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Everything posted by ArcieAdam

  1. I'm actually looking for the reverse of the mods that cause body parts to explode with great excitement. I find it terribly unrealistic that a crippled body part will explode when shot. A simple head shot should not cause the head to sever at the neck. After awhile, it gets tiring, and I think I'd like the subtle drop of a body that gets shot in the head instead of their head either exploding or decapitating when it shouldn't. If the mod doesn't exist, is it hard to make? And if someone winds up making it, is it also possible to make body parts explode only when hit by a melee weapon or a hollow point bullet (That actually do explode on impact)?
  2. Requesting a topic deletion. I found some more information, and it looks like the FOSE can't do for Fallout 3 what OBSE does for Oblivion. Don't want to beat a dead horse if it can't be done yet.
  3. Kyoma's Journal mod for Oblivion seriously remade Oblivion and gave me a whole new experience. I'd like to do that in Fallout 3, too. Since both games are really similar, is it possible to have a Journal mod in Fallout 3, and if so, has it already been done? Something exactly like Kyoma's would be perfect. Even a digital journal would be fine, and that might be more appropriate, given the setting. Sorry if I'm reintroducing a topic that's already been introduced. A short search didn't reveal anything.
  4. Here you are, good sir. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15294 Enjoy, journals are just as much fun as they sound. I don't play without it anymore.
  5. I can offer a psychological perspective, and a realistic perspective that results from the former. Jungian psychoanalytical theory offers the "Anima" segment of the male psyche, a feminine aspect within the male that manifests as both a buffer to the conscious and subconscious, and as a alternate voice when men seek answers. This may lead to a hidden desire for men to role-play women. I will be honest, and say I, as a straight male, enjoy role-playing women in RPG's (The one exception is an MMO, in which case, my avatar corresponds to my own stature.) The skimpy clothing is wish fulfillment. If men do desire to role-play the female, as I do, then we role-play them to what we would find desirable. This is in no case realistic, but rather what the male subconscious wishes to personify in a female avatar. I'm not going to flame or berate anyone for choosing to play a female character with skimpy armor, nor will I berate anyone who looks down on them. If I may offer it, however, don't look down on them. It's a form of wish fulfillment derived from a desire to role-play the female. I take no shame admitting that I, like everyone, have a psyche that's as normal as possible.
  6. I considered myself more a mental RP'er for a while. I'd narrate my character's thoughts in my head, to try and get the most out of an adventure. It worked all right, but it didn't feel very official, until I came across this gem: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15294 It's a journal mod, easy as tying your shoes to use, and it makes your character's back story and thoughts official as they get written down in book form, for you to read and write in as you see fit. It remains to be the only mod I've ever endorsed, and one of the only things I'll post on the forums to recommend. If you don't already have it, I can't recommend it enough. It's essential to my role-play experience. In addition, real hunger ( http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3927 ) and real sleep ( http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3816 ), with the latter coupled with a nice little script that animates your character laying down in bed and equipping whatever night-wear you want ( http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16005 ) also help draw you in as much as possible. There are thirst mods too, but seeing as how much you'd need to hydrate, and how easy it is to carry a flash and take a sip, I don't use one, at least not now. You can give it a try though. You can find mods to turn off fast travel, which adds a travel element to your game, but I don't use it just on the off chance I get killed or crash, and don't feel like making a trek again. If you're a new player, the world should be immersible enough, but if you're returning, or bored and have a powerful enough system, you could try better cities ( http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16513 ), but it's a doozy of a mod, I actually don't use it. Open cities integrate cities into the world space, i.e., no loading screens. That's even more of a system killer, though, and it conflicts with any mods that alter city spaces themselves (Or was last time I checked). Anyway, those help me get into the RP experience. You may have different ideas, though, so explore the site and see what you like.
  7. Hmm, I'm having a slight problem with the mod, actually. The crop appears pink in the game, indicating a missing texture. Seeing as how I redirected the directory, it's possible I missed something. I loaded the mesh .nif in the construction set, and the .dds texture for the icon, but where do I load a texture? It appears properly textured in the editor, so I'm not sure what I've done wrong. On a side note, my construction set uses a different instance of Oblivion, i.e. it's in a different directory from the directory I normally play the game. I believe I transferred the files correctly, though. (My directory I use for the gameplay, for some reason, will not load the construction set.)
