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No Gods, No Masters: The Dwemer
ThatFellowDutch replied to thtdutchfellow's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I've thought about a similar idea as this, but from the other side of the coin. What if upon Dagoth Ur's discovery of the Dwemer plan and his relaying this information to Nerevar, Nerevar consulted with the Tribunal, and upon doing so the Tribunal, gets a very human idea, "They can't do that! Because WE want to!" And then they set about sabotaging the Dwemer in some way, causing them to be slung around time/consumed by Numidium/trapped on another plane/all of the above etc. etc... After all in Vivecs account some suspect that the way Nerevar and Dagoth were able to slip by the Dwemer and enter the chamber (which he only lends to as secret means) where the heart was stored was do to a treasonous act. And then there is the murder of Nerevar by the Tribunal shortly after (who wished that the tools be safe guarded and never used (and further what reason would they have to do such a thing other than a grab for power?)) along with the dissolution of house Dagoth (Dagoth Ur being the only one who wanted the tools destroyed) and then in the after math Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil achieving their status of living gods (what can be said to be a play on the plans of Kagrenac) which is ironic at the least because it is why the Chimer went to war with the dwemer in the first place. This would help to shed a little more light on Lacdonins statement. It would mean that the actual intent of the war was not to stop a blasphemous act but to achieve the power for themselves (Them being the tribunal). It would mean that the tribunal had tricked everyone, and that Vivec, Sotha Sil, and Almalexia beat them in their attempts to fulfill the Dwemer plans. After all Vivec and Almalexia were said to be won over by an "stirring idealistic speech" given by Sotha Sil (though it never goes into detail about what that speech was about) who approached them with the fact that he had figured out how to properly use the tools. What if he discovered of and stole the work of the Tribunal and completed it himself, over even just the former? When you think about it, we know almost exactly what happened up to the final confrontation inside Red Mountain. At which point we only have the word of a man, Vivec, who wasn't even there, and the Tribunal, along with the letter from Dagoth Ur which, if true, would corroborate parts of Vivecs account as well as some of the Nord account. -
No Gods, No Masters: The Dwemer
ThatFellowDutch replied to thtdutchfellow's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
First off, sorry about just the quote being the only thing up for a while. My account was acting screwy. But it's fixed now, and to get to what I was going to post... I really think you could be on to something. I do feel like the Dwemer have been set up for something big, and all these ideas just helps to throw wood on the fire. I hope that the developers read posts like these, I really do. I'll elaborate on some ideas in my newer post so that I may also include the post by Urtel. -
(Update) Ok so turns out a few people were indeed experiencing this issue, but the mods the posters were having issues with (Better sorting and balanced magic) I don't have. But the good news is that I DID find out that the mod causing the conflict was Spell Crafting for Skyrim. Yay me. And thanks to all of you for your help (Makes gracious bow) for with out it I would have been lost. And unable to succeed at the endeavor on my own... ;)
The above mentioned perk is giving me an issue. After I add the perk I am unable to summon atronachs of any kind, which blows because I would like my atronachs to be BAMFs, and that doesn't happen with out this perk to continue the process. Anyways, I cast the spell and it makes the sound of them spawning but there is no animation for it and they don't appear. I've searched around and can't find anyone else experiencing this issue, witch leads me to believe one of two things. Either no one ever bothers with those perks and it hasn't been reported, or I'm having some kind of conflict. But I'm at a loss as to what could be causing the conflict. The only mods, other than SkyRe, that affect the atronachs is a retexture, witch couldn't be the issue. I don't even have any other mods that affect conjuration, other than Frostfall. If anyone knows of this issue and how to fix it, or a patch to do the same, or even if you're also experiencing the same issue and would like answers please post.
