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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Did you open the cabinet first? Hit space to open. Then use the z key to place the item.


    Yes, i did just that. opened it and moved the item... nothing worked.


    If it's the "Fine Cupboard" that can be bought from Imperial Furniture, it's impossible to put anything in it, I've never even seen a mod released with it that has anything in it prior to the player getting it.


    There's something wrong with its collision. Objects collide with its "empty space".

    I'd love to get a definitive answer from somewhere who's intimate with the design of this piece of furniture: where it came from, whether it's originally from Bethesda, what it's object specs are, and if it's possible to change them?



  2. oh for pete's sake.


    Well im not gonna try to rant here about fake women but...


    ... Fake Web-Cams


    ... Pictures


    The only way to show in my book online that you are infact a Female is to wave to me on cam and pass my huge test of waveing,talking,ETC




    you could jsut talk to me on mic... and say some things i want you to say... but then you got the voice changers...


    BUT it's galling to be accused of not being a woman when you are. To the above it occurs to me I could take a photo with TWC in the background or even this thread on my computer holding a sign that says "FU Raven Lord 1".. no more disrespect aimed at you than at me.


    You obviously didn't check out MY youtube, it's just a video documentation of a middle aged woman who clearly loves gaming (and her husband)! But anyway it's all just miscellaneous with nothing to prove, and that's how it proves it: the woman cliff jumping in Jamaica who gets her nerve up to jump by calling on her inner "Lara Croft", the half-azzed attempts to show game glitches with an old camera that catches audio and images of the interaction between "the Gamer" and her husband.. somewhat embarrassing intimate little vids that aren't interesting to the masses.



    BTW i always do the whole roleplay thing i get up i eat i go to the store buy some food and drink and take it back home then i go out for a day of adventureing and when my character is tired and hungry i eat and go to sleep...




    yep its real fun.... (god im off topic...) :wallbash:


    Yup I'd rather be playing right now.

  3. I like that I can still pass for 30 :D


    I like random compliments from the checkout girl.


    I like morning coffee.


    I like being on a boat with my husband.


    I like that my hubby has worked hard enough and long enough to have three day weeks for two months every summer.


    I like that after 27 years he still makes me weak in the knees.



  4. Yes I like a vixen here and there too, but the deer thrill me. I love them in the game.



    The Princess Stomper IC Apartment conveniently located in Talos Plazo has a bathroom which I think is "sittable". I don't get the bathroom thing though. That's private. :D I don't wanna see it.

  5. To the OP:


    What you seem to be misunderstanding with Oblivion is that its not really a hack and slash game. Sure it has that facet to it. It has all the wonderful RPG elements you know and love. But its not Baldurs Gate or any of the DnD games for comps...


    So what is it?


    Well to answer that we have to examine a few things.


    1. Who plays it? The common knowledge says that mainly guys play video games with girls being the oddball when they do play. Or they get the tired and annoying maxim that they are really GIRLs (guys in real life), unless the prove it with youtube or pictures or something. And there by opening up the giant Pandora's Box of Worms (hmm theres a mod idea xD ) and have to endure the endless stream of pathetic pickup lines and whatever other indignities the basement mouthbreathers can come up with... this of course does not mean that all guys are like that. Anyway, I got side-tracked... sorry.

    So, we have the target audience of the game.


    2. Its unfortunately single player (game would be awesome if it was multiplayer). So that means that the guys dont have to worry about loosing their "man-cards" if their sexually insecure friends see them playing a girl. Side-topic: whoever thought up the expression man-card should be shot. >.<


    3. Oblivion is pretty much the giant sandbox that modders love. Just about everything can be altered or rescripted. I wouldnt be surprised if you could remake the entire game. Also the fact that theres no multiplayer means that you dont have to worry about whiney brats screaming about class imbalance and complaining about cheaters.


