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Everything posted by CapitalisticPig

  1. Why is it not yet an option to become a guard of a hold? In fact, I find it odd that many of these guards provide civil duty for years and you waltz into many towns and instantly become thane (Excluding Whiterun, of course. You effing killed a dragon)! Why this is necessary: *Roleplaying a guard at the moment is very lifeless and boring. Not much goes on in the cities and when it does, it is all thanks to you. *This would provide a fresh start to many new characters. Especially as a way to build up a little gold *A more deserving way to earn your thane title! *Who doesn't want more quests? How to accomplish this simple task: This doesn't need to be a complete overhaul or huge questling spanning for several hours. The whole purpose of this mod is to set up some simple radiant quests and provide the player with some rewards for his mindless tasks... and give him guard armor! After all, how much could a guard possibly see in a day? To start the mod (assuming it was localized to Whiterun and voice acting was an issue), I would use the commander's pre-voiced lines to try and fit in some quick initiation. Whiterun would need as many guards as possible anyhow! After that, I would set up a "task" system, where the player could get new tasks by letter, per request, by asking the commander or someone similar and using pre-voiced lines. After that I would set up a multitude of radiant quests based upon crime rankings! (Meaning either gold worth, or separated by type of crime (i.e. theft and murder)... I would personally probably go by crime type and set up at least 5 radiant quests for each type) *Realize also that there is a limit of what the jarl's men do... this is why there are bounties that the dragonborn can earn* *THIS IS A VERY GENERIC LIST. I WOULD EXPECT A MORE DETAILED VERSION, BUT NOT SO DETAILED THAT IT LOOSES REPLAYABLILITY* Theft: Quest I: NPC's treasured item went missing. See if you can do anything... Quest II: NPC's store was broken into... Look for any clues. Quest III: NPC 1 caught NPC 2 stealing... go talk to NPC 1 for more information (If voice acting is an option) Quest IV: NPC lost a valuable item... See if there is anything you can do. (Lemme guess... someone stole your sweetroll?) Quest V: A fenced item was found in circulation through an inside connection. See if you can track down the seller. The stolen item was found at RANDOM LOCATION Quest VI: NPC was caught stealing and gave up his fence for no jail time. See if you can't track down the fence. He was last seen at RANDOM LOCATION. (Yeah, I know that was 6) Murder: *Murder is taken very seriously... you only get away with it if you pay your fines.* Quest I: NPC is murdered. Get to the bottom of this... now! Quest II: X bodies have shown up in the past X days... People are starting to talk. See if there is a connection. (This one would be cool if you investigated the previous bodies, not knowing there was any connection) Quest III: Many travelers have been found dead at RANDOM LOCATION. Report any unusual activity. Quest IV: NPC reported to have killed NPC moments ago and is actively hostile. Get the situation under control Quest V: NPC is reported to have challenged NPC to a duel... make sure things don't get bloody. Quest VI: A fellow guard was murdered at RANDOM LOCATION! Make sure no one else gets hurt. Assault/Disruption: Quest I: NPC assaulted NPC. No one was hurt too badly, but this can not go unnoticed. Restore the peace. Quest II: NPC was reported to have had a verbal dispute with NPC. See if things can be solved before blood is shed. Quest III: NPC is drunk and causing a scene. See if you can talk him down. Quest IV: NPC is making threats. Talk some sense into them. Quest V: NPC has trashed RANDOM LOCATION. Make sure that NPC doesn't hurt anyone. Missing/Kidnap Quest I: NPC was reported missing. Investigate their last known location: RANDOM LOCATION Quest II: Travelers passing RANDOM LOCATION seem to go missing... investigate for any suspicious activity. Quest III: NPC fled RANDOM LOCATION with NPC! Make sure that you recover the hostage safely! Quest IV: RANDOM LOCATION was discovered to have NPC inside and being held prisoner. Talk to NPC and figure out what happened. Quest V: NPC won't tell us the location of his prisoner without RANDOM ITEM or GOLD AMOUNT. See if you can get it out of him (For quests like these, your speech skill will matter. Intimidate the prisoner or give him what he wants. Either way) *The quests should be fairly different, with different ways of handling them, (such as getting information out of people). They also, for best effect should have variants. (i.e. version1: Harran's sword was actually stolen! version2: He mistakenly put it under his bed)* *Perhaps, a better way of doing this would be to make the situation and creating many variants and options for the same quest, such as letting the player choose where he starts (i.e. start1: Talk to Sara, who had her amulet stolen, start2: searching the scene for clues or start3: ask around town for witnesses) and letting the endings be different. Then I would make a progression system! *Becoming a town patrolman, then a gate watchman, then a hold guard and finally a thane or however fits...* *Each would come with privledges, even if it's as simple as drinking for free!* That's the basis! Somebody should really look into this! It would be a great mod. Thanks for listening.
