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Posts posted by BunnySnatcher

  1. Meh... Title says it all.


    rate on a scale of 1-10 preferably...

    and... if you don't rate my sig a 10 you get a... FAIL! (once again... DO NOT TAKE THIS THREAD SERIOUSLY!!! Or my post for that matter! :D )


    EDIT: This thread was made as a game (or those who wish to have their sigs/avs judged by the community).

  2. I like balance, for without love we would have no hate, and without hate we would have no love...

    I like that we have a free will. I like... PANCAKES!!! (on a stick.)


    I like... Having a dragon invasion!



  3. Awww, come on people... why would it hurt? I have simply stolen them all! And that`s what I like, both in one - dragons and stealing (gameplay only, don`t imagine things :rolleyes: ). I`m sure you know which guild I`m in :whistling:



    *I like* that you have dragons eggs too..*I like* will click on yours so will hatch and they won't die if you'll click on mine, so they will hatch and won't die, deal.??!!!!

    I like that...I love Dragons..[/color]


    i like that I clicked on all three


    *I like* that you click on all of them..you such a kind soul...

    *I like* that Dragons, especially Irish and Welsh dragons, are a lovely lot and have more intelligence then mankind ever dreamed of...


    I wish more people would adopt dragons eggs, *I like *its good for the soul, creative imagination..this place could use a injection of creative imgaination.. :wink:


    *I like *you new sig love, been meaning to mention it since i got back from hell..


    Nice I just got back from heaven how's the devil doing?


    *I like* your hatched Dragons..clicked on your eggs..*I like *that perchance you clicked on mine...

    *I like* that I don't know how the devil is doing ,la...didn't ask while I kicked his arse.. :cool:

    I like liking things.


    OT-Thanks, :D and yes I did click your eggs too. (should hatch around... 4-3 days left...)


    send the Devil my hate.

  4. OK..I uploaded my dresses now I can get back to the real work.


    Umm..dumb question..but if I were wearing the armor the pauldron would go on my right shoulder correct?




    most blocking is done with a shield in your left hand if the enemies sword slipped off of the shield you would want that guard on your left shoulder. In a fighting stance the players left foot and shoulder would be closest to the enemy for most of the fight.

    I thought the object was stealth? And isn't using a shield classified as "noisy"? Well, unless it's leather... or an armguard.

  5. Awww, come on people... why would it hurt? I have simply stolen them all! And that`s what I like, both in one - dragons and stealing (gameplay only, don`t imagine things :rolleyes: ). I`m sure you know which guild I`m in :whistling:



    *I like* that you have dragons eggs too..*I like* will click on yours so will hatch and they won't die if you'll click on mine, so they will hatch and won't die, deal.??!!!!

    I like that...I love Dragons..


    i like that I clicked on all three


    *I like* that you click on all of them..you such a kind soul...

    *I like* that Dragons, especially Irish and Welsh dragons, are a lovely lot and have more intelligence then mankind ever dreamed of...


    I wish more people would adopt dragons eggs, *I like *its good for the soul, creative imagination..this place could use a injection of creative imgaination.. :wink:


    *I like *you new sig love, been meaning to mention it since i got back from hell..[/color=#00bfff]


    Nice I just got back from heaven how's the devil doing?

  6. I'm so happy with the new ordered rig's upgrade... my quad Phenom, my brand new MoBo, my doubled RAM... In such nirvana state I can't ban anyone, I'm just :D


    So I think it will not arrive before next Wednesday, MS will bother me again with her infamous WGA policing the hardware i change on my own machine, forcing re register Windows, it will 'think' the changes were so deep that automated re registering isn't enough so I'll need to explain myself to a tel support guy that will repeat again and again, buy a legit copy, don't matter what I say. This makes me :sick:


    so, you just got "lucky" being the target of my :mad:


    But you are not being banned for all this... no! you are being banned because I like doing it, bwahahahaha :devil:



    Ban the alphabet for using letters.

  7. Banning Deus for arguing with Dezi.


    OT > How are you Dez ?

    Kitty, kitty, here kitty, lasagne.... BANg ... one kitty less! (Oh dear, I like kitties but i like kabongs more)

    I'm scared :blink:

    Ban myself for rocking.



  8. I ban you ALL by using the power of Dezis sig!


  9. Bans Dez because uh... hmm... what to say... ah yes... 1...2...


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