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Everything posted by Indio21

  1. I know but you are trying to do something with it that involves CK, as you mentioned. You are not going to find that help here. "It seems well known that there is no MCM in the SSE port, and I've seen a few people posting in places about how to get the MCM to work through the Creation Kit" So I believe you are trying to edit a mod to have one. Therefore you are actually creating a mod because it is different from the mod authors original that has no MCM. Editing and creating, I believe, are beyond the scope here. But as before, good luck!
  2. Hi ZenithCO, your topic would be better placed in the section below, of nexus SSE. This section is for troubleshooting of existing mods. Good Luck! Skyrim Special Edition Creation Kit and Modders A forum to discuss and get help with the creation kit and making mods for Skyrim Special Edition.
  3. Here, read this intro to merged patches.... Merged Patch "The simplest patch to make is the TES5edit merged patch. This patch can merge some types of conflicts in ingestible (food and potions), ammunition, armor, container (like merchant chests), faction, ingredient, magic effect, miscellaneous item, NPC, and weapon records. It cannot do all types of conflicts in all of those records. It can also handle leveled item and leveled npc forms, but generally it doesn't do a very good job of this. The merged patch will automatically read any mod you have loaded into TES5edit when you run it. It determines whether those mods change any of the things it is capable of patching and combine those changes into a new esp, which will have those mods as masters. It is NOT to be confused with merging plugins." The TES5edit merged patch is best for simple changes. It's especially useful if you have multiple mods that add keywords to objects. It can't really do much past that. My take is it is designed for patching and not "intuition" on CR. Look at this one too.... Patching is not an excuse for shitty load order. "If you are using any automated tool to patch, it will not give good results unless you have the correct load order going in. I think mator's tutorial video on smash is a perfect example of this... the reason that patch didn't look right? Because he was using two random mods I recommended without fixing their load order (the load order for those mods is defined by the mod author and is correct in LOOT). People also point out mistakes that Wrye Bash makes, especially with mods like MLU and Scarcity. Again. If your load order is correct, those mistakes won't happen." "The following automated patchers are designed to handle "rule of one" conflicts. They can't fix anything that you couldn't do manually in TES5edit: They don't handle navmesh, VMAD, or other records that need to be edited in the CK. But, they do make these patches a lot faster and easier to make." The short of it is your are looking for an easy route. I did the exact same first seeing the wall of red, lol. These "solutions" thought to be answers for doing CR is just creative thinking and acting without knowing "how deep the water is" type of scenario. They are tools to make the patching processes easier, like a UI, than xedit does, but again, no "intuition" for CR as they are designed to only make patches to resolve a conflict. The sad truth is there is no way around CR if you want a game with more than like 6 mods, maybe, :wallbash: :wallbash: :sad: :sad: I've looked everywhere, lol. Its sooooo daunting and booooring!!!!! lol Also, so I am not violating any CW laws or anyone just wants a reference. The above sections were copied from https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/patching Happy modding!
  4. See LOOT, WB, and MO2 are all mod managers too, they just offer different "bells and whistles" so to say. You only need one MM so pick between Vortex or MO2. Load all your mods into one and do any related work to activate all mods and plugins. If your using Vortex only resolve the red lightning bolt conflicts on the mods tab. If using MO2 make sure both panes ordering is basically the same. If modA has 4 plugins then modB on the right pane it will show that and on the left pane it should be modA then modB below. If your reading has taken you to these areas, no merged or bashed patch active or made if you have not. Sort it with LOOT for both MMs or use the Vortex deploy on mods tab and then the Sort on the plugins tab. Note all info LOOT or Vortex gives you. Read all the notes on the mods it is offered on. If it says you are missing a patch, go find it. If it says to read the mod description page, do so. If it says two mods are incompatible then, for now, pick the one you definetaly want and disable the mod of the one you do not. The whole mod, not just the plugin. Later when your LO is conflict resolved you can research more into it if it really is incompatible or just needs a patch. Keep repeating this until all issues are resolved with LOOT or vortex. If you do choose MO2, afterwards make sure all the mods pane alignment still basically matches the plugins as I do not believe LOOT does both. Next turn off all the mods but the first one beneath the last game DLC or add-on. Open Quick Check for Conflicts in xedit and begin working through conflict resolution per the Tome guide. When all showing conflicts are resolved return to your MM and turn on the next mod. Run QCFC in xedit and again resolve all conflicts by grouping and or patching. Exit xedit and back to the MM to turn on another and repeat until your whole LO shows nothing for conflicts in xedit when all mods and plugins are active. I have just learned doing CR across the whole LO stops the need for a bashed patch as all leveled list and such conflicts are resolved doing CR through out. Therefore you can remove WB from the learning curve as xedit has the other functions that can be helpful in WB. "I've been trying to watch tutorials about getting them all to work together and it's all a nightmarish mess." Yes, it is why I pointed to that video to help keep your expectations in check and so would help you not get too down. Think of modding like a restoration project on that old muscle car you may have always wanted. With the mods you have the car, but the engine and drive-train are dead and you know nothing about auto body or even swinging wrenches. Going to be awhile before that one is cruise ready huh :smile: Keep your head up as once you learn enough blocks to make the foundation your world is now only contained to that square and everything following builds on the other. It may start as a bunch of blocks but eventually you will end up with the house or castle you want!