  2. Skyrim is a place where you die quick and no-where is safe. Which, is partially why marriage is so simple. However, people are often killed and hurt over matters of the heart. On entrance to Riverwood, you have the option to solve a love triangle through deciept! So, romance is by no means dead, especially to such a cold land. I think this mod would be great. Skyrim love is not just about having the biggest sword ( ;D ), but about showing some compassion... Some NPC's in Skyrim are only opt to marry if you pertain to a certain side of the war (I'm looking at you Carlotta Valentia!) This shows that ideals matter! There is still a bard's college up and running! People care about emotion. I don't know how far you are looking to go, but faction standings would play a roll, crime rankings would play a roll and finally spending some time with them would be necessary!.. Bringing them gifts! Marriage in Skyrim should be simple to achieve, but not... that simple. I would like to see the introduction of the player being able to pick out their spouse's wedding ring and proposing too! Thank you, for your idea by the way! Never cared about Skyrim marriage much until I read this, but now it frustrates me!
  3. Trade Routes had the majority of what I was looking for! Thanks for the tip... although, next time I should probably search a little more. Especially considering that first mod is literally called "Professions".... Thanks, anyways, lol
  4. In Skyrim, it is impossible to build a fortune simply by crafting or creating a product. Smithing is not a viable source of income, yet shop keepers manage to run their shops without any trouble. Even if all you do is sell and never buy. This is because you are getting retail price. In Skyrim Professions, the goal would be to build a life for yourself without ever using a sword. This could range from being the best blacksmith in Whiterun to simply making some money on the side. Part 1: Material Sources There would be an option to run your own stall or store, but you don't necessarily need to. Stores stay open by buying low and selling high. They do this through partnerships and deals. One of the first parts of this is buying materials from direct sources such as mines or other stores, assuming you have the right speech skill to manage a partnership or the right amount of coin. Buying in bulk from mines and other sources will allow you to get more for less, but be warned... you will have to provide large amounts of money, because you are buying in bulk. *However, you can also be the one providing the materials. Materials are in high demand during the civil war* Part 2: Producing After you get your materials, however you get them, you will produce your product. While there is no limitation to what you can sell, some things are more valuable in different regions. For instance, collecting creep clusters in Riften and selling them in Riften would not make you much money, but sell them in Morthal or Dawnstar and you might make more, because of the rarity. It all depends on demand and supply. Part 3: Selling You will need to take into account supply and demand fundamentals. This will be important whether you are a traveling merchant or stay at home salesman. No matter who you are you will need to be charming and know what to sell where and what to buy where. However, you may not want to simply just own a store. Perhaps you want to be the one supplying all the local stores? One of the big features of this mod will be creating a partnership with the East Empire Company. This will be very useful to sell in bulk, however you won't make as much as retail. Part 4: Stores and Partnerships You will be able to make certain partnerships with stores and material sources to be able to sell and buy for less. You will also have lots of competition. Retail will no longer be the smart option. Skyrim professions will allow you to use your wit and a smile to make the most money possible Thank you for reading
  5. Thank you! I haven't used it yet, but it looks like almost exactly what I was looking for!
  6. The other day I had Uthgerd from The Bannered Maire following me. I had her following me for a long time of my Skyrim game and even had been living in her house, yet when she died... I got a shitty letter and some gold. How come Nords have all these unconventional traditions and odd rituals, but they don't have a funeral? It makes no sense. If some modder could bring some peace to my beloved Uthgerd, I would be in your debt forever.
