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Posts posted by Pellape

  1. All games gets to easy fast, specially Skyrim, when you use the alchemy and enchanting system combined, you get so powerful equipment, that you one shot kill everything, well except dragons. I stopped to level at lvl 84 as it is no point going higher. I get perks through the missive system and next month i bet I have filled up every perk, slowly but steady.


    Only way to make Morrowind harder is to install Giants. I am lvl 130 or something as i did remove the lvl 100 limit. I use crossbow mostly but also some destruction magic.


    Oblivion? I did set the lvl limit to lvl 65 in Ultimate Leveling ini file but I am lvl 67 now with ALL skills at top. I do not one hit kill anything, well nothing of those I did edit myself. My 3 small tiny pet companions are more powerful then my char is, and I am happy with that really. I support them and not vice verse the way I play now and i like it. It is the same way you play the hunter in WoW.


    Daggerfall? I forgot the lvl but I play a mage as it is so damn hard to play melee or an archer. Magery rules in this now free TES 2 game.

  2. Before OBSE came, it was a pure hell really to make proper coding at all. OBSE makes life so much easier and it have 2 "simple" parts I really love.

    • Arrays
    • Functions

    I do recall I did try to make a big script 2008 and failed to make it work and I could not figure out what the problem was. With OBSE, well if we use OBSE specific commands, we at least get so called offset error messages in the console, that mostly is very very helpful, specially when I fail to get anything useful from an array to any other sort of Variable with LET, as that do happen sometimes, I at least get a hunch, so I can narrow down some debug info into the right spot in the script.


    CSE is very very cool Ilde and the editor is great now.

  3. Thanks RomanE :wink:


    jwoltz: Very good it is working really. Then conclusion we can make, is that this issue is brought to you by that specific mod. The best you can do is either make a bug report or ... I saw you already wrote in their forum. :wink: The author replied that there is no such package and you did not even write what package it is that is causing this issue. When you type evp, do you also see in the console what packages they do choose to use? The thing is, with evp, it evaluate a new package before it reports in the console what package it is using before, the one that cause this issue.


    If this problem persist, I can make a simple mod. You did use Form ID, but did it also reported the current AI package in use? I just recall I am using that mod myself. :D


    I did read about this mod now and he, well the author did not write if it has quests or not, does it? I do want a mod to have quests, if I am gonna use it. :wink:

  4. Well it seems some makes very complex lines of code in Skyrim but we can also make them easier to understand really.


    One thing I did learn is that we define variables inside each event and that they loose their values when the event is over. When we make a spell script or an OBSE function in Oblivion CS, than the same happens, the variables loose their values as fast as the spell ends or the intpreter in game leaves the OBSE function. Quest and object scripts in Oblivion keeps their values that we define at the top and you define variables the same way in C++, at the top.


    As the variables are only used inside a event, it can be define at the same line as when we start to use it and that looked ridicules the first time I saw it as it did look awful to me, as I am so used with our way of trying to make a script fomated in a way that makes it easy for anyone to read it an it does not seems like they do that often in Skyrim, not the ones I debated it with. Lets try to make an example, well if I can recall it, that is: :wink:

    Int iVariable = GetThisFunction
    Short iVariable
    Set iVariable to GetThisFunction

    It is a month since I made a Skyrim script now or 2 months, so I might recall wrong. I do not feel any need to make more really.... :wink:


    Here is one of my scripts I managed to make and not only that, I also made it to work :D I managed to make this to work after a lot of debating it with the Skyrim community and it took them 3 weeks to make me understand how to code Papyrus at all. I do feel I get the hang of it now, well it sure made me a bit more wise at least.

    Scriptname PekMarkTargetRef extends ActiveMagicEffect  
    Quest Property PekRefsQST  Auto   
    Message Property PekMarkReference  Auto  
    PekRefsSCR PekQuestScript
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
    	PekQuestScript = PekRefsQST as PekRefsSCR
    	ObjectReference Testactor
    	MiscUtil.PrintConsole ("Caster is: " + akCaster as String)
    	MiscUtil.PrintConsole ("Target is: " + akTarget as String)
    	;PekQuestScript.SummonAbleRefARR[0] = akTarget
    Function Menu(ObjectReference TargetREF)
    	int Button = PekMarkReference.Show()
    	If Button == 0
    		PekQuestScript.SummonAbleRefARR[Button] = TargetREF
    	TargetREF = PekQuestScript.SummonAbleRefARR[Button]
    	MiscUtil.PrintConsole ("Target in Quest is: " + TargetREF as String)	