  5. Lol, yeap my father basically said the same when I enlisted....."the corps is just cannon fodder" lol, first on the beach and mostly anywhere for that matter. People always think of the names like the Seals for the greats, not to say they are not! Just force Recon had already crawled into bed with the enemy and successfully left with all the intel, for teams like the seals, before the enemy ever knew they was or were there! :) My great uncle retired from the Army doing something with tanks then worked as a civilian doing the same for them until he passed. Two grandfathers in WWII, one in the Airforce and other in the Navy. Due to medical reasons my father could not serve even as much as he wanted to. As the rest of the family had covered the other branches, and I was young, dumb, and full of c*m, I felt I needed to cover that branch to round us out so to say. That and I wanted to be a bad azz being young, lol. Lets not forget the uniform too, lol. My dreams of special forces led me to be a grunt too, dispite my asvab scores. Only way to that special MOS :) My god father was in the Army for Vietnam and I can definitely concur that is a fitting definition for him too, lol! Worst war ever in American history I consider. Only time in history America did not stand behind its troops! Blamed them for the political BS they were ordered to do!!! I'll leave that one there, being a patriot and all, as it still rubs me the wrong way :(. "I'd hate for him to come home and it not be ready.".....Like I said if you have problems or questions ask away. I am sure you will find community support for such a positive, selfless act of kindness!!! Lots of great knowledgeable modders here :) Best ~Indiao
  6. Hello Kitikitihakis, old Corps vet here so I can definitely relate to your sons taking "this fu**ing laptop out back, strap C4 to it and blow the f*** out of it", lmao. Like the Corps taught me tell him if your going to do it, do it right. Don't piss around with the little damn ball of it, the block has a self-adhesive stick on the back side for the whole block :smile: :smile: Just some Corps humor, lol. "I didn't realize it would be this big an undertaking"......I highly suggest watching the first 3.5 minutes of the video link below. This will greatly help keep perception and motivation in check as you venture this undertaking. This intro is the "real world" of modding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EKcS7qmtLo For updated videos on all you will need to know and learn, that Ai Cave has some good ones and the GamerPoets Utube channel will cover a lot and they are up to date. To accomplish this ASAP, I'd do as was recommended above with starting a new game. Only turn on mods maybe in groups of up to five working through Conflict Resolution as outlined in the Tome Guide for xEdit. The guide actually recommends doing them one at a time to save the bombardment of RED conflicts showing. Note that this a step for "finalizing" LO, not a beginning one like sorting with LOOT. Also if using MO you probably would be better to upgrade to MO2 the latest supported. The Tome guide is here https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/index.html I took a quick look at the mod list but it is very hard to give you any input as it seems to be listed alphabetically instead of by LO. If you could post a list of the actual LO maybe I can give you some more insight there. Also, to remove the basics of problems it might be in your best interest to post the info on the hardware of his laptop. The size of the LO one can run is controlled by the hardware in use. Then one of the hardware experts could respond if you are possibly running to many mods. Hate to see you work through and learn all the mentioned above to find out he couldn't run that many mods to begin with successfully. It is a very nice thing you are doing! If you have any questions ask away. I will help all I can! Also, thank you and thank him for serving for me! Happy modding :smile:
  7. Hi OJLMethos, if you are referring to the step guide for xedit the Tome guide is the more updated version. Not to say there is not still useful info there, just the tome is currently updated for the most stable version of xedit with the functions it currently offers. "The STEP guide has a CR patch made for all the mods that they use, which they have created themselves"......hmmm, will have to look over those patches myself then. Might save me some work :). Guess I did not research it fully. Keep in mind that those patches could also be outdated if they are not being maintained. Just found one of those myself I had to remove. "This resolves the issues with the mods you specifically highlighted".....Nope, that is a feature of xedit's Quick Check For Conflicts. The color codes for the cells and lettering all mean something to help us with CR. The Tome guide will provide a legend for it and show you were to find it for quick reference it xedit. "so this is still very much going to be useful I suspect"......Performing CR in xedit is the only way for sure to know if conflicts are what you want or if you will have address them. I know your LO is fairly small but pay particular attention to using the full function of this tool with groups too. The idea with CR in xedit is when we have