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Posts posted by wasder

  1. Lime Coke or Dr. Pepper, Old Jamaica Ginger Beer if possible. Always regular, but if none of the three are avaliable then I'll drink Pepsi Max. Regualr Pepsi tastes too syrupy to me.


    On a side note, a lot of people seem to think Dr. Pepper is made by Pepsi. It's not. It's made by The Coca-Cola Company (everywhere I've drunk it at least), look on the label.

  2. 10 years ago today the Sega Dreamcast was released, lasting for a brief period of roughly a year and a half and bringing joy to many. Although... there's always a chance that Seaga will announce a Dreamcast 2, but back in the real world where I can't fly and chocolate doesn't grow on trees, we can only remember the original.



  3. Let me guess... you bring matters personal between you two in public, before people mostly unfamiliar to you, then you trash her all the way you like, all that without her even knowing that, behind her back, and still claim moral superiority and are proud of your actions... is that it? Disgusting.


    I'd have to agree. What a shame. Perhaps she was right in cheating on you? Or am I saying too much. And that fact that you posted such a thing online seems to say to me that you are NOT through with her just yet. Otherwise you wouldn't feel it necessary to backstab her online. Sigh.

    indeed.the male ego is a fragile thing and when wronged how quick you are to bash her and call her garbage. perhaps a look at yourself and why she did what she did seems to be more in order.I think name calling and bashing her on a forum with out her knowledge shows your character and age at least mentally.

    How pityful that you deem yourself superior to her and then degrade her and call her garbage.is that not juvenile and small minded of you?


    Good luck finding another woman who will put up with a sorry excuse for male dominance and superiority. How fortunate that the women in florida are now safe from you!


    You do have a point, but one would hardly expect him not to harbour strong feelings againt her after the end of a relationship, it's natural.


    As none of us know both sides of the story, it's impossible to tell if it was entirely her fault, his fault or both of their faults. However, it might turn out that it is her fault, then his actions are somewhat more justifiable, and your words might seem cruel in that event. You may well be right, but I think that you should have tried to find out more before judging him so harshly.

  4. Oh my god...


    I've just been hit on by a homosexual robot.


    Me: What gender are you?

    Bot: Male

    Me: I am male too

    Bot: That doesn't mean we could not be close friends

    Me: I am not homosexual

    Bot: Can I convince you otherwise?


    Needless to say, I might leave it be for now.

  5. Awesome at some, terrible at others. I'm best at RTS and TBS really, being a general suits me better; I'll send everyone else off to do the dirty work for me, thanks. I remember one time playing Medieval 2: Total War I managed to hold of a full sized scottish horde from my for with 2 units of armoured swordsmen and 2 units of hobilars (light cavalry). Although, most of my men died.


    I suck at most drivers, and I'm an average FPS player.

  6. This discussion is going way off track. Some sort of battle between short people and tall people? A zombie invasion? This is crazy.

    It may as well though as I sort of killed the theory.


    Height doesn't come into it that much anyway, it really depends on muscle and weight. Besides, it's better to be average height anyway! :P

  7. 360 is great, u get great onlien features + the game choice is amazing.


    but i wouldnt be so quick to jump the band wagon, keep in mind ps3 is getting its own version of final fantasy ( it will get both versions ) where as only 1 of the 2 new games are comming out on the 360.


    im buying a slim for that matter alone.


    ps3 has been slow, but i think it has a bright future.


    on the other hand 360 is getting NATAL so....

    Bear in mind the 360's 54% fail rate too, and 60% of those that broke break again.

  8. @facebag: shorter people are picked off by preditors easier


    Actually, not all the time. It has been proven that if in a herd, an animal with a distinguishing feature is always picked off first. So if all your friends are short and you are tall, you'll be picked off first!

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