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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. that is too cool, guys with long hair...yummm, lol


    heh heh I like long hair, my husband's used to be down his back and they called him "Jesus".

    cool, my dad had long hair too,in the 60's and had a braid went to his belt.Good Lookin guy,even if he is my dad! :biggrin: Lots of tats too,and my brother.

    I like skin art...no I don't have any


    I have thRee discreet ones and plans for another. Lots of people don't know I have any.

  2. BOC, I forgot about them, great tune

    I like Cream, Ten Years After(Alvin Lee still rockin)

    oh and Myrmaad,thanks for the denock arrow thing you mentioned in another topic, needed that desperately!


    You're welcome!


    My dad got me this 8-track for Christmas when I was 14, and I still love this song from it. It's another one that suits the medieval world of Oblivion I think.


    (Look at how fine PG is at that age!!!!)



    Oh and another in my Oblivion music folders that stands out as beautifully fitting:

    Rainmaker - Traffic


  3. I like CSNY, their music is great listening.Humble Pie, UFO, The stone, Deep purple,all the bands from then just rock me. As soon as I get up,each day,I make coffeee, and on comes the stereo....


    Yup.. I can't live without music, and I like that I was born in a time when beautiful music is easily accessible to the common people of the world.

  4. My husband is about the same age as your father, and though I'm about 8 years younger than my husband, ever since I was a baby I loved what we now call "classic rock".


    My mother was 22 when I was born and she also loved music, and had an incredible album collection, she had every Beatles album released in the 60s and I was about 5 years old I remember rockin out to the Doors at the pool.


    Another song that fits nicely into my oblivion music folders is Crosby Stills & Nash's "Guinnevere" the live version from Woodstock is my favorite, they played late at night and the audience was silent during the whole song. Magical.



    I couldn't find that version on Youtube, but this one will do nicely.




    had green eyes

    Like yours, mi'lady like yours

    When she'd walk down

    Through the garden

    In the morning after it rained

    Peacocks wandered aimlessly

    Underneath an orange tree

    Why can't she see me?



    Drew pentagrams

    Like yours, mi'lady like yours

    Late at night

    When she thought

    that no one was watching at all

    on the wall

    She shall be free


    As she turns her gaze

    Down the slope

    to the harbor where I lay

    Anchored for a day



    Had golden hair

    Like yours, mi'lady like yours

    Streaming out when we'd ride

    Through the warm wind down by the bay


    Seagulls circle endlessly

    I sing in silent harmony

    We shall be free

  5. I like classic rock. Music from the 60's,70's some 80's




    ^Oh My! I have that album in vinyl! I got my husband an Ion Turntable for his birthday last November, then we spent a few weeks tripping down memory lane.


    And then we put all of it on our Ipods! LOL



    Right now I'm playing Oblivion on my desktop PC, and this song is playing in Oblivion:



    I actually own 4 different versions of it, none of them are that one.



    Daydream lyrics


    We were laughing in a daydream

    With the world beneath our feet

    And the sun smiled on the water

    Where the skies and the ocean meet


    We were spellbound

    Ohh spellbound


    We were listening down on the rainbow

    As the leaves fell to the ground

    Whispering as they tumbled

    And the wind laughed at the sound


    We were spellbound

    Ohh spellbound


    We were children in a garden

    Where the flowers kiss the sky

    And the birds sang out in wonder

    As the day went sailing by


    We were spellbound

    Mmmm spellbound

    Ohhh spellbound

    Mmmm spellbound

    Ohh spellbound

  6. I like quotes:


    Here's a favorite:




    ..your thoughts; they become words.

    ..your words; they become actions.

    ..your actions; they become habits.

    ..your habits; they become character.

    ..your character; it becomes your destiny


  7. Dez may I?



    When people fail to see you clearly


    It's often not you at fought, but merely


    their own defective perspective


    In which they see in you a Mirror


    Which magnifies their lack much clearer


    then any persona of Dezdimona.

  8. Hi everybody! Haven't checked in on the thread much lately, feel a bit bad that Chesto had to ask his kid about my acronym! If I had known that I'd have effin left the f out.


    I like making up my very own home-made words. Like for me the word effing is not a substitute but a real word, and I like it. I have been reprimanded for circumventing the bleep thing (sorry -head's not working well todya) on another site and I didn't like that.



    I like not being sick. Wish I wasn't.


    I like poets.


    I like pretty dresses. Impetus for me to try to learn how to mod.


