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Everything posted by vetewe7144

  1. The picture comes from another Player 2015. I did come up with a sort of crude fix. In CK, I Duplicated Zawadi Skin Naked and turned it into Body Armor. Zawadi [and Larane] Skin Texture is Head, Hands, Feet and Body, I unchecked Head an Feet then placed it in Zawadi Baggage which I placed in Helgen finally saved.
  2. Whether a Follower or Player, what causes the bare feet of a body mod to stick to the ground as they walk? Is this skeleton, physics or something else? https://i.gyazo.com/d8120c617da3d5fea77606e541b1d905.png
  3. Come to think of it, this would be the kind of goofy mod MXR, Spiffin Brit and Game Society would play.
  4. I think a better Skyrim story should have been the Thalmor as the hidden hand behind both side of the conflict. The Thalmor would use divide and conquer to destabilize the Empire. Control Politicians and influential Merchants through an ever expanding East Empire Company or [European Economic Community [coincidence?], all the way to the King himself. The Player eventually finds out that this is a Global Thalmor conspiracy who themselves are controlled by interdenominational entities who want to destroy all life on Nirn but not before their souls are enslaved and the Thalmor are granted eternal life of debauched Godhood.
  5. I tried this in Morrowind and it eventually becomes a drag. I use CK to set Player [mod]Race to Essential and stock up on potions of Healing so that the PC will get back up after a smack down. After all, why should Quest characters, brats and Preston Garby be Essential but the PC is not? Quest can always be set to jump to another NPC or note. But if you really want experience immersion, turn the computer of and go out side!
  6. I am using the mod Fogrim to cover up popup landscape. The most distant mountains appear white. I tried TLL to reduce LOD distance for FPS. However, it set the LOD too close, like 100 to 10. Is there away to reduce LOD in increments?
  7. Are there land mods the fill out the vacant portions of the map?
  8. I found a way around the armor shedding, I used CK to use full body armor as Player 'skin'. However, not very attractive, so I started over with Player as Follower. https://staticdelivery [DOT] nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/9666/9666-1646095354-205976424.jpeg then I used another [modified] Follower skin as body armor which I placed in the Warden's chest. https://staticdelivery [DOT] nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/9666/9666-1664972331-1921573917.jpeg So far the 'Skin armor hasn't shed ingame. PS Click image to enlarge also set Player Weight enlarges the hips and boobs.
  9. "Imagine that all people suddenly disappeared from the planet. The reason is irrelevant, just imagine the result. Now we are going to tell what is going to happen after we are gone." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy7Q6wazD_E I wanted to present this at Bethesda.net but there forums are an incomprehensible mess. With exception to spontaneous disappearance of people world [although that would be an interesting storyline]. I think this video would make a logical foundation for building a Fallout game world.
  10. Has anyone encountered when the Player equips a spell or pass through doors, the Player is left naked? The outfit is a one-piece outfit/armor.
  11. I am being chased by popup,dragon skeletons, dead mammoth on the bridge, general animal/human corpse for days. Is there a way to get the game to remove faster? Upon leaving the cell? A mod that Dispose of Corpse like Oblivion or Morrowind?
  12. Is there a mod out there, that turns Ogres into the Hulk? Also, Can some one create a mod that turns all Winged Twilight into [Ding] Bat Woman who will attack the Player if you get to close to her late mother's flower pot?
  13. Like Macho Dragons, can some one recreate the Ogres into the Hulk and Trolls into She-Trolls including their respective voices? Come to think of it She-Hulk did declare that she is better than the Hulk, see "She-Hulk Scenes Display how SHALLOW and SUPERFICIAL the Character is" - Youtube that is, She-Ogres and Troll-Hulks and set them hostile to each other.
  14. For a goof I decided to play the Ohmes Raht race. However, this race appears bald in Chargen. CK shows that the OR uses vanilla hair but does not show in Racemenu, the hair choice is empty. I have Temptress race which will use Apachii. I also made Chargens out of Followers and they work. How can I get a Race mod to show their CK hair? Is there mod that fix this?
  15. I found Kitty - Modders Resource https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83517/ Can some one create a Standalone, Ohmes Raht Follower out of this head model? It is a shame that Zabby only created a face, not a complete body as {Miss} Kitty is so damn cute looking and would make a great follower especially with her own voice. see video. Give Kitty her own race "Kitty Race" and Follower Chargen, you could play as this Follower.
  16. I decided to try a Russian mod called Emba 5 or Morrowind's strangest mod [Micky D] - Youtube, the link to file is there. It changed the Main Menu to Russian. I don't know how that could happen as the mod contains Icons, Meshes, Music, Sound, Textures. Emba5Complete.esp contains a long list of new scripts, but I don't see how this plugin could affect the Main Menu. What script should I look for to restore Main Menu back to English or is there a mod that already does this?
  17. Where can I download an interactive map application that I can use offline? Is there downloadable desktop map that works like http://mwmap.uesp.net/?
  18. Does it matter? Generally, it is guys that illustrate naked chicks, so behave yourself and stop causing trouble! This is a question for potential modders.
  19. Same here, at the road fork before the farm and it is a vanilla game world.
  20. Try Altered Beginning it frees you from all questlines. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56412/?tab=description I use NMM 65.3 for Skyrim LE with very few mod (55) malfunctions. Generally, it is mod conflicts like (body) textures or animation).
  21. Is there mods that allow the Player to get XP from Followers?
  22. Have any one here seen his work? His women should be a resource for character creation as well as the clothing and weapon design. https://www.google.com/search?q=sakimi+chan&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwixrvST5rn5AhVKHDQIHUJTCGIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=sakimi+chan&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoFCAAQgARQ_Q1Y_Q1gmBVoAHAAeACAAZcEiAGoBZIBBzAuMS41LTGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=NVjyYvG_Ocq40PEPwqahkAY&bih=483&biw=1024&client=firefox-b-e
  23. Ohmes-Raht has fuzzy face https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22989 Dagi-Raht has a hairless face https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60404 also https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9870/? https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31156 The default is Dagi Mrissi has her own race, I show you how you can play as Mrissi (LE). The Claw enchantment is built-in. https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/83063/83063-1644886437-1418538784.jpeg (click pic, Ctrl + to inlarge)
  24. I watched 'Morrowind's Strangest Mod' The link works and I believe it is a Russian mod. I think it would be a goof if the Stalker was reproduced in/on the Morrowind/game engine like Enderal.
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