  8. I found a Rider's Crop. Took a little digging, but http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28813 has one. I'm not too keen on adult mods during normal gameplay (I don't mind them for alternate characters), so I made a new mod putting in just the Crop, and another mod as well. The second mod replaces Nerveshatter, Syl's warhammer, with a Rider's crop. It paralyzes for a slight bit, charms, and at later levels, can command creatures and humanoids (It's properly leveled). I didn't think a warhammer was appropriate for Syl. Since I'm using Brideyna's textures, and should I decide to post it, should I ask for Brideyna's permission directly, or would it suffice to give him/her credit in the mod's description?
  9. I was in your exact situation a week or so ago. Played Fallout 3, got bored, wanted back in with Oblivion. If you haven't downloaded Kyoma's journal, that's the mod that did it for me. I feel like I'm playing a new game with it. There's nothing more immerse than narrating your character. I also agree with the above poster. FO3 can't compare to Oblivion. It wasn't for lack of gameplay, but Oblivion was just more... open. Fantastic. You never really did see everything, you can keep exploring new places. With Fallout 3, once you've seen one part of the wasteland, you've seen it all. Plus, it's really over, after the Game Over, the world's sort of dead. Oblivion feels more alive and vibrant. So yeah, download that journal if you haven't. That's the key mod for me when playing the game again.
  10. I personally just use the Corean race mod (I'd link it but nexus is down at the moment). In my opinion, it's the cutest one with the most normal looking face, and there's a dark elf Corean too. Argonians and Khajit don't suffer those problems since their faces aren't humanoid anyway, so if I'm creating a human-ish character, I stick with Corean's. http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/7442/screenshot11i.th.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. My answer to almost any problem someone has with Oblivion, at least for the PC, is that there's very little in the game that's not enjoyable that can't be modified and improved. I played Oblivion for about a year, Vanilla for awhile, and then started modding. Every mod is like a new adventure, the game is never the same after a few days. I just got back into it, downloading Kyoma's journal mod for the first time, and I honestly feel like it's a new game. I didn't have to shell out more money for a new game, Oblivion gives me a new experience every time. Further, I feel very free in the world. Once you turn off borders, download the Elseweyr mod and the other provinces that are available, you're truly set free in a huge, huge world. The criticisms posted are really nitpicky. And, as I've said, anything you don't like can easily be modified to your liking, which is why Oblivion rightly deserves its place as one of the best games on the market, despite it being several years old. The mods keep it new and exciting.
  12. I have a first beta out of that, it could need some testers in a later stage. It deliberately doesn't contain any storage in the first version as there are a few mods out there that do so already. Mine adds a 'guest-book'. After you've rented at the owner you can go to this book (every workable inn has one.) and choose to extend your stay. You have to pay every 2 weeks. (either by paying and leaving or just paying.), else the bill will be added to your crime gold. I'd be happy to beta test that, though the storage bit is what really attracts me to this idea. I'll start mapping out all of the details later today or something, should be done by the time you finish finals, Skevitj. You'd have to walk me through implementing the mod to SI, though. I've never even touched a script before. (SI is awesome though, I'd look into getting it simply because Sheogorath is the epitome of awesome.)
  13. That would work. I'd be satisfied with a stiff Rider's whip. It's about the size of a short sword, and... Better idea, here's a picture: http://img.smartpak.com/product/Whip_FleckSuperFlex_0107.jpg Can't be too tough, right?
  14. Has nobody created a whip? I've searched the Nexus, and I've found flails, but those aren't what I'm really looking for. An animated whip would be just awesome, but I'd settle for a stiff rider's whip. Black, of course. A brown variation would be okay, but black looks better. I would just need the .nif, really. I could make the weapon myself if I just had the model. A little paralysis, maybe charm on contact. Oh! There's domination spells, right? So yeah, a whip. You know. For horse riding. Nothing dirty going on here. No sir.