    I don't like the standard exnem behind. Gawd it's ugly. it looks way too familiar. I installed a different one but I'm too sick to play on the desktip computer and the laptop isn't able to run oblivion. So you're stuck with me. And I'll have to wait to see what it looks like.


    I really like that Slof took the time to help someone who was having trouble modding. That's better than great! It gives me hope. I've done a little dabbling in modding for another game but I wasn't that motivated at the time. I'm really motivated now, because I like pretty clothes that don't necessarily look like hooker-ware. I like Sinblood. I want to make clothes more like his.


    I want hip huggers and tunics and less of the pot belly look that the rounder women models have.


    I like Tesnexus. I've already learned so much, and I just want to learn more!!!

  9. I like that I'm completely oblivious.


    I like that mos reminded me of my "baby sister" (ha) who is so stubborn that I learned very early never to suggest things to her. Instead I'd tell her a story and give it time.


    I like that being oblivious I have no stories.


    I like that this was Chesto's last cardboard panty day.


    I like that it aggravates my husband when I call them "panties".


    I like that I do it so often he calls them 'panties' out of sheer annoyance.


    I like that it makes me giggle.


    I like that I very rarely hate, but sometimes I do.

  10. wow.


    Now I feel like crap. Was it something I said? Because I was never sure that Aeryn (sorry about the spelling) was even the slightest bit concerned about Liznpuppy, it looked as if she simply echoed the terminology, since it was conveniently introduced into the topic. I do that sometimes.


    I don't like being misconstrued, and suddenly it seems like a lot of that is going around.


    I like chocolate.


    I like slippers.


    I like pet fish.


    I like diet coke believe it or not.


    I don't like having fish dinner and eating it in front of the pet fish.

  11. hey, hey.. Aeryn..


    you can't please everyone, and you shouldn't.


    There will be those who are in the mood for a musing, and those who are in a short attention span mood, and some whose style of communication is different. All on an internet forum which creates a faceless nameless quality that I know in my case tends to detract from "me". I take online classes and I know that I don't connect with my professors on the same level that I did when I was meeting with them face to face, and it's like that everywhere on the net..


    I confess that there are many days I have a short attention span, I can't even be arsed to voice my own thoughts, much less take the time to really grok someone else's, but don't take it hard, there are many who take the time to savor your thoughts regularly, and I like that.


    I like that everyone is different while sharing a very similar human experience.


    I like that people feel free to speak their minds.


    I don't like that I've been on another forum or two in my day where I felt more accepted and valued, but I like talking about Oblivion, almost as much as I like playing Oblivion.


    I like hugs.

  12. I like that Lisnpuppy didn't notice I mispelled her name...or overlooked it better..

    I like that Lisnpuppy obviously undertood what I meant about brass tits amidst small steel bollocks.

    If not ask Chesto he'll translate it for you..and why its such a compliment.

    I like that you boldy talk of the Goddess, I too like all her 3 faces..maiden, mother and crone.

    I like that my Druid Grans taught me that, long ago..

    I like that your not the only Goddess here, so boyos stay in line ;)

    I like that Lisnpuppy did not expire from horrible sickness and is back..

    I like that Dez can bare her soul and be happy..

    I like that Dez has shown me more kindness than I have seen in a very long time..

    I like that Dez understand the connectedness of love and freindship..

    I like that Dez is an old soul in a young body..

    I like that Chesto was not offended...

    I like it that Chestos overwhelm was a good one..

    Chesto it says..It takes time to build castles...but becasue you renegged, I will not tell you why I put that there..;)

    I like that you will think about that, and perchance a light will go on..why do they not have a smiley light bulb goes on here..conside one in your mind...:)


    I like it when someone writes stuff I think but don't write. :)

  13. I like the fact i know who Moz is talking about and alot of you sucka's dont.

    I like Dezi, she is a beautiful person from what i have gotten from her posts.

    I like bartending cause it feels like i am the guy in the center of the party getting everyone drunk.

    And Last but not least, I like bud light, Dos equies, and Malibu diet, cause when i start serving that stuff i know the party has started.

    Then comes the 3 wisemen, Shots of jack, jim, yukon, Jose, Absolut, and those nasty fricken jag bombs. bazooka joes are allright though.


    Anybody got a good drink throw it out by entitling it "i like"


    Example: i like Kamakazies, Shot of vodka, shot of triple sec ( eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww ) dash of lime juice. Any schnapps to flavor.


