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Everything posted by ArcieAdam

  1. That video was amazing. I like to think that there's a mysterious bandit lord out there, somewhere, hiding among the trees at night, with his trusty bow, the Kneecapper, shooting people in the knee. He's a bit odd, that one.
  2. Even though Mundus is not a plane of Oblivion, though, was it still Lorkhan's initial creation? If that is the case, than chaos (Padomay) is the base, and order (Anu) is imposed onto that chaos, as opposed to the world being orderful, and the Daedra impose chaos. Both are necessary components, but it's an interesting thought as to which is base, and which is imposed. To go a little further, it could also be said that chaos is imposed onto order which itself was imposed onto chaos.
  3. I remember being over-encumbered once, and I dropped an Iron Greatsword to make some room. It worked fine for ten seconds, until someone comes up to me and says, "Hey! I think you dropped this. You're lucky I saw it. Someone else would have just taken it." Thanks, lady.
  4. You know, I do seem to remember Mankar Cameron didn't have all of his facts straight. But even though the Aedra are weak after creation, it still feels to me like the Daedra are inhabiting someone else's home and claiming it as their own in a might makes right sort of fashion (Although, as far as deities work, I'm sure that's exactly how it works.)
  5. As far as I've understood, the Eight made the world what it is after Lorkhan/Shor tricked them into entering Mundus. The Daedra are piggybacking on what the Aedra created, pretending like the world belongs to them. Well, most of them do, at least.
  6. Akatosh and Talos are probably the deities of choice for a Nord Dragonborn, as my character is. But as far as who I'd worship, that's an entirely different question. When it comes to the Anuic and Padomaic divide, I don't have an orientation. I don't think life can exist without an element of chaos and change, those are the essences of free will. But, without some order, reality would be torn apart, which is why Akatosh kept himself in Mundus in the first place. For Padomaic forces (Sithis/Padomay) I pride lateral thinking and out-of-the-box brainstorming. Often a bad idea can work, simply by virtue that it's so unexpected. Sheogorath would, therefore, be at least worthy of monthly offerings. I also wouldn't mind living in the Shivering Isles. It's certainly more colorful than Cyrodiil, and even less dangerous. Azura also represents a strong divide between dawn and dusk, and how beautiful opposites can be in conjunction, so I also gravitate towards her. For Anuic forces, I highly respect Akatosh's decision to remain in Mundus to give Nirn a chance to consolidate itself, so I'd give Akatosh a monthly offering as well. I'm also partial to Mara, without love and compassion, I don't think Akatosh's sacrifice would have been worth anything. Good question!
  7. I hate to be difficult here, but I'm still having, well, difficulties. I see everything you're talking about, I located the BSLightingShaderProperty and it's subsequent BSShaderTextureSet in the original .nif, and the BSShaderPPLightingProperty (Differently named) and it's subsequent BSShaderTextureSet (Named the same). But, when I remove the BSShaderTextureSet from the original, and attempt to copy and paste the branch from what I want to replace the original with, the new branch tacks on at the very end, not under BSLightingShaderProperty. If I try to replace BSLightingShaderProperty with the ner BSShaderPPLightingProperty, I get the error: ""invalid array size for array" "Extra Data List"" ""array Extra Data List invalid"" and it still tacks on at the very end, not within the branch. I have the latest nifskope, so I'm not sure why it won't go where I want it to. And then, if I get that resolved, I'm still not very clear on what to do afterwards. How exactly do I go about replacing the texture? Is that the NiTriShapeData branch underneath the initial NiTriShape? If so, where is its property window? Even if this doesn't work out though, thank you so much for responding, I really do appreciate it.
  8. Ok, I've done that, so Nifscope is up again, and I can open both the Lings and the existing Skyrim mesh. I'm not sure what you mean though, by copy/pasting shader properties. Where do I find those, and do I simply copy them onto the Lings replacement, and that's it, just replace the file?
  9. I've been trying to do this for a couple of days now, and it's really just beyond me. After using NIFscope to no avail and then installing blender, which told me to install python, and then all of a sudden I can't even open .nif files with nifscope anymore, I just surrendered. Could someone convert a particular hairstyle in Anthony Lings Coiffure mod found in Fallout 3 to Skyrim? I know it can be done (The new coolsims hair pack proves it), I just want a .nif to use as a replacement. I have the .nif I want to convert already, if someone could be so kind to give me a private message, I could send you the file to convert it. I'm remiss to upload the file or to ask that it be uploaded since I don't have the author's permission to redistribute, this is just for me. If you're up to it and have Lings Coiffure already, the .nif I want to convert is named roomhair4m.nif. It's the spikey haired one. I would really appreciate it. Nobody responds to my posts when I ask for a push in the right direction or some instruction, so I figure I'll give a request one last try before deciding that the hair is really not worth the time anymore.
