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Everything posted by Morten79

  1. I remember this mod as the first I ever installed when I started too play Morrowind for about four years ago. And I still ues it nearly every time I play this great game. Even if I just test a new/old mod. Every time I see one of those genetics signposts I go and install Real Signposts by Matthias [ElBundeee] Kath instantly. Even after trying many of the new signpost mods I always end up by using this OLD mod. PS. Wow wizardini you give me a happy surprise. After sending my comment I expected the comment number would go from 7 too 8. But now it's 9 :)
  2. That was very quick I didn't even noticed it was down. Just tried tonight and wow its online and with remakeble speed increse. Just FYI the site is a little unstable at the moment. Perodically with an interval of about 4-5 minitrs the site seems too go offline. But after about 1 min. it's back.
  3. Is it possoble too make a click able link like this in my mod description. I have tried [url]http://http;//www.google,com[/url] but with no succes. Now I fell like a real noob :wallbash: Please help a newbie :thanks: EDIT: Sorry found the solution myself: [url=http://http//www.google.com]http://www.google.com[/url] And here is more help: Formating and BBCode in Descriptions
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