    4. With a little work, the character models for the characters can be down right sexy... yeah yeah I know, they are just pixels... hate to break it to you, but that picture of your favourite model? That's pixels too. Dont believe me? Zoom in really far.


    Alright now that we have examined the points, lets add them together. Mostly Male-based population of gamers + single-player only + heavily mod-able + potentially sexy PC's = a very high-tech version of playing with dolls.





    I'm a happily married hetero woman (with the Youtube to prove it, same ID) and I just rather look at pretty people in my game. I tend to go light on the gore though, and I love the game because I can tailor it to my taste to the Nth degree. Remember the other day when someone asked for a savegame download? The reason you don't see that in Oblivion much is because everybody's game is completely different than anyone else's. MMO would KILL that.

  6. I want Vilena Donton's house in Chorrol, but I would tweak it, and have more windows, and morning glories growing everywhere in the house. I would also want to have a tree growing inside the house. I love bringing nature in.


    I recently finished the Fighter's Guild quests and I really liked that house, myself.


    Well, now that I have a posse, I've been going around to all my large houses to see if there's one that suits us all. The Valus View Manor is ok, because the top floor has three bedrooms in one space.


    The Tiber Septim Suite was nice when there were two of them, and I just got a room of my own when I wanted some privacy. But for three it's a bit cramped though really comfortably appointed. I like modern couches and chairs dammit. Anywhere you tell them to stay they are held captive in the cell, so ideally, a cell would accommodate several bedrooms, a living area, and a dining area, since they seem to like to "eat and drink" during down time. I did the quest for the Divine Watch Castle today, but it's a bit too formal and cold.


    Planning to try Kumiko Manor, but I don't know--We hung out at Ancient Source Firewater Manor today, but the same problem with the bedrooms, and they couldn't eat since there's not a comfortable dining/lounging area. I ended up going over to Weynon Retreat, however: I'm still trying to manage optimizing their inventories so I'd like them close at hand, plus they're fun, if a little repetitive.


    Also I'm probably pushing it but I'm wondering about companions and horses? A summonable enchanted horse would work for them, if I can find something that works.


    On a side note, I actually found the horse I lost in the game on June 16, last weekend after a month of daily game play and never finding or seeing him. That was incredible. During the Fighter's Guild questline the fighters camp out at a cave near Leyawiin, and I saw them fighting in the distance and went to investigate.. it was them "back to work", and as I looked around low and behold my beloved Lucifyr was standing around with them. Just crazy, it's really what makes the whole Oblivion game experience so amazing when things like that happen.

  7. ...<snippage> I just had to respond to this because, yes I know! I used to have a lot of screenshots too, chronicling my Good characters adventures. But they were lost. Ah well my next Hero will probably be even better, but I'm going to wait until either the mood strikes me to play again, or a new computer before trying to save the world again. Hopefully both will kind of happen at once. Also are you by chance running BAB? Because I recognize that clothing as BAB, either that or Eshme? I used to run Eshme before BAB. :)



    and then a computer virus killed her.

    Oh that sucks!


    I think I'll make a disk with a few saves on it, just in case.


    Yup, Eshme and UFF boots and accessories. She really needs a few more things, so I'm installing Apachii's goddess store today. Some things I can make work on Eshme's body, but I have been playing around with the textures and CS a bit, I had toyed with modding another game in the past, but I really need some things that suit her, and she's just not into skimpy ho-wear. I need some plain black tops and more red, she prefers solids and understatement. I think the only way I'm going to find what she really wants is to make them myself. I have all the tools to do it, so all I have to do is figure it out and actually accomplish it if I can. Looking at clothing and facial textures is like being on acid!


    This has been my first experience with any roleplay games, though when I was young I knew a lot of people who were into it, esp D&D back in the dark ages before there were personal computers in the imagination of anyone. I also tend to be a writer of sorts, so it has really taken hold of my imagination, and I know exactly what you mean about how you could write a book about your character.


