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Everything posted by Barchetta3223

  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21784?tab=images I honestly would only care to see charons claw and the Drizzt swords converted for use in SE. Dont care much for the rest of this mod. Anyone able? Original mod author has been offline for over a year.
  2. Vigilant and Immersive Armors add something similar. Vigilant adds a lot of heavy armor and some variants of these
  3. Iâd imagine JKâs Skyrim conflicts in solitude (you could go modular but that takes up extra mod slots. I also have enhanced castles and palaces which would likely clash in solitude as well. Reports of Moonpaths to Elsywer is incompatible. Mods that make you not a Dragonborn might clash. Iâm unsure if there are any issues with LAL.
  4. Too many nice mods clash with LoTD though :/
  5. That sucks :/ I have mods incompatible with that mod :/ EDIT: I looked at Legacy of the Dragonborn and the mod only used Dev Aveza if you installed Dev Aveza and patched it in LE. I'm unsure if it's actually the Dev Aveza in SE.
  6. 1H and 2H Bokken. Didnt test it but it looks solid. Should fill your wooden sword needs with a lot smaller download than what I mentioned above https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3331?tab=images
  7. Just remember not to use any other follower frame work on him in the future (UFO, AFT or iAFT for example)
  8. Deleted b/c 2nd post is much better for your needs.
  9. Youâre correct about posting converted work without perms. Iâll attempt to message the mod author and see whatâs up.
  10. Take that question to tech support. Without a full list of the mods you installed and the order theyâre in, we canât possibly assist you anyway. Asking in someone elseâs thread is also not cool :/
  11. Lol what matters is that you tried xD
  12. Itâs all good. Iâll be watching this thread as it moves along. Iâm glad to see someone interested.
  13. Iâve watched a few videos but with the newborn, itâs not possible to do this on my own. Iâm happy to see some replies here though. The ideal followers would interact with the world on the level that Inigo does. Have lines for different events, enemies and places. If the followers is argonian, Iâd like perhaps for him to come to Skyrim in search of Brand Shei and wishes to spring him from Riften jail following the thieves guild introduction quest. As for an orc, thereâs a handful of clans you could base his story around. Perhaps the orc can come shortly after you rise as the leader of that one clan by favor of Malacath. A one on one between the PC and the followers could lead to an alliance similar to the brawl followers. Just thinking.
  14. Has anyone started working on a SE port? I miss using this airship home.
  15. Is it possible to add run(dash) and jump? A mod that would do this and limit direction change while in the air after a run and jump would be cool. I'm sure someone's done this but I dont know what it would be called.
  16. Can we get some real followers with good voices instead of 10 over the top nude females per week? My request in better terms: Fully voiced male characters in races not usually used. Iâd love to see some male orcs and argonians. Followers that utilize Ordinator perks when leveling (may as well considering how popular Ordinator is) Iâd be willing to voice act. I donât have experience in it but I have the equipment and would love to try. Iâm also a GM for Pathfinder and do practice multiple accents for the sake of better role play.
  17. EDIT: Title should have been "Trespasser" but I messed up haha So I understand that modding takes a lot of work so I really don't expect anyone to take this idea and make something of it. This mod would be immersive, as it would add a "dwemer" gate in Tamriel and an Eluvian in Orlais, Ferelden, Tevinter Imperium, etc etc. (Or perhaps other dimensions as it says Eluvians linked to many unknown places as well) The mod could be simple and introduce some new gear/spells and quests or could be DLC size and add the former but in much depth, with custom voice acting and the such. I wouldn't mind working on a story and some NPCs for such a mod. Tell me what you guys thing. Huge fan of Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age and think the 2 could link together nicely.
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