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  1. Oh boy, I'm STILL compiling a list of mods I have installed because I went completely overboard, and spent 2-3 weeks on the Nexus downloading everything that looked good, and just throwing them into my game. So far, I have 253 mods on my list, some of which I've installed after realising they were conflicting, or just changed my mind about having them. DAModder takes ages to load (no surprise there), but I have 198 folders in my Addins folder, and I have 939 loose files in my override (mostly character face files and custom scripts for armor mods) THEN, I also have a total of 1,103 folder as well as those above loose files. Now that I'm typing it all out, yeah, makes sense that that many files can break my game, even if I have a fairly recent gaming rig. Is there a known limit on how many duplicates the DAO engine can handle? Because if it turns out not to be an issue with any specific mod, but how many copies of specific files I have, then at least I can also use the Duplicate Search Tool to prune out those troublemakers. Edit while typing this; Duplicate Search Tool says I have 74,783 files, with 9345 duplicates. Yes, REALLY. Would it be faster to try and eliminate duplicates first with that freaking many in my override, rather than try and compile a list of currently installed mods? Granted, with that many mods, there still may be incompatibility issues, I'm just thinking those duplicates are more likely to be causing my load issues. At least from my perspective. Thanks for a more detailed plan of attack! I've been rather inconsistent in my approach of checking my installed mods, so this is going to a great help going forward too.
  2. Was gone for a few days, so apologies for a late response, but I can confirm a few things: I realised I was having a few issues with the GOG version (slow loading, freezing on loading screens, stuttering and more) even with the 4gb patch installed, and checked the forums over there. Found out they had recently "updated" the game, so I completely uninstalled my game, cleared the registry and then re-downloaded and reinstalled the reinstated offline installer version of the game, and loaded to the main menu to let the game create all the needed files in my Documents folder. I even started a new game, went through CC, and checked that yes, I can load into any of the starting stories on a completely fresh install of the game so it *must* be an installed mod. My most recent approach was to copy my old Documents backup and paste it back to my new install, and confirm the problem still existed,which it did. I then took out ALL files from my override folder, loaded up the game, made a new character, and so far, I've had no issues starting a new game or playing for a short time. Ergo, it must be a file (or multiple files) in my override that are causing the issue. I've got the Duplicate Search tool finally downloaded and setup, so while I try the classic "half the files, see which half causes the issue and then whittle it down" approach, I'll check just how many duplicates I've probably shoved into that folder That very well could be the issue? I've recently applied the 4gp patch AND installed Performance and Memory Leak Fix - DXVK, but neither of those fixed the issue. Like I mentioned above, I've now narrowed it down to something in my override folder, so it may still be a texture mod or all my CC mods not playing well together (since I basically have every bloody CC mod off the Nexus...) I did once have that issue with a mod off the Nexus years ago (can't remember which one), so I've mostly avoided such mods since then, and even ones that add elaborate story lines within the Origins module In a panic earlier this week, I stripped out a few mods from my setup with DAModder, especially ones I've never used before As I mentioned above, on a whim, I tried copying my hefty mod setup to my clean install, and then took EVERY file out from my override folder, after backing them all up. Surprise surprise, the game worked as intended, so it might just be a mod conflict in my override?
  3. No worries, compiling a list of mods now, this may take some time Also including ones I've removed as I'm going for the sake of completion, and then noting if those were the troublesome ones or not
  4. Hello lovely people, looking to see if anyone has any insights on a problem I'm facing rn Recently, I spent literal days of my life downloading and installing mods for DAO instead of playing The Veilguard (I have it installed, and swear I'll get round to it, just wanted to play Origins first for a bit) Anyway, I installed all my mods, compiled all the chargen files, booted up the game, made a new character... and then got kicked back to the main menu with the "Unable to load game" message I've never seen that error on 11 or so years of playing the game, and tried some troubleshooting. I'd been making a City Elf character, so I tried a Human Noble. Kicked back to the menu as well. Dwarf Noble also didn't work. Nor did Dalish Elf. The only origin story that would start was the Mage (both human and elf), so I went back to a few test saves I had from other origins, and they all loaded just fine. When googling for this error, all the message boards I found for both PC and console suggested verifying/repairing the game, and that seemed to work for most people. I'm using the GOG offline installer, and that had been recently updated, so I downloaded all the files and re-installed the game, after wiping all previous files and resetting the registry. (This is a whole 'nother thing, but then the game wouldn't recognize ANY DLC from the Ultimate Edition, so I've spent another day or so trying to fix that, and now I have) Clean install, no mods, all the origin stories now load and work properly as intended, so I *know* it can't be a game install problem. TL;DR: Does anyone know of any mods or anything that can cause the game to not load? I think it must either be one of my many mods, or maybe I didn't install one of them properly (throwing something into override when it should have gone into addins, etc). I'm leaning towards that right now as I was going through a long list of mods and just not paying attention, so maybe I installed something incorrectly? Please let me know, I'd really appreciate any and all help at this point!
