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Everything posted by Indio21
Still not much to go on. If so where are your custom patches as I only see patches offered by FOMODs of mods?
Hello, I am new to the site myself. Just as an FYI I believe you will get more help from the veterans of this site if you present your question with as much detail as possible. I believe it shows that you really have an interest in addressing your problem rather than dropping a list and saying help. As much info as possible will help them troubleshoot your problems. Just a tip to hopefully help in the future. Not knowing any more info on the problem, I'd suggest you start with taking a look over this post https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8399338-skyrim-se-crashing-at-random/ I see some of the same mods from that list here and they were missing some patches and such. What MM are you using? Does it always CTD at the same area in the game? Have you sorted your LO with LOOT? Have you done any conflict detection with Wyre Bash or SSEEdit? If you are not familiar with the last three tools I mentioned for modding go to Utube and look up GamerPoets. Find his "Guide to Modding SSE", I believe it is called. In this guide he explains all the support tools needed for modding sse with install instructions and all. Outside of the guide he has all kinds of relating videos and more in depth ones on using the tools. After verifying your patches, and if the problem persists, try turning off mods in groups of 3 to 5 for your LO. When the problem stops turn the last group back on one by one until you can identify the mod causing the CTD. If you are able to identify which one go back to the mod's nexus page and look over its description, requirements, posts, articles, and or videos for any info on anyone else having this problem or if a support mod is needed like a patch. With the provided info that is the best I got for you. Good luck
Needing a break from the conflict resolution I thought I'd check this topic. As I see it has had a few views I thought it best to forward the info I learned in case other people are seeking more of an understanding on the topic. I was able to reach some other great community members very knowledgeable on the topic. Their names I will leave withheld to not cause any unwanted attention. The xedit, which I learned is a general term referring to the software as a whole, team has started a great guide called Tome of xEdit at https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/index.html Follow that up with elwaps Guides for a little more in depth of the process at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25093?tab=description Elwaps also has his mods/patches description on the page. Just scroll down until you see the section heading "The Method" and begin reading. Up to a point most info on the process is the same between the two, but sometimes just hearing another person's perspective of something makes better sense to us learning it, so I'd still read both through if you are new to the processes. I did, why not right. I also asked about a naming scheme for creating the groups as was mentioned in elwaps guide and got some great info there too from another member, whose name I did not recognize at the time duhhh. That person suggested something like modA-modB-Patch and modA-modB-Group. I found this very easy to work with and a great way to keep track of one's self being new to the processes. Especially working with MO2 now and having to move the overwrite files accordingly. This is just a great read, I thought, on the minds behind this great tool. Covering from inception to where they want to take it and what they need to get it there. Definitely worth the read time if for nothing else than the relation of what a new person to modding is really going to endure with more than a couple dozen mods. Personally I thought someone had ought to make that section into the posted ad for beginning modding. Felt like I was reading my own story into this great adventure, lol. This write up is at https://www.nexusmods.com/news/13911 This truly is a fantastic tool with capabilities that do not stop at making patches for conflict resolution, I think it begins there. Hope the links and tips helps others as it has myself.
Glad to hear it. Yeah I noticed discrepancies in that list too. That is why I said to manually verify it. Before I started my own list to track it I only noticed placement issues, but easy to miss mods I am sure. When I switched the citizens one I went with the Interesting NPCs, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, and Relationship Dialogue Overhaul. I have not made it to them to verify any conflicts yet so do not assume you can load and go. Quest mods is what I was/am after so that is the bulk of my mods. My first guess for a big an probably mostly compatible out of the box to say mod would be the Legacy of the Dragonborn and it's related mods. There is a bunch of quests tied to that one and the mod authors have all the patches ready to go. They even have tutorial pages outlining all the placements for the relating patches to the mods. Keep in mind though that just because a patch is offered between two mods it may not address every conflict in your LO with the other mods you have. Start to learn sseedit if you have not already. The Xedit Tome Guide is very helpful learning it all. Every mod added makes for more potential conflicts. I'll edit this real quick in case you find yourself bitten by the modding bug as I have after being exposed. You will save yourself a lot of research time if you look up GamerPoets on Utube. Find his "Modding SSE Guide" series of videos. There you will find up to date videos on all the utility type mods and tools for modding sse to recommended videos on mods of different areas. The series will get you going on most everything, I believe, that one needs to mod and the whys. After that Vortex has a great user guide too associated with that help icon. They cover everything very well in it and even past what I did not mention on using it here for when the mod list gets bigger. It really does have a lot of control up to a point I have learned. Good luck and slay some imperial scum, lol
Nope, just cannot figure out a step I need. Setting up the groups allows one to remove the conflict from the list once felt it is resolved. It helps to keep track of what conflicts have been addressed and which have to be done. At least that is what my perception of the docs is. I am just getting lost on what I have addressed and not so I thought it time to learn it after I fixed the errors. Thanks for the wish of luck, I'll take it lol.