No Gods, No Masters: The Dwemer
ThatFellowDutch replied to thtdutchfellow's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Lachdonin makes an interesting point that maybe Kagnerac WASN'T trying to make all the Dwemer gods, he was trying to make himself a god at his peoples expense. "Vivec tells us that Dumac didn't know about the whole of Kagrenac's plan, and Dumac was the king of the Dwemer. This indicates Kagrenac has a great deal of power and influence, that he could keep such a secret from the king of his race. We also know that other Tonal Architects were writing about the risks of tampering with the Heart (I think the Egg of Time deals with this, been awhile since I played Morrowind and spoke to Yagrum) telling us that some Dwemer suspected things could to catastrophically wrong." Lachdonin I have to disagree with you. I think that the Dwemer (to the writers and creators) are a seed they planted. They are something that will continue to be nourished and fed (with more of their lore, ruins, tech, etc...) abd will one day bear fruit. When I say bear fruit I mean that what happened to them will be explained in one of few ways. 1; They all come back. 2; A scientist/mage (Similar to Arniel Gane) will figure it out (again) but possibly with more malevolent reasons. OR 3; Maybe you will GO there as a part of a quest. The only option after those is the one that they are truly all gone and no one will ever know why I feel like the latter to me seems kind of lame, no offence. -
No Gods, No Masters: The Dwemer
ThatFellowDutch replied to thtdutchfellow's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yagrum Bagarn is the Dwemer from Morrowind, and he believes that his race is either stuck in some far off outer realm, or completely gone. My idea for them being stuck/thrown forward in time idea comes from the fact that Kagrenac was working on the Heart of Lorkhan, who was a god (Or possibly a Daedra due to knewly found information thanks too Lachdonin, but that's another issue). Alduin was hurled through time by an Elder Scroll, a piece of the Divines made substance. Where as Alduin was cast out some what purposefully, I purpose that the Dwemer did it to themselves on accident. And sense they are all linked through they're racial trait called the Calling (Kind of like Telepathy) that this affected them all simultaneously. This theory is not with out holes though. In fact, Arniel Gane drives the biggest nail in it. The Dragonborn gaining the spell "Summon Arniels Shade" supports one of Lachdonins claims that the Dwemer were all consumed by Numidium, the "Machine God" the Dwemer were building, by similar means as my theory. I lean towards this to an extent. Though it would be fun to take on a Dwemer invasion force, I would get much more joy out of being able to actually play as a Dwemer character. Maybe have it be a quest, regardless of race, to help rebuild or refurbish a home or ruin (maybe a secluded patch of Mountains or something) for the newly returned Dwemer. Who would, as I stated earlier, be in a similar boat as many Dunmer were after the eruption of Red Mountain, who knows. -
No Gods, No Masters: The Dwemer
ThatFellowDutch replied to thtdutchfellow's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I did, I didn't even think about the double account thing until shortly after the fact. But does that mean the topic will be closed? I hope not. This is the first time one of my own has gotten so much attention. Not that it's really BOOMING, but for me this is good. Hmm, that's a good thought. Maybe it was just the Dwemer of Skyrim acting on their own, for better or worse. Much in the same way that Kagrenac did in his tampering with the Heart of Lorkhan. After all ,I can't honestly remember, but, didn't the Falmer only inhabit areas of Skyrim, or round about? Where as the Dwemer inhabited quite a wide berth? I agree, I love to hear new thoughts (Or even reoccurring thoughts) on the subject. Especially one such as this. And I couldn't agree more with the return of the Dwemer, I actually really hope for it. BUT will it be a return of conquest and war or confusion and strife? I don't deny that conquest is indeed possible, even likely, but only 50% so. If they return there are things to consider about the events in between their disappearance and return (From their perspective). Will they have any idea of what's happened? Or will they simply show up completely befuddled by what' going on? Possibly ending up in a similar situation as the Dunmer after the eruption of Red Mountain. Further more, were they actually conscious of what happened to them. If so, and your right, they would of needed to amass a force (one that would be quite sizable after this amount of time). And IF this is the case, where in the hell are they returning from where they would be able to do such a thing! This is all conjecture, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kind of hoping for this topic to come up. -
Ok, that makes a lot of sense. But I would like to think that my point still stands. I'd love to see this happen.
No Gods, No Masters: The Dwemer
ThatFellowDutch replied to thtdutchfellow's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hmm.. I'll have to dig around there, see what I can't find. I'd really like to hear about these inconsistencies as well, I haven't played Oblivion or Morrowind in years, hell I don't even own them right now!. I'm actually relatively new to TES believe it or not. I mean I've played them sense they came out. But I was a teenager with an attention span of all of 13 minutes. So I never read into it much, the "Yeah I'm gunna be a Nord and KILL STUFF!" mentality. Then the army happened and consoles became inconvenient to lug around so I went computer, and will never look back. Now I can truly appreciate TES for what they are, computer games... and I can mod them! I agree, a lot of times people (myself included) make out that the Dwemer were all on the same page about the idea, where as that's just not true. I myself can't help it some times. I must admit, I never really thought about the angle that Kagrenac was doing it to advance himself at the expense of his own people. I must say though it makes perfect sense when you think about it. It paints an interesting new light on the subject. Luckily it only changes my view a little bit. But I also keep numerous theories floating around in my head. So thank you. Hey no problem man, we all have brain farts. But to get to the meat and bones of it. It's not that I don't like the idea. It's just that I can't see why the Dwemer would want to bring back Lorkhan. After that interesting piece of information Lachdonin dropped about Kagrenac being motivated by his OWN desire to become an immortal, at the expense of his own people, by becoming Numidium himself, it's made me reconsider my whole idea of the event. The power angle still works, but now instead of the whole race achieving said goal (What I thought) it's just the one guy at everyone else's expense. But the thing with bringing Numidium to life as a "New Artificial God" (Minus the treachery angle) was to create their own deity that they approved of, by transferring the divine essence of the Heart of Lorkhan into Numidium, they hoped to achieve this. It was also a powerful weapon. Tiber Septim used Numidium to destroy the first Aldmeri Dominion if I remember correctly. Thus giving the Dwemer a HUGE field advantage over EVERYONE. It kind of reminds me of something Douglas Adams would approve of (If he was into this sort of thing). I await your huge post with anticipation (To let you all know) I realized something (just moments ago) that my OCD just could not let go of. I FORGOT THE DAMN "a" IN "That" OF MY DAMN USER NAME UGHHH!!! Well I couldn't stand for that. So I had to recreate my account this time done correctly. So it's still me, and my OCD has subsided, sorry I know it's irrational, but it's just the way I am.