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Everything posted by Dragonwindspirit
Now, if you want to have a little fun with her. Have her occasionally start drinking so she acts "tipsy" and have her start removing her clothes (keep em in inventory).Have her running around in undies and bra laughing or something silly like that (but make it happen only in towns or maybe only in Inns). *laughs* Not sure if it's possible w/o triggering a pickpocket event but you could also have her pants some unsuspecting guard as she walks past (maybe some script code that just unclothes them but leaves their clothes in inventory maybe?) <-- not sure if that last is even possible but THAT would make me laugh myself silly. Guard walking down the street and suddenly he/she is sans clothes.
Media Player or Itunes mods
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Ya know... I searched the Nexus for over three hours trying to find something like that.... Thanks for finding it. You rock. I'm going to try this and see if that is the fix for my needs. I'll respond here once I know if it worked for me or not *crosses fingers*. *edit* OHHH YEASSSSSSSS It worked! Fricking Five Fingered Flaming Fantastic! Thank you SOOO very much for finding this for me. *loads Ozzy* Time to play! Muahahahahaa (yeah yeah I am totally a dork :tongue:). -
Media Player or Itunes mods
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
From the deafening silence I am left to assume no such mods or some type of work around is available. Bummer. Ah well. -
I'll keep it in mind once I get her in a state that's worth testing. And it's great you have an older machine as you'll be able to test for any script related lag. Yeah it's an old machine, first gen amd 4 core on an ASUS M2N - SLI MB, 6 gigs ddr2 ram. soundblaster 7.1 cheapo sound card. Best thing in it is the gtx 560ti lol. And I run on a samsung HDTV at 1920 x 1080 resolution.
Sure I know what you mean :wink:. And Is that an attempt at copying my humour I see lol. It sounds like something she would say :smile: @ryanshowseason2 Yea that's pretty much what I said. I may include very small optional file tweaks but I'll leave anything else to other modders who can share their new appearance or whatever as long as they tell me first. As you've already gathered my main concern is dialogue and functionality. DJ, if you want/need people to beta this I'd be happy to apply for the position of clueless tester and run her through as much content as I can to see if she works on my old machine w/o too many issues. And yes.. I was copying your humor LOL.
From my experience, usually the people with the really tight looking games have pretty high end gaming rigs. Mines not so high end. I run on an old AMD phenom 9750 quad core. I have 6 gigs of DDR2 ram, an older M2N SLI motherboard, a cheesy diablotex 750 watt Power supply, a soundblaster 7.1 basic sound card and the newest and best piece of equipment in my case? My Nvidia GTX 560ti. My monitor is a Samsung HDTV with a 1920 x 1080 resolution. I use about 68 mods (most of which are standalone additional armor or weapon mods) and most of them have been found to be mostly stable through a LOT of trial and error. Some mods I love but can't use because they cause terrible video lag and others simply CTD at startup for me (ENB causes me to CTD at startup even after following to the last tiny letter the mods installation and ini settings instructions, as an example). Basically, because computer systems are so wide and varied, no single list of mods that works for one person, is going to work for every machine, and in fact what works for me, might crash your game at startup and vice-versa. What I have taken to doing is keeping a list of mods that works for me in a notebook by my desk. That way if I try out a mod and it borks my game or simply doesn't work at all I can make a note about it and not use it again. It's a tad tedious, but really.... that is the only way to go about it. you have to find which mods work for YOUR machine and stick with them.
I have to agree. One of the things that disappointed me so much about skyrim is the follower dialog is so terribly limited it makes them sound like a record on repeat, same lines, over and over. The one that annoys me the most. While you are standing still doing something that doesn't involve menu's etc your follower idles up near you and starts yapping "Yes? What do you want? Yes? What do you want? Yes? What do you want over and over and over and over. I've killed a follower for that because she would ALWAYS idle close and start that broken record repeat (thank god for Amazing Follower Tweaks option to set a follower to being able to be killed.. argh that annoys me LOL).