  5. Well After a couple of days, here's what happened. I found the form ID that was listed in the crash log for Cutting Room Floor, and it was a leveled list that Cutting Room Floor edited. (I think it was for misc items carried by vendors?, the form ID was 9AF0A) On impulse, I removed that edit in Cutting Room Floor, and oh my goodness, my game was working again!! I could save, and all was good for a few days and another 9ish hours of gameplay. I got so confident my issue was solved, I even reinstalled FSMP again. (with the NPC fix of course) Then I left Windhelm, saved, and my game crashed. Words cannot describe the noise I made in frustration. I re-disabled FSMP, loaded up the game, saved and it was working again. Who knows how long this will last, but it's okay for now. I wonder if a mod that alters or draws upon that leveled list is the issue, since it came up again in the crash logs, so I've started drawing up a list of mods in my current loadout that reference it to check. I'll be busy for a few days with work and such, but I feel like I have a lead for now to chase up on, IE, that leveled list. Attached my last few crash logs for reference, I might have missed something. Thanks again for the help, I'll also try the file size fix, and checking my DLLs when I have some time. crash-2024-02-25-09-58-30-REPORT.txt crash-2024-02-24-06-31-29.log crash-2024-02-24-06-31-29-REPORT.txt
  6. Got 'em as requested. From what I can tell, it seems to point to Cutting Room Floor as an issue, but I'm really not sure on that one. Either that or Occlusion? Let me know if you think I'm wrong on either point. crash-2024-02-24-06-31-29.log crash-2024-02-24-06-31-29-REPORT.txt
  7. I have, but I'm not sure what exactly to look for with ReSaver, it's been ages since I last used it to do serious save analysis. I'll at least post the numbers from the three save points you suggested. Start save: ReSaver popped up a warning box with Stack count There are 64 stacks and 135 frames. This may indicate a serious problem, but it can also just mean that Papyrus is overloaded because of low FPS or too many mods doing things at the same time. I think it's since that character was fresh out of CC in Aternate Start, too many mods were doing things at the same time ( A LOT of popup notifications in the left hand corner of the screen), but I found it interesting to note nonetheless. Version string: null Form version: 78 Time: Sun Feb 18 18:09:18 AEDT 2024 Total size: 23.3 mb (6.5 mb with LZ4)</li> Papyrus size: 19.1 mb ChangeForms size: 3.5 mb Total ScriptData in load order: not available The savefile was successfully loaded. Read 1.6 mb in 6.5 seconds. SKSE co-save was loaded. Script instances=138256 Changeforms=16302 Save 7 hours into playing: Version string: null Form version: 78 Time: Mon Feb 19 20:16:07 AEDT 2024 Total size: 30.4 mb (9.4 mb with LZ4)</li> Papyrus size: 21.2 mb ChangeForms size: 8.2 mb Total ScriptData in load order: not available The savefile was successfully loaded. Read 2.8 mb in 9.4 seconds. SKSE co-save was loaded. Script instances=183733 Changeforms=55956 Save just before the crashing started: Version string: null Form version: 78 Time: Fri Feb 23 21:45:51 AEDT 2024 Total size: 32.2 mb (10.1 mb with LZ4)</li> Papyrus size: 21.7 mb ChangeForms size: 9.4 mb Total ScriptData in load order: not available The savefile was successfully loaded. Read 2.9 mb in 10.1 seconds. SKSE co-save was loaded. Script instances=190887 Changeforms=66627 ...I think I'm definitely going to have to rip out some script-heavy mods, especially if I'm not that attached to them, or use them that often.
  8. Thanks for the heads up! I downloaded both of the newer versions of those mods for 1.6.1130+, loaded up my game and tried to save after 1 minute of having the game open, and it crashed Not sure if it's because that character is already broken, I'm going through the other tip of looking through the save files in ReSaver, but I hope it will help in future saves. Thanks again for having a look!