    What the purpose of this script will end up as, is to mark NPC, so I can later move them to me, in case I loose them, which I managed to do twice now, by using Mark and recall spells, instead of fast travelling. One big difference is that Quests are placed in the Object window, and act as any Objects, or rather Properties, as that is what they seems to be called and also Forms. Well, it is all confusing. :wink:


    I will also focus at Oblivion scripting only, as I feel I have full control in Oblvion. Skyrim is soooo different.


    When it comes to the name CK? I think they renamed it to CK as it differ so much from CS. CS is also called CS for Morrowind, and they do not differ much, well Oblivion and Morrowind CS but Skyrim CK does. But that is just a wild guess.

  5. I agree completely. It took me weeks to make a simple script in Skyrim and I did not understand what the modders wrote that tried to help me as I wrote my questions even in 2 different forums, to be able to understand anything. Some stuff is the same like a majority of the functions but still, to even get there, that is the pain in the rear. The defining system is so damn complex, and we must define so much more than we do in Oblivion, well look at vanilla Oblivion where we only need to define Short, Float or Ref.


    One example: If we want to use or change or do something with a reference, we only need to make it Persistent in Oblivion and use it.


    In Skyrim, we have to define that specific Reference as a Property. One single reference or object can have multiple scripts, which makes it even more confusing and the whole script system is not part of CK really, as you deliever and compile the scripts outsdie CK, well you can compile them inside as well but they ae stored in separate files. Most modders so far, do not include their sources of their scripts, which also makes it harder to learn how they made stuff or backtrack a quest mod that is screwed up, where you need to open CK an try to figure out what is going on at all, you can't, not if the modder did not include the source, only the compiled file. This really bothers me a lot. I did learn a lot by looking at other players scripts, that are often better than Bethesdas own ones, specially if OBSE commands and functions are used.

  6. I know he did find the answer, but I could not understand why it did fail in the first place, not until I found the typo and I base that answer on that int's are truncated floats in TES 3-5. I saw the typo first after I written half that no sense babble.... :D - I am Chaos, Mr Chaos. :D


    Nope. It was a Atari ST based on 68000 but I did had a Atari XL before that and it is still on my desk here, and I think it has the 6504 but I am not sure really. I could look it up but I only have a Line Basic on it, not C. So the question is then, if the 68000 did not have am inbuilt FPU, how come it succeeded with floats? Did it have a separate FPU? I do not know but if we want to go deeper in that sump subject, I can look it up, just for nostalgic fun really, but it is not that important. We did try a Mac II in our studio 1992 as our bass player thought it was a better comp than the Atari. I almost threw both that comp and him out from the studio. That Apple comp only had half MIDI speed than the Atari had in its inbuilt MIDI interfase and it was 64Kbit if I recall right and the Mac II had 32Kbit transfer rate and I heard the difference as my synths did not keep up properly to the synctrack on our 13 channel tape recorder. Mac Quadra came around that period I think with a new type of CPU right that seemed nice and they did call it PowerPC if I am not wrong? I am not familiar with the Apple comps, only PC and Mac and some Sun computers with Sun Solaris and also some Linux back and forth. Well the thing is: I did hate that Mac II, a lot as it did cause more issues than my Atari did. He saw Atari as a kids cheap junk. Maybe he still does? Me ad him did not come along much really about anything what I can recall. Fastest bassplayer I played with though... :wink: Funk and slap player... That did not help much as he was a bloody pig :D


    He did send 48V from our mixer to my sampler and it did cost me €450 to have it repaired as he burned the whole motherboard and he refused to admit he was the one that pushed that button. Just one of our many conflicts we had as I wanted him to pay for the damage he did cause. :D


    Well this thread was about floats... Sorry... Not about someone pushing buttons he did not knew anything about... :wink:

  7. I used float on a 386 without an FPU around 1990, by mistake, with Borland C++. Well that computer crashed hard within 0.00001 s when I ran that exe file in MS-DOS. :D I had to compile it on a Motorola Computer instead as Motorola had FPU inbuilt into all their CPU's and Intel did not. CPU with FPU -> 486dx and without, -> 486sx. So silly old memory... A 486sx was a failed 486dx as they did have issues making them in the factory but wanted to get them sold. The Float is calculated in the FPU. - This was just a silly old memory popping up. :D


    Ints, well rather shorts and long as they are called in CS, is nothing else than a truncated float in both Oblivion and Skyrim. I bet it is so in Morrowind as well.