Looking forward to this mod coming out. You can bet your last bippy I'll be using her... um.. the mod I mean. Oh hell you know what I meant.
I am just curious, are there any mods available that allow you to connect and control windows media player or Itunes directly while playing skyrim? I usually use one or the other while playing but have found that for some reason Skyrim disables my access to my media player hotkeys (these hot keys are seperate from standard keyboard keys and are arrayed on the top edge of my keyboard above my F-keys). As I don't listen to skyrim's music, and have over a terrabyte of my own I prefer to listen too instead, and don't want to be forced to clutter up my computer with copies of my music reformatted to skyrims audio format, this becomes somewhat of a nuisance when I need to mute music for a minute to hear a cutscene conversation and can't because my hotkeys are disabled by the game (seriously, wtf would bethesda disable media hotkeys?). So does anybody know of a mod or a work around that will allow acces to my hotkeys w/o having to reformat my music and use skyradio or whatever it is? I really really don't have an extra terrabyte of hard drive space and yes, I listen to ALL my music, depending on my mood at the time. ~DWS
Walking Mannequins... arghhh
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I've had them moving with Vanilla Skyrim and no mods or dlc's, the worst I had though with vanilla is the Mannequin was standing in a hallway about 5 feet from his base. Once I got heartfire it just went downhill from there and the DB and DG DLC's have only made it worse. That was even before adding mods to the game. Once I started adding mods, my followers would start attacking the Mannequins if I put armor on them. It finally took me deleting them before I got some peace of mind. But seeing a Mannequin in bed with my wife.... that was the last straw. The little hussy! I took her out and fed her to a dragon. He didn't want to eat her, said she was NOT a virgin and used wares didn't taste the same but I told him unless he ate her, I was gonna shove arrows up his tail. He complied. I then shoved arrows up his tail anyway and took his soul. -
Walking Mannequins... arghhh
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
rofl. My wife IS a Dibella adherent... Healga from Riften (just a few gentle console cammands and she was right wiling to leave Riften after we got married and come live with me in Lakeview Manor). Oh wait... maybe that IS the problem........... -
Walking Mannequins... arghhh
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Oh the funniest one I saw was coming home to lakeview and going up to bed only to find a Mannequin in my bed with my wife. I wish i'd gotten a screen shot of that cause I literally sat there for like 5 minutes just going wtf???????? -
Walking Mannequins... arghhh
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The Mannequins in my game have walked since day 1 load. Before I even found mods for the game. In point of fact it was my searching for a remedy to them taking their unusual little strolls, that led me to discover the modding comunity and then eventually to here. Prior to that I wasn't aware that skyrim could be modded. It's annoying to come home and find my Mannequins strolling down the hallway then freezing guiltily mid step and refusing to go back to their bases. What is worse though is when I applied armor to them, my companions would sometimes go Rambo on them and refuse to stop trying to kill it forcing me to use Amazing Follower Tweaks to pull them outside and away from the 'battle'. I've since simply taken to not just disabling them, but deleting them entirely from my games to stop this somewhat schitzophrenic behavior. -
It appears the Nexus mods portal is down. I get the portal link page but it shows this at the top and no portal is working. 0 authors. 0 files. 0 members. 0 downloads.
