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Everything posted by myrmaad

  1. Gabo12 banned. Trolling a file thread: Comment removed.
  2. QuickFox banned. It is never ok to use assets without the original author's permission, it doesn't matter that you uploaded them to Steamworks and not the Nexus sites.
  3. Rougue5188 banned. Trolling a file thread Reference post
  4. meesjongejan banned. Trolling a file upload thread. Reference post
  5. meercat banned. Admitted Piracy of Skyrim in Chat
  6. kowalski99 banned. Premium member or not, uploading nude images into General Image share is an instant ban offense. Please familiarize yourself with our Terms of Service, and I suggest you know the rules and recite them when you create your Unban request. I never like to ban members who have supported this site.
  7. leonardohernan banned. Admitted piracy of skyrim in chat. Being "a poor man" as you say, does not justify stealing a game.
  8. Gallarian banned. Harassing a mod author on his release thread.
  9. FuLLownZ banned. Uploading ripped content, then linking to it on another site to get around the forthcoming ban. It doesn't work that way.
  10. gretzky99 banned. Trolling. Reference post
  11. PinkyPieButterfly banned. Another alt account for DoomSpellReturns
  12. DoomAgainAgainWow banned. Multi account nerd
  13. DoomAgainSrsly banned. Multiple account abuser
  14. Zadira89 banned. Don't get mad, just come back when you're 13. Banned for being under 13 years old.
  15. I'm not saying waste fraud and abuse doesn't happen or doesn't matter. But let's put it into perspective shall we: As a good friend put it in his tweet this morning: #FoxNews This morning: The Buffet rule's $50 billion is 'just a drop in the bucket'! Also, the $900,000 GSA scandal is outrageous!
  16. This again? I don't give a ________. This is exactly on par with what the private sector business community does, why should it be so different when government agencies do business? A double standard, damned if you do, damned if you don't, and a bunch of handwringing on both sides to divert our attention from the important stuff. :rolleyes:
  17. Bribery is illegal. You are not allowed to bribe congress to do your bidding. This is why we have such issues with our campaign finance system, it is tantamount to bribery, I think that's a bigger problem than lobbying. Lobbying, like many businesses, is regulated (and it should be), perhaps we could take a closer look at the rules for lobbyists.
  18. PS: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/577097-wyre-bash-face-import-problem/page__view__findpost__p__4694706
  19. There's instructions for doing a bugdump, I highly suggest if you're getting a bash error like this, do the bugdump and then copy and paste the contents to lojack in the lastest bash thread at Beth Forums.
  20. Lobbying is protected by the first amendment to the Constitution. Free Enterprise is a Capitalist first tenet and what Thomas Jefferson phrased a "pillar of prosperity". So if I want to pay you to petition the government for a redress of my grievances in my stead, in the US, no one can stop me.
  21. I think that can be said of nearly everyone who admires Lincoln. We can only aspire to be as great. Unfortunately Obama has proven he will be mediocre as the last dozen.
  22. Replacing Winston Churchill's bust with Abraham Lincoln's does not make him anti- anything. It does speak to his devotion to Lincoln. I can relate to that, being an avid Lincoln fan myself. As to these others: I would not have (and could not have) voted for GW. (I am a woman after all.) Andrew Jackson was a pretty terrible president and exterminated native Americans. LBJ botched Nam. I asked my Grandmother, (the one who literally idolized George W. Bush), one time whether she liked Herbert Hoover and she sneered at the idea in a way I had never seen her react to anything before. Most historians seem to believe he botched the recovery from the great depression do they not? Kennedy may have been young and idealistic but he also had some real issues. I don't understand why it wasn't nepotism to have Robert Attorney General, no matter how brilliant Robert was, John was a philanderer and that always screams "entitlement" to me. Hmmm not a good track record from the wealthy side. I admit I'm picky, and also that I would have voted for JFK over Nixon anyway.
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