My apology, I am new to this modding. Still learning the terminology. The Tome docs referred to it as xedit so I did the same here. I went to github and got the latest version of sseedit 4.0.3 before I started. I will edit it so as not confuse anyone. Thanks Seems I cannot edit the title so I am stuck with it, my apology for any confusion
Hello, I am trying to create the mod groups in xedit. The docs say to "Re-open xEdit from your newly created ModGroup and make sure there are no conflicts left" after I create the mod group. How do I open the mod group window to select the mod group created to check it for conflicts? All the docs on Tome of xedit and the step guide show it with the window open and no explanation on how to get to it. No videos I can find cover that in depth on conflict resolution to show this step. The docs did say if xedit was throwing an error the mod group will not be able to be opened. I have already fixed the errors shown on xedit. The only flag it throws up is concerning the Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass mod I have. I only have this mod and the Glorious Fort Dawnguard and it says it works with IDDP. This is what xedit shows me on the IDDP: [00:21] ModGroup "Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass - Beyond Skyrim - Burma Patch = Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass" is valid, but has messages: [00:21] - Hint: "AHZBetterDGEntranceSE.esp" is ignored as a source as it has no valid targets above it I have tried moving IDDP above and below the Glorious Fort Dawnguard in LO to only end up with the same message from xedit. I cannot figure out what xedit wants me to do to correct IDDP but am more concerned with understanding the procedure to make the mod groups for conflict resolution. I will just remove IDDP if I cannot figure it out, but need to know the step for selecting mod groups to finish my conflict detection. Thanks for your time!!
I appreciate the faith in my mod list but I am also finalizing everything. Everything I have tested and followed up seems stable thus far but I have a lot of mods to follow up on too. I have been at this for awhile now putting together a mod list for a play through. I am only maybe three quarters through the verification and now up to sseedit to work through the last of the conflicts. I still have a couple patches to make for some mods I want. Also, unless you are running the same hardware or better, best to avoid using another person's mod list. Plus they may think it is alright and may not have discovered problems yet. It maybe stable for an hour of playing but what about after five hours or more. Best to do your own research on the mods you want to put together. Then you know it is researched completely for what it needs. With skse64 you can install it through vortex if you want. I am hesitant to mention this, and why I did not before, because veterans like JimmyRJump may have more experience with these areas to know why it is better to install it manually. During my countless hours of research I found a write up that the person uses vortex to install it to keep the directory clean. Made sense to me so I been using it, but until JimmyR spoke up I was not aware if there are benefits to installing it manually. If you want to try it, vortex just messes up the folder structure installing it. You just install it with vortex then open it up through file manager in vortex. Put the data related files in the data folder and the rest outside of it. Close file manager and double click the mod in vortex. When the side window opens you have to set the "Mod ID" to "din". Activate the mod and it is done. I will assume you know how to test if skse64 is working with the tilda key and console commands. If not just find almost any video talking about installing skse64 and I am sure it will be covered. I also noticed you do not have the "SSE Engine Fixes" mod installed. This fixes things with the game and with skse64 script extender. I do not believe it will cause a CTD without it, but cannot hurt to have it. As I understand the "Engine Fixes" mod is the old one and "SSE Engine Fixes" is its replacement. But, I have read of people using both. I am assuming it is in case one did not have all the fixes that was needed. I am not running both. I was using the engine fixes until I discovered that sse engine fixes was the latest. I figured if the person writing sse engine fixes knew there was things not addressed in the first one they would have included all past corrections needed. Just educated reasoning. I believe you are safe with all the house mods. Unless they are conflicting with other areas to close or overlapping them, you should be fine. I had even came across a video on a person merging