis21 - Hello!

    "but I have bad English skills so To understand "Minimum attenuation distance", "Maximum attenuation distance"."

    Don't worry, it's kind of hard to grasp with good English skills. :smile:

    Minimum Attenuation Distance is the distance from the sound's source at which it is at it's loudest, after which the further you move away from it the volume fades.


    For example standing even some distance from a canon & the volume would be high.


    On the other hand you wouldn't need to move far from a mouse before the sound dropped off.

    Maximum Attenuation Distance is the distance from the sound at which point it cannot be heard.

    Static Attenuation is the closest thing to volume control, generally the further away from 0 the lower the volume will be.

    It's best to have custom sounds at the volume you want in game or higher as it's easier to lower the volume than to raise it in GECK.

    I know you said you're using FO3Edit but you might find GECK easier to adjust sounds as it has sliders & you can look at vanilla sounds to compare much easier.

    GECK is pretty straight forward & easily picked up.

    "My issue is AA-12 Automatic shotgun Rifle sound that I have extract from Expendables Movie (Hale Ceasar Weapon at the end). I have succeeded to isolate one shot, but in game, sound is not stronger than in the movie."

    Neat. :smile:

    The best way to set up sounds is to find a similar sound in GECK so you can use it's settings for your custom ones.

    In the case of weapons there are 2D & 3D versions of Gunshots used.

    Since you're adding shotgun sounds use the Combat Shotgun Sounds as a starting point.

    Find the Combat Shotgun sounds & make them unique new versions to avoid overwriting the originals & point them to your custom sounds.

    That way you have the settings as vanilla would.

    For increasing sound files volume I use Audacity - Effect - Amplify.

    There is normally a limit to how much you can amplify a sound before it "clips" out of range.

    There's an option in Audacity - Effect - Amplify to tick Allow Clipping in order to squeeze more volume. However clipping can cause audio distortion so don't push it too far & listen to the sound & see it it's still good.

    Bass Boost can also increase the weapon's throatiness.

    Hope this helps!


  16. NinjaSushi2 - Hello!

    Several people have had a problem with unpacking both FWE archives properly & end up with only half of the files.

    Seems it's easy for them to appear to have been unpacked but not be as it's a double archive.

    The problem & solutions was discussed here:


    Could be the cause of your missing files so double check you've got that two part FWE archive completely unpacked. :)

    Hope this helps!


  17. Auslander66 - Hello!

    Only thing I can think of, if it was working fine before but stopped working now, is that another plugin is overriding your new .esp with the changes.

    Did you make a Merged Patch with FO3Edit? If so that may have taken the changes from the original instead of your cahanges.

    Run FO3Edit & find your .esp, expand it's details & left click on the changes to the teeth so that the details come up on the right.

    On the right will be columns for every plugin making changes to the XENH Race, there should be the one you made an .esm & another column for your custom .esp.

    If any other column comes after your .esp (like a Merged Patch for example) that will override your changes.

    If it's a merged patch you can delete the changes that contradict your .esp so that your .esp has the last word & the teeth show up.

    Just remember to remove that bit whenever you make a new Merged Patch.

    The only other thing would be to make sure the actual teeth files are still placed in you Fallout 3 folder correctly

    Hope this helps!


  18. AntCFCPerkz - Hello!


    The only thing I can think of off hand would be Marts Mutant Mod (MMM).


    Marts Mutant Mod - RC 62 by Martigen:




    With MMM increased spawns you can get some wild battles going on, the Capitol building steps usually has a serious gun battle going on between Super Mutants, Talons & after a certain point The Enclave.


    You can adjust spawn settings to suit your rig (more enemies AI eats up resources) & your tastes. :)


    MMM also adds greater variety to enemies with new textures & even new creatures plus it's highly customisable with an in-game menu.


    Hope this helps!



  19. palingenesis21 - Hello!


    "What flags to enable / do not activate in FO3Edit? What values​​? Attenuation db or not attenuation db ?"


    The different sound settings are explained here:




    Static Attenuation is the main setting adjusting overall volume, though it's typically used to make the sound quieter with 0 setting normally leaving it at it's maximum.


    I've found it's best to start with a loud sound as GECK seems better suited to making sounds quieter than making them louder.


    "I've done everything that could be done, using various software tools audio: Wavosaur, Adobe Soundbooth ..."


    I use Audacity, it's a very commonly used sound program that's simple to use & free:




    Within that there's a Tab called Effects with "Amplify" listed under that.


    Amplify is handy for boosting sounds & I've used it to give some pep to sounds.


    "BassBoost" Also under Effects can help too.


    Hope this helps!



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