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Everything posted by wasder

  1. Nice work! Do my own sigs (you can find most of them somewhere in the druid's garden), so I don't need one, but I thought it would be a good idea to pop in for some encouragement. Keep up the good work!
  2. I keep all my gig tickets... They're all blutacked to the wall.
  3. I like that it's valentine's day tomorrow, and I'm almost in a relationship but not quite. It can only help!
  4. (4) same rules apply-no voting for yourself. :whistling: Goddamit. Ignore that vote then.
  5. Heh, the poll is coming up to 100 votes!
  6. I finally decided to vote. For myself, because, y'know, I really really like my own sig, otherwise I wouldn't have it. And also for Sniper, because although I don't like Halo at all, his looks brilliant (they always do!).
  7. Deer testicles are the cheapest meat. It's under a buck. I ran over a man carrying a cymbal the other day. BA-DUM TISH! There was once a man, who every morning, would go to mass at the Cathedral, and every day he would see the monks go through a door. One day he approached one and asked "What's through that door?" "It's a secret, only monks can know." was his reply. So the man continued to go to mass every day, but his curiosity about the door evantually got to the point where he could no longer control it. He decided to become a monk. And so he spent years training, and reading, and learning the ways of God. And then, on the day that he was finally admitted, He was able to see what was through the door. Do you want to know what was inside? Velcro, what a rip-off! What's red and smells like Blue Paint? There are two cucumbers in a fridge. One cucumber says to the other "Man, It's cold in here" The other cucumber says "AHHH!!! A TALKING CUCUMBER!" What do you call a pretty girl in Scotland? What do you call two pretty girls in Scotland? And now for my very favorite joke not involving dead things... A horse walks into a bar, the barman says "Why the long face?".
  8. wasder


    I watched the youtube vid... turned it off right after "My name is Boxy". Her voice... It's like sandpaper to my ears. And she isn't that hot.
  9. I think you'll find my profile says I'm 100.
  10. Lions- Gimme Riot Found it on the Hot For 2010 cd that came with Metal Hammer (along with an awesome Mastodon poster!), and I love it! Kind of like a pumped up Velvet Revolver.
  11. Shadows Fall are one of my favorite bands! Have you listened to the Threads Of Life album? It's the best one IMO. Crazy awesome solos!
  12. If it was in self defence (which sounds unlikely, frankly) then fair enough, he did what he had to do, although he should have tried not to kill him. If not? Then he deserves what he gets. He doesn't have the authority to take the life of another human being in a situation like that.
  13. wasder


    btw: never took any...a guy came into school some years ago telling us some stories... he also said that there is washing powder, the white thing you put into your washing machine, in ecsatsy.. Not on its own there isn't, however there can be, it depends, stuff can get put in it.
  14. A few comments... Two people voted for me! I do sort of care, thanks. I appreciate that you kind of squandered your vote on someone so unlikely to win, even in such an arbitary competition as this. I'm still yet to vote, and as no one's really convinced me to vote for them, I see no reason to. I could vote for myself, it makes little difference to not voting at all. Now, voting for myself makes a bit of sense, even though there's almost no way I can win and my ego won't get a boost out of the vote. Because truthfully, just as in the sig competition, I believe I am the best candidate. Now, I know this sounds arrogant, but it makes perfect logical sense to me. Let's face it, he has the same policies, ideas, interests and tastes as I do. he'd be the perfect candidate for me to vote for. Now, usually I wouldn't hold my vote with such importance, but as it is very close and I don't think there can be many people yet to vote that frequent the lounge, I figured that my vote will count. You can try and sway me, but I'm not overly bothered. Who cares? I won't pay any extra attention to the victor. So yeah, congratulations to whoever wins Miss Lounge the Lounge Presidential Race 2010. Have fun with that.
  15. My votes are mirroring my campaign. There is no strategy, there was no campaign, there are no votes! Yay! I love it when a plan comes together.
  16. wasder


    Eh? Posts in the lounge don't add to your post count. If they did, I'd be on well over a thousand.
  17. I shall have to think of a slogan... I wouldn't do much (or anything) as president. I don't care too much if I win so, let's see.... "A vote for me is a vote for complete and utter apathy!"
  18. Nice! Saw them in Bristol with Killswitch Engage. 'Twas awesome. Bob Dylan- Mr Tambourine Man
  19. I may as well go in for it. Feel free to vote for me if you want to, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
  20. I'm quite indifferent, leaning towards no.
  21. Bravo sir, on 1 and 2. 1. Metal Gear Solid 4 2. Metal Gear Solid 3 3. Oblivion 4. Medival Total War 2 5. Heroes of Might And Magic 3
  22. Ban you all to make up for lost bannage. Especially MHM, 4 sigs isn't that many. I'm on my 30 somethingth I think.
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