  10. I want to convert a hairstyle from Anthony Lings Coiffure New Vegas to Skyrim, but I'm lost on how to do so. I've seen new hairstyles being released now, so I'm sure it can be done, but a push in the right direction would help a lot. I've located and extracted the .nif I want from the .BSA file, but simply overwriting a hairstyle doesn't seem to work. I've been playing with both the hairstyle I want to replace and the one I want to replace it with on NIFscope, and managed to export them both to Metaseqoia, but I'm not getting anywhere that makes any sense after that. I matched the two hairstyles up and replaced one with the other, but that didn't seem to do anything noteworthy. I'm fairly certain I can't ask someone to do this for me, since it's a port of someone else's creation, or else I would ask, I'm not very good at this sort of thing. Could anyone let me know what steps I should be taking to do this?
  11. There's a road southwest of Falkreath that's clearly a road, yet it says you can't go that way, even though there's a gate there and everything. Given that they did the same thing in Fallout: New Vegas, obvious pathways that you couldn't proceed to, it looks likely that we'll be able to head in that direction in a DLC. Hammerfell is in that direction, but I suppose you could swing around to High Rock from there, too, where Orsinium should be. So no, I don't think it's implausible at all. I'm just wondering whether the DLC will be Shivering Isles style, and give us quite a lot of extra content in a new sandbox, or Fallout Style, with more DLC (And more cost), and more linear action.
  12. Ugh, nevermind. Why is it that things always fix themselves right after you complain about them? Like calling tech support and the problem goes away the moment you actually need it to malfunction.
  13. So I'm trying to get married to Ysolda, and everything's worked out splendidly until the actual ceremony, where I'm encountering a weird problem. Or rather, I'm encountering nothing. When I walk into the temple of Mara in Riften, everyone is at their positions, but Maramal won't start the ceremony. Everyone just keeps congratulating me on my wedding which hasn't happened yet. I spoke to Maramal beforehand, he told me to come back the next day, which I did, so I believe I've done everything correctly, but the ceremony won't start. Anyone have any ideas?
  14. Works well enough for me, but I enabled the mod to disenchant the sword, then disabled it to tack it on again so I could rename it. It's not quite the same enchantment, it says +10 dragon damage at the end, rather than +10 shock damage, but it works just fine. Thanks again! I can't wait for the creation kit to come out so I can do this myself, I've no idea how to make .esp's without it.
  15. The Daedric Greatsword, thanks so much!
  16. As the title says, I want to disenchant Dragonbane, the katana you find at Sky Haven, that does extra damage to dragons. I'd like to place the enchantment on another weapon, since I use two handed weapons as opposed to one handed. I'm not sure how to make a .esp without the creation kit, or if it's even needed. Anyone feel up to making this weapon disenchantable? Or, at least, finding some way to tack on the enchantment to another item?
  17. In all the overwhelming chaos of Skyrim, I've just noticed two things that I should have noticed as soon as I've started playing, or rather, noticed something was absent, and I'd like other people's take on it, too. For one, I'm quite thrilled at the lack of a Karma meter. As it turns out, I don't need the game to tell me whether or not I've done something morally unacceptable. Not to spoil anything, but there was a point in the game where I had to break out of a prison. In letting some of my cell mates escape with me, or rather, letting them lead the breakout as I safely watched from the sidelines wondering if I could find a way to trap and leave them to die (They were really bad people), they turned out to slaughter the entire town guard right in front of me when we got out. Citizens were running for their lives. And the game didn't tell me it was wrong. Who knows? Maybe you're the kind of person who agrees with these people's grievances. The game's not gonna tell you what's what. I'm gonna tell me what's what, and I'm glad that unlike Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect, etc, the game isn't going to funnel me into what it thinks is good or bad, paragon or renegade. Secondly, I realize you can turn it on, but I believe the game either defaulted with it off or I unknowingly turned it off very early, but the game isn't holding my hand, telling me where to go. Yes, in this big world, quests aren't going to leave you in the dark. But when I find a note where an artifact used to be, telling me to meet them at the attic room of the inn at Riverwood, I can assume whatever it was I'm looking for has been taken by said person, as the traps had been sprung and the monsters slain, and I need to meet them at the inn at Riverwood. The game doesn't need a pop-up message telling me to do what I can puzzle out all by myself, thanks. I don't actually need my hand held after all, I'm fairly sure I can even do without the quest markers, and they're turned off as much as I'm able. What else do you see in Skyrim that's giving you more freedom than you had in other games? Or, what in Skyrim do you think is holding your hand too hard? It turned out that I didn't need a Karma Meter or Quest Markers to tell me if I did something bad, or tell me where to go. What about you?