    Where did the script fail? Did you get an offset from OBSE? It mostly write offset in console, well at least when we use LET but most likely not SET.


    This line should work perfect:

    float fMax
    set fMax to player.GatAV Strength 

    Well, I do see the problem really. :D You wrote Gatav with A instead of GetAV with E, so was that a typo in the forum or a typo inside CS? Did you mark, copy and paste from CS? Everything is floats.


    CK is Construction Kit, CS is Construction Set... But I bet you know that :D Just a silly remark, nothing else really... They renamed it to CK as CK differ so much from CS.

  8. Sometimes, some modders can make mistakes. One popular mod did change one general idle package, so loads of NPC went to a single spot North of IC. It took me long time to find that mod and I deleted that package with TES4EDIT but with CSE, we can mark any change to Unedited, remove all changes that is. Vanilla CS do not have that ability, so that is what you have to do if you still want to use all mods, trying to figure out which mod that changes AI packages.


    In Wrye Bash, we can right click on all mods and see what they are adding or changing. It is called "Details" in the pop up menu. All AI packages is under the PACK group. What you should try to find is a package called follow or follower or following. When you find it, disable that mod and go in game to see if they stop following you. They will still use that package until they get a new package, and you can force them to get a new if you open console and click them, one in a time and type EVP.


    Another way is if there is a mod that can show what package an NPC is using and give you the ID. OblivionAddicted might know which mods I am refering to as I forgot the name of it/them as I think there are 2 different ones. If you do not find it or any that can do it, I can try to make a mod that do it as as far as I recall, using that command from console, does not give any results inside the console.

    • GetActorPackages will show all packages that an actor has by default but might only work well from a script. Test it and see what happens
      • Might not be helpful but if it lists one follower package, it might be the right one so if 2-5 of those NPC has a follower package in comon in that list, that is most likely the right one.
    • EVP will list the current package, so use it at a couple to see which theyy are using, and compare it with the details from Wrye Bash.
    • GetCurrentEditorPackage can be useful from a script, as it will show even packages added from scripts, like Addscriptpackage. If you use EVP at an actor that had a package added by Addscriptpackage, that will break that package and they return to the ones they have added by default.

    I think it is a default package that got changed by mistake really, the more I think about it. Now you know how to find it :D If i need to make you a mod, that will provide all that info, I cannot make it until next weekend, but hopefully, such a mod will say which mod that makes your actors to act that way, if oblivionAddicted do not list a nice mod that do this already or anyone else. I cannot recall the mod name...


    If a default package from the base game has ID 00abc123, it is not changed as it starts with 00.

    If the package starts with ID 01 up to ID fe, it has changed, like b3abc123 and it is listed as number b3 in the modlist which you see in Wrye Bash.



    What is TWMP in the first place????

  9. As I play the game for the 4th or 5th time, I only play my own quests I make myself right now. The suggested mods seems all great really, specially as the gates has so low rewards. I did the same around 2006, I could not refuse to close down every gate I could find and if you do not want to use the suggested mods, the fastest way to get rid of the gates is to complete the MQ as fast as possible. :D I have not been inside a gate for a year I think, but I do have approx 200 more quests or rather quest parts to add in my WIP, so that is what I should keep focus at and so far it looks promising. :D I do not start the game until the next quest part is made. :wink: It is very repetitive and a bit boring to make them, as they are the same right now, more or less, but in the end, the mod will give you many many hours of funnier game play, in those dungeons that has no quests attached and that is approx 170 dungeons. I do not add stuff to them manually, as I do that with scripts, to avoid any form of conflict with any of the mods suggested here. :smile: My quests will work perfect with those other mods, no doubt. My goal is to NOT add anything that would make any conflict(s).