resolved all the confilcts and the QCFC is ran, nothing shows in the left pane :). By putting mods into groups we tell xedit we are fine with that conflict and remove it from the list so we know it has been resolved. By following "The Method" outlined in the Tome you will put every two mods into a group. By doing this, later when we decide to add another mod and run the QCFC only the last mod in the last group of a conflict will appear for us to resolve the conflicts. Without groups every single mod with a conflict to the new mod or a mod that the new one affects will be in the list. This portion is for LO Management and will make life soooo much nicer X amount of months later when one wants to add more mods. Also, keep in mind my pics above are not showing the full view that xedit will show. I had a setting on to only show conflict rows, so it hides all the "green" ones (no conflicts). In the left pane you probably noticed other entries beneath Cloaks. Everyone of them are a conflict with other mods in my LO and more complex than the simple one I did find for an example. You may have no mods conflicting Cloaks in a bad way.......or you could have multiple ones :(. Like I said xedit is the only program/tool I know of that will show all those conflicts. Here is a link to an interview with nexus and the creator of xedit. This will provide some real insight to xedit and why exactly CR is a necessity and not an option, well if you want a 99% conflict free game anyways. The creator explains why exactly he did create xedit and its need to perform CR has not changed in all these years! Have fun, and you are welcome! https://www.nexusmods.com/news/13911
  8. Hay Travin, don't know where you ended up with this issue but I just came across the topic below. Might worth a look for your issue with SkyUI. Good luck https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8471503-skyui-and-nexus-oddity/
  9. OJLMethos, I had to return to doing CR of my own LO after the above post. Remembering some of your mods that I have the same I opened one up in xedit to show you what I mean by CR. Well, I was hoping for an image to be readily available but still learning to use the nexus site. Anyways, if you open the attachment you will see Cloaks being overwritten by a patch for Legacy of the Dragonborn and Konahrik Accoutrements. Mind you this can happen with any mod using the same cells as Cloaks, in your LO, coming after it. This is not an example for if you just have these mods. The DBM_KA_Patch.esp overwrites Cloaks for the "Cloak of Krosis" with a blank cell. This means that that cloak of Krosis will never make it into the game. In this situation if the conflict cannot be resolved by arranging LO and no professional patch offered, I will have to make a custom patch just for this to work in my arrangement of LO. In your LO you may not have a mod that would conflict this way with Cloaks. This is why CR is such a necessary evil. The game may play with no issues from these two mods and the only existing "tell tale" is the fact I will not see that cloak in game. This is a basic, simple example of a conflict one does not want. From there it can go to CTDs, and as I have learned, beyond!! Hope it helps and good luck :smile: Also, so the world of modding does not beat down your enthusiasm and perception of what you are trying to do, watch the first 3.5 minutes of this video below. It will greatly enlighten you to this "world" of modding and help keep expectations in reality so you do not feel so let down as things develope :smile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EKcS7qmtLo
  10. Hello OJLMethos, just as an fyi I did not take this as a "CTD, plz halp thread", you have to much info for that, lol. A quick look I took at the beginning of your LO does reveal some placement errors. I too use the UHDAP mod and it is the only one I have that is "required" to be above the USSEP. Also the correct arrangement recommended for LO starts with the UHDAP - MusicHQ.esp to be first, at top, then the numbered ones from 0 to 4 below it. I also see you have Laterns of Skyrim which if I remember correctly also is recommended to be above the USSEP. I do not have that one now but made a mental note about it when I finish conflict resolution on my current LO to follow up on it again. Reread the description page on the lanterns to verify, been a while here. I read all the posts and looked over, basically, the info you provided. The only tool I do not see mention of, and probably the most important besides one's MM in my humble opinion, is xedit. Are you performing the steps outlined in the Tome of xEdit for conflict resolution of your LO? Only xedit is going to reveal conflicts beyond LOOT and your chosen MM. It is there you will see if any custom patches are needed for your LO. Below I will put a link to the Tome guide for you. I would recommend reading most all of it before beginning CR. The "Scripting" sections are the only ones I have not read yet. I have some other mods that you have too and seen some real conflicts from them in xedit that will require either arranging LO or a custom patch. There is no way for me to have all those conflicts memorized from working through them but I can tell you some are like the CCOR, Cloaks, Improved Helmets, etc, and