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Everything posted by jaosals42

  1. I don't exactly want to necro this thread, but I have the same question myself.
  2. Older than I was last time I posted here.
  3. Fallout 4, Age of Empires, Serious Sam. I generally like to say I'm playing a little bit of everything at once.
  4. Dredd 3D (2012) with Karl Urban. Favorite actor, one of my favorite movies.
  5. On a similar note, if I have my account closed for a name change, will I lose the mods I have posted here?
  6. Karl Urban, or my attempt at recreating him anyway... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/Images/81730/?
  7. I am aware of the fact that importing hairstyles from outside of the game is currently impossible given the state of available tools. What I did want to know, was if it was possible to use NPC hairs instead? Is there perhaps a script or cheat or something like that allows the player to have access to the NPC hairs? I've noticed quite a few script based mods, and wonder if there is one preventing these hairs from appearing, or if the CC could be rewritten to include already existing hairstyles.
  8. What about adding NPC hairs for PC use? I'd like to be able to use hairstyles from characters like Cassandra, Cullen or Leliana on my own inquisitor. If bioware isn't going to do this (which would be really annoying if they didn't), then perhaps someone in the modding community might want to work on this?
  9. I'm trying to import some videos of gameplay I've recorded into Windows Movie Maker 2010, all of which are AVI format files. However, when I import into the program, I get 7 second long clips without sound or video. In attempting to fix it, I get an error that says the following: "This file is corrupted or in a format that Movie Maker does not recognize," followed by a 0xC946001C error. In order to save or export the file, I have to remove these clips, which refuse to be fixed. In a bit of research, I downloaded several codec packs that include codecs for AVI files, but none of them have worked. The video files are fairly large too, (over half a gigabyte on average), so I don't know if there are any free trial video converters that would like to converter video formats of movies that size. Help please? I'm using Windows 7 32 bit Home Edition.
  10. Is it possible to replay a character I have already beat the game with, or do I need the help of a mod? I haven't been able to find an import feature for DAO so far. Also, I have no DLC included with the game so any mod requiring Awakening wouldn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Could I request for a modder to make Joker's Mass Effect 2 SR2 suit, including the cap? This is what the outfit looks like
  12. My YT channel. Kinda slowed down in posting movies in recent months... http://www.youtube.com/user/JaosalS
  13. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f247/Mystic_Bog/I-winweb.gif
  14. Ban you all for... Do I really need a reason?
  15. Happy belated birthday to all members who had one recently! :thumbsup:
  16. if I'm active enough, I may be able to make an avatar and enter... Don't know if I will though... Anyway, two weeks exactly until break, and counting...:woot:
  17. jaosals42


    First off, I'm not dead, just really busy. :P http://home.wangjianshuo.com/archives/2004/12/13/chicago-christmas-gift.jpg Since it's now December, and we're getting into the Christmas season, I think it would be appropriate to have a Christmas topic to celebrate. So, got anything Christmas-related to share? Any planned gifts, trips, family get-togethers? Well, I can at least say that I'm looking forward to the time off of school, no doubt. Have to finish a couple of more college-essays during the break and I'll be set with applications. Maybe I ought to check out some of the Steam sales that'll be coming along with the time as well. What about you guys? Got anything to share? Plans? Movies? Pictures? Gifts? http://www.christmas-corner.com/christmas-wallpaper/christmas1.jpg
  18. How do you change your own character's appearance after already beginning the game? I'm still new to this game. If it matters any at all, I have the steam version of Dragon Age.
  19. PM an admin from their profiles, either Buddah: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/user/49282-buddah/ or Lhammonds: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/user/128909-lhammonds/
  20. Just an FYI, the OP hasn't been online in more than a year, and the first post was made almost two years ago. I doubt he will respond to this any time soon, tbh. Oh, and in case you're wondering, Nexus did have a chat system not too long ago, though if I remember correctly, it was consuming too much bandwith on the site, that it had to be taken down until further notice.
  21. Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like a joke website to me.
  22. Sounds kinda hard to believe. I know this was posted more than a month ago, but if I remember correctly, Valve did mention that HL3 would begin another story arc with new characters. The things this person posted seem to point more to the current story arc rather than a new one.
  23. You can add me here if you'd like, though I mostly just play L4D games online http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977060803
  24. What program do you use to record? Sorry if it's already mentioned but I didn't see it if so. I use the unpaid version of FRAPS, but it just won't let pay for the full version, for whatever reason. I know also it's a bit late for you to go back and change it, but I would have personally recommended taking the Widow sniper rifle instead of shotgun training back on the Collector ship. The infiltrator is meant to be a class that fights at medium, to long range as it is, and other squadmates are meant to deal with those that get up in your face. The narrations are good, maybe a bit loud, IMO, but good. Nice vids though, particularly impressed on how you managed to take less damage on the last video on insanity, than I do on veteran on the same part. Would it bother you to post a link to my own youtube vids here as well? I'd appreciate some input myself.
  25. I managed to finally download the file by obtaining the points from the EA site directly (legally of course) by looking "bioware points" up using those exact keywords. Thanks for the input guys, though now I think I can get future points from there later on.
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