    I was also thinking last night that as humans we all have our dark sides, and it's human nature that we can justify anything, our conscience is pretty malleable that way, it just comes down to how much justification is necessary to convince yourself that you're justified in whatever you're convincing yourself is actually just. heh heh

  8. *chuckle*


    You know, the Weynon Retreat house is a lot like you've just described, with deer running through the yard and woods off the edge of the property to the north, and Weynon Priory garden just up the hill to the south. Except for the Fox!



    That's all good and all, but I'll make this for myself, it'll be my first attempt at a "house/dungeon" (the private dungeon located near the house) mod, and well I want to see if I am capable of doing this. And besides I'd rather make this myself, get it exactly how I want it!


    Yeah, I know, if I only I had time and ambition, I'd love to try to figure it out. Good luck to you!

  9. I personally being an animal lover and nature lover, prefer a house somewhere with a nice woodsy (err, woodsy is a word, right?) area around it. Lots of trees and flowers. Have a nice little quiet house, with animals roaming by every now and then. Being able to go outside, sit down, watch a nice sunset through a spacing in the trees. Pick a few flowers for my nice garden outside the house, maybe a few for inside. Then go inside, play with my little fox as a pet (sadly there are no mods that add a fox, or from what I've seen...I love foxes) feed it, then head to bed, and then maybe go swimming in a little pool in the enclosed fresh water spring, behind my house. Head into town bye some items. Head back home, and spend the rest of my day either reading a book from my expansive shelves of books, (some I have personally written for my own interest in Oblivion) or training in my personal Dungeon I had built near my house (currently working on this mod actually ^.^). Then probably heading to sleep, and starting a new day after that. And it having a nice, stable for my animal mount. (I'm going to make a fox as a mount, like a giant fox as a mount, I would so love that, I already have an idea how, just got to put my texturing skills to the text)


    Yes I'm a guy, live with it! I love nature, and animals alike. Especially foxes, so cute......anyways, that is my dream house. I am actually currently working on a dungeon, near the house Helzi so happily made for me. Thank you, I love the house by the way! Anyways I'm done talking, anyone elses house ideas?




    You know, the Weynon Retreat house is a lot like you've just described, with deer running through the yard and woods off the edge of the property to the north, and Weynon Priory garden just up the hill to the south. Except for the Fox! :(






    Sangel, that's the same horse I lost. He really did suit my character. I had named him Lucifyr*, and I won a horse named Savior in the Weynon retreat quest, which was quite fitting I thought. Now I have a Cheydenhal black named Moonshadow, and a Palomino named Stardust (slof!) from Anvil stables. I still have Savior because I never ride him. And then the Horses at Valusview, which thank goodness are programmed to respawn at

    Valusview if you lose them. * I named him Lucifyr after Venus as the morning star, he was so bright and beautiful.


    My character's going through something really weird now. It's almost like writing a story when you play this game, you know, the characters seem to take on a life of their own and dictate their own storylines.


    She just hasn't been the same since the main quested ended, she's going into a really dark place. I swear to god she stole something I never even saw her take! (It was a beer.) I only caught it because I was going through my inventory.


    She's made it all the way through 80 percent of the game and the main quest without a single murder, she's been nothing but goodness and light, but she came *this close* to murdering Falcar, she said, HE'S NO FRIEND OF MINE!


    She's listless and seems to have nothing to do, too much time on her hands. Her "power" is in name only, everything runs as it always has and no one cares if she shows up or not. Her only real friend is dead.


    I captured a screenshot that really shows her mood perfectly, I'm going to post it in the screen caps section.--> The quality didn't turn out great.


  10. Valus View may very well be the place I'm thinking of. I'm not entirely sure as I'm not registered to the site connected to the link. As for Benirus Lair, that's something I'll have to try whenever I feel like playing evil again. As I said in a recent post, playing evil in Oblivion seems a bit pointless at the moment. :( Then again I don't intend to really play Oblivion again until I get a better computer. Right now I'm just kind of toying with mods that catch my eye.


