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Status Updates posted by XanAlderon

  1. I like my posts to be both sharp and blunt, and by that I mean I like them to be confusing.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Hello?! You know what I would like right now? I would like a little Xmas in August. Even a cool rain would help bring the temperature down a little.

      Pray for Rain, Plz XanAlderon. Pretty Plz, With sugar on top!

    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      Try writing with a mace!

      Your point, though crushed and shredded, will have no problem getting across to your audience.

      That point, however, will invariably be "Look at my atrociously outdated weapon, understand that there are weapons deadlier than the pen, even if they are basically a stick with some metal stuck to it. Read my unreadable words, and ask what they are at your own peril".

    3. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Runs away!
  2. Tomorrow I leave home, I step out into the dark unknown and yell - 'Come get some world!', then repeatedly punch it in the throat until it gives me what I want.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Actually you could go out and say, "Hey all you wild and crazy people! Make room for one more!" Then everyone would aim you in the correct direction so you could make a living fighting and trying to break peoples wind pipes. o.O Doesn't sound too lucrative to me, but hey! You might be the first to start a new trend. You won't get anything from me in that case, except pity. O.o
  3. Since my last update I've just been lying here dreaming about all the possibilities of the untapped market for little wind-screen wiper esque contraptions for people with glasses when they walk in the rain.
    1. XanAlderon


      'Cuz you know, how do they do it? The mind boggles.
  4. Here comes the sun doo doo doo doo.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      What have you been doing since Aug. 3rd? Are you still have fun in the Sun?
    3. Deleted54170User


      I had some changes of my own come over me. *O^O* Here's my new look and it still has my quality of curiosity in it. How do you like the new me?
    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      there went the sun... doo doo dooo...

      there went the sun, like... eight tiiimes,


  5. Just ate the inkiest biscuit ever...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Mmm? Could be?! ;- )
    3. brokenergy


      Not the Dark Knight!
    4. Deleted54170User


      The really Dark night, I mean, Knight! Yeah! O.o
  6. You know what... bring back Pluto!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. XanAlderon


      I still feel like everyone was too hard on the little guy.
    3. Deleted54170User


      It wouldn't hurt those space cowboys one bit to at least restore its name. So what if it isn't large enough to be a planet. Moon's have names!
    4. brokenergy


      Pluto has his own friends whick is much larger than ours. Look out world the pluto gang is going to get you!
  7. Yeah haha alright. Consider it an expression of interest. If a way to reintroduce Edward comes up, I'll seize the opportunity. :)
  8. Lost 20 cents, found a dollar. I consider this a pretty successful day.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. brokenergy


      You can't buy a drink with 80 cents, they cost from $2.10 and up
    3. XanAlderon


      I'll buy a redskin or something haha.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Where can you get a redskin for 80 cents or less? Ugh! Me Wantum Know.
  9. Well, I checked out the RP, but it seems to have progressed an incredibly long way since my last post, and I have no idea what's going on anymore. Is there any believable way to reintroduce Edward? Last I recall was him watching the group from afar.
  10. Oh wow... I completely forgot about the RP, things have been pretty hectic over here, and will continue being so until the year ends in all probability haha. I'll have a look at the RP, but I must confess, as it stands, I'd be a pretty unreliable RP partner.
  11. Long time no see Site, you've gotten fat...

    Just kidding haha, you're as tank as ever.

  12. Must not sleep... must warn others!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      *chews ithil's fingernails*

      ... what? I like my nails "unchewn".

    3. Ithildin
    4. brokenergy


      You have just slept and you didn't warn me
  13. Who knew that being tall could collapse my right lung... what a crazy day.
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      You could have some fun?! Buy a helium filled bottle for balloon's to re-inflate your lungs once in awhile. LOL If you talk after inhaling helium it makes us sound like some cartoon character too!
    3. brokenergy


      How does that corrolate?
    4. Deleted54170User


      It's one way to get some enjoyment out of life without harm to one self. And Hey! Helium might act like a inflation assistant so the lung stay fully expanded. Hmm? Is there a Clown Doctor in the house?! ;- )
  14. ‎"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one."
    1. Deleted54170User


      Yes! And I can't figure out which I would rather do, read a book before it is banned, or quit reading books because after I do I think it might get banned? Oh! Well. Good thing I don't have to rely on books anymore, we have eBook's! :D
  15. I can feel it. Something's about to happen, but I don't know what.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. XanAlderon


      That's me; psychic extraordinaire.
    3. Deleted54170User


      Ooo! I am so impressed! Or is that compressed? Maybe oppressed? I just don't know...So many word's and my dictionary has so many pages to...Wait?! I can look it up with the tap of a few keys. It looks like that paper dictionary is going to get so dusty and seemed to be ditched. I wonder if that book will miss me? Does it have feeling's? You know, like, some of my friend's do when I don't drop them a line occasionally? o.O
    4. vvk78


      You mean the feeling you get when you string up your friends and then forget to hang them?



  16. Finished editing my 'About Me' page so it's actually... about me.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Hey! You deserve a rest then! Me?! I'm preparing to watch a shocking scary fun movie, "7 Faces of Doctor Lao" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1KJOjKvg3M&feature=colike
    2. vvk78


      You wrote a good "about me" page, bro. We like it.


      I liked the "Children of Men" book too. Though the movie left much to be desired.

    3. XanAlderon


      Well, I thought the movie was alright so long as you consider it as a standalone thing from the book... since they really do not share many similarities haha.
  17. Maybe we'll decide to get buried here...
    1. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* Naw! Graves would be too shallow and you would just keep turning up as a ghoul rabbit that the crowd would kill every night after the bar/tavern closed. Since I already know your mental state...How are you doing health wise XanAlderon?!
    2. Ithildin


      Buried on the Nexus, eh? When I leave the Nexus for more than 24 hours, I'm buried by my email in box, LOL :D (No one's fault but mine - I control which notifications I receive.)
    3. vvk78


      Ithildin, you tend to get buried a lot, don't you?


      Hmmmm, maybe you should join Digg. :-P

  18. I am a perfectly normal human worm baby.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      why, it's elementary, my dear Watson.

      the worm attacked the sheep, turned it into the mush, dragged itself (with the mush as cover) to the rabbit, and entered the rabbit through its nether regions, totally undetected. that is when the picture was shot, and that's why the rabbit is vomiting blood. it's so obvious!

    3. Deleted54170User


      Happy New Year Day to you! :- )
    4. Deleted54170User


      Clearly Ves... I see is all clearly now...
  19. Thor, my response won't post on your wall for some reason, it is truly a place of mystery.
  20. Hey Thor, indeed my page is filled with Pagafyr's musings haha.

    Anyway, I think the sheeps numbers are actually depleting with all there constant slaughter.

  21. We're just like other people, we love to sing, we love to dance... we admire beautiful women. We're human, and sometimes... very human.
    1. Ithildin


      A few of us even admire beautiful men. :D
    2. Deleted54170User


      After all that, which I am in total agreement with, well 89% anyway, I think I will have clam chowder for dinner, white oyster salted bread crumbs, and wash it all down with some Honey Mead. Yes! I really do have some Nuka Cola. Had to remove the last Nord bit because you might be of age to imbibe where you live but not where I do, and the 18 year olds were responsible for voting the 21 year old drinking rules in the US after several years of allowing it to be 18 proved to be much to muc...
  22. No! I'm the meat who was the king.
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