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About velve666

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    South Africa
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    guitar, most likely if I'm not online here.
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    Ludo....no skyrim obviously!

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  1. How did you find this? Anyway for anyone stumbling upon this year old thread, The SSME has generally fixed up memory related issues such as this.
  2. Have you by any chance disabled blood splatter? If you use configurator and have turned it off this will almost certainly be the cause.
  3. very undescriptive make sure you're not running more than 254/255 plugins also read the sticky at the top of this forum on how to ask for help.
  4. There is this ---> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48938/? There are no screenshots that provide a good comparison especially the height and angle, as well as the amount of ripples/waves. But perhaps its that, I don't know I don't use ENB so hey was worth a guess.
  5. I would have to recommend a vanilla playthrough first. Or even mid-playthrough, at least up to the point where you get bored and things get monotonous. I can assure you the chances are this will happen. Skyrim is a good game don't get me wrong, but it's not a great game. Mods make it a great game. A few things you will have to do though. You have to use the unofficial patches, you will be saving yourself a lot of frustration and hair pulling if you use them. Quests are bugged and these patches address a number of issues. You can also go for the texture packs they do no harm and don't change mechanics in any way, use these though http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/607/? they are really good. There are a number of various brilliant texture replacers around too so if you feel comfortable you can look into those as well. As for modding gameplay, as I said first play vanilla for a while, eventually it will become dungeon/hack/slash repetitively. Once you get bored think about running through the various categories here on the nexus. At least now you will know and feel what has changed in the game and you can make an informed decision on whether you like the mod or not. If you do decide to use a lot of texture mods you will need to start thinking about memory capabilities and stability here are a few resources, I cannot explain all of them in detail would take to much time so look into the comments section for further info. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649/? <-----SSME Skyrim startup memory editor (memory related crashes) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50305/? <-----ENBoost (expand Skyrim to 64 bit capability) These will help with crashing in general and particularly to memory crashing. So this is a good start and don't forget to enjoy the game and not get too carried away. When you do start modding do so wisely, read carefully into each mod and their compatibilities. use BOSS (next link) and add mods slowly one at a time to see if your game stays stable. http://boss-developers.github.io/ But most importantly enjoy the game! //thats the problem with a long post, this can now be regarded as an echo haha
  6. Someone will have to correct me here if I am wrong. But here it goes. Could it be possible to compile a batch list to achieve this? for example: Setnpcweight 0001361F 0 Setnpcweight 0001362F 0 the digits obviously being the ID's of all the NPC's which you could most likely track down in the CK and copy paste for referencing later, when you compile the list?
  7. This is just ugridstoload. Not a graphical error. If you want further rendering you will need to compromise stability as well as framerate in most cases. As you can see the water is cut off in a square/grid manner at a certain distance ahead of you, as you walk the "block" will look normal again and a new "block" will pop up ahead of you, Since you are on a mountain it becomes even more obvious. I don't advise raising your ugrid setting at all. I don't have much experience on this matter but you can look into this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41592/? for more information. // I apologize that doesn't seem to give an explanation for what is happening. There are many threads on the internet regarding ugrids and their negative effects. I suggest doing some homework before jumping into this.
  8. Easiest way to tell is if you block an attack, do you lose stamina?
  9. I know, I was joking we have no info whatsoever, so I figured it was a "guess my mod list" game. ;)
  10. You have to run FNIS again when removing animation mods. In FNIS there is text that clearly states to do this.........
  11. have you placed those mods that aren't recognized in a spot where you think they may work well? or are they at the bottom of your load order.
  12. A lack of color. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1592053-how-to-ask-for-help/
  13. I get a lot of artifacts when using bdrawlandshadows=1 in skyrimprefs. try turning that off, I know its not ideal but it may work.
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