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Everything posted by jaosals42

  1. Ban Josh and his awesome signature. ;) Ban Dezi for banning me because I banned myself after saying ban too many ban times, lol!
  2. Ban Dezi and Pushkatu for being the top banners in a banning site where banners ban banners using bans! Ban me for saying ban so many times! Ban the School District for closing school Friday :D !
  3. Ban wasder for banning philo for not banning anyone in a while.
  4. Ban Pushkatu for his cool new LotR signature and avatar. Ban Dezi for banning me because I didn't share my subway that I paid for with her. Ban Keylek for puttin my star rating up. Ban myself for giving Keylek a kudo. :biggrin:
  5. I ban Keylek because of his avatar and for banning me because I ate Subway. ;D And because you left out the 's' at the end of my name.
  6. I ban you again Pushkatu for banning me and your dog for barking too much. :P And I ban myself for eating at Subway again. :rolleyes:
  7. And for not still having built a title.
  8. 16 and still getting up there.
  9. Ban everyone who doesn't have an avatar.
  10. So it seems the majority of people yet like Reilly's Raiders. I like it too, but I just felt like it was a little too long. I had to leave the hotel building over three times to keep emptying myself of the loot I carried. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion however, and I will respect that. Keep voting!
  11. Personally, my favorite quest is "You Gotta Shoot 'em in the Head", because you can go around and kill the three guys for their keys, or use special interations to scare them to hand over there keys. Plus, it was fun to hand the keys over Mr. Crowley (you can also kill him first and keep the keys), then kill him for the keys to Fort Constantine. Or even better, pickpocket him for the keys and go over to Fort Constantine, kill all the robots there and for the best part. Looting Fort Constantine, with the special T-51b Power Armor (arguably the best in the game), a Fat Man, some mini-nukes, and two whole storage rooms filled with ammo and weapons. At that point, it was even funnier to return to Underworld and return to Mr. Crowley wearing the T-51b armor, pretty muching throwing it all in his face. Finally, I just took out my combat shotgun and blew his head across North America to finish it off. Pwned! :biggrin: Loot in that quest was awesome; completely worth the trouble, I say.
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