all his house mods into a single to save slots. Of course after fixing all the conflicts in sseedit. When you re-install all of your mods do not pay attention to how the mods tab in vortex is listing them. You can install them in the exact order you want there and switch tabs or close it and when you reopen it all the mods will be listed alphabetically. That is why I said to only resolve conflicts that vortex creates the red lightning bolt for. Even if you set rules on the mods tab vortex will not align them that way on the display. The plugins will align according to rules set as long as they do not violate the LOOT list. That is the area you want to be concerned with in vortex. I will copy your list below and show how I think it should be set up with some notes to help. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp - this always goes first beneath the game dlcs unless a mod author says their mod needs to come before it BSAssets.esm BSHeartland.esm arnima.esm - Checking master's LO in Wyre Bash says the mod author intended it to be before the BS_DLC_patch.esp....IDK why, but I followed it. BS_DLC_patch.esp Forgotten DungeonsSSE.esm ****Notice that the .esm files are at the top of the LO. Ones with the .esp that vortex allows higher than a .esm are most likely flagged internally. Below this part is not for LO organization!!! You need to research to see if the mods have placement requirements. I just put them in a general order based on memory and notes I added for you. ForgottenCity.esp - This one also needs a compatibility patch to work with Beyond Skyrim Bruma that is not present moonpath.esp - This mod I have also and it has navmesh fixes, etc mods for it and compatibility patches for Beyond Skyrim Bruma and others that I do not see present. Cutting Room Floor.esp - Lots of write ups I have read mention getting this mod as high as possible in LO Settlements Expanded SE.esp Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp - I had this one but encountered problems with it. Then read it has problems with quite a few other mods, so I removed it and went with another NPC dialog overhaul. Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp - Heard mention of this being problematic for other mods too but not as bad as Immersive Citizens. Still research it well Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp - NEED this mod for patch below to work....see note below. It is not in your list Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp Immersive Weapons.esp Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp - This is a compatibility patch to make Audio Overhaul work with Immersive Weapons but where is the AOS mod? Joy of Perspective.esp aesbetterdbdreward.esp 00MarzWindhelmHome.esp BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp Undeath.esp FloraRespawnFix.esp HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp AMatterOfTime.esp My Home Is Your Home.esp ogSplendorDragons.esp Rigmor.esp RiversideShack.esp SofiaFollower.esp - I have encountered a lot of reading, and been told, that follower mods need to go low in LO. That is where I put mine and all seems well thus far SkyUI_SE.esp - This one is tricky and I am still trying to learn the facts of it. Most references I have seen show SkyUI being high in the list of LO (so low priority) but, I have been told it needed to be low in the list of LO (high priority). I took the person's word, as their facts made sense to me, and have low in my list and all seems to be well so far. I just made a mental note of it in case problems develop later. If vortex does not put the USSEP right after the game dlcs then double click it on the plugins tab. Under it's group set it to "Pre Very Early (Patches and Addons)" and then sort the plugins again. That should put it right beneath the Dragonborn dlc. Yes, setting groups will help align your LO but this is very susceptible to making problems as it can override the requirements of LOOT's master list. Meaning you can make a plugin be in the wrong order assigning it to a group. Try to stick with making rules to align your plugins and use setting groups as a last resort after completely researching a mods requirements. The list of groups is not cut and dry. Meaning they do not align plugins according to the listed order they fall within. You can think choosing group title B would make it come before C but it may not, as a simple example. That was a lot of info I was trying to avoid bombarding you with, but take it step by step and triple verify everything as you go, at the least. Really research the mods you choose to use and all should turn out fine. Hopefully some more experienced modders will reply here, in case my understanding is incorrect, and we both can learn some more.