    Edit: Oh by the way Myrmaad, here's a mod that might help you with your horse problem. I haven't tested it much, having just found it before I lost my favorite character due to a computer virus. But it should in theory help with wandering horse syndrome. It's called Dude Where's My Horse?


    Yeah I have this now, and it works great. The only trouble with it is that it won't manage multiple horses. I warped to someplace outside Bravil -probably the White Stallion Lodge, and when I got there I had the new horse I just bought with me PLUS the downloaded horse I've fallen in love with (and had since Prior Maborel's horse got killed) met me there, so I didn't want to lose the horse I just bought since I was trying to fix the Horse Armor.. which didn't work.. and anyway he didn't meet me anywhere else and he's nowhere around Bravil now, that I can find.. Aren't you sorry you brought it up? :D I have horse issues! :whistling:

  11. There was another home mod I used to run though the name eludes me. It was located just a bit north of the Imperial city off the road. Though it didn't really fit my character too well. But it was really nice, with a great view of the Imperial City. It was a very large manor. I could see a noble aristocratic type of character owning a place like that, good or evil. Though a place like that should have had a servant NPC or two. I mean it certainly made Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad look like a dump.


    That sounds something like Valus View, a place I stay a lot when in the Imperial City. It's a bit cold with no servants, such a large place after all.


    Still with all the great amenities it's pretty comfortable and it's walled so no mountain cats can get in and bother your horses. I'm probably a broken record, but I like the horses and really get irritated with having to worry about them wandering off, getting lost or killed. One of my favorite downloaded horses was marked essential, not respawning and he's somewhere in the game lost. I've been looking for him forever. He doesn't return to the stable where I got him. :(


    Edit: Actually to add something more constructive. What would be neat for a really maniacal evil character that prefers to hide their true nature from the public's eye, would be something akin to Benirus Manor. Where you get this large home that on the surface seems quite fancy and aristocratic, by all means normal. Yet have a secret underground lair with all kinds of occult, and dark stuff. Having a servant, more than likely fearful of you tend the place would be nice. So long as they kept out of your 'private' area, where you hide all the evil stuff. ;)


    There's a mod called "Benirus Lair" that has a "mini-questlet" which gives a really nice evil lair with all the evil amenities in the bowels of Benirus. Had a portal to the Benirus interior door to Anvil, which was nice. It was a bit too dark for my "white light" character.

  12. For a Farm, which I'd love, I think the basic design of Lord Drad's estate would be a great template to use as a beginning.


    The house would need a basement and servant's quarters, as I agree with the poster who mentioned they like having an NPC around sometimes.


    I didn't care about this at all, really, until I finished the main quest, and then I was really kind of sad, and I went back to Rosethorn and stopped in to the store, where Ehja offered her services, and it was such a funny comfort, kind of silly, maybe but she's so sweet I just felt better.


    For an outstanding example of a great attic space, the Cheydenhal House Altered mod is wonderful. I can't say enough about how much I love that mod. It could be called Cheydenhal "Altared". The garden out back is lovely also even though it's inside a small space. That's the player-home I always am drawn back to. I didn't purchase any of the local House Quest furnishings for that one, I only bought a bed from Imperial furniture, used the console to temporarily disable the dresser-drawers at the foot of where the bed belonged, placed the bed, and re-enabled the dresser. Voila, complete and perfect home.



    But if I were to have one made to order, it would be a farm with a horse barn and corral, garden, house servant NPC, farmhand and quarters - like at Lord Drad's estate, Big Farm Garden, and I'd include qaz-horseCommand, horses-stay-put, and the final version of Horse Commands all integrated. If qaz-horsecommand worked on all horses, I'd be satisfied with it, as long as I could select my farm as the "home stable".


    But I'm just dreaming big here.

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