  7. Is this going to be incorporated to the rest of Skyrim or just the island you are creating? Not mad either way, love the idea. -TIPS- BIG ISN'T ALWAYS SCARY PEOPLE FEAR THE UNKNOWN. Randomized spawns will get you somewhere, I suppose, but messing with what the player knows to be true is the best way to induce a fear environment. What I mean is that, monsters, surroundings, etc. should mess with player controls and other sort of things if possible. For example, a enemy that adds visual effects like darkness or warps the screen when it is within a certain range or a roaming passive creature that makes the character randomly sheath his weapon, use his equipped power/shout and crouch. Preferably invisible or hard to see. This will make the player think twice about attacking. If the player doesn't fear one enemy. Make two of them together untouchable. UNTOUCHABLE ENEMIES. In too many games (EVEN HORROR GAMES) the player has no reason to fear anything. At all. Especially in Skyrim. The Dragonborn would never run from a fight! It's not even an option. Change that. (If you want every enemy to be killable, make them die through unique circumstances. Not to be unoriginal, but make silver arrows insta-kill a werewolf, but everything else useless. That sort of thing.) ENEMIES ARE WEAK TO ONE CLASS, BUT NOT ANOTHER. A archer should be able to kill and enemy that is practically invincible and terrifying to a warrior and vice versa. This will make the best use of all enemies. You won't have any enemy that isn't special. 1. Playthroughs will be different depending on character. 2. One enemy will strike fear in the player, but the next time you play that same enemy will be pathetic. Why did you ever fear them? This will make players have to readjust to what they knew on their second, third, etc. playthroughs. ENEMIES ARE NOT THE ONLY THING YOU SHOULD FEAR. Things such as poisonous fog, traps, that sort of thing should be placed around. Preferably as random as possible. Roaming fog, and effects would be nice. This will create unique situations, which I will go into now. HORROR ISN'T ABOUT MONSTERS OR ATMOSPHERE, IT'S ABOUT UNIQUE SITUATIONS. A monster is scary, sure. A poison fog is scary, too. But if the monster is invincible unless hit with a (sorry) silver arrow and there is a poison fog slowly surrounding you and you suddenly remember the silver arrow in the building behind the monster, you are probably about to do something unforgettable. SCRIPTED SITUATIONS ARE ONLY FUN ONCE. Maybe twice if they are good. Sometimes they are unavoidable, though or for the best so I forgive you of that. However, your mod should include aspects that bring together their own situations. I have thought a lot about horror and I love it. My favorite genre. I even have a horror game idea that is gold, if I only knew how to create games. So, if you want any ideas, I am happy to help!
  8. I would very much enjoy and download a Skyrim horror mod! I love horror and you would be doing the world a favor. Assuming you are serious I would love to be informed about such a thing.. maybe even test it a little? ;D
  9. One of the things Skyrim is lacking is moral choices. Not only is there few if any moral choices, but they are not rewarding if you pick the wrong one! The Dark Brotherhood is fun and rewarding, but if you go the alternate route where you take down the Dark Brotherhood... it's boring, unrealistic and... I guess 5000 gold is pretty cool. Then with the Thieves guild, you have no choice! And the Argonian in Solitude! AND THOSE ARE JUST SOME OF THE MISSING GOOD CHOICES What ever happened to being bad? Why is there bandits everywhere and unless you have 80 different mods, you can't be one of them? Why is it that when you are bad, the only thing you get is jail time, unless it happens to be a quest... Then if it is a quest, there is little to no risk! I doubt a fresh face who just made it to Skyrim with no training can join the Dark Brotherhood and literally get away with murder like it was nothing. The Dragonborn was never foretold as a hero. He was never told to be good or bad. His destiny was to slay Alduin. So why is it assumed that he has a good reason for doing so? ***Understand, these are just ideas to get the ball rolling. If anyone decides to take this mod seriously, I give you full permission to change it however you want, but it would be nice to have updates on how it is going and maybe even test it for you!*** In this mod, I would want to see many more opportunities to be bad or good in many different ranges and it should have an immediate effect and a long-term effect on the player. It should feature: A Karma or Morals system Immediate Effects should include gold and loot or blessings. Things of that nature. -Being bad should be the most rewarding generally for this- Long-Term effects should include permanent buffs, powers and such. Perhaps gaining health buff or a pray to Divines power. -Being good should be the most rewarding generally for this. In fact, being bad should have some negative consequences, unless Daedric Lords are watching your back. If you're going to be bad, do it right- Bad Choices Basic: Basically just generic NPCs that you can rob, kill or hold for ransom (assuming that is a viable option). Being able to sell Skooma and other such things. Moderate: Side quests (Two sided. You should be able to be good or bad). Laundering money. Collecting "Taxes" from businesses as seen in the Thieves guild quests and other such more rewarding bad guy things. High: Quest Lines, such as Thieves guild, Companions and even the main quest line. You should be able to be good or bad. Especially the main quest line. You should be able to end the story as a villain. (For example, perhaps you kill Alduin for an ultimate power. Perhaps for the Dark Brotherhood or a Daedric Lord.) Daedric quests should have much more effect. It feels like after you do their quest they disappear from the game. You should be able to worship them, sacrifice in their name and such things. *** It should be more rewarding to be a bad guy unless you are just really bad at.... being bad?*** Good Choices Basic: Those same NPCs should have the option to give money (assuming they need or even if they don't), escorted to safety, fed and watered, returning lost items and other such good deeds. It should also be more rewarding to not kill yielding NPCs. You should be able to inform guards of criminals or bring them in even. Perhaps only if you have a paralyzing spell or something. Other such things. Moderate: Side Quests... I really can't think of much for good guys. Maybe becoming Thane of a hold and adopting children assuming you have Hearthfire, I guess. High: Quest Lines. The Main Quest line already ends good, but still. Wouldn't hurt to have a few endings. Daedric Lords should not be able to be beaten, but there should be alternate quest lines. Perhaps, finding help in the Divines? Also, Divines should have more power. They do absolutely nothing in the game. It would be cool to have Divines quest, especially a Talos quest. However just general eccentric religious things would do. A few dialogue changes depending on your Karma Bartering prices somewhat influenced by Karma -Being good, gets better prices, being bad gets worse prices, being SCARY bad gets incredible prices- I think that's about it. If you have input post it! I hope everyone likes the idea or at least sees its potential. -New Thought- Good and Bad Skills Rituals = Bad (Would require animation and stuff, but able to preform rituals and rites for certain limited buffs and powers) Necromancy = Bad (Bring back the dead, obviously, but later on might even be able to revive self as lich once killed or something cool) Pickpocket = Generally Bad Restoration = Good Speech = Good (Generally) That sort of thing.
