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Everything posted by myrmaad

  1. myrmaad


    Gran I'm glad you brought this up; yes slavery remains. However today's slavery is not the same as Chattel slavery embraced by a government that held that those slaves were not human by virtue of the color of their skin and their foreign origin of birth, and therefore that it was perfectly legal to beat them openly, rape them openly, abuse them openly, starve them openly and even kill them openly because they were fully owned as property. That is chattel slavery. Furthermore, I did not imply that libertarians invented slavery, but if you think that libertarianism does not endorse slavery you are terribly misguided. There is a reason the Libertarianism pervades the US South. Lincoln may have ended the federal endorsement of slavery (and by the way that is what I said before, that the government you idealized was a government that endorsed slavery) but that did not end it on the local levels especially after reconstruction period was over and the advent of Jim Crow came about. Libertarians believe that they should be able to do whatever they want to do on their own property. Thus a non-property owner has no such rights. And just for the record, the Republican party of Lincoln's day is not the same Republican party of today, their platforms are like night and day. They have nothing in common. The Republican party today has much more in common with the Southern Democrats of the 20th century.
  2. Just curious Myr, what governmental form in your estimation would not let the acquisition of wealth dictate policy? Even the Chinese go down that route so am somewhat at a loss to conjure up a current government that does not bow to that form of economic pressure. They're all bending to the corporatocracy of globalization, aren't they. Ideally a true social democracy as opposed to a Republic would be a good start. And the US government of the mid 20th century was a pretty good place to start. You wanna know what I really think? I think money ruins everything. I think people who amass an amount of money that is far more than they need, often get spoiled into thinking that they are "more special" and "more deserved" and that those people who do have worries are "less special" and "less deserved". Max Weber wrote extensively about a divine providence aspect of capitalism, beyond that true statement I'm really not at liberty to pursue the full extent of it here, but I think it is at the heart of this still significant pervasive influence, however in my experience, I'll just say, the Chinese should have stuck with the ideals of Confucius.
  3. danielwilliamz banned. Chat room piracy talk. danielwilliamz anyone illegally downloaded dragon age or something?
  4. What is this armor? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/3660937-1336214233.jpg
  5. It's hard to say since you use a custom game install path. Perhaps try validating steam files?
  6. In the US it did (America was the libertarian movement I was referring to) but slavery was not new to America. It was in fact very normal through most of history. Not the Chattel Slavery on the scale and scope that was practiced in the US. That was a complete anomaly unique to the time and place. There were slaves and servitude in other parts of the world, including Africa, but their treatment was considerably more humane. But let's be clear that the subject is not slavery but idealized governments, and an idealized government that enforces slavery is not one to be idealized. Libertarian governments would probably not allow foreign boots on the ground, but they certainly allow wealth to dictate policy.
  7. plasmas - chat ban rude behavior/arguing with staff
  8. whocares1232 banned. Chat abuse, linking banned content, and multi acct abuse: Pimpnasty sockpuppet
  9. pimpnasty banned. Harassing a member and having a potty mouth in chat.
  10. Amayakyrol banned. Trolling the file uploads. I find it hard to believe you couldn't find anything suited to your own taste in the Oblivion uploads. Instead you gripe about things that don't. We do tolerate free artistic expression in the uploads. We do not tolerate name calling or silly accusations. Reference post Reference post
  11. clawcurse banned. Skyrim pirate Reference post
  12. Chat ban. This time I think we'll just make it permanent.
  13. stfuk4t13 banned. Come back with a better username
  14. Ah the good old days, when men were men and wives were property. Because a belief in freedom means enslavement? Nice try. I love how any talk of returning to our limited government roots becomes a return to slavery and revoking of women's rights. You read how much I love freedom and then conclude that I want to enslave people. *You* are the one glorifying the government of the past, the very government that legally enslaved and marginalized other human beings. I am convinced the last thing libertarians actually believe in is liberty or freedom. What they actually believe in is Property. As in, "If I own more property than you, I'm at liberty to pollute your air."
  15. Alt accounts banned: Nicolas9901 SkyrimModing
  16. commanderskyrim banned. Skyrim pirate commandersk... i can install the mods commandersk... but when i go to game commandersk... they dont work commandersk... i need skyrim.esm commandersk... lol commandersk... where did i get commandersk... lol commandersk... i got it on poratebay commandersk... lol
  17. Ah the good old days, when men were men and wives were property.
  18. I'm glad we had this little talk.
  19. shaolinsarge banned. Piracy of Skyrim shaolinsarge where i can dnwload the files , patches , my skyrim is JackSparrow
  20. xnin3 banned. multiple account abuse /Pirate
  21. xnine banned. Piracy of Skyrim Reference posts hidden 1 2 Reference report here. Buy the game legitimately and you will be able to use the Steam Workshop.
  22. I sort of have to chuckle. Why do they need bases, they use ours. I went to an "all service tech school", the building where I was housed was large, shaped like a U and there were marines housed one floor below ours, on the other side the Navy and the Army. There was a small contingent of the Coast Guard; there were rotations of National Guard we'd pass on the way to chow or at the gym and on the track fields. And there were lots of foreign service receiving training there as well. I'll remind you Noriega trained in the US. Fort Benjamin Harrison.
  23. dizzer1106 banned. Silly pirate.
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