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Everything posted by Elsidia1

  1. Not sure, what exactly you want say, but if you copy some content from DLC into your mod, this DLC goes master of your mod. So if you want your mod uses all DLC, just copy some content (enough one unit) from this all DLC into your mod. UPD: maybe not so clear previous info, so there is update of it: if your mod uses some content from DLC, this DLC goes master of your mod. Example - if you need add some keyword from this DLC to your mod item, so first you need make this DLC master and then you can add this keyword to mod.
  2. Sorry, if i don't understand you right. Textures? In Fallout 4? Put into nif? In Fallout 4 are material bgm files and in that files is texture set and also inside here is set all properties shiny and etc. Try check this.
  3. I assume problem is in material file and nif. You need configure material file and texture need mach the material file transparency options. Or you just simple can made texture colour transparency and change alpha property in nif to made nif fully transparent. Note: material file needs mach transparency options too. In nifscope you need modify flag in Nialphaproperty as 237
  4. I have a custom vendor, what sells modded armors with attached scripts. Armors are heavy scripted and on Event OnInit() RegisterForCustomEvent(libs, "cust1") RegisterForCustomEvent(libs, "cust2") RegisterForPlayerSleep() EndEvent So those events run when armor are in vendors store. I made a changes that removes those events and change some armor properties. So there is question: If you update mod and load a save in vendor container still are armors with old properties and scripts? If yes, there is possibility to remove all vendor items and spawn new items with new scripts and properties to do not require new clean save?
  5. Actually, Outfit is not a FormList and can not be used in functions which accepts FormList. But under the hood it is a list of forms About initial problem described by F4ll0uta As I understand the problem is resetting NPC clothes to default outfit after cell unload/load. I would solve this problem by introducing magic effect that constantly applied to NPC and ensuring that necessary clothing elements are applied in OnEffectStart event. The idea is based on the fact that magic effect script is finished when cell with this NPC is unloaded and started when cell is loaded. It usually works, but sometimes magic effect scripts are not finished, even if NPC (and cell) is unloaded. Seems like a engine bug. But it doesn't matter for your purposes. Sorry for off topic. Then there is logical new questions. I check outfit script you given, but my c++ skill don't allow it understand. CK wiki have zero useful info. Ok not zero, but still crap. Is it possible add, find or remove armour form from loaded outfit F4SE getoutfit? Find is form with keyword are in outfit list? My simple idea is update NPC default outfit every time when equipped new item, so it always will restore back to actual equipment. About OnEffectStart OnEffectFinish. As you know i actually work on mod, what count on it. And for NPC it works terribly wrong. Idea is that after effect is started and next equip unequip item, using trade menu (even vanilla) triggers OnEffectFinish from previous equipped item, even if item with effect not unequipped. So i solve this problem by start effect again. (using some voodoo FO4 skills))) So if you relate your mod on that effect finish when cell is unloaded you need count this thing too. Also for player this event not trigger. So it works as expected.
  6. Not sure about this issue, but in my practice, if you add or remove armor or weapon from inventory by script it resets outfit to default. I call it some NPC inventory protect system. Maybe it's really bug. You can check it - equip some items with script, and then try using console add or remove armor (even if it not equipped) from NPC inventory. I'm sure it will reset it to default outfit. Cure what i use (mostly it helps). Before additem or remove item to inventory call on NPC unequipitem (even if item not equipped) of this item. Help in most cases. Usually helps not add items, but call equipitem, if item not in inventory. If item is removed and script try to return it back, usually helps other thing as drop this reference by drop() and then additem(self,1,true) - it adds back not item but sent dropped item reference back to inventory and it will likely not trigger outfit reset system. But this inventory is still vulnerable to console add remove items commands. I will test outfit system for me. So there is questions about it. I suppose outfit is formlist, so on it works all formlist functions? Can i store default outfit formlist as script variable on NPC (maybe made this reference as essential)? So it will guaranties that every NPC what i touch have misc item in inventory with default outfit formlist. And every outfit is unique? Says i have 2 settlers and i need 2 different custom outfits. So i store different items in each settler inventory and keep there this NPC outfit?
  7. Ok i got it. It works only with persistent references. So any ideas how reference can be made persistent instead of made it PlaceAtMe? Boolean force reference persistent? And maybe reverse process - remove persistence from reference if it made by papyrus?
  8. should be used elsewhere to access stored Ref, Events don't Return anything - I have suspicions about this. Thanks to point on it. So probably i should define new function outside the event and call from there as i see in other examples. Also, there can be problem with libs structure. - no there i made 100% sure that event is fired and also libs structure works. Also, may depend on how gets Equipped - hmm... i heard about it and work on this info. But got bad results. Not to going into details i now work on fixing some mod with author permissions. So there was something works wrong and be on battle tests and debugging i found that this event is fired by scripts. So i was force do some artificial programming to prevent trigger this event to be sure that script works 100% right. As Hodd says - "Somehow it works!" ) I'm not test if event is fired using console, so there still can be problem as of possibility trigger this event. Anyway thanks for help. Maybe you know, what happens with link, if linked reference is deleted by removeitem command?