  10. Taron is an old, gray haired Imperial with a lot of confidence, but a lot of wisdom. Realizing, even in his old age, he still has a lot to learn. Being an outlaw in his earlier years led to an unfortunate event where his arm was rendered practically useless. Many would see this as good for society, but bad for him, but this wasn't the case. Taron got into the wrong things when he was younger, so his word was disregarded before it had a chance. Before he had a chance. Fighting was his only passion and was actually freedom to him, but that was taken from him. However, his arm wasn't useless! He started lifting the heaviest tankards in memory of his old ways and the bad days to come. Completely wasted and useless, Taron stumbles out of Whiterun and is ambushed before he sees the bandits, he envied of late... but they see something in him. Something special. Potential and experience... at least that was all that was special to bandits. Someone to make money. (This is where my game actually began. By the way, get "Take Notes! Journal of the Dragonborn". This is how I make my backstories alongside Skyrim Unbound) So, they took him to their base at Valtheim Towers. It was simple and there were many of them. Maybe 10+. Taron wondered how they split loot and how to begin, but the bandit chief explained everything. There was an order to the system. A hierarchy of bandits. Unprovens, Young Bloods, Keepers, Bridge Junkies, Premiums and then the Chief himself. Starting at 0% for Unprovens you get 5% cut increase for every position increase. From each job you do you get that cut, but the rest goes into a designated location for safe-keeping. To gain a rank, you made so much money for the group. For the community. Taron didn't care. He wanted to kill again. To fight. He wanted the adrenaline. His first job was simple. Bring back an animal hide. Not realizing how bad a condition he actually was in, he ran headfirst in the fight and barely walked away with his life. (I have Requiem and die from a single wolf sometimes.) But after dedication and re-learning skills, he made serious gold for the bandits. It wasn't where he imagined himself as a boy, but it was home. Then he met Uthgerd. A big, Nord woman at the Whiterun tavern. He must have been too drunk to see her before. She spouted off to him, some threat, but Taron didn't flinch. He made her a bet and won... They became great friends after she was knocked to the ground. In fact, under the guise of being a bounty hunter Taron slaughtered whole bandit camps with just her fighting by his side. This went on for several days until they saved up 10,000 gold for the bandits... However, Uthgerd found out about the bandits and was disappointed. She was strong and did not give up on Taron, though. She marched in the bandit camp, no one stopping her. Only Taron leading the way so she could "speak" with the Chief. Taron knew how this would end, though. So he drew his sword only split seconds before everyone else and Uthgerd brought the Chief to his knees. In the end, it wasn't Uthgerd who threw the final blow. It was Taron. After that, the rest of the bandits watched as Taron walked out with 10,000 gold and some supplies. Uthgerd insisted he move in with her and so they shared the same home... this wouldn't last long as Taron made a new connection with the Jarl of Falkreath and The Companions. Most of his time was spent running around, with Uthgerd of course. But eventually, he became Thane of Falkreath and bought a plot of land. He wanted Uthgerd to move in. She had saved him, in all honesty, but the house wasn't completely built yet, so there was no point in mentioning it yet... but that motive and desire was lost once he found the call. Once the talk of Dragons became something real. Something he could control. He realized he was no bandit. He realized... he was... DRAGONBORN!!! (Actually didn't even beat Bleak Falls Barrow. I was afraid to fight the dragon after turning in the quest to the Jarl, but that was the course the game was taking. I guess I'll never know what truly happened to Taron. I started a new game. I need to stop and actually beat one before starting over, but it's so fun and addicting to make a new character) Also, loved everyone else's character. It's cool to see that I'm not the only one who makes up odd backstories and incorporates them.