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Stupid is, as stupid does. "Snarky mod noob" commenters, you are welcome for the help. Pretty good you can go classify people's level of understanding of this area when you think removing compatibility patches is an answer. Cheers, see you in a couple weeks. -
"Filthy imperials", to funny lol. By your list I am not seeing the results we should be seeing. On what tab are you setting these rules? You say you removed all the rules except the one for the Beyond Skyrim patch but it is not falling in line with its .esm files like I mentioned above. Only mods that the author specifically specified should come before the USSEP patch. Out of all my mods I have only encountered one and you do not have it in your list. Try this, remove all the rules set on the plugins tab. You should only have made rules for the red lightning bolts on the mods tab. If it is not flagging a conflict on the mods tab do not set any rules. After they are removed deploy them. Without any rules made on the plugins tab show me what it sorted the plugin list to. Verify that what you copy in here exactly matches what the plugins tab is showing you. Vortex has the ability to pretty much put them in any order we need but if one is not careful it will just make for more problems. LOOT has been around forever it seems and a lot of modders really trust it so I am hesitant to inform you to do things that could cause other problems before we really know what is happening. Also, go back through and verify that you have read all the related info on the mod page for all your mods. Not just the description page! You need to verify the requirements there and look over all related posts, articles, videos, etc. Sometimes the info you need maybe scattered. Patches maybe required for these mods to work together and that info will usually point you to them. As an example, after looking over your list again, you are using both Beyond Skyrim Bruma and the Beyond Reach mod. There is a compatibility patch offered to make these two mods work together and I am not seeing it in your list. Not having compatibility patches and having master files come after the plugin requiring them will cause CTDs. I am not familiar with some of the other mods you have, off the top of my head, to know if you are missing anymore patches. Try all that and let me know how it works.
Have you compared that list to what vortex is actually showing on the plugins tab? I have come across those .txt generated files by vortex on LO and have found inconsistencies between them and actually how I have the plugins arranged. I ask this because the LO you show above is nothing like what I have seen vortex generate for me and my LO is about 30x yours. On the mods tab are you setting any rules other than what vortex is asking you to define? If vortex is not throwing an error do not set any rules there for mods. Only set the rules on the plugins page to match the rules set on the mods tab if both mods have plugins that appear there. Myself not knowing what you had done thus far with any possible rules would recommend this. This is a very small mod list and should easily be managed by vortex by all my workings seen thus far with it. Go through and remove all the rules you have set on both the mods and plugins tab. If you have established any group IDs for plugins reset them to it's default. On the plugins tab just click the minus in either area and on the mods tab turn them all back to ???? marks in the choices. Once both areas are cleared of rules click the deploy button on the mods tab. It may or may not give you error messages. Either or just ignore it for now. On the mods tab under dependencies scroll through and look for any red lightning bolts. Set the rules according to how you want or go with vortex recommended. Most of mine fall in line with what vortex recommends so I think you are more than safe to do the same with your list. After deploy your mods again. Doing so also sorts the plugins and will show if you have any cyclic rules in the plugins. Also, do another scan over your mod dependencies again as setting rules for one area can cause a rule needed to be defined in another sometimes after deployment. If none are red move to the plugins tab if it is showing you have cyclic problems. I doubt you will have any, so if not try your game. If all is working properly you should see the unofficial skyrim patch at the top of your LO under the game DLCs. This is its proper placement and both LOOT and Vortex know it. That is why I believe you possibly have rules or group IDs established that are not needed and stopping vortex from sorting it properly. Another indication that vortex is working properly will be all your .esm plugins will be at the top of your LO under the USSEP. If you establish rules or groups you can force vortex to align LO in some areas and it will disregard LOOT's master list. Do all that first and if you are still having problems we can address them.
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Ok, well, I did not think my explanation was in any way "a simple its the wrong order." To expect me to re-type all the relating info I pointed you to is ridiculous. By what I have seen of your LO it is wrong to the mod authors instructions. It would seem you have been just sorting your LO and just playing. Which as I understand will not work with heavily modded games. As I have read most problems with LO do not occur until above player level 50 so if you are having these problems since the beginning I do not see it getting better. If disabling patches that mods need to work together is your idea of a "concrete" solution I definitely am not going to have any answers you want to hear. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Now I don't know what any of that means, lol. That is the best I got for you. You don't seem to answer all my questions. I am not sure how you know about VM and not what an OS is. Guessing reading online. A drive not containing the OS is just a storage area. Unless the driver it is using is conflicting with the OS it just stores info. So an outdated or corrupted driver for that drive is the only thing that could cause it to function improperly. The connections I am referring to are internal and would be set up correctly unless you had it built by someone not knowing what they are doing. I built my pc some time ago now so am not sure if they could or even can use the old connector, name escapes me at the moment, now a days. So that is only a factor if you had it built. The rest is in your LO I am assuming. One thing I do for sure about modding sse is that one just does not go randomly picking mods and downloading them into a mod manager to press a button that magically makes them all work together. If that is your assumption when your pressing sort on vortex you will be sadly disappointed. There is a real learning curve to it all and it requires a ton of reading and research. Just having a powerful pc only gives you the ability to push that amount of mods, it does not accomplish the intellect on how to make them work together. It is like Windows, if the programming behind the button for your email did not tell it to load that email program it would do nothing. By arranging LO you are telling it which program to load, and the next, and the next, and so on. As I understand a mod manager has yet to built with that kind of intuitiveness, I will say. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Alright, is your pc manufactured (ex. Dell) or did you have someone build it? By what you had mentioned thus far I assumed you are using two drives. One for your OS (Operating System) Windows, etc and another, your D drive, for your game drive. Is that correct? If you think you are having problems with the alternate drive might be best to check the drivers for it. If you are using Windows OS the driver update tool sucks and only works partially. Best to go to the drive manufactures website and get it yourself. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Are you using another SSD for the OS? I do not believe one needs to set the virtual memory on an alternate drive from the OS. Is your D drive on a SATA connection? Why do you think it is not loading fast? -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
It is a PITA granted, but I believe the only way to do it. Even in MO I believe that is the way LO gets arranged. Once it is done vortex keeps the rules you make so unless you loose it you are fine. Like I said, I am new to modding. I have just been reading and learning for weeks now putting everything together. I am trying to learn exactly how important patch placement is. Reading Quinn's tips they should be exactly after the last mod they afflict, yet vortex makes this a real pita to do! At the same time I also consider that if that is the exact needed placement for a patch to work, the LOOT and Vortex team would have addressed it after this amount of time, I'd hope. Hopefully an experienced modder will chime in and we can both learn. Mods just make Skyrim to rich and alive not to play without them now that I been exposed. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
It has been an uphill learning curve for me and I am not pc illiterate either, lol. Vortex will allow you to adjust the LO on both tabs but probably best to only adjust the plugins tab. Vortex will sort LO according to LOOT's master list, but I have learned this is a set list and the loot team does not update that often. Meaning vortex's ability in LO setting ends there. Vortex will only align the plugins according to that list no matter how old it is. After that on the plugin's tab you click and drag the "Dependencies" category icon up or down to the corresponding mod. A window will pop up for you to set the rule when you release from the drag, to set how it loads. After you click sort and if it does not violate the LOOT list it will move it. If not you have to look into the cyclic rule to see how it needs to load according to other mods. This may include changing the "Group" the plugin belongs to. Groups is another option for organizing LO, but one really needs to understand all this before doing so. You need the patches for mods to work together that are not designed to, so no way around not having them but remove all the mods they conflict. LO is very requiring as I am understanding. The mods like RDO, AI, etc all have specific placements the mod author recommends in regards to other mods and or LO. You need to go read all that info on the mods chosen and arrange them accordingly. I know RDO has a good amount of info pertaining to it and other mods and Quinn's tips on the patches and such. All this helps to place the mods accordingly in vortex. Also one has to look over the posts tab for more pertaining info whether or not the initial description says too. I have noticed mod authors will include info on the mod there and if they have an articles tab on the mod too. I believe that is what it is called. I have just learned to look over everything offered on a mod page. Even scanning over the posts tab on a mod can lead to info not on the description page. As an example someone could have noticed a conflict if said mod loads before another and wrote the author there. The author may have replied with a work around or an update on if and or when it will be fixed. Personnally I love playing Skyrim and not playing is not an option for me, so I just keep reading and learning. When all else fails remember GamerPoets philosophy on it is supposed to be fun, lol. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I am new to all this myself. Vortex had an update the other day but I had to go install it from nexus. I thought it would just tell me it needed updating but maybe that is the way it works. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I believe your problem is from LO. I have quite a few of those mods myself. Why do you say vortex will not allow you to change their priority? Both LOOT and Vortex will tell you the patches you need for mods if not present. I have no idea if they cover every mod but they recognize the popular mods I have installed. Tell me what you mean about not being able to change vortex first. I don't want to get you lost with info that is not relevant. Also I would check nexus and see what all mods need updating that you have installed. Getting all them updated will help a lot. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Ok, I was assuming the other by the given info. Knowing that I would really check out the Quinn's tips I mentioned. Taking that glance at your LO I seen you have a lot of his patches at the end of the LO. His write tells the best placement for his patches and why. It is not just a "my opinion" write up I thought. He explains what it does to load times and the game. He even goes into setting some of the LO with popular mods and the reason why it should be done that way. Without supporting one's recommendation I figure it is their opinion and there is lots of those, lol. Also, the engine fixes for skse64 was updated too. I'll take a better look at your LO and see if I see anything else. I followed Quinn's tips setting up my LO with his patches and such. I am approaching or past 400 mods and all is stable. I only have 4 gbs of vram though so that is my bottle neck. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
yes, I use Intrigued ENB. I haven't updated the ENB injector itself in months though, so i'll try that I guess Also I know the CK was just updated. A lot of mods are being updated right now too. The last couple days I keep finding a few updated. -
Insane load times, random pauses and freezes etc
Indio21 replied to Paratrooper508's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Are you using an ENB? I get those lags when the fps falls and an enb can be a performance hitter. I know sse enb binary was just updated on the site to v.406. Taking a quick look at your LO you might want to reference Quinn's tips on his QUASIPC mod page for reference on placing his patches in LO. I followed his tips and my LO is very stable. Takes a bit longer to load initially with an enb but only by seconds. My system is half yours and I do not see those load times. Hope it helps -Indiao -
After the amount of time I have thus far into learning modding, with Vortex, I cannot disagree that may be good advice from JimmyRJump, but it does not solve your question. I have seen/see those errors myself. First, the -"SNCTSave.dll" (Audio Overhaul Skyrim (3.2.0)): reported as incompatible during query" is caused by unused files from Audio Overhaul. It is on my agenda to fix this as it is irritating as hell, but causes no problems in game play. Vortex just flags it. AO just needs some files removed that is not being used. I just have not had time to research it farther to find out how to correct it. Second, is that an exact copy of your LO? If so, have you set any rules for mods or plugins in Vortex? I am confused because your Beyond Skyrim Bruma mod has the .esm files loading after its patch.esp plugin. That alone would cause a CTD. Vortex always sorts them BSAssets.esm, BSHeartland.esm, and later the BS_DLC_patch.esp every time for me. A patch has to follow the last mod it affects in LO. Last concerning -"EngineFixes.dll" ((Part 1) Engine Fixes 4.13 for SSE 1.5.97 - skse64 plugin) dependent dll not found (code 126). What procedure did you use to install SKSE64 and the engine fixes? It can matter if you install skse64 manually or with vortex. Without knowing I'd guess you might have part 2 of engine fixes installed in the wrong directory. If my memory serves correctly it should be installed in the game directory. Same folder as the game executable.
Need help with Skyrim SE Mod Load Order Problems
Indio21 replied to DaSpanishBoi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I am new to modding too. My learning has spanned over the last few weeks though so maybe I can help some. First, I have to agree with Algabar on the patches. I have seen the Qw_ patches are usually from Quinn's patches and comes with a FOMOD for installation. Any time I have used it only detected mods allow the patches to be chosen, I thought. So I am not sure how you got so many without the mods being available. Second, and according to Quinn which I am following, the placement of his patches are all wrong according to his tips tutorial. On the QUASIPC mod page Quinn has a link to his tips on mod and patch placement that outlines info for his patches in load order. I started my adventure using Vortex so this is much harder to accomplish, with patch placement. Either or, Quinn's tips helped me a lot with the LO. As I am still putting together my mods for a play I have only tested it, but everything is very stable for me and because of Vortex I can only get the patches placed "close" after the affecting mod and not right after as is suggested. Third, I think you maybe choosing "all" the options when a FOMOD allows you too. As an example I too use the mod Rich Merchants. When the FOMOD runs you are to choose the option for the merchants to have x2, x5, or x10 gold available. My assumption was I was to only choose one or it would seem to me they would conflict as the choice governs it for every merchant. By the looks of your LO you have all three choices made. In my LO I only see the single choice I made but maybe I am not correct and one can select all three. Maybe someone more experienced will reply on this. Really check out Quinn's tips on the QUASIPC mod page. He talks about what will cause the CTD's and black face bug too. My only disappointment with the write up was after he covers the tips he says to just follow one's favorite LO guide. I have yet to find one and wish he included his own. Good luck and hope this helps -Indiao -
SSE Having Followers increases Carry Capacity
Indio21 replied to Zahnrad's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Amazing Followers allows a 1000 # carrying weight per follower and equips them with a backpack for more storage. This accomplishes most of what you are looking for besides it is not in one inventory. The mod has some other nice perks for use with followers as well. Great mod, hope it helps you.