that Timing is Everything. The Timing one I have been putting off doing as it conflicts with so much in my LO. Just want to do the basics of CR first to learn and build up to ones like that. Now like I said I have been avoiding it so whether or not it is conflicts we want IDK as I am avoiding it for now, lol. I believe the step you are missing is CR. I thought when I started it was just a matter of explicitly reading and watching everything offered for info on a mod and get all necessary patches. Sort it and it should basically work like a toaster. Unfortunetly, not the reality :sad:!!!!!! Look over the Tome guide and follow the necessary steps to verify you only have "conflicts" you want. Once you have performed CR I believe you will find the stability you are seeking. As an extra note I have read of people not even needing the Alternate Start mod after performing CR. Hoping to find that one out myself :smile:. Happy Modding! https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/index.html
  11. You are welcome. I am just soooo appreciative of the veterans leaving us this knowledge I just try to help forward it is all and help where I can. To clarify my response above, some mods the authors say cannot be started mid play through. That is why I just stopped on my first LO and began the current, I wanted them lol. Myself not having the "know" behind these areas I just follow recommendations. But, as an fyi for you, I am very curious if this is another recommendation like when most say to put their mod at the bottom of LO. I learned most just recommend that to stop conflicts from occurring. About the 50th mod saying so I was thinking this is impossible, lol. That is why I suggested the two LO as I did. If I got a mod without such requirements I might put it in my first LO to roughly check things out as I know conflicts are not resolved there. Ones that do specify a new game start needed go into my current working one. Also, just as an fyi as I seen you mention about beginning this weekend. Do not feel like you are bugging anyone with questions before you are ready to tackle them. I would not recommend diving into questions one knows would be over their head, at the time, unless it was for general clarification to understand the overall of something. I just have noticed some new people have this false perception these veterans just sit around here all day waiting to answer someone's question. I do not get that impression from your posts, to clarify, as you seem very respectful of people's time. I only mention it because they do have lives too and if you post the question sooner, there is a better chance the answer might be waiting for you when you are ready. I too did that one. Not meaning the expecting an immediate reply, but just was thinking with so many people online here at any given time an answer might appear fairly quickly. Like if you did want to start with any of the body textures you mentioned. Jimmy or another knowledgeable person might be able to recommend some good ones to start with that do not conflict or conflict with very little.
  12. Perfect, I was hoping your topic would catch a veterans eye like JImmyR. As my venture into modding did not start based off proper procedures, when I restarted the game all my mods were on. My pc is fairly beefy I figured so if it CTD I figured I'd learn not to do that, lol. As it was it did not CTD, but regardless I'd still use Jimmy's approach. Then, and until now, I could not find any info on if it was correct to do so. Like I mentioned, most use the alternate start mod. Knowing that I figured if they could do it I should be able to in a stable game area. Jimmy really seems to know the game engine, and much more, so his recommendations I trust. BTW, it is his writings I was referring to when I warned about high resolution textures and the game engine. In that overview of mods I gave, you probably noticed nothing on body type textures. That is because I never made it that far on my first LO before I embarked on a new doing CR. I do know from chatting with Jimmy he works with them by thousands, so if you want recommendations on that with textures he is one to ask! Plus, he was building pcs and modding and successfully playing these games before I even thought of building my first pc. He also seems to be very knowledgeable on hardware too. I did not mention doing a hard save in the area JimmyR mentions because I learned the game does one automatically right about the time Ulferic starts to walk away. It shows in its own menu area upon starting the game so do not be alarmed if it is not showing by default. Once I learned that, and I read it was best not to turn on mods until leaving Helgen, I stopped doing extra saves there. But now that JImmy spoke up there is probably good reason to do it there I am not aware of. If you want them you only get a limited time frame from Ulfric walking away and them calling you to do so. You are welcome and happy modding :)