  9. So I finally got my near ideal perfect mod loadout for AE ready, I can launch the game and play just fine for about 12-16 hours But then around 16 hours into a new character, without fail for three characters in a row now, the game will crash whenever I try to save, either through the menus or through the console. I've already disabled autosave, but the problem will get so bad, I can't even save to try "player.kill" to flush out scripts as it will just boot me back to the main menu. I've tried everything I can think of through either Googling around, or trying suggestions generated by the Crash Report, such as removing mods that overwrite each other, removing HDT-SMP and CBPC, but nothing. I'm almost convinced it's a DLL issue (LOOKING AT YOU ENGINE FIXES, that's been suggested by the crash logs more than once, but I can't take it out without the game then failing to load altogether), or some other mod in my loadout causing trouble, but I'm so down and dejected by this going on several characters in a row that I feel like going off Skyrim, and just playing another TES game for a while. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas, I'll try anything at this point. Edit: I'm following STEP 2.2.0 for the basis of this mod loadout, hence my suspicions it's a mod that isn't quite working with 1.61170. Edit2: As much as it pains me, I'm also ready to tear out large chunks from my load order if I have to. Graphical fidelity, gameplay changes, QOL tweaks can be tossed aside if it means I can have a stable mod load that doesn't cause issues just as I'm settling into a new character. crash-2024-02-23-10-49-52-REPORT.txt crash-2024-02-23-10-49-52.log
  10. Thank you so much for your response! Looking at the linked chart, I found that Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG was indeed incompatible with 1.6.1170, updating that meant that the game didn't immediately crash! Getting the updated version of EngineFixes.toml also seemed to help for a bit. However, now I have the problem where the menu will "*almost* load, so I'll see the silver dragon, the mist coming from the bottom of the screen, and then the game will crash before the menu loads properly, and the dragon turns gold. CrashLogger is now at least giving me much more useful advice about which plugins are having issues, so I now have a more concrete idea of what to do next. Thanks again friend!
  11. Hi, After days upon days of downloading tons of mods, tweaking my mod list, fiddling with the Creation Kit to convert mods to ESLs/ESL flagged ESPs, I 'm finally ready to play the game. Problem is that it launches, shows as running both in Steam and Task Manager, then crashes before it can go fullscreen and load the main menu. I've tried googling for the error message, but nothing so far has worked; changing my load order relating to my skeleton mods did nothing, cleaning and ditching problematic mods did nothing. Some posts recommended more debug tools, but none of them work with my up-to-date MO2 installation. So I'm giving up, and asking for help. I've attached the latest Crash Logger report, and a converted report for the sake of including everything I have. I would appreciate any and all help, including "you missed this, you absolute walnut" posts. Thank you in advance for reading my post! Edit: I forgot to mention that the game updated to 1.6.1170 while I was working on this mod loadout, so I'm not sure if it has anything to do with mods meant for 1.6.1130 that just aren't playing nice with the game right now, and need to be updated. crash-2024-02-02-08-37-32-REPORT.txt crash-2024-02-02-08-37-32.log
  12. Hey all, Been playing this game for nearly a decade now, and been loving every moment of it. I noticed in a recent playthrough that in the Dwarf Noble Origin when your Aeducan goes to jail, a mod strips them of all their gold when vanilla behaviour is that Aeducan loses their items, but NOT gold. I'm 99% sure it's Improved Atmosphere that does it after playing with different loadouts over the years. Does anyone know which file/s as part of IA that does that? I'm looking through the Scripts folder, and have yet to find a culprit. Would appreciate help finding it (as I always roleplay Orzammar letting an exiled Aeducan keeping their money out of a sense "they'll probably die, might as well let them have something especially if they do survive") Cheers! Edit: found it, it was a .ncs file in the PC Origins/Dwarf Noble folder called "bdn300ar_orzammar_prison", removed it from the folder before starting a new game, and my Lady Aeducan kept all her money when in prison.
  13. Are you using Dalishious' Briala mod? That makes everyone's eyes brown.Yes, it was the Briala mod!! Thank you so much, you just saved me a lot of time of going through and checking my mods and potential load orders trying to solve this!
  14. So I'm making a new character for the first time in forever, so I've downloaded a bunch of mods and loaded them up into Frosty Mod Manager, eager to start playing. I get to the part where I can finally edit my character and I notice that I can can't change their eye colour at all, it just stays brown no matter what preset I pick or settings in the sliders. I've double checked that all my settings are on Ultra, since most of the results from Origins suggested that low settings cause that type of issue, but I have no idea whether the same works for Inquisition. I went and removed all the mods that changed stuff in the CC, and I only have hair mods installed now. I also went and loaded the game with mo mods just to check, and eye colours show up fine with no mods. I'm about to start methodically removing mods bit by bit to find the culprit, but I thought I'd ask in case anyone has any insight as to why this is happening? Could it be a case of load order in Frosty? Please let me know, I'm gonna peace out and start tearing out mods to whittle down the suspects list.
  15. Did some quick reading, and tried using the GMST Fix.esp as a quick and dirty trick to see if that worked. Nope, still have the same issue, but it was worth a shot!
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