Firstly, I'd like to say that aside from a select few veterans, who have obviously roleplayed before, there is no organization of the RPGs on this board. I see hap-hazard stories, terrible grammar, and one line posts that benefit an RPG about as much as a joke with no punch-line benefits a comedy club. Here are a few suggestions, which Death Penalty will hopefully be able to elaborate on shortly. 1. Grammar Firstly, proper English should be used on the forum, as opposed to the "3ngrish" some people are using now. Commas, periods (or, full-stops for some), parentheses, quotation marks, apostraphes, and proper capitalization should be used at minimum. Here's an example: Instead of: "the mage ran at the nix hound and cutits head off, quickly and with ease that didnt come without practice" Try this: "The mage ran at the nix hound, cutting its head off quickly, and with ease that hadn't come without practice." 2. Imagery Imagery benefits any RPG. It doesn't have to be grandiose, just descriptive enough to put a detailed image in one's mind. Example: Instead of: "the dremora lord came out of nowhere and attacked the Nord" Try this: "The Dremora Lord leapt from nowhere, brandishing a deadric katana. It rushed at the Nord with great speed, and made slashing blows across the Nord's chest and forearms." 3. Cheesewhizzing Cheesewhizzing is when a character assumes godlike or far superior powers compared to the characters he/she is roleplaying with. This unbalances the story and makes most everyone involved very upset. If it takes other fairly powerful and experienced players a few lengthy posts to finish off some bandits, don't come into the story and think you can cut Vivec's head off with one blow. 4. Setting Addressed in Dark0ne's post, setting is important. Make sure you specify the setting around your character, so as to avoid confusion. That way, a character who comes upon yours can react appropriately to the surroundings. 5. Power Posing Again, addressed in Dark0ne's post, you are not to control others' characters, unless the story truly calls for it. This may happen if you wake up an unconcsious person, raise someone from the dead (if they ask), find someone in a bed and have to wake them, etc. They can usually, however, speak for themselves. It's not your place to decide otherwise. 6. Deaths Don't kill your fellow adventurers. EVER. Unless they ask for it, it's rude, and it forces them to either kick you out of the forum or make another character. 7. Setup When setting up a story, make sure you make clear the introduction to the story, and the rules for the story. Death_Penalty, the floor is yours. :D