  11. I use: Skyrim Unbound Taking Notes: Journal of the Dragonborn Requiem Frostfall Realistic Needs and Diseases Death Alternative (Not especially lore friendly, but it felt even worse to load every 5 seconds because of death from Requiem)
  12. I have a lot of mods (probably not as many as some people, but the point remains), so this is just for the gameplay and how I set up my Skyrim world. I loved Skyrim before I used mods, but I wouldn't go back. Skyrim Unbound (Alternate start mod. No quests, just location setting, equipment setting and dragons and dragonborn settings.) Take Notes: Journal of the Dragonborn (Create your own journal) Requiem (Make the game true to RPG roots. Level up little by little or die a horrible death!) Frostfall (If enemies aren't enough, freeze to death) Realistic Needs and Diseases (If that's not enough, die of thirst or diseases) Death Alternative (Instead of dying you blackout and wake up in various situations. You can be imprisoned, left for dead, enslaved, etc.) Basically with this Skyrim feels cold and unforgiving. With Skyrim Unbound, you spawn with no instruction, so with the Journal (assuming you don't mind doing a little writing) you craft who your character is. My latest character started in Morthal, where I served my time in jail. ***I was about to start writing (I never start with an exact "I was in jail, because!..." but more dynamic. More like, "I thought freedom would save me. I thought that the fresh wind would be the key to life anew, but it feels bitter. If I once had a home, it is no more. I am lost with no where to call my own..." Something dramatic or that gives more of my character's personality than story. At least at first.)*** Not important unless you want to read. ... anyways, I was about to start writing for my new character and a dragon flies in out of nowhere and kills all of the guards (some of which were randomly naked). If you've ever played Requiem, you know why I wasn't going to fight this dragon at level 1. So I stole a guards clothes, crossbow, some bolts, a torch and a sword and ran like all hell. The dragon followed me for a while, which I had never seen before. In vanilla the dragons usually get bored even if I am attacking it with full strength. So, I made a plan. I would reach Solitude and hope for the best (very thought out). Unfortunately the way I went you would have to cross frigid waters to make it to Solitude so I doubled back and headed towards dragon bridge. Unfortunately, with the needs mod you lose carry weight when tired, so I had 40 carry weight in the middle of a dragon attack. I dropped the torch, some potions and the sword. Eventually, I made it to Dragon bridge and the dragon slaughtered all the guards again and even one guard at a local Stormcloak camp. Then I made it to Solitude where I swore it would leave me alone. It had to, right? Well, it didn't. It landed by Castle Dour where a frightened Captain (Aldis?) ran like a little girl and some random guards attacked. The dragon, to my surprise, went down fairly easily. I smiled victoriously even though all I did was run, but hey! That's how it goes. That was the first thing that happened. After that, I went hunting to level up sneak and marksman. I even killed a wolf! Everything was going great until a thief walks towards me. I knew what he was going to do and I wasn't about to give up the 200 gold I had! I shot him in the chest and I knew the next bolt would kill him, but he was fast and he sprinted at me full speed. I just got the arrow in the notch at the right time and plunged the arrow in his skull while he was mid-swing... so his strike still landed. I went down, my crossbow torn apart. When I survived long enough, I stood back up, almost dead, no stamina in the freezing cold with no weapons, except the thief's iron dagger. Great. At this part, I was in the back of Solitude hold, down the mountain behind the Thalmor Embassy. Now, I don't remind if I walked a little while or not, but I found a cave and I also had enough firewood for a campfire. I was freezing so I was relying on spending my night in this cave. I even bought a tent, also. However, I forgot that I had no torch and I play Frostfall on Hardcore, so I had to light fires manually... Thus, there was going to be no fire today. But there were no worries as I saw a wolf chasing a rabbit in the cave... Just my luck. A wolf. It obviously ends up knocking me down and then reducing my bleedout bar to 0, so I blackout. First unofficial death. I wake up with brigands who want to steal my possessions and gold. I tell them they can have it, but they stole my clothes so I am going to freeze to death anyways. I slice one's back and instantly get chopped down and die. I am now at a point where I have to either cheat or quit and start over. I will probably start over.
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