  13. Yes, I know the feeling well of being overwhelmed in the "World" of modding, lol. There really is good news and that is it is not as hard as it seems. One does not need to be an expert on the tools I mentioned above. A good basic understanding of the functions of the areas you will use is enough for ones like LOOT (yes you are correct above), WB, etc. Two big ones to know, and by that I mean the most features of, are your chosen MM (again, above you are correct) and xedit, which I am sure you already formed the conclusion you will use a lot. I am not familiar with those "designed" lists, so to say, I just began by watching and reading on, mostly watching on Utube by mod reviewers, the kinds of mods I wanted. Basically wandering around in the dark on it all like most probably do beginning, lol. Now I can give you some feedback but lets clear somethings first. Vortex uses LOOT's masterlist to sort your LO (again you are correct). To break this down to the basics, LOOT references a list of mods that are known to work together, fairly harmoniously, in that order. Because mods are added by the hundreds a day this list is never complete and up to date on all existing possibilities of mods affecting one's LO. So you use this to roughly sort your LO. You may be thinking why use LOOT then if Vortex references its list. To answer that specifically we need one of the veterans of modding here. I am not educated enough on the internal workings of the two software to know if there is any specific differences in what it does. Myself, when I was still using vortex, LOOT seemed to give me a more understandable answer most times than vortex did of the same issue. Like if I was missing a required patch, so that is what I mainly use it for and the reason above now. Before in Vortex I noticed I could sort plugins with LOOT and immediately following sort with vortex and vortex would change the arrangement LOOT did. After discovering that, I only referenced LOOT for a better understanding and always let vortex do the sorting. It may have been a bug or whatever, I do not know and it has been some time now since working with vortex. With Vortex, only resolve the conflicts it shows with red lightning bolts on the mods tab. Vortex may start by default with the section showing it disabled so enable it in settings if not. Vortex shows them in two ways that lead to the same affect. Addressing them by the individual bolts maybe less confusing if you have a lot of mods conflicting. On the plugins tab is where you want to drag and drop for LO placement in vortex, if needed. Sort them first, and possibly a couple times if you have installed a lot of mods since doing it the last time (just another glitch I noticed in vortex is if the plugins list screen flashes like it just reloaded at the end of sorting you need to do it again as it did not sort completely. This too may have been addressed, again I am not sure). Then if in xedit it shows you can remove the conflict by moving/adjusting the mods placement that is an easy fix by establishing the rules in vortex dragging and dropping the plugin. If not more elaborate solutions are necessary. The Tome of xEdit guide webpage will walk you through it all hand in hand with all needed for CR (Conflict Resolution). Also, behind that "Help" icon on vortex is a whole world of info on using it and much more. Like I mentioned, know your MM of choice :smile: Trust me it blows working through hundreds of mods on CR as it is like the most perpetual game of checkers one could play. It is why it is strongly encouraged to work through CR on each mod you add right then and there. While playing a heavily modded game is just fantastic, the time it can take one to accomplish can be a long stretch of no playing fun. As I am now working on CR on my second LO of 378 active plugins now, the first was about 150 and I did not know of the importance of CR, I can definitely confirm what you watched in that video I sent you to first, lol. Now for a "very basic" explanation of how modding works. Think of the whole game of Skyrim as a pie. A mod cannot exist in the game being outside the pie so it must lie on top. Now each "area" of the game, so to say, is a piece of that pie. One piece for the world (quests and such basically), one for textures, one audio, one weapons, another armor, etc. So if one "carefully" selects mods only changing each individual area those are conflicts one wants as we want the mod to change/conflict the original game programming to create said mod affect. The bad conflicts begin when we try to layer mods, again so to say, in an area. As an example say you find to weapon overhaul mods that makes some specific weapons into leveled type artifacts. Say mod A makes a sword one and mod B does an axe. Mod A comes first in our hypothetical LO but does not offer an axe. Mod B comes along enabling the axe but because it does not offer a sword that cell is blank. With conflicts in the game engine the last info loaded wins the conflict. That means Mod A's sword will never make it into the game as it is overwritten with a blank cell. If we switch the LO the Mod A's sword wins but the axe is not loaded from Mod B. That is when one needs a compatibility patch to make both weapons show in game. If one has not been already made we are forced to "nicely request" (which we actually are not actually "forced" to do, but one does get farther with honey than vinegar ) the, or a, mod author for a patch. Otherwise we have to build our own in sseedit or CK. Now this is "an extremely basic" description of what is going on because mod can