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Everything posted by mlee3141

  1. Don't worry. I fixed it for you!
  2. It's quite obvious to me that I've just stolen your win.
  3. Not on account of that fact, but rather because you posted the same here! Oh wait, no you didn't. I win!
  4. Well, seeing as the Mod Picker Team still intends to launch the website despite all the controversy and opposition they've received, I think it's quite reasonable to discuss potential repercussions of the same. Also, I'm quite curious as to how users who might never use the site will be affected by this new system.
  5. It's not about them holding me back, its about the moral crisis they sparked in the Mod Author Forums, which almost seared away this entire community.
  6. Actually, I'm too tired to sift through the 84 page tempest on the Mod Author forums. Sadly, I won't be the one to deal the finishing blow to Mod Picker.
  7. I have nothing to hide. Really? That's the worst thing you could have done. Now, your dirty laundry's going to finally see the light. Give me a few minutes, and I'll have the public see Mod Picker for what it truly is. Also, to the rest of the Mod Picker team, this started with Thallassa mocking my legitimate concerns in your Skyrim Mod Talk thread, now it's going to end in a storm of fire and light, courtesy of the same. Plus, Thallassa, you deserve a well-earned kudos for making this fatal mistake.
  8. If you like, Thallassa, I can post screenshots of all relevant posts to back my assertions.
  9. You're right. You have so much more to offer! Like the storm of hate and chaos you sparked all last week, and almost tore the modding community asunder. Plus, let's not forget your shady business tactics, your "mock-up" of the Nexus, your blatant rudeness, hostility and disregard for all mod authors, as well as your fundamentally flawed platform that only serves to empower yourselves at the cost of both authors and users alike.
  10. Also, I can't resist. As Aurlyn would say, "Finality."
  11. By the way, based on this quote from TerrorFox1234, Mod Picker is essentially dead at this point.
  12. All links have now been disabled, thanks to a certain toxic post over on the Reddit SkyrimMods, even after I showed extreme objectivity by posting a copy of my mod link compendium there. I apologize to the users, and I sincerely hope that Aurlyn will be publicly available shortly.
  13. An alternate page that shall serve as a sanctum from the Mod Picker tempest raging across all the land. All links here are current, unless otherwise stated. Description and credits located in the Aurlyn ReadMe odt file, found in the Aurlyn Info folder, in the Main File. Thanks! http://aurlyndawnstone.blogspot.com/
  14. Based on this post from TerrorFox1234, it appears that the Mod Picker team blatantly disrespects and disregards the rights of all Mod Authors, and the only way to protect our content from being scraped, then added to their site against our explicit wishes is to hide all of our mods here, on the Nexus. I've already done the same. Who's with me?
  15. That's the last straw. All of my mods have now been hidden in protest against Mod Picker, and I urge all those who can see the truth to do the same.
  16. I just pointed them out to you a couple of posts ago. If you are unwilling to read the stuff so as to see things for yourself, then I'm afraid that is part of the problem... Paid mods is more than likely returning, which is yet another reason why modders are watching Bethesda carefully to see what they do. Mod Picker could potentially increase the work load for authors who are already overworked, exhausted and most likely not swimming in cash either. Again a lot of this is dicussed in the threads I linked. Sorry, I don't see where you bullet pointed the mod authors concerns. I saw a long post from you talking about paid modding, some original press release that was not cited, and wailing about how kids these days don't know how to properly replace the transmission on a '63 Chevy so the whole world is going to hell in a handbasket. I did not see one valid concern that was on-topic. I do not understand how Mod Picker increases the workload of modders if paid mods return. Please at least connect these dots for me. Though I again I will reiterate that this seems like such a minor concern it's safe to say that Mod Picker is mostly approved of by mod authors, because being concerned that the site might increase your workload in the event of paid mods hypothetically returning is even less of serious concern than worrying that the percentage of users who upvote a comment in order for it to become a permanent part of the page might need to be tweaked. "Mostly approved by mod authors?" Are we not seeing the same thread here, or did you somehow manage to miss the 55 page tempest I saw when I clicked on that link?
  17. It's impossible to take you seriously when you write like this It's hard to take you seriously when you have nothing useful to add to this discussion.
  18. Wow. I take offense to that, when I provide detailed, interesting and very relevant/ up-to-date information on all of my mod pages, and help my users with every concern/ question they have to the best of my ability. I also take feedback/ suggestions very well, and indeed, have implemented over half of what my users suggest. That is a beautiful vision, and one that is solid and corporeal even as we speak. Mod Picker would destroy it all in the storm to come.
