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Posts posted by wasder

  1. I swear I said before, but I'm guessing it wasn't picked up as it wasn't changed on the 1st post, that I think it would be better for me to resign from the order, as I have sweet nothing to do with it any more.
  2. After beating the game with my battlemage, I decided to try playing a warrior who doesn't like magic. figured that if I could play non-magical characters in Morrowind, I could do the same in Oblivion. WRONG!


    That warrior character is an utter failure. I still haven't gotten back to finishing the Fighters Guild quest with him. He doesn't wear magic armor or jewelry, he won't use magic weapons (and can't soul-trap anyway.) He doesn't use scrolls. He is not an alchemist. He planned on just using healing potions like in Morrowind, but here they are really really expensive, and the stores are usually out-of-stock. So my character had to abandon his principles and go buy stronger healing spells. But since he devoted all his points to warrior-type attributes when leveling up, he doesn't have enough magicka to heal himself, and his magicka regeneration rate is too low. He basically gets thrashed in battle, and has to sit down and recover for five minutes of real-world time before the next encounter. He started devoting points to Willpower and Intelligence, but now it is too late. He is of such a high level that it takes forever to advance one more level and get a small improvement in magical ability.


    I found that spent more down-time than up-time. I would fight a monster then I would get up from the computer and go read a book, lift weights, or do housework. Then would fight another tough monster and repeat the cycle. It was so lame.


    Now every single character I play, no matter if he focuses on stealth, combat, or magic, is an alchemist specializing in healing potions.


    Really? I find loads of healing potions (my character always carries 30 strong ones with him, I store the rest at home, there's over 250 there).



    I'm amazed at how magic orientated most people's characters are, my main character is a master of destruction, and that's it. He does no other magic whatsoever but he gets by more than fine.

  3. I'd rather not put colour into it, it looks nice and 'Metallica-ey' atm, (if you can read the text it's the lyrics to Nothing Else Matters, and the snake is off the cover of The Black Album)


    avy 8- the cheeks look a bit odd

    Sig- 9.5- cool, I reckon if you made it black with a red glow it would look even better.

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