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  1. Thank you very much. Though... I had no idea you're releasing 2.0 version. I mean I downloaded your mod on august 4 or 5 and was playing it so far. So I'll just probably wait for next version of 2.0 for all those new wonderful features. Besides I have no idea what program to use to edit .upk files. I tried notepad, but I have a feeling it won't work that way somehow.
  2. Latest update XCOM, version Without any DLC, only latest Long War from Nexus installed (1.92). That's all. You can probably check saves to see if it's glitches for you too. So there's no way I can continue playing now? It's so... disappointing. Btw, it means it won't be good idea to start playing beta 2.0 now, since it'll be the same glitch there now? Oh... And when you release next update then? And thank you very much for that mod too. It was really fun to play.
  3. It's much more interesting that way, and I really like that mod and it's features. Thats why bugs like that, which makes game unplayable upset me so much...
  4. It's no way you can play with them being "that" strong. I mean it takes whole squad just to kill one puny sectoid... And if you remember those modified bersekers and elites. There's nothing you'll be able to do with them. So far the only way to dispatch them are sniper critical hits from distance, all other ways are mostly lethal to your squad members. And if you won't be able to do it quickly... There's nothing you can do.
  5. I completely deleted it. I can send you save file so you can check yourself if you want. I also think it's somehow related to "Plasma weapon" for fighters technology, since it's the last one I researched. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ei3v9zjcjxolhpx/save02 Here's the link for the end of last mission. It's 3 days before researching said technology, and around 6 days before next abduction mission. Which supposed to be bugged already. I actually wanted to ask if anyone knows where I can find those files related to that technology, and how to open them. Somehow it's not related either to Plasma Canon or Psi-Labs. I cancelled both, and I don't have bug on abduction on january 5, and before, and on january 10 it's already there for that and all further missions. I just don't know what to do now... It happens even if I skip mission on january 5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hmlf939mopxd7ze/save01 Here's another save for mission before january 5. So you can see it yourself - it's not bugged, and next mission on january 10 it's bugged already. I wonder if there's some kind of certain script that make game glitch. Btw, if you won't have that bug on januarty 10 somehow, can you please send me save with it here? At least I can probably be able to continue playing there. And I am definetely sure it's not related to my game files. Since I reinstalled game from scratch and used previous save before bug, but it's still there somehow.
  6. I encountered very strange bug in my gameplay. For some reason all enemies recieve only 1 damage no matter what source of damage either crit or not. Though enemies do normal damage to me. Since I played quite long already and I feel really disappointed now somehow, since it's almost impossible to continue playing on such terms, so I wonder if there's any way to fix that kind of bug, or at least what can be causing it? I even tried making clean reinstallation of game and installing mod once again, but it not helped in any way with that bug.
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