affect cells one never ever would think they have in common. As an example I have weapons and armor mods that write into cells affecting water for my water mod, Yeah, wtf right lol. Either or that is why CR is such a necessary evil if you really want to open the doors of this modding world. Now if I had to do it over again, knowing correctly how to start, I would have started with just a real basic modded game. Get that going and you got some playing time with a good foundation to add some mods for trial if needed. Then in the time you do not want to play keep working on that large LO you really want. That being said here are such recommendations of mods to begin. One of my favorite I have added and recommend is the Legacy of the Dragonborn. You can read its description here on nexus and all these mods I mention from nexus. Legacy has its own quest line but a key feature is it adds a museum to Solitude for display of game/quest rewards/artifacts. The team over it all tied it into a bunch of other related quests, like around a dozen or more. Legacy has a FOMOD patch installer on a related mod page. Back when I put it on I opened the FOMOD to see all mods the patches were offered for and then tracked down the quest mod to see if I liked it enough to add it. Most all I did as I want lots of adventuring, lol. Forgotten Dungeons seems to work well with Legacy thus far as I have seen and know of xedit. That one will add 50 more quests and some extensions to existing quests I believe. Other world quests, as I call them, like Beyond Skyrim Bruma, Beyond Reach, and Falskaar also I have not encountered more than placement conflicts. Oops upon reviewing I have had to create one custom patch for Beyond Reach and Beyond Skyrim but a quick look over my LO shows that is it thus far. Who knows what could develop with another mod added. Mind you though these are not simple quests but whole new worlds full of quests. That will fill up that "world" slot pretty well to start, lol. Now from here on it gets more tricky adding mods with plugins. Pick an audio mod to start and texture mods one is fairly safe with. Myself, thus far, I am liking how Noble Skyrim and the various ones offered through Skyland look. Those are pretty limited to 2k textures because of my limit on vram so if you have, I believe it is, 6 to 8 gbs of vram or more you may want the high end 4K textures or better. I know nothing on them with performance and such but have read veterans saying lots of high resolution textures is a strain on the game engine as basically it was pieced together between the 32 and 64 bit platforms. You would have to research that on your own to venture there. Myself I tend to lean more to the "if it is not broken" philosophy. House mods are fine as long as they have not been placed in same areas of mods generating quest areas and such. Adding weapons and armor mods can be a factor with Legacy as some weapons and armor are artifacts. As Legacy is a Elder Scrolls Masterfile, a .esm, most said mods will be a .esp, an Elder Scrolls Plugin, for weapons and armor therefore being forced lower in the list than Legacy. Again, this is just a hypothetical example of the conflicts that can arise depending on the cells they share the same. Oh and you can add the Skyrim Sewers mod also to the other quests mod if you like it. A new patch for the two just got made and will be added soon the patch FOMOD for Legacy. Outlaw Refuges plays nice with SS too :smile:. I added them from missing it in Oblivion, the sewers anyways. Followers can be touch and go with some I had seen reading. Did learn good warnings on not to have more than 5 followers at a time as it again strains the game engine though. I have done no testing with more than 5 on my LOs, to note. That is all that comes to mind for a starter LO. If I think of more I'll add them. One thing to note is the game starting has stability issues with modded games. I have read it can stop with conflict free games and really hoping to find out. Some use the Alternate Start mod to avoid having to turn off mods to start the game. Myself, for LO testing and verification, I turned off every single mod, created my character, and played through getting out of Helgen. I then followed the person far enough to get the starting main quests. I then did like three game saves, in case I needed to undo one or two, and shut the game down. I then activated all my mods and plugins verifying the LO did not change with the plugins as a "feel good". Then I know I have good saves on a stable vanilla game and after the area the game has stability issues with on modded games. I now know that no mods could have wrote into those saves as none were active affecting my testing from behind the scenes, so to say. It ruled out any possibilities for me as I have read of people having problems with the Alternate Start mod. Probably because of conflicts as soooo many use it, but this way allows me to remove that as a possibility affecting my saves. That all should keep you good and busy for a bit, lol. If you go with any of those "world mods" be sure to research them well as they can have a few patches required. Lots of knowledgeable people on here for help too so ask if you need it. We all had to learn it and been there :sad: lol. Happy modding!
