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Everything posted by AlpineYJ

  1. It blows a fuse on my old saves as well. :( I tested one last night that I snarfed off my 360, and it did it as well.
  2. As we all know (or knew), if you were missing facegens for an NPC that you made, SSE would render them as black faces. With the latest series of updates, it no longer does this - it just straight-up CTDs on you. :( So, if you are trying to troubleshoot something like this, check your facegens. On a side note, I really do hope Bethesda has generated facegens for ALL of their NPCs already, or we are going to see an influx of people bitching about CTDs where none had previously existed.
  3. In response to post #41561040. #41561250 is also a reply to the same post. Rock on. I'll sit tight. :)
  4. In response to post #41561070. So.. I do have that. I am in the Nexus MA forums (have been for awhile). I was referring to the MA Discord voice channel. :) My discord has a padlock on it.
  5. So.. how does an MA get access to #modauthors? :)
  6. You are stoned. Folks love this thing already. You are on a witch hunt, which is not productive nor conducive to any *real* conversation. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/4e7jg7/skyrim_mod_picker_progress_report_4/ https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/43yjm1/skyrim_mod_picker_progress_report_2 https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/4a6wto/skyrim_mod_picker_progress_report_3 https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/40lp2b/skyrim_mod_picker_progress_report_1
  7. Hang in there man. As you know, this too shall pass. Don't let folks give you gray hair. Go see if you can rebook that vacation & get out of here for a bit. :)
  8. The necromancer in me couldn't resist replying to this ancient thread. If (by chance) you are still on here, let me know. I'd be glad to help you out with it.
  9. Have you checked out Ari? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17302/? She doesn't have a custom voice, nor any scars - but she has pretty much any other characteristic you were mentioning.
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