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  1. Thanks. Looks like it's been requested for a while, since at least 2018 which I just found:
  2. Just like you can go to your profile and view all your posts on the forums, I'd like to be able to do this for Nexus mod pages as well. I am looking for a comment that I may have left on the wrong mod, but I can't find it in order to repost it under the correct mod. Edit: I am basically looking for a mod page comment history that shows all comments I've left on all mods.
  3. I am using Enhanced Enemy AI SE and Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul. The former recommends to load it after Blunt, but I can't find out where to do that in Vortex. I enabled the Dependencies column, but clicking the icon just says "no rules".
  4. Actually, I just discovered the mod staging folder (defined in Settings > Mods). There, I see the full mod names as they appear in Vortex, though slightly different (Bijin NPCs v1.2 in the mod list shows as Bijin NPCs v1.2-71054-1-2 in the staging folder). I can just select all the folders and shift+right-click to copy the paths to clipboard. Still, maybe someone else might want to know a more intuitive means to do this.
  5. I want to export my Skyrim LE mod list to a text file so that I can transfer it to my new rig and start looking for the same mods for SE/AE. I know there are loadorder.txt and plugins.txt in one of the Vortex folders that have your entire mod list, but it's just the non-descriptive filenames like TKAA.esp which doesn't help in searching the mod on Nexus. I want to export a list just like you would see it on the Mods tab. Using Vortex 1.7.8 on Windows 7 (new machine is Windows 11).
  6. I've never seen this. I use Brave btw.
  7. When you search for a mod, you are unable to edit your criteria after it is submitted. It seems that an API call is made in JS behind the scenes: https://search.nexusmods.com/mods?terms=warmth&game_id=110&blocked_tags=&blocked_authors=&include_adult=1Would be helpful to persist this criteria across searches so that you can refine your search if necessary instead of having to type it all back in. Also, as a side question, are there any limitations to calling this endpoint directly? If not, I might create a utility that allows me to search for mods using this endpoint directly.
  8. An IsCoomer flag would work. select * from mods where iscoomer = false;
  9. Never mind. I figured out how to do it. I got the Bethesda Toolkit utility here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101736?tab=description I used that to export the .esp to XML. I then wrote some quick and dirty c# to parse it out into a flat file which I prettied up in LibreOffice for printing out. I may as well share the code, though it's nothing special. public static void IngredientExport() { var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(@"c:\path\to\modxml.esx"); //get all the ingredients and their effect ids var ingredients = doc .SelectNodes("plugin/GRUP[@label=\"INGR\"]/INGR") .OfType<XmlElement>() .Select(x => new { id = x.GetAttribute("id"), name = x.SelectSingleNode("FULL").InnerText, effectIds = x.SelectNodes("EFID").OfType<XmlElement>().Select(efid => efid.InnerText).ToArray() }) .ToArray(); //get all effects and map them to the above ingredients var effects = doc .SelectNodes("plugin/GRUP[@label=\"MGEF\"]/MGEF") .OfType<XmlElement>() .Select(x => { var id = x.GetAttribute("id"); var effect = new { id, name = x.SelectSingleNode("FULL").InnerText, ingredients = ingredients.Where(ing => ing.effectIds.Contains(id)).OrderBy(x => x.name).ToArray() }; return effect; }) .Where(x => x.ingredients.Length > 0) .OrderBy(x => x.name) .ToList(); //build the flat file var flat = effects .Select(e => $"{e.name}\r\n{e.ingredients.Select(i => i.name).ToNewLineDelimitedString()}") .ToDelimitedString("\r\n\r\n"); }
  10. I am using Apothecary for LE here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109298 It overhauls alchemy ingredients, so almost all of them have brand new effects. This renders my current potion/ingredient list unusable, so I want to make a new one since I can't find an existing list. I opened the mod in TES5Edit and I can see all the ingredients and their effects as shown below. If I could export all of this into some format, I could parse it with c# and build my own list. Would be useful for other mods that overhaul alchemy or anything else. Anyone know if this can be done using TES5Edit or any other tool? See attachment for screenshot of TES5Edit screen.
  11. I don't see anything in there, but I did look in here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrim\profiles\Q7ZDX5iVR loadorder.txt there seems to match the list in plugins when I sort by load order, so maybe this answers the question
  12. I want to export a flat file of every enabled mod I have installed in their proper load orders. If this feature does not exist, surely there is some kind of Vortex data file I can read/parse to get the info?
  13. Thanks, this looks exactly like what I was looking for. However, something isn't working right. When I go to this URL that uses page:20, it initially navigates to page 20, but an AJAX call is invoked a few seconds after page load that resets the list back to page 1: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/trendingalltime/?RH_ModList=nav:true,home:false,type:0,user_id:0,game_id:110,advfilt:true,include_adult:true,sort_by:OLD_endorsements,order:DESC,show_game_filter:false,page_size:20&BH=1&RH_ModList=nav:true,home:false,type:0,user_id:0,game_id:110,advfilt:true,include_adult:true,sort_by:OLD_endorsements,order:DESC,show_game_filter:false,page_size:20,page:20 Edit: Hold on, it works fine when I click the link above. Something weird is going on. Let me see if I can figure out how to reproduce it. I figured it out, and it's probably not worth fixing unless it's one line of code. If you navigate to the link above, use the UI to go to the next page, and then attempt to manually edit the page number in the query string, it will initially load at the page you specified, but will then AJAX back to the original page. However, if you edit the page in the query string, copy the entire URL, and paste it into a new tab, it will take you to the proper page and remain there. Refreshing the page or doing a CTRL+F5 has no effect on preventing the AJAX reload.
  14. I was just using that lastupdatedby as an example. It could be any parameter that I want to bookmark.
  15. I am gradually browsing mod categories looking for any mod that stands out as interesting. Since there so so many pages in any particular list, I want to be able to bookmark the page so that I can come back to it later to resume. It doesn't seem that there is a page query string parameter in the URL. Instead, it uses AJAX calls to fetch the next page, but bookmarks only use URLs. Ideally, I am looking for something like this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/categories/29/?page=10I've noticed that the parameter BH=x appears in the query string after you advance a page the first time, but it doesn't seem to have any noticeable effect on selecting the page itself. Edit: I'd also like to save the filters and sorting to a bookmark, but it seems those are pass via AJAX as well. Any way to get a URL like this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/categories/29/?page=10&sortby=lastupdated&order=desc
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