Replacing Winston Churchill's bust with Abraham Lincoln's does not make him anti- anything. It does speak to his devotion to Lincoln. I can relate to that, being an avid Lincoln fan myself. As to these others: I would not have (and could not have) voted for GW. (I am a woman after all.) Andrew Jackson was a pretty terrible president and exterminated native Americans. LBJ botched Nam. I asked my Grandmother, (the one who literally idolized George W. Bush), one time whether she liked Herbert Hoover and she sneered at the idea in a way I had never seen her react to anything before. Most historians seem to believe he botched the recovery from the great depression do they not? Kennedy may have been young and idealistic but he also had some real issues. I don't understand why it wasn't nepotism to have Robert Attorney General, no matter how brilliant Robert was, John was a philanderer and that always screams "entitlement" to me. Hmmm not a good track record from the wealthy side. I admit I'm picky, and also that I would have voted for JFK over Nixon anyway.