  18. Given the prevalence of dragons in Skyrim, I wanted to recreate my old dragoon character from Final Fantasy XI, but all of the hairstyles scream "I don't care what you think I look like, dad, I'm not getting a hair cut!" This isn't something my dragoon would say. The hair style in FFXI I used is remarkably similar to Alistair's hair model from Dragon Age Origins, and I wanted to find a way to import that hair model into Skyrim, or any hair model that is short with spiky hair at the front. I'm not an experienced modder, but I've been known to dabble. Is it possible to import the hair without the creation kit released yet, or any hair model that's appropriate? I don't need to add additional hair, replacing an existing model would be all right with me, any model. They all look fine on everyone else in Skyrim. If so, could anyone teach me how, or give me a suggestion as to how? I'm not requesting the mod (It'd be nice), but I want to know how to do this without the creation kit. I've attached the specific picture I'm talking about (Alistair looks a lot like the dragoon I used to play) just for reference. http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/455/alistairdragonageorigin.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  19. I had an idea for a couple of mods related to Old World Blues. I want to try to work on them, but knowing me, I probably won't know how to, and I'll leave the projects aside indefinitely, so I thought I'd share them. They're really pretty simple. The first changes the respawn rates of creatures in the Big MT. If you're perceptive enough (Not the stat, you, the player), you'll notice that lobotomites, nightstalkers, and probably others will spawn right before your very eyes when you get too close to their spawn point, and will do so not after the zone resets after three days, but very quickly. This causes a lot of surprise deaths and extreme difficulty. Additionally, they might have extremely high perception, making sneak attacks almost impossible. They notice you before they even appear on your radar. I'd like to make a fix for that. The second is slightly more ambitious, and that's to have a quest to transfer the quirky robots from the Sink to the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite. They add character to your home, and they have very handy functions that I want available without having to travel all the way to the Big MT to use. So that's them. Anyone feel up to making them? As I said, I'll give it a shot myself, but I give myself 10% odds at completing them. It'd be nice if a more experienced modder could do them.
  20. I need a mod that reduces the frequency of Dead Money companion chatter. Normal companions aren't annoying, but God/Dog won't shut his yap. I know there has to be one out there, does anyone know where it is?
  21. I had a thought that the reason for the mess of decapitations and loss of limbs was that a fatal shot on a crippled limb would cause it to explode, but I'm not positive. If that's the case, then maybe it's possible, without the need to script anything, to make an actor effect that restores limbs upon death. Applied to you, your limbs would not explode, applied to enemies, neither would theirs. But that's only if that's the case, which I'm not sure about. Worth a shot at least, I think. I'll let it be known whether or not I'm successful.
  22. I'm trying to create a new perk in the GECK called Clean Shot, which I want to do the opposite of the Bloody Mess perk. Specifically, it's a perk that disables a body part's ability to explode when shot with regular or armor piercing rounds. I want Hollow Point rounds to function normally, as is their normal behavior, and explosives and energy weapons won't be affected. But I'm having trouble figuring out how to create an effect to disable body part explosions, let alone for those specific ammunition types. Honestly, body parts explode enough without the Bloody Mess perk. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  23. I've seen this problem floating around the forums, and the most annoying part is, I know I fixed it once before for a previous save, but I can't for the life of me remember how. When I finish the SE main quest, I defeat Jyggalag, he does his speech, and then I'm okay for awhile. Upon leaving the palace grounds, I have about five seconds before I CTD. I've tried to uninstall DarkUI, which was the most common fix, and allow the quest to show me it has updated, but that hasn't worked. I've also used the command console to force the quest to finish, or update to a later stage, but this has not worked either. Can anyone tell me how I fixed this before, or how I can fix this now?
  24. Yeah, like I said, I've done it before, the quest just never updated. I found the quest ID in the construction set, I had to force it to advance. It was SetStage MidasAstralPlane 50 if anyone is interested.
  25. I've used Midas Magic before, so I'm certain I've done everything correctly. This concerns the last part of the initial activation quest for the Astral Plane. When I place the five astral prisms in their slots and activated them in order, I received the holy judgement spell, but the quest never progressed. Can anyone tell me the Quest ID and the appropriate console command to force the quest to advance? I realize I can go back and try again, but I use Kyoma's Journal mod to flesh out the roleplaying and, well, I spent two hours writing before realizing the quest never advanced, so... I'd like to just force the advance rather than backtrack two hours of writing (Journal mod = genius win). Thanks a lot, appreciate the help.
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