  14. Well then best of luck to you trying to find your "Jennie in a bottle" answer. Personally, I never make the mistake of thinking there is not anything I can learn from a person being it proven or not they are more educated than me. If you would have opened the first link your so called perception of the reality of modding would have been addressed by watching the first 3.5 minutes of the posted video. But you know so much more than all the experts I referenced and learned from so I am not even sure exactly why you are here and not playing your game.......what was it again??? Ah, who cares right. Sure don't want to waste your time. That being said, and as far as validity of the knowledge I've expressed, as far as I know "magic" only exists in the game! Also when your not to busy feel free to use some time and help "all" those lost people with your astounding knowledge. Guess the rest of us just get lucky helping them is why one is not seeing their repeated posts concerning the same thing. Uhh, good luck :/ if you need it
  15. Not to throw off your perception of time frames for all this, my better half took the self appointed position as mod and LO tester of my first is why such low testing playing time. You know, to lighten the load on me :sad: lol. Her character is above level 65 playing the first LO, uhhh "testing" :/ lol Anyways, I do not know where you are in knowledge of mentioned areas. Here are some recent topics I responded to with relating info and links to informative areas one needs to know. Plus if you really read them over, none terribly long, it will give you the rest of the insight to continue from the base I left off at here. If you do read them over do so as I list below to help align the info for understanding. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8457593-advice-for-a-beginner-for-skyrim-se-mods-please/ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8440863-unknown-vortex-problems/ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8399338-skyrim-se-crashing-at-random/ Let me edit this so you get a clear picture about conflict resolution from things I discribe in the links above. She was just playing this evening. Runs around with 5 followers at any given time and usually enough weight from items between the lot to sink a battleship, lol, I am more into immersion. Anyways, no ctds, no fps lags, no freezes, nothing other than situations I described in the above topics. Hell if I had known about conflict resolution on the first LO I'd be playing now. Well that and considering the fact I love mods and keep adding now I do basically know how to make it all work. Also thinking back tonight I believe she is almost an level 70 and just started Wyrmestooth tonight. She is X far into the beginning of the main quest line and exploring some areas along the way and still with all the followers. Again, no problems but the ones I left myself from lack of know how.
  16. Only relevance I see on that is it blows, I know. Game restarts are a factor until LO conflict is resolved. It is why in almost 3 months I have done several with an "actual" playing time totaling less than 16 hrs. This is the price of enjoying the world of possibilities with large LOs. Trust me, it is like the most boring perpetual game of checkers one could ever play. At least that is my feeling on working through 378 active plugins currently showing as I have a good dozen shut off for conflict resolution that I am not ready to deal with. Basically if they turn out to be to much work they will be filed accordingly, lol, and I'll look for replacements. But damn won't it be a whole new world of playing when I am done :smile: Should mention this is my second LO with the first less than half this size to explain time frames, lol
  17. Have you tried performing "Quick Check For Conflicts" in sseedit to see conflicts? I am no "expert" just knowledgeable on what I have learned. From some readings I know some mods, I believe ones with scripting, write into a games saves. Therefore, an existing conflict will keep repeating itself whether on a new game or not. To begin some troubleshooting I'd do the following: I have read, and witnessed, modded games messing with the start screen of the game. Recently I had learned problems with it seem to quite with a conflict resolved game, others use the Alternate Start mod. Myself to have a completely clean start for conflict resolution of my LO I disabled all mods. Every single one. Played the game through character creation and getting out of Helgen. Made sure to follow the person long enough to get all related starting quests which happens fairly fast. Made a couple saves as in like 3 so I had some restarts, to say, if necessary. Exited the game and enabled all my mods and verifying LO placement of plugins as a "feel good". With your mods not messing with an existing game start you know nothing is wrote into those saves. As all reports show, and my own experience, the game stabilizes with mods after that point you know have a solid foundation to begin troubleshooting. Hope it helps :smile:
  18. Do not quote me but I believe the SSE Engine Fixes for skse64 fixes the need for achievement mods. It allows achievements to work with a modded game. I know it was mentioned as a fix in the Engine Fixes that was previous to its successor SSE Engine Fixes. So you may not even need that mod now. I forget which achievements one it was I was using prior to learning that but it is not installed now and I do not get the game flag about achievements either. So am assuming that is why being so long now since I read on it. If you installed skse64 manually then that rules out the possibility of a folder structure problem in vortex. As mentioned before, in the beginning I ran into that same issue with SkyrimUI and cannot for the life of me remember what it was or how I corrected it. Brain is too wrapped in recent learning to part the clouds. If I do remember I'll write it in here if you hadn't resolved it. Hopefully some else that has resolved the issue will chime in. Also might be worth doing some googling on it. Might find some answers in another forum. That has helped me quite a few times over the curve!