    So if you enter a gate, do you think it is fun or does it stress you? Do you need to kill everything or try to get to the main tower fastest possible? There are different strategies for sure. 2 years ago, I used TCL at the last and final gate... :wink: A year ago I did not cheat but I ran as fast as possible as then I did remember how to move the most ultimate route at the side of the drill, up through the bridges to close the final gate as fast as possible as it has a timer. :smile: I do think the gates are very boring to play. When you enter them as a new player, that have never played the game, they look so great and are thrilling, but that feeling disappears fast. After I made 5 of them, they became so boring and I did start to feel stressed when I got inside one, tried to complete them as fast as possible, to be able to go and do something funnier. What is funnier? Well a good balanced dungeon, with a chance to find something unique. I must have a carrot to do something, a fun quest really and that is why I add quests to all those quest less dungeons in the first place, giving myself a reason to actually enter them at all. 72 quest parts released and I have 76 local in my game, so 4 are not released yet. School work slowed the progress down a lot.


    I forgot to ask: Is this your first play through or? If it is not, then avoid the gates if you think or feel they are getting frustrated to play. Do you really use the orbs? If not, just leave the random gates really as they are. Focus at the fun stuff. :smile: Also play a player quest mod in between, if it is not your first play through, do that as soon as you start to feel a bit bored of the origin Bethesda quests.


    After 16 years with Oblivion, well back and forth, I try to only do fun stuff. :D Making my own base and stuff and my own quests, I can form the game into exactly as I want it to be. Even if I made them myself, I enjoy playing them. :D So many players, or rather modders made so cool and fun stuff, some made some quest mods that are much funnier to play then any original quests. Take one day in a time. The game will still be there tomorrow and next week and maybe even be there still in the year 2039... It all also depends on if they suceed to make Starfield and later TES 6 into funnier games than Skyrim. I do play Skyrim 4 days a week right now and Oblivion 3 days, in between all school work. I think I will return to Oblivion no matter if I play those 2 new games or not. Oblivion is unique and very easy to mod, compared to Skyrim for sure. I made 2 small Skyrim mods but I did not enjoy making them.

  10. i do have to ask what is the point of having all set to lvl 1? I did the oposite 2008, set every mob to lvl 50, and suddenly I had to use 6 companions to win any battle against some Goblins and the battles became a bit to hard but I was on the edge to quit so I did... :wink: In Skyrim, I sneak and one hit everything 2019 and that was extremely boring, so I quit playing it. Now when I play it again, I am in the same position, but one hit kill everything with a bow instead. But setting everything to lvl 1, still, what is the point?


    I did not need to edit the MOO ini files much, but I did edit his Ultimate leveling ini file some, which he also made. I did edit the resource and crafting ini files and sent them to Maskar so he could implement some new recipes in the next update and I hope he do not forget about them, he seemed pleased with my suggestions of new resources, Mostly recipes for cooking the COBL recipes and COBL stuff.


    Ultimate leveling? Well that is another way of dealing with leveled stuff and become very powerful. That mod will send your abilities way above 100, depending on your 7 top skills but it takes all skills in count, less points from the rest of the skills than your 7 min ones though. You can choose between exp or skill leveling. If you choose exp, it is pointless to have all targets set to lvl 1 for sure as then your leveling progress will take forever. Exp leveling is based on the targets levels and you get the points when your target dies. I did choose skill leveling as that makes more sense as I do dislike exp leveling systems a lot really. I do guess Bethesda took skill leveling from an old game called Ultima, and I made that guess because you choose 7 skills in that game as well but only 7 skills of 49 available, no minor skills, but you can choose to have 5 skills 100, 1 to 70, 1 to 20 and 1 to 10 as you can provide all 700 skill points as you see fit. You could get 5 skills to 140 if that was what you would prefer later on in an update that made many PvP players a bit pissed off. So damn boring game, when i think about it. :wink: Ultima online.


    To get all skills available to me, I had to create 2 accounts and have 10 chars. It also did cost me double € every month.

  11. AHHH. It is not an ESM to start with. :D My fault I did not double check it in the first place really, as I am so used to Skyrim, where all CK Club content is either ESM or ESL.


    Lets start all over. DO NOT make that castle DLC into an ESM to start with. Leave it as an ESP as it is meant to be that. ESM files are most suitable to hold Objects, like the stuff you add in the left window in CS, not references in the Preview window, placed in the game world on the right side. So we could call it a golden role.