  19. Why can't you talk about mods here? What an odd question. We can and we do. (And we are.) So why do you feel this isn't a "centralized place" where users can talk to each other about mods? The mods are here, the user's are here and the mod author's are here. Regardless of my feelings, it clearly isn't a centralized place, as has already been discussed in this thread. This forum is a general-purpose forum with only limited organization. Mod Picker is a forum tailored to the discussion of specific mods by users of those mods. Troubleshooting a load order right now typically means poring through pages and pages of random comments on the mod page, in mod discussion topic, and then on Google so you can check the Bethesda and Reddit fora as well. Much of that information is unreliable at best and there is no quality control whatsoever. I look forward to seeing that I have a problem with a mod and going straight to Modpicker, finding that another user has encountered the problem and provided a fix, or figured out the incompatibility, or just noted what they have tried so far before they gave up. I'm glad that information is going to be rated based on reliability because right now there is absolutely no control for reliability on what people say about your mod on the Internet. I really don't understand the objections of mod authors. Either there are serious objections that have not yet been brought up in this thread, or the primary concern is that the precise percentage of users with good reputations who have to vote on a comment about a mod in order for the comment to be regarded as "factual" is too low to prevent inaccurate comments from temporarily becoming regarded as fact until a moderator has a chance to go and edit the page manually. If I were in a business meeting discussing a new product, and that was raised as an objection, I would declare the meeting over and the product approved because if that's really the biggest point we have to argue about then the product must be pure gold. This is getting out of hand. You forget the most important part of "troubleshooting" and "users helping users": The actual mod page description/ comments section of the mod in question! That should be where users, users and authors interact and help each other out, not a third-party site that is entirely redundant (indeed, it may even complicate things for authors and users alike), and provides no actual benefit to either party.
  20. probably the part where they go antique shopping. I think that it serves as a quaint contrast to the (artificial) bleakness of the rest of the story. Kind of like this conversation in the bleakness of the internet <3 But your reference to 1984 brings up a good point. A major trope in the book was it's establishment of government oversight bringing stability, safety, and a general increase in the quality of life to the citizens of the country. They spent their entire lives in fear of Eastasia. They spent their lives cowering from the Eastasian menace. But their government protected them. Their government provided that stability, that protection, in a way that individuals simply wouldn't have been able to. In a similar way, Mod Picker is looking to do the same thing. Without Mod Picker, we have no one acting to keep us informed of important changes in mods and the modding community in a collected and concise form (think of how different the society in 1984 would be if their government didn't keep them informed of the smallest changes. For example: the chocolate rations scene). Without that kind of information distribution being handled by a large group above the common people, there is no good way that people could be easily informed. That kind of organization allows for easy, concise, and efficient distribution of information from a central authority to those in need of it. <3 Wow. I'm shocked. You would be blind to all of the injustices/ atrocities committed by the government/ Mod Picker, in the interest of protection from Eastasia/ Eurasia (mod authors, who, just like the two superpowers in the book, aren't really that bad), when the entire theme of the book was about freedom from oppressive, overbearing scrutiny, and breaking the web of lies and illusions perpetuated by those who claim to be in power/ experts (the Party/ Mod Picker Users). Seriously. Mod authors are fundamentally no different than mod users; in fact, the two roles are so similar that they might as well be indistinguishable. After all, we're all here to indulge in a hobby, be it modding games or making mods. Sometimes, we even do both, at the same time! Thus, when Mod Picker defies the rights of MAs, they're hurting the entire community as a whole, and not just the MAs, or the users. We're all in this together.
  21. Now, for a question of my own. Which part of 1984 did you find most appealing? I'd just like to know who I'm debating with.
  22. In the Fountainhead, the part where Roark makes a speech on remaining true to one's own ideals, vision and passion in front of a jury of his peers, showing that he is willing to risk all for his own beliefs.
  23. You say I'm a force of stasis, that holds back change when it's good and necessary? No. The beauty of dawn has ever been an illusion, and change is fundamentally destructive, for it heralds chaos, war and unrest. I'm simply trying to defend my rights as a modder/ content creator anyway, and to ensure that people are actually educated about the same (mods) through tutorials, trial and error, and simple intuition, rather than being spoon-fed a slurry of lies/ incorrect information through an unnecessary third-party site that goes against the explicit wishes of the authors that they depend on to survive.
  24. For the sake of transparency, we've proposed a compromise that would go a long way toward setting everyone's minds at ease. Here, take a look: This is their response thus far; hope they live up to their word, and also choose to respect the rights of all MAs. I'll post again tomorrow with news of their official response, if Mator/ Terrorfox/ Thallassa didn't already do the same. Also, just for the people who say I'm unwilling to compromise in this thread, I wrote the same above, and proposed it to the Mod Picker team.
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