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About majormittens

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  1. Just a heads up if you already didn't know judging by your previous post -- you don't actually need to complete all the npc sidequests in Riften to gain the jarl's favor and get the ability to buy the house, half a dozen or so.
  2. I was actually around level 20 when I encountered him so I'm not sure if its level-based but I know for a fact that he's made to be stronger than the player character. And regarding the ability to get the property, you should help some npcs in Riften, get ingredients for Ingun etc.
  3. He's a really op npc but I guess it balances out seeing how you get to purchase the property in Riften after you finish the quest. He's a real b&@*$, though. The only way I beat him was using poison, skill enhancing potions and whatnot to take him down, I recommend taking him out first whilst you're still not visible. (If you have a stealthy character obv.) The rest are pretty easy.
  4. No way, even though I'm not really fond of how the Greybeards tend to stray away from their path and try to direct you in the story, I still love Paarthurnax and he has such good chemistry with the player, it's really hard to summon strength to go and murder him. He did some crimes but in my eyes he was forgiven long ago when he took the human side in the struggle.
  5. OP's post about the Dwemer being stuck in time like Alduin was is really interesting. We know that they did disappear all at once, without a trace, so time travel seems to be a logical conclusion. I certainly don't think they just died out all of the sudden and vaporized into thin air, it would be really anti-climatic. Wasn't there like one living dwemer dude in Morrowind though?
  6. I look at it as a failed attempt to justify some parts of the story, it's really shallow and as somebody before mentioned you just stand there and listen to old geezers blabber about stuff, it gets annoying -- especially if it's on your second,third or w/e playthrough. So many things are left unexplained about them, at one point you might think they're just some awesome badass monks living on the top of the world and the other they're just some secluded mental nuts hiding in a fort.
  7. You should try adding that line in your enbseries.ini -- usually people leave out lines that they don't need but the commands work properly anyway. So basically add; [LIMITER] EnableFPSLimit=true FPSLimit=60.0 -- Somewhere in your .ini file, be it at the top or bottom, pretty sure it doesn't matter, hopefully that works.
  8. Why would you even discuss that? Any kind of leverage automatically excludes the whole basic idea behind this debate. I don't understand why you'd even consider enchantments or any other thing that would lead to superiority, the whole gist of this was to discuss which class would be better with regards to their original abilities. Birthsigns, enchantments, perks or whatever shouldn't even be pointed out because there's no real even ground then. It's not okay. That's my whole point, people tend to consider crafting skills for weapons but choose to ignore them when it comes to magic (you can read the OP's post, and many others' which says magic is useless). People need to place the two skills in similar context to compare them, but they usually don't do that. I am against that ( my final line said to take away all crafting skills) Now I must say I'm sorry because I thought you were among them. I misunderstood your sentence: Let's forget the fact that you mention potions for spell protection (mage can wear armor for damage protection), I'd like to argue with your statement of weapon's raw damage dishing out spells: when you max out your skill and have all power-up perks (I know you said no perk, but without perk, weapon would look even more pathetic since they get 100% increase while spell only get 50%), the most powerful onehanded weapon (dragonbone mace) would do 51 damage per hit, the most powerful twohanded (dragonbone war hammer) would do 84 DPH and the most powerful bow (daedric) would do 78. Only 2 of those are slightly stronger than adept destruction spells and all are weaker than expert spells. You can cast 2 spells per second but only do 1 or 2 hits per second with weapon. These make spell's raw damage higher than weapons. Since I see that weapon damage is lower than spells, I thought you counted bonus from crafting skills when you said weapon damage is higher. I get your point, really. But then we're at square one again, disregarding everything such as perks, potions or w/e it just ends up on just preferences, nothing else. Both classes set at the same amount of skill would just even out, lets not forget stuff like power attacks with melee weapons whilst spells only have a standard attack option, there's really no way to compare it when you take everything in account.
  9. Why would you even discuss that? Any kind of leverage automatically excludes the whole basic idea behind this debate. I don't understand why you'd even consider enchantments or any other thing that would lead to superiority, the whole gist of this was to discuss which class would be better with regards to their original abilities. Birthsigns, enchantments, perks or whatever shouldn't even be pointed out because there's no real even ground then. It's not okay.
  10. Where's the fun in that? Spamming spells is hardly enjoyable, there are no tactics in rushing and spitting fireballs around you. That's just my opinion, I'll start a mage character myself for role-playing purposes but there's no way I'll be only focusing on destruction magic. I do so love to see mages with conjured weapons and a risen undead companion, much more unique. And yeah, mods definitely have a huge effect on mage gameplay.
  11. Afaik there's a console command plainly called save which you can use to create a custom savegame file. The console command goes something like "save nameyoursave 1", disregard the quotes. Once you type that in you should be prompted to the desktop and a notepad file will pop up, close that and head to your save game direction in your documents where you'll find the files.
  12. You could open up the creation kit and create a custom sword with a base damage of whatever you choose and add the extra damage for the undead. Or just get a powerful sword via console and enchant it to be stronger against the undead. I realize the first part is really easy, just a follow a tutorial, it's no more than a few minutes of actual work.
  13. 97. There's a campsite located near the Jerall mountains called Aerin's camp, there's is just one person in the camp who can teach you acrobatics. But the interesting thing is that the campsite was named after a bosmer from Morrowind who also teaches you acrobatics. 98. (Not sure if posted before :s) Apparently, if you drop all the goblin totems in a spot, hordes of goblin clans will rush towards the spot and fight each other.
  14. Anything made out of silver? Afaik using silver weapons adds up extra damage against undead of any kind - and lycans.
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