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Everything posted by jaosals42

  1. Double Ban Gamerbird because he probably was going to choose one of the two until he saw my post and then changed his mind. :rolleyes: Ban DontWorryBeHappy for reminding me of those ridiculous "GLAD" commercials.
  2. Ban Gamerbird now and ahead of time since he's probably going to ban me over Sonic or Knuckles next. :whistling:
  3. Ban Gamerbird for banning me over Silver the Hedgehog.
  4. Ban Keylek for banning Pushkatu. :pinch: Ban Theodarius for being the first person on the site to have reached 100 posts.
  5. Ban everyone (including me) who mentioned Valentine's day, because my family and I are sick of Christmas chocolates and V-Day will only bring more.
  6. Ban Alex again for starting a cool banning topic :P
  7. Currently, I'm using an ATI 3870 HD. However, I might upgrade to a 4870 HD this Christmas (long way off, but hopefully it'd be worth it), or maybe a newer better card if one gets released later this year. :yes:
  8. I don't intend to commit thread necromancy or anything (sorry ahead of time if it is), but I think a topic as important as this one should be pinned. I had to go three pages back to find this info and newcomers would have to as well when it gets pushed back by newer topics. :mellow:
  9. Ban Pushkatu for pessimism :P
  10. Ban wasder because there are too many sig pics out there and so many of them are cool. Making a decision among them is impossible.
  11. Ban wasder for getting a Hellboy sig. :thumbsup:
  12. Ban Keylek since he probably doesn't use Comcast. :whistling:
  13. Ban Dezi for not having a reason to ban me.
  14. Ban Josh because dogs are better. :P
  15. Ban Dezi for not realizing I have asthma.
  16. FO3 and a bit of Mass Effect here and there with a side of Doom. And to drink, a little Painkiller. :cool:
  17. Ban Josh for disliking the cold. Where I live, winters are nearly non-existent and I love the cold. :(
  18. Ban Josh for being late often.
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