  15. Offering storage in expensive hotels is a good idea, cheap hotels are more like single night stays during travels (I use real sleep and hunger mods). I like the idea of a porter bugging you for payment, but that might be tough to control. I'd settle for a script that subtracts your fee daily. Although, locking your door if you couldn't pay in advance is a cool idea. I'm not to keen on the disappearing items, though. I want to introduce an alternate way to store your items in a city you plan on staying in for awhile, I wouldn't want to implement an option to lose them if you don't pay up. Thanks for offering a hand, send me a PM or something when exams are finished if you're still up for it. Good luck on your exams, too =D
  16. I have an idea for a mod that I don't think I can handle myself. I was inspired by the lack of safe containers in the Shivering Isles, and by the fact that normally, in our world, when we visit a hotel, we expect to be able to use it to keep our stuff in while we're out of town. My idea is this: When visiting an inn, you're given the option to stay either one night, three nights, a week, or indefinitely, paying the appropriate amount of gold. Once you do, the bed's ownership changes to you as normal, but so do the containers in the room as well. The containers would be safe, regardless of ownership, but if you're not paying for the room, taking back your items is stealing, resulting in a possible fine and confiscation. The point of the above is to be able to rent a place to sleep and store your items when you're not near your normally safe containers, especially when you first visit the Shivering Isles, and you don't want to make the trek back to Tamriel to store any of your stuff. Thanks for considering.
  17. This file adds a spiffy new Sheogorath's Regalia, intended for the player: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13432 It specifies that it's separate from Sheogorath's clothing, that this .esp gives you the new regalia, while keeping Sheogorath's regalia that he himself wears the same. I'm looking for the .esp that does not separate them, i.e., that equips Sheogorath with these new clothes. Much obliged, and apologies if the mod doesn't exist. I assume it does, or there would be no need to separate the two regalia.
  18. I don't think it doesn't belong at all. Shin-Ra is a fairly futuristic company, and the SOLDIER uniform looks like it would fit in the Fallout universe. I don't do texturing or modeling either, but it's something I want to get into. If I ever do, I'll try this out, but that may not be for awhile :( But this is a good idea, I hope someone with skills takes this on soon. I'd use it for sure.
  19. True, I mean, Calvert was definitely a super-villain. A brain in a jar with psychic powers? Evil, no question. I guess I could go with Desmond. You're right that the dialogue would be golden, too. I'll give him a shot then.
  20. Heh, looks like its up to me then. Desmond DOES have a promising array of dialogue, but you do have the option of killing him in the quest, so that's out. Pinkerton's interesting, but he's into robotics. As I think on it more, Moira Brown may not always be available (She turns into a Ghoul if you opt to blow up Megaton in the "The Power of Atom" quest). Not that Ghouls can't do brain surgery, I'd just imagine she'd lose access to her resources in Megaton. Wadsworth has a counterpart in Tenpenny tower, but if I'd have to give two separate people the quest, I may as well give the option to a few people. I think I'll try to base the quest around Wadsworth for now, see if I can manage making a quest of my own. If it works out, I'll give other NPC's the option, maybe have a different perk for each one. I'll have to study quest-making first. I haven't done anything in the GECK besides play around with models or something.
  21. I didn't realize that traveling back and forth to Point Lookout took two whole months. I know that the date does relatively little, but if I were to be one of those kinds of people who frets over unimportant details, would there be a console command or a mod that anyone knows about to help me? I just need to set the months back a few. Sheesh, first part of my brain goes missing, and then half a year passes before I realize it. I'm beginning to not like Point Lookout.
  22. I had just completed "Walking with Spirits", so that was trippy enough. Out of sheer coincidence, this happened. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f298/ArcAdam/ScreenShot5.jpg (Check the ammo, was kind of freaky)
  23. I'd have gone with Andy, but the Lone Wanderer isn't allowed back in the vault. Again. Thanks for the replies, guys ^^; I'm glad this idea is getting somewhere, even if just out of my partially complete brain. I'm gonna see what I can do in G.E.C.K., but if it does prove to be comparable to brain surgery, I'll get back to you, CommanderCrazy, on Friday. Thanks again =D
  24. So I'm rather disappointed and feel an overwhelming sense of loss at the, well, loss of that part of my brain that Tobar takes during the Point Lookout story. I'm glad I have it back now and everything, but I can't use it if it's not in my skull. I kept a lot of important things in there too, like where my motorcycle keys are, what direction west is, and how to smell orange. Also, I'm fairly sure I can't do math anymore and may have acquired an alarming compulsion to collect forks. I'd like a simple request for someone in the Capital Wasteland (Moira Brown or Wadsworth would be hilarious candidates) to help me reattach my brain. The quest simply removes the item from your inventory, you're notified that you've been reunited with that piece of your brain, and maybe an interesting perk to go alongside it. Perhaps a perception increase to indicate accidental psychokinetic acquisition, or being able to pick up radio signals with naught but your brain. Just ideas. If you think it's really easy, though, let me know, and maybe I can take a shot at it myself. I've never made a quest before, so I don't know exactly how daunting it is. I'm sure it's not brain surgery.
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