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About KorruptKing

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  1. Would like to give a big thumbs up to nexus. I don't know why Beth would ever go for this!!!! The reason games like Skyrim are still selling today is because of mods, that would be like Bohemia paygating the DayZ MOD, they went from selling 10k copies of ARMA to selling 1m+. The power of mods is that they let people have confidence that if they buy a game, even if it's a little rough around the edges is that they can use the mod polishing rag to show the gem of game inside. This pay-to-play-to-pay-to-mod is a f*#@ing disgusting process. I hope they all turn this around and go back to the way it was, donations only. I would gladly do a Patreon/donate to people like ZeroFrost for them to continue their work. Games like Counter Strike, Dota (and LoL, HoN to an extent as the orginal DoTA mod team split and made 2 seperate games) and DayZ became their own standalones as people loved the idea behind it and the groups behind them were able to make a game for next to nothing and judge interest in it. If this pay to mod continues and gets worse to where the next Beth game has some form a DRM that only steam mods can be used (doubt they could ever enforce something like that) I weep for the future of gaming. I'm sitting here playing a game that came out 4 years ago and is still fresh because of mods. TL;DR Thanks Nexus for being a beacon for the gaming community. And f*#@ you Valve/Beth
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