    • Stuff on the left side only -> ESM
    • Stuff on the right side only -> ESP
    • Combined Left and Right side -> ESP

    1. Load the DLCBatlleHornCastle.ESP into CS but do not set it Active.

    Make some changes and save it to a new ESP. Test it in game.


    Backup the DLCBatlleHornCastle.ESP, which you probably already did, I guess.


    2. Load the DLCBatlleHornCastle.ESP into CS but set it Active.

    Make some changes and save it into the same ESP, which is default for all active ESP's. Test it in game and this should really work perfect really but if it does not, go back to 1.


    You can never rename an ESP into an ESM and expect it to work properly. One thing that might cause glitches is if there was changes to the landscape, as those changes might not be visible in game if it is an ESM but visible if it is an ESP, and it has to do with the load order, not because it is an esm. All ESM files loads before any ESP. So even if you try to put an ESM far down in your load order, it will load before any ESP if i am not wrong, so all esp can overwrite any esm really. I have only made 1 esm that I released.


    I did make a mod ones that looked like this:

    • Stuff on the left side only -> ESM
    • Stuff on the right side only -> ESP

    If I released it or not, I cannot recall as most stuff I made 2006-2008 was uploaded to sites that do not exist any more. I think it was a pain in the rear, loading the esm, add objects, save it, open the esp, place the stuff into the Right side, into the cells, getting new ideas of objects, close the esp and save it, open the esm add the staff, close it and open the esp and add them as well into the cells. That was so damn frustrating and tiresome after a while. I gave up that perfect way to make stuff really. It required more work than it was worth honestly. I bet you get tired of just reading this no sense BS. :D

  12. I do prefer when stuff level up honestly. I am a bit tired of one shot everything.


    But to glue everything together in a nice, way, you can combine those overhauls with the most modern Overhaul called MOO, Maskars oblivion Overhaul and he also set a lot of creatures and NPC's to fixed levels, which I edited in an addon to my own mod, to set a majority of them to level offset, as that is what I prefer and I use MOO and also WAC as masters in that addon, if anyone are interested in the opposite. I could make a stand alone release of that specific addon if someone would prefer that really.


    Otherwise I do recommend my own modlist, but that was not what you asked for, but see it as a bonus :D I do mention MOO in it as well among some other cool stuff like WAC and fixes. MOO are made in a way to add stuff into the game without touching the cells them self, making it more diverse and stable that way. It is made to work with all Overhawl's, either stand alone or a combination of them. Maskar is a brilliant active modder and he is working on an update, with some new stuff. :wink: I asked him when we can expect to see a WIP or some info of the new changes, but he said it is still not time to release any info at this point, but he will when it is time for it he did say, approx 4 weeks ago.

  13. If you want to make edits in that castle, you load that ESM into CS, but you do not set it to active.


    Make some changes in the castle and also try to delete a single object and save your changes as a new ESP.


    Go in to the game, see if all changes are visible and also see if the object you deleted are gone and you are set to go. making changes to an ESM is not advisable, but possible, and I did it and released one. It depends really what you changed, and as mentioned, if that esm is in your Wry bash patch, you need to remake that patch as well. Do it easy, make an ESP as everyone else does, based on the ESM or your choice. That way, you have full control really. You do get one more mod in your mod-list but does that really matter?


    Delete that test ESP, and load that base ESM into CS again. Make the real changes you want to make and save it as a new ESP. You start making a single change, save it and continue and save time to time into the new esp. Test the changes in the game time to time, when you feel like it, continue later with more changes.

  14. I did wanted to mention all mods, and also add that Oblivion and Morrowind feel very similar to mod, the difference between those 2 CS are not that big, except the Objects in MW CS are set in tabs, and Oblivion Objects set in a much better menu system.


    The TABS where so frustrated and confusing, as they did change position, when you used them and Reference Windows in Skyrim CK do the same. It seems like that is a Windows standard behavior for tabs but I hate it. Skyrim CK differ so much from the 2 CS, that it feels like it is in a complete different dimension. I did learn a lot how Skyrim really works with the few things I made in CK. I did publish 2 small scripted mods this summer for Skyrim. Papyrus differ a LOT from Oblivion scripting for sure. So frustrating to learn really, but it is the way you define stuff that differ and that Skyrim has no Game or Menu modes at all, only events. No scripts in Skyrim are looping, not until you specify a loop within an event. An event can be: OnActivate as one example, when you activate something in game with the [E]-button or cast as spell with a script, with an event OnEffectStart as another example, but that is similar to how Oblivion spells works as well when you script them really.