Walking Mannequins... arghhh
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yeah I agre. That was totally lazy programming. I have just started playing with the CK and don't have the confidence yet to start messing with interior or exterior cells. I've been working on a cpl weapons based off Dawnbreaker and the Ebony Bows but am still tweaking them. I'm gonna have to figure out how to load their image files into an editor so I can adjust them to suit how I want them to look. That will happen once I have their stats tweaked so they are not over powered but still decent. Eventually when I get them worked out to my satisfaction I will release them to the Nexus as a bundled weapon system that fits within the games Lore. I may even make an effort at creating a small quest to find and get them lol. But all in time. One step at a time. In the mean time. I just delete the mannequins through the console command and go on with my game. -
I have an issue with walking/running Mannequin's in literally every home I own. If they ain't randomly walking around, they are eating the armor I gave them for kipper snacks (and/or both). I have all the unoffical patches for the game, i've tried the vanilla mannequin fixes and still.. I have Mannequin's just strolling around my homes. Now if THAT isn't bad enough... my followers will randomly attack them and go into hissy fit mode and can't be stopped from combat with the Mannequin's. Seriously... Is there no real fix for this issue? I had read somewhere that Mannequin's were actually 'living' NPC's with a freeze script and that the script sometimes loads slowly, causing them to walk around. If that is the case just... wtf for lazy programming? As it stands I have literally taken to deleting (console markfordelete) Mannequin's rather than have them in my homes because I am so bloody *&^%$#@ sick of this persistant bug. Does ANYBODY have an actual, real fix that works? Or are we forever going to be plagued by Mannequin's stalking us while we sleep? p.s. I have every dlc and as I said... all the unofficial patches for them. I'm annoyed to no end by this seemingly unfixable bug.
LE Mod Request: Daedric Crossbow / Daedric Bolts
Dragonwindspirit replied to Dragonwindspirit's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Ya know... I spent like 5 hours looking through the nexus for just such mods, and missed every single one of those. Thank you for finding them for me. Had to be my search terms because everything I tried sent back nothing found and going through every weapon mod missed them as well. Now I feel kinda silly XD. *Dances Naked in the pale moon light, breasts flouncing about in enticing ways for MostlyMuggie* I am an Avatar of my word. Thank you and Fly Safe 0/ -
LE Mod Request: Daedric Crossbow / Daedric Bolts
Dragonwindspirit posted a topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Recently I started using the Crossbow as my preffered everday weapon. I have the Dwarven Crossbow of fire (or Flames, I can't remember it's exact name right now) and the exploding dwarven bolts. and this combo gives me pretty decent damage output. However, those exploding bolts kinda tweak my head and break immersion for me, not to mention I don't really dig the look of the Dwarven Crosbows all that much. I'd love to see a Daedric Crossbow set come into play (it would fit the look of my armor so much better than the Dwarven look does). Heck, I'd even be happy with just a reskin of the Dwarven set and an upping of the damage of the standard dwarven bolts to match the combined damage of the dwarven bolts + explosion from the exploding bolts. Maybe a 'slight' upping of the crossbows stats itself, but not terribly much or it will be horrendously OP. If there is anybody willing to take this on... i'd dance naked in the pale moonlight for you... oh wait I do that anyway.. um... Ok.... I'd do it a second time for you. ~DWS -
What I am looking for is a mod that will add a cpl decent sets of heavy and light armors with Daedric (for light) or slightly better stats (for heavy), without those silly massive (ugly,) shoulder formations, while at the same time looking good on a female character, that doesn't leave them unclothed. I.E. Skimpy is NOT what I am looking for, however, attractive and functional IS. My point of consideration is armor types similar in look to the Eisen armor set . http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28333//? The armor would need to be smithable, upgradeable and have a few more color options than black and white. My reasoning (lore based). Armor is functional. It is designed to cover and protect. Having my midrif and tits bare doesn't protect my midrift or my tits... it just leaves me open to being gutted or having my lady bits sliced off and served as someones dinner. I'd like to see armor that covers, looks good, is shapely and at the same time doesn't have huge (to me rediculous and ugly) shoulder pads or rediculous appendages poking out of it at all sorts of weird angles. The Eisen Armor is nice for this for the most part but doesn't have the stats i'd like to see in an upper-mid game/End game armor type. If anybody has, knows or would like to work on an armor that fits this criteria I would be happy to know about it, and test it. ~DWS p.s. I have Hearthfire, Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC's. Armor would need to be compatible with these.