    Well yesterday I liked serving this concoction to myself and my niece (don't worry she's in her 30s):


    Equal parts Baileys Irish Creme and TGIF Mudslide mix (preblended) in a blender with ice and a Snickers Ice Cream bar topped with whipped creme. Very nice on a hot summer's evening.

  14. i like having only one sibling to deal with unlike my mom who has 4


    I like that I have 6.


    I like the surprisingly pleasant feeling of getting my first mysterious kudo. Much nicer than getting a cootie! :D


    I like that my ornery grandmother will be 100 years old in November.


    I like reading about things people like.

  15. Thanks for the info!


    Well I've been doing a bit of digging in the CS.

    In the Imperial Furniture mod, when I FINALLY found it since it was away from most of the other inventory, it's labeled "UmbecanoDisplayCase" (the name is still Fine Cupboard). Sooo.. next I found an old modder's resource called "UCFurniture Packs 1 and 2" which also mentions including "Umbecano's large display cabinet". Hmm, in the game there is a quest to get some stuff for UMBACANO to display in his collection, so LOW and BEHOLD:




    Now what are the chances that the modder for Imperial Furniture would just happen to mis-spell Umbacano's name just like the person who provided the furniture pack resource did? Probably nil.


    Since I put this quest off when I first had the opportunity to do it, I haven't seen Umbacano's case filled. Not only that, but with all the trouble I have filling a display I'd like to know how he can get it done, what if it's a magically textured-only filled case at quest completion? Now I'm really curious to have a go at that quest. I want to see if I can take the collectibles out of it once they're in it. hmm.


    I wish I could understand how to change the collision of the case, and also how to tweak the scripts in the Imp furniture inventory. The fireplaces are great because they allow you to move back, and the tapestries allow you to go up and down and back and forth. Why can't all the large items be scripted the same way, they can be very aggravating to have to do in-game but that would be useful. Plus I'd love to tweak the store's inventory with some new items like Xiamara's chair sets:


  16. well i have read those when i tryed getting the ones needed the links never worked v_v;


    and official patches.....gotcha *runs off to download* while those download im gonna go take a nap befor i head off to work >_<

    which links didn't work???,cause the ones I gave you I got this morning

    You can always PM me and I'll help you if you need it...Dezi :biggrin:


    I just checked all the ones in Nec's Readme, and they all work also...

  17. Hello! i donno if this is the right place to ask this stuff but...

    i dont have a single clue how to mod any of my oblivion files i been playing the PS3 version for some time now and figured i would get it for the computer becouse things are able to be modded and changed and added

    but on my search i can not for the life of me figure this out at all...im running a fresh copy of Oblivion no patchs or expansions anything...and wanted to know if some one can lend me a hand in getting mods like these working...






    if none of em work with normel oblivion can some one point out some mods that do and make the female chars and other stuff more....well prettier? :confused:



    The trouble I have is your term "normal" oblvion.

    Any playable character that has been made pretty is going to require supporting mods in order for it to appear pretty. "Normal" oblivion (I'm guessing you mean with no or few extra mods, and without patches) isn't going to cut it for making beautiful characters.


    Everything you need is in the Readme files, for example, for your lovely first character the author included this Readme which gives you all the details of what this character requires in the way of supporting mods (I suggest you make sure you have the latest applicable downloadable patch from Bethesda as well):




    Nec Character-Karla


    By Nec

    [email protected]


    This character's body textures are made with using the HG EyeCandy Body-Fighter version by RAIAR. Using other bodies may

    cause the textures to not appear properly.





    Nec Karla Face.dds

    Nec Karla Face_n.dds

    Nec Karla Ears.dds

    Nec Karla Ears_n.dds

    Nec Karla Hands.dds

    Nec Karla Hands_n.dds

    Nec Karla Body.dds

    Nec Karla Body_n.dds

    Corean Head.egm

    Corean Head.egt

    Corean Head.nif

    Corean Head.tri

    Elf Ears.egm

    Elf Ears.egt

    Elf Ears.nif





















    Unofficial Oblivion Patch:


    (you do not need the Custom Race Fix and the Boethia Shrine Custom Race Fix mods if you have this installed)




    Custom Race Fix by kynetarse:


    (this will trigger the dialog in the cell for custom races. Without this, you will be stuck in the cell).