  19. williamgillam713, as the OP had just replied I'd assume it is still open. I thought I'd reply before someone really smacked your hand to say. I believe this is considered hijacking of another person's topic. While you maybe thinking you are saving topic posting space there is literally another world behind the factors of what you are experiencing than what is revealed here. If you really want help you will need to put a whole lot more effort into it than the count of mods and plugins, a help, and a mod list. That is not enough info to really even begin the troubleshooting. I'd suggest starting your own topic providing such relevant info as possibly hardware your using, a look into the history of both your playing time with said LO and your knowledge on software you are using to establish and use your LO, steps and processes taken to finalize LO ( withLOOT, Wyre Bash, SSEEdit), MM in use, and possibly any description of what exactly is happening and where. All this, and more if you think it will help, will all give someone a real foundation to begin troubleshooting your problem. Good luck
  20. Hello, first to clear your perception and understanding of the world of modding watch the first 3.5 minutes of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EKcS7qmtLo Second, you never want to use another person's mod list for various reasons. It does sound more like you put a LO together from recommended mods though, but without researching them properly is probably worse. As you said "I don't know if I'm missing anything important, I only have a vague idea about which mods are absolutely essential for the game and which mods are required for other mods to work" which is the biggest detriment. Modding requires TONS of research and learning. Do not form the false perception that the world of modding starts and ends with picking a MM, get your mods and all available patches, sort with LOOT, make a bashed patch, and all should work like turning on a machine. That is not the world of modding with large LOs and conflicting mods! Third, with out the proper knowledge driving "your choices" of mods and requirements a high end pc is only going to allow you to make for more problems. Myself, and if you really want to be able to play that mod list some day without driving you nuts, I'd start back to the very beginning with a completely clean slate. Ai Cave of the video I referenced above has videos on how to do just that somewhere on his page. I'd uninstall it all completely and follow such mentioned instructions from Ai Cave or GamerPoets and reinstall the game and MM. Then follow more of those videos or links here on nexus and get all the support mods and tools for modding (LOOT, Wyre Bash, SSEEdit) and learn to use them, again from mentioned video authors or updated tutorials like the Tome of xEdit, for working with xedit. Once you got a basic working knowledge of mentioned software and mods, start your search for mods to make the game as you would like. Meticulously read all the description page of a mod, it's requirements AND the mods requiring it for patches and such, look over the bugs tab if offered, the posts and tutorial tab, I believe, for any notes from the mod author or users reporting problems, look over any related videos for other relevant info maybe not being mentioned in the fore mentioned areas, and definitely verify that mod is for the SSE game and not skyrim as a lot of people mess that one up beginning. Once you like all that download and install the mod. Sort it with LOOT and see if you are missing any necessary patches, if it needs cleaning (which you will encounter learning to clean game dlcs reinstalling everything if you follow the videos I mentioned), etc. Once all that is resolved run your LO through Quick Check For Conflicts using xedit and resolve all conflicts by the instructions set forth in the Tome guide either by arranging LO, making a custom patch, or both, and creating mod groups. Of course this would be your first mod so arrangement will not be an issue most likely but it will be from there on with every mod. Now you are ready to find the next mod and all requirements and begin the process again, and again for every single mod you choose. When you get enough mods that you want to begin a play open WB and verify the order of the masters for the mods and if not correct fix them with WB. Then build your bashed patch with WB. Then, and only then, will you be able to get a mostly problematic free game. Happy modding and welcome to the community :smile:
  21. How did you choose to install skse64, manually or with vortex?
  22. Cleaning files is not the same as what I am talking about. Finalizing LO can only be done thru conflict resolution. Xedit is for so much more than just cleaning files, which is a beginning step I'd say.
  23. At a quick glance it does not look to bad. Keeping mindful I am not familiar with a good portion of those mods. You even have the OCW_CellSettings.esp low in order, high in priority, as I seen recommended. Couple little things, as I do not believe they would be a direct result of your situation. I am not recognizing the plugin you have before the USSEP at the top. Unless a mod specifies it needs to be above it, everything else goes below the USSEP. I am not seeing IDs in front of the RDO - USSEP Patch.esp so am guessing it is disabled in your plugins. If not, do so. You only need one of the offerings of the FOMOD. Vortex uses LOOT's masterlist for sorting LO. This begins to align one's LO but the final step to be performed is with conflict resolution in xedit. Only then will you know how mods are affecting one another to finalize LO and make custom patches where needed. If you are not familiar with xedit begin here to learn how to use it https://tes5edit.git...docs/index.html Sharlikran and the team built a whole tutorial type website on it's use. You can find sse version of xedit here on nexus for download as sseedit. Hope it helps!
  24. I believe the very first mod that should ever be downloaded, from my learning, is the USSEP (Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch). From my understanding this fixes most issues Bethesda has not addressed in the Skyrim Update yet. It is offered here on nexus. I'd add that and try it without skse64. If it works fine go get the SSE Engine Fixes mod that addresses issues in skse64. Install it with skse64. Hope it helps!
  25. Help is what areas of the forum is for :). Not knowing what your after for help is a hindrance is all. I replied to a similar topic here if that helps any https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8432578-plugin-limit-what-do-i-do/ Otherwise, ask away!
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