    Even if MW and Oblivion is very similar to mod, it felt very confusing 2006 to start learning it. Most frustrated was Normal-maps really. It took some time until we figured out how to make them, finding tools for them and at that point, 2006, there where no exporters for Gimp yet. So in our smaller community, it was Qarl that figured it out and told us how to make them easiest. All others in that mod making community where just pissed off and I do think it took some time until Nifskope could handle oblivion meshes as well, so we where able to get new textures in to the game. I never forget that frustrated period in the community as we all felt the same frustration. We wanted to start modding Oblivion from start 2006, well at least 60% of that community as some refused to leave Morrowind. So some of them never played oblivion and left and Canadian Ice was one of them that never liked Oblivion. I think we exported some of her stuff, with her permission, like her nice robes and I made fitting boots and shoes for them as well. Just some old frustrating memories from 2006... I will never forget that period, never, as I never felt so pissed off, not even close, when Skyrim came 2011, but Ck first 2012, but I never felt any need to start using CK, not in the same way that I wanted to start modding Oblivion as fast as possible 2006. CK came when I finished all quests in Skyrim as there where no quest mods released until after first after 2012, so I was tired of the game, and left, until I picked it up again 2020.


    Old 32-bit Skyrim became extremity unstable with the low level made mods that was released 2011. It crashed constantly. Skyrim SE v1.57.x is extremely stable. It crash ones a week, or twice only. I did install loads of fixes 2020... :wink:


    Next problem with Oblivion 2006 occurred when we failed to see our new textures in game. It sure pissed us even more off. Archive Invalidation or what it is called now again... :wink: And again, I think Qarl figured it out in our small community. Well someone did and it was mostly he that figured out all this stuff for us. I was so pissed I could scream until then... I thought... SCREW THIS SHITTY GAME!!! :D I was extremely pissed off back then I can tell you. :D


    Qarl passed away 2011. I do not know if he really had time to test Skyrim before it did happen. (R.I.P)


    We did have a lot of different sites back then to upload and DL Oblivion mods from. A majority of those sites are gone, and so are a majority of our older mods. Gone forever.

  15. Ahh. And that number will inform us of? :wink: I have 7 with this new account.

    • 1 Morrowind
    • 2 Skyrim
    • 4 Oblivion
    The number do not say if it is a big mod or not. The one for Morrowind took me 2 years to complete and one Oblivion mod has been developed during 2 years, and will take 10 more I guess. Some mods took a couple of hours to make. The Morrowind mod was released 1 week before oblivion came out, as I knew, I would not touch it again, not for 14 years at least, but I remade it 2020, fixed bugs and stuff.


    I do have 2 Oblivion WIPs here and 1 Skyrim. The Skyrim one will be made in 2 hours if I get the thumb out. Both Oblivion projects will take very very long time to complete. Now when I started school again, I only have time during the weekends to work with them.


    The thing is, I had much more Oblivion mods, released at sites that do not exist any longer. I think 4 of them is published with my old account and others did save them and uploaded them to Nexus, without I knew about it and that was very very good, as I use 2 of those now. So if we include them, I have 10.


    I also have some stuff at the Morrowind Archive, mostly mods I made with other old modders, in team projects. It is a shame that so many old Oblivion mods are gone.One of them was also recommended by Wrye at UESP. :smile: It is gone forever. I even asked Wrye if he still had it, he searched through all his old drives and came back after 3 hours. Nope... Gone...


    I have my mods in the signature and here is 7 Morrowind mods from the Archive. I did add them to my signature now as someone might wanna use something maybe at some point?


    Here is a review from 2017, best 10 Morrowind Dungeons. My mod starts at 29:13



    My Redoran retexture was also reviewed, by the same guy 2015. Nothing I would use today, but it do look good, but wooden Redoran retexture? Well at that period I was so in to wood, but there is no wood in that area, so wooden Redoran structures is really out of the place. Still, it was fun to make and use 2005. Mine starts at 5:45



    I also tried to make a retexture of Anvil, together with either Kalikut or Elynda, damn I cannot remember. I Googled it, it was with Kalikut. I made some Morrowind stuff with Elynda.