    Boethia Shrine Custom Race Fix by Damos:


    (a fix for Custom races allowing them to do the Boethia Shrine quest. I have not tested this mod)


    Body mod:

    HG EyeCandy Body by RAIAR. Uploaded by }{ellKnight:


    (Karla's textures should work with the original exnem body and maybe Growlf's HotBody ver. 4.2)




    Recommanded Mods:



    Natural Faces by Maboroshi Daikon:






    Install into the "Oblivion/Data" folder. Click OK to overwrite existing files if asked.

    Copy and paste the save file, Nec-Karla-01.ess into "My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/Saves" folder

    (The character is saved inside the cell).



    Misc. Info:



    This mod is made ready to be use with Corean, Ren, Soya and Babe's hair styles. If you have any of these mods installed,

    the character will be able to use them. If you don't have the mods to certain hair styles, you will still be able to

    see their names in the selection, you just can't use them. Do not select a hair style you dont have the mod to and

    saving the game because the next time you load it up, your character will be bald. See the "bugs" section for the fix.


    You can make changes to the character anytime during gameplay by going into the console (~) and type "showracemenu"

    Once you're satisfy with the changes, DO NOT click on the DONE button, instead, hit the ESC key to bring up the menu

    and save the game. Then load up the savegame. This is the safe way to exit the console without messing up your

    character's stats.


    If you prefer other body textures, just replace the ones found in: Oblivion/Data/Textures/Characters/Nec Character (Karla).

    Make sure you give them the same file name as my files.





    If you saved the character with a hair style you don't have the mod for, your character will be bald the next time you load

    up the savegame. To fix the problem:


    Install the hair mod.




    Go into "showracemenu" and select a hair style that's available to your character (the character may stay looking bald on the screen), save

    and exit the game completely (make sure you read the Misc. Info above on how to exit the console safely). The character

    will have the hair you selected next time you load up the saved file.


    I've notice many of the hairs don't fix well with the Corean head mesh (including the Corean and vanilla hairs).

    I'm not sure if it's something only happens to me or it's the head mesh itself. Unfortunately, I do not have a fix

    for this.






    Nec, for the character and textures.

    Thanks to Exnem and RAIAR for the body.

    Thanks to Ren for the eye meshes.

    thanks to Babe for the hair styles.

    Thanks to idkrrr for the Corean head mesh and eye textures.

    Thanks to Spike4072 and Acidoangel for the ear meshes.

    Thanks to Ozmo for the body texture I used as a base for creating karla's body texture.

    Thanks to Divine Avenger for making CM companion versions of my characters.

    Thanks to Bethesda for making such a beautiful game.

    And Thanks to all the nice and friendly people at Teseyecandy.com.






    Email: [email protected]

    Teseyecandy.com - Nec

    Tesnexus.com - Nec01






    My mods are only uploaded to Tesnexus.com so it's easier for me to keep track of if there's any problem with them.

    Please do not upload this mod to other sites. If you downloaded this or any of my mods elsewhere, that means it's

    been uploaded there without my permission and I cannot guarentee the files are safe and up to date.


    You do not need to ask me for permission if you wish to edit and/or create your own character(s) from this mod for

    distribution. All I ask is please give me, Nec, and the people in the credit listed above credits if you use any part of their mod.


    And most important of all, enjoy and have fun! :)

  18. I fail to see how most of your post has much to do with helping people with the topic's subject.




    Really? Because it made sense to me.


    I paid for the Game of the Year Edition, you know, the one with Shivering Isles? And I installed both. I read on the Official elder scrolls bethesda website that there was a patch I should download, one for if I'm running Oblivion and one if I'm running Oblivion with SI.


    At the end of the day the 416 Oblivion English Ver. patch worked for me, BUT the SI version would not, which resulted in my adding my stat to the Google statistics sited above.


    imagine that.


    I later had an issue with Downloadable Content (purchased) and BethSoft support authoritatively assured me that the GOTY Edition doesn't need the patch. hmm that didn't sound right to me but I thought I'd take him at his word since he is in a position to know better than me, right.


    Well recently I had occasion to reinstall Oblivion (no problems reinstalling on my tweaked Vista machine btw) and when I went to reinstall OBSE lo and behold! I wasn't running Ver 416. Imagine that. I downloaded the Oblivion patch. For spits and giggles I downloaded the SI english ver. patch as well, "old file not find..." hmm. *rolleyes*


    Bliv 416 patch worked fine.. again. All is well.

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