  9. What and where and why is that "return"? Either way, ff is out of scope anywhere outside said Event. That was not part of script. I just put it outside as simple text to mark, that ff into event always return none value. Sorry for misunderstanding.
  10. I give up. Can somebody explain how this work? Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) akActor.SetLinkedRef(self,libs.Mykeyword) Objectreference ff = akActor.GetLinkedRef(libs.Mykeyword) EndEvent return ff = none Keyword Mykeyword must be on actor or and on equiped object? Or just any non related keyword keyword to link? Actor can have many linked ref on this keyword or only one?
  11. What we have? Function EquipItem(Form akItem, bool abPreventRemoval = false, bool abSilent = false) native Form akItem ?!?!?I need equip specific reference from inventory and ignore other forms as this reference holds variables necessary to remember Anyone knows how EquipItem select reference? - last added to inventory? How i can reinitialize inventory to equip exactly this reference on what i stay in Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor) to reequip back exactly that reference?At this moment i move all similar items into virtual inventory, thenAdditem(self,1,true) what exactly returns back my reference and then equip it and restore moved items back into inventory.That's sucks and no good as i think.Or there is another way how to equip specific reference?
  12. Seems it's not work. I guess this is from Skyrim to dismount from horse. or Power Armor probably)
  13. Stupid question. how to force player stand up from chair or similar object? I know can use player.playidle(FurnitureExitToStand) but it left furniture waiting options active. Also if you don't know what furniture it can use playidle Standentertofurniture and how?
  14. You can add properties by edit script manually and those properties show up in this window
  15. Without your nif, dds and material file there is hard to say whats wrong.
  16. Ok first i try to explain what need to do. I need catch moment when player close trade menu with NPC (Setller or Companion after unequiping some items) I think i need do something like it: RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("ContainerMenu") Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) if (asMenuName== "CointainerMenu") if (!abOpening) Debug.Trace("menu is close!") Menu now is close i need catch NPC reference to do some modifications with him something like this: akactor.[some functions] endif endif endEvent Can you explain me what exactly variables or names i need to use and i'm on right way or not? And how i can know that this container is trade menu between player and NPC? Or that closing moment can't be catch?
  17. I don't understand question clearly but you try a event on hit? When actor is hit event on hit is activated. Event OnPlayerLoadGame() RegisterForHitEvent(game.getplayer()) ; there you can put npc reference in () EndEvent Event OnHit(ObjectReference akTarget, ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked, string apMaterial) ; need to register it again. Stupid, but necessary. RegisterForHitEvent(game.getPlayer()) ; the same for NPC endevent
  18. I found answer for you in other forum maybe it's help for you too Load up your.esp in the CreationKit - Load the Interior Cell "yourcell" so the Interior Cell shows up in the Render Window - On the Task Bar go to "World --> PreCombine Geometry for Current Cell" (Do not click the PreCombine Geometry for Interior Cells as this will PreCombine EVERY Interior Cell) - It will ask you to Confirm for PreCombining the Cell data for "your cell". Click Yes - Takes a couple of seconds (well for me). When Finishes it will show a box with "Done". - Now click save and be happy.
  19. Of course you can) You do all yourself i only inspire you to check your work) Good to hear that your mod works) It's unbelievable feeling when your child (mod) starting work as you expected. I know that feeling)
  20. At this moment i can only guess where is problem - in march i probably install my new PC for games - that means i have there fresh fallout 4 and can look closer. At this moment if you have save with ctd - disable your own mod in vortex or any program. Then start a game - now save probably will be loaded without ctd. Then do full equip of person to remove all bugged armors part and then left her naked. Now save a game to other slot and exit to game. Then enable your mod. Now load game - if game loaded normally without ctd and you see your own created child - that means problem is on one part of armor what was on you before ctd.
  21. Good luck to you too!) Fallout 4 modding is very insane thing)
  22. Ok i found answer in another forum. For others what have the same problem: Game.GetPlayer().StopCombat() Game.GetPlayer().StopCombatAlarm() Game.GetPlayer().PlayIdle(1stPSheathe) Somehow compiler in 1stPSheathe ignores first symbol. I solve that problem make in quests new property FstPSheathe and add object idle 1stPSheathe from original fallout 4 esm. Then i call those Game.GetPlayer().PlayIdle(libs.FstPSheathe) where libs is name of quest where property store.
  23. I'm new too. How can possible make textures with xedit? Maybe you speak about material swap or something? Can i see some of those textures, material file and nif on what is put on? Need xxx_d.dds, xxx_n.dds, xxx_s.dds ->xxx.bgm->xxx.nif where those textures goes on. And if there is material swap need original dds and materials before swap.
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