    Honestly, this is the best I ever made: The legacy of the Champion but it will not be complete until after 2030 or so, maybe not even before 2040.


    So, some modders focus at big projects and some of the biggest ones are the best ones. Some add a tiny spell and release it, making the players mod-lists huge but those tiny mods often adds a very unique scripted spell as one example, spells that are very useful and makes life easier.

  16. If you install, COBL, it has an Alchemy Station included. You need to add it with CS, or use a house that is based on COBL. I think I can help you if you use a none based COBL house, making an addon for it. Here I added it into a tent:




    The first thing I added in this house 2 years ago, was the Alchemy system from COBL, in the far end of this room.





    I Bet you already use COBL. What it has is loads of resources you can add anywhere really.

  17. I have never seen similar book cases in Skyrim. I made these myself from scratch, took the collisions from a shelf resource I use, and duplicated the collisions 3 times. In the latest NIF exporter for Blender, it seems we are able now o export static collisions at least. I made a lot of the meshes you see in my screenies, like the coffee machine, Dwemer book sorter, some simple weapons, the balcony and all ramps. Ooooohhhh. I forgot. The Painting frames, which I made 2005. I have them everywhere. I also made the Dwemer tube system for the energy in the Library. I think we see it all in this video, well not the library, but if you look around, the paintings, the ramps, balcony and most important, my paintings. Imagine how boring this house would be without them honestly. Best mesh I made ever, and among the first.



    I think this table is the first mesh I made, first for Morrowind, later exported to Oblivion. After the table, I made the frames, also for Morrowind first.




    Frames in Morrowind, 2019, made 2005.




    Adding good screenshots into the game, is so damn fun. It can make any dull wall to come alive:




    I did not make the round frames, but I made a new texture for them, adding it slowly.


    I think there is over 100 paintings in the house. As soon as I find an empty spot or add a new room, I start adding new paintings. The city paintings are used twice, all others are unique, and can only be find ones. The city paintings at floor 1 and 2 are portals, so I went to the X markers in each spot, did not move and took a screenshot, added it to a frame and made it into to an activator in CS. So what you see in the paintings, is what you see when you get there, after you activated it.. :smile:




    You also get to the Mania Throne room if you activate the screeny at the left.


    Here we see the Dwemer energy system and if you look at the walls, more paintings.



    Walls without paintings. They really look extremely boring and dull. I took this while building the hallways.




    Library without shelves, rugs and paintings, so booooooring and dull looking, but here I knew what I wanted to add, no doubt... :D I had not made the shelves here, but I did had a vision about how they should look already. The design is from a shelf I had as a kid, so it is 60's design or even 50's really.




    The rooms are retextured resources from this Dungeon mesh resource: Old School Dungeons


    The round design at the top is typical 1950 design when i think about it. The Shelf legs. We bought that shelf in 2nd hand around 1970, so it was old already back then



  18. Installed you mean? LOADS!!!


    I remember I did reach the limit in Morrowind 2006 and was forced to start merging mods. That has not happen yet in Oblivion. 130 mods active. Some very small, others are huge. Many are merged into Bash Patch.


    There is a merging tool for Skyrim and they say in the description: Merge everything. As they also say: if you install a mod, do not uninstall it or you will get issues. IU really likethe ESL option in Skyrim, as I have way above 256 mods in Skyrim.

  19. Two new Dungeons added, number 74 and 75.




    I kept crashing a lot when I added all enemies inside Narfisel. It sure took me a lot of trials and testings until i figured out what was causing it. A gas trap. I had to limit the enemies but that does not matter. It was enough action inside it anyway really :D It is better to have a stable dungeon, than a crash honestly. I add all enemies with scripts, not by hand in case you wonder. No cell polluting... :wink:




    Took some screenies of one of the book shelves I am filling at the moment.





  20. Two new Dungeons added, number 74 and 75.




    I kept crashing a lot when I added all enemies inside Narfisel. It sure took me a lot of trials and testings until i figured out what was causing it. A gas trap. I had to limit the enemies but that does not matter. It was enough action inside it anyway really :D It is better to have a stable dungeon, than a crash honestly. I add all enemies with scripts, not by hand in case you wonder. No cell polluting... :wink:




    Took some screenies of one of the book shelves I am filling at the moment.





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