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About superrexmaster

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  1. So, as you can probably see, the nights in The Witcher 3, are bright, same with interiors, and the Atmospheric Nights, which handled both these problems, and Dark Nights mods, are outdated, and well, I just want dark nights and stuff.
  2. Sweeet! Especially love the first two I remember using the plasma defender nv!
  3. Look up Better Locational damage.
  4. here are some model and recource links which I think could be used as a cool energy weapon. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6863/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7144/?
  5. There is already a model of something that could be turned into a stand alone the the nexus. I don't remember what its called sadly.
  6. Ok I'm sure we all know that we have all these stand alone weapon mods. Most of them are ballistic modern stand alone guns, or a melee weapon like a sword. So can someone tell me why the HELL there are NO energy weapons?! Be it pistol, rifle, heavy gun, or otherwise! Energy weapons need some love, I like these stand alone guns as much as the next guy/gal but can someone please make an energy weapon that is standalone like the R91?
  7. omg, Can I just say lets get the 100 + gigabyte god mod, that adds all this s#*!!? 42 pages T_T
  8. Ok, first, click here if you haven't read the reddit post about the features in the new survival update https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/47cc06/fallout_4_survival_mode_full_overview_extracted/ Ok, now here is the purpose for this topic, Configurable survival mode features, modular or through in-game menu. There are many features I do not like, per say, the sleep system, and enemy and loot repopulation thing. It feels it takes long enough for repopulation of loot and enemies for me. Now, for the second mod. High level enemies do not respawn often enough for me, for instance, i'm always find "Stunted Yao Guai" nothing else, maybe a few glowing, which btw are always legendary for some reason. The amount of normal low level deathclaws I find is astonishing.
  9. I like the idea of chainsaws.always :laugh:
  10. damn, looks kinda like a mix with halo fallout and borderlands (baddass ;D)
  11. grt idea ppl, if I ever get off my lzy A** and learn to mod, I might do this xD
  12. I'm sure this has already been made and such, but Fallout 4 doesn't have many Weapons, it has mods for weapons, but I'd like some under barrel modifications, such as a laser sight. For the topic of weapons, Fallout NV including with the Gun Runners DLC, which adds more weapons, mods for said weapons, and unique weapons. If there already are plans for stuff like this well, thats that, and if you can, can you send me the link?
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