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About wolfiecfc

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim BlackDesert Online F04
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  1. cheers mate also do you know off a good tattoo mod that does legs arms and back
  2. started a new fresh fallout 4 need mods for a female character please could someone share there mods or presets they use so i have a base too start thank you
  3. im having issus with the game crashing when i enter combat or when i do a kill move i havnt added anything too ulter the combat i need help finding the mod what is causing it too crash i use LOOT still didnt help stable it Need Help i also did a fresh save
  4. i dont know what caused her too get red on her neck
  5. i need help too find out the issue off what mod is conflicting everytime i go into a dugeon near the end a random CTD happens
  6. Wolf Among Sheep
  7. all i added was cbbe and better females only enhancement i put was enhanced light and fx im running on ultra my gpu geforce 1070 please help rid the horror off the grey i cant put skin textures in i fail all the time p.s wont let me attach cause file is to big even tho i saved through steam copied to desktop
  8. Thank You i will do all that i have SKSE installed anyways but the rest i will try then i will get back too you if anything else happens
  9. once i understand the mod watch i will post my mod setup and im not using any crash fixes or anthing like that cause i didnt need them till obs now lol i cleaned the masters and the mods what needed doing and updated my LOOT and ran skyrim and it still crashes
  10. Ok im getting annoyed now with my ctd it happens like an hour into playing then it randomly crashes and sometimes when i use the bow and a kill move it freezes it nevered used too CTD till now i only have 43 mods installed none of which mod skyrim textures anything like that i use mods for my characters and weapons i have used loot and edit5 to clean everything but still it crashes when an hour into the game can someone please help me fix the CTD and Freezing with bow killmove Thank You
  11. had a good birthday mad 21st lol
  12. im using sevenbase with CBBE skin texture V2 V3 plus Thepal and UNP compatible barbarian skin and sg wet textures and im getting a little neck seam it never used to do it and now it always does it could someone help me fix it Thank You
  13. birthday in an hour enough'er day off getting old -.-
  14. duran